Age of Arcane

Chapter 397 Dragon Shape

Chapter 397 Dragon Shape
The development team of the ancient language system of World Tree has been formally established so far, and its members include troll linguist Laconia, Clear Sky, Meteor, Demon Tyrant and Dragon Soul Banat.

When assigning their respective tasks, Laconia suddenly asked Luke: "Master Marquis, should we give our team a name?"


I really didn't think about it before.

Luke said to ☆Clear Sky: "I think Her Majesty the Queen should have the most say on the name of this team."

☆Clear Sky did not refuse, she said: "Recently I read an ancient legend related to the World Tree. Every leaf on the World Tree corresponds to every star in the night sky. Maybe it is true, the moon and the starry sky That's why he has such a deep bond with World Tree.

What we are about to do is to lift the curtain covering the world tree starry sky and let it shine on the whole world.

How about our team's name being 'Twilight'? "

Dusk represents the coming of the night starry sky.

Luke felt very image, but a little ominous.

But the demon tyrant praised: "This name is good, and it is very auspicious."


Luke looked at the demon tyrant.

Is the devil such a superstitious view?
The troll Laconia also said that this name is good: "For us trolls, night is the time of hunting. At dusk, the priests in the tribe dance hunting dances, praying that enough prey can be caught at night.

I support using 'Twilight' as the name of our team.

Of course, the Lord Marquis needs to make a decision. "

Three of the five members said that the team's name was "Twilight", and Luke felt that the opinions of himself and Dragon Soul Banat were no longer important.

"Well, our team is called 'Twilight', and the task is to develop the ancient language system of the World Tree and bring the World Tree into its starry night.

Let's get to work. "

Luke declared the meeting over.

Laconia first said to ☆Clear Sky: "Your Majesty, just now you said that every leaf on the World Tree corresponds to every star in the night sky, which gave me some inspiration.

In our development of the ancient language system of the World Tree, we may try to start from the astrology and see if there is any connection between the star trails and the branch veins of the World Tree..."

☆Qingkong said: "Your inspiration is very interesting. Astrology in magic has detailed star trail maps, and astrology has a deeper interpretation and application of star trail maps. Secret arts also dabble in a lot of astrology, from which the words of secret arts are derived. .

Astrology itself is a very complex language.

The veins of the world tree are infinite memory...

We can indeed find out if there is any connection. "

Banat said: "I have seen Her Majesty's spiritual starry sky, that starry sky is more spectacular than what we can see now, and many hard-to-observe stars are very clear.

Thinking about it now, the galaxy running through the sky seems to represent the trunk of the World Tree, the stars scattered in the sky correspond to the leaves of the World Tree, and the moon beside the galaxy should be Her Majesty the Queen.

Regardless of whether astrology can be used to compile the ancient language family of the World Tree, it is a research direction worth trying. "

☆Clear Sky said: "Neither Tyrant nor Laconia have seen my spiritual starry sky, I invite you to enter, maybe it can bring more inspiration."

Laconia, the tyrant said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the invitation."

"Relax your minds and connect with my spiritual star."

Laconia and the demon tyrant enter a meditative state, and Banat Dragon Ball disappears.

☆Clear Sky blinked at Luke: "I'm going to release the awakened state, let Qingkong accompany you about your business. Is this... a double happiness?"

Before Luke could respond, Clear Sky was in his hands.

Luke looked at the clear sky, didn't think too much about the double happiness, but savored some other words she said, which seemed to be spoken casually but each sentence seemed to have a deep meaning.

It's like deliberately guiding the development of the ancient language system of World Tree to the astrology.

And why did she deliberately add ☆ as a prefix to Qingkong's name, just to deepen our spiritual connection?
"How many secrets do you have?"

Clear Sky didn't answer.

"Why can't you say it clearly?"

Clear Sky still didn't answer.

Luke could only smile wryly, and left the study with Qingkong.

The study imposed restrictions, and mobilized a group of cronies and spies to guard to prevent anyone from disturbing Laconia and the demon tyrant who were meditating.

Luke and Qingkong came to an underground secret room, where a set of secret rituals had been arranged.

The 24 pillars of fire made of keel are respectively placed on the four walls.The pillar of fire is hollow, and it is filled with geomercury.The mercury comes from the trenches in the deep sea and is secreted by a creature called mercury clam.In order to obtain enough geographical mercury, Mrs. Tasia not only sent her own people into the dangerous trench to collect it, but also offered a large reward to recruit warriors from other Naga groups.

It is difficult to count how much sacrifice and money was paid. After more than a year of continuous collection, 24 pillars of fire were finally filled.

Then there are fog flower crystals, naveline teardrops, other shore wood, moon nectar...

A red dragon's spine bent into a circle as the core of the ritual formation.

The red dragon's spine is covered with dragon blood ink runes.

The bone spurs are polished into buckles and hung with horseshoes.

Luke, who entered the secret room, turned over the red dragon's spine, and there was a bright red dragon heart in the crystal plate in the middle of the array.

This is the heart of the real red dragon Neil Colon. Even though he has been dead for a long time, the heart is still fresh, as if it was just dug out.

Luke walked to the dragon's heart, took out a sharp dagger and split the dragon's heart in two from the middle.

The horseshoe on the spur shook violently.

The tinkling melody carried magical ripples, vibrating and echoing in the room.The magic ripple touched the keel torch, and the ground mercury inside surged up, painting the keel torch in mercury color from the inside to the outside.

Then the silver fire burned.

Next step……

Luke took off his shirt, exposing the strong muscles of his upper body, and then turned the dagger upside down to aim at his chest.

But I didn't have the courage to stab it.

"Qing Kong!" Qing Kong appeared in front of Luke, and Luke handed the dagger to her: "Only you can help me..."

It wasn't until Luke finished speaking that he realized that he was talking to himself, and couldn't help laughing.

Without further nonsense, Qingkong took the dagger and stabbed it straight into Luke's chest.

According to the current strength of Luke's body, even a sharp blade can hardly pierce his skin.But this dagger was specially made for this ceremony, and the tip of the blade was made of a special alchemy material, endowed with extremely sharp characteristics.

The purpose is to perfectly cut the dragon's heart.

The instant tingling pain and tightness in the chest made Luke almost faint, but this ceremony cannot use anesthesia, instead, he needs to concentrate his energy to understand the whole process in detail.

The body is ready for the blood transplant, and the spirit needs to be ready too.

Luke tried his best to stabilize his body, relying on his physique to brace himself against the pain.

Power is not something that comes easily.

It is for this moment that I inherit the blood of the troll first, and then the blood of the lava stone demon.

Clear Sky's hand was steady, she pulled a gash in Luke's chest, reached in and pulled out a still beating heart.

The blood flowed down Qingkong's hand, she swung the dagger to cut off all the blood vessels in the heart, and blocked the bleeding with ice.

Qingkong squatted down holding Luke's heart, the big fist of the human heart and the huge dragon's heart formed a sharp contrast.

Qing Kong took the dagger and split the heart in two.

The horseshoe on the spine spur shook even more violently.

The magic ripples formed dense shock waves, and the mercury flowing out from the keel torch turned blood-colored.A layer of blood fire was attached to the outer layer of the silver fire, making the fire even more powerful.

Qingkong chanted the spell and placed the two halves of the heart symmetrically in the opened dragon's heart.

Dragon's heart gradually closed under the spell.

The wound healed, and then jumped again.

So far, the subject of the secret art has been created.

The next step is to say the words of the occult.

But Luke, who lost his heart, did not say the words of the secret technique for a long time.

The emptiness in his chest made his thoughts wander.

All the things that happened played in his mind like a movie in reverse.

The self in the story has a strong sense of strangeness, and the self before the time-traveling never imagined that the self after the time-traveling would look like that.

Luke opened his eyes and looked at the clear sky that seemed to have changed into his own image.

Two selves, which one is the real me?
Luke knew that he had fallen into a state of chaos, which was the risk of this type of secret technique, so he needed to improve his strength and adaptability to strength step by step.

But he knew that he was in chaos, but he was entangled by all kinds of demons, and it was difficult to get rid of.

Even if the vitality of the lava stone demon bloodline is strong, it cannot bear the heart leaving the body for a long time.

It has to get through, it has to get out.

Luke kept hinting to himself.

Qingkong stepped forward and kissed affectionately.

Luke's eyes widened, Qingkong turned into Agatha, then Del, Yin, Karina, Darikova... and even Queen Christina.


Luke blinked hard and saw that Qingkong was still standing there with a smile on his face.

☆Clear sky?
Luke, who had an epiphany, immediately read the symbol in his heart that only he and she knew.

Luke stood under the starry sky.

Qingkong stood in front of him, and the connection was gone.

Luke didn't know what state he was in now, whether this was the real spiritual starry sky, or his hallucination.

"Which clear sky are you?"

"which one is you?"

With Clear Sky's question, another Luke also appeared here.He was wearing the home clothes before time travel, with the decadent feeling of an otaku.

Luke replied: "It's all me. One is who I used to be and one is who I am now. The environment has changed me, but I am still me."

"I am also me, one is me before awakening, and the other is me after awakening. It is you who made me change."

"If the clear sky is the clear sky, what's the point of you making me remember ☆."

"Its existence naturally has the meaning of its existence. Without this star, there would be no starry sky. Just like without meteorites, there would be no everything created by meteorites."

"What secret do you have?"

"We have plenty of time, you can dig it out slowly... It would be meaningless to tell you everything.

Say that secret phrase quickly, you are very weak now! "

With a dragon roar, Taotie swooped down from the starry sky by the moonlight.

Luke said the secret phrase at this moment.

"Your heart is my heart, in the shape of a dragon!"

In the spiritual starry sky, Taotie slammed into Luke's body.

in the secret room.

The raging fire erupted from Luke's body, forming a fire tornado that expanded round and round.

As the flames burned, the Red Dragon's Spine instantly turned into fly ash.Under the impact of the fire tornado, pieces of secret technique sub-words also scattered into smoke and dust in the flames.The keel torches exploded one by one, and the blood-stained mercury fell on the ground with fire, and then gathered towards Luke's feet along the engraved formation pattern.

Soon the mercury wrapped Luke's entire body in it.

In the crystal plate at his feet.

The beating dragon heart floated up in the burning of the fire, and turned into ashes and peeled off layer by layer.But the beating range of the dragon heart is getting bigger and bigger, and the color is more crystal clear.

When the dragon's heart becomes the size of a human heart, it will be like a forged glass, exuding a luster of texture.

The dragon's heart floated before Luke's heart, and the heart in the fire no longer changed, but approached Luke's chest.

The heart touched the flowing blood-colored mercury, and it didn't sink in bit by bit.With the beating of the heart, the surface of the mercury rippled and rippled.

In front of Luke, Qing Kong always stood there, with a layer of ice armor attached to her body to block the invasion of high temperature.

As a dragon-shaped flame transpired and bloomed, the flowing mercury turned into a hard shell.When the fire gradually fell, the hard shell was covered with cracks, and then fell off piece by piece.

It's like being reborn from a cocoon.

In it, Luke's whole temperament has changed greatly from before.

He closed his eyes, and the strong dragon power radiated outward.Between breaths, layers of phantom flames expanded and relaxed around him.On his chest, the wound in front of his heart disappeared without a trace, and the strong muscles were sharp and angular, like pieces of armor.

Eyes pop open.

The left eye is the activated lightning-reducing fire pupil, and the right eye is a dragon eye vertical pupil.

Then armor components appeared in the space around him one by one, and were assembled and nested on him.

The armor surface is red with gold trim, and the flames form a cloth-like lining.

The dragon helmet fell on his head, and the greedy red dragon gun was held in his hand.

Rings of fire circled underfoot.

Thunder and lightning roamed around the outer layer of the armor.

Luke took a deep breath and exhaled, the fire erupted from the joint of the armor.

sense of power.

This is a sense of power that lava stone demon blood can't experience.

Luke felt that there was infinite power in his body, just like when he controlled the clear sky.

Facing any opponent, he has the confidence to dare to fight.

What comes from the heart is the desire to fight against the strong.

"Qing Kong, do you want to be my opponent?"

Qing Kong said with a smile: "Of course, but you are not my opponent yet, you must be prepared to be beaten.

Plus, this armor set is gorgeous! "

Luke raised his arm and looked at the armor on his body: "This set of secret words does not come with armor, it should be transformed by Taotie.

Its bloodline is of the same origin as mine, so it should have an unknown resonance. "

"I can try to see if your nails are hard enough."

(End of this chapter)

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