Age of Arcane

Chapter 400

Chapter 400

Yin finally knew what her little emotions were, and she also knew that she had violated the biggest taboo of Shuojin people.Love is the biggest obstacle affecting the spiritual interaction between the twins of the Shuojin people. Once they fall into it, the Shuojin people will no longer be the Shuojin people.

Therefore, the Shuojin people formulated the most severe punishment for this taboo to warn all the clansmen.

Luke wants to enlighten Yin, after all, Yin has not yet reached the point of being hopeless, and the two have not started this forbidden love.There is still room for redemption, as long as this emotion is cut off in time, she will still be a golden person.

But before Luke could speak, Yin turned to smile and said: "Pan promised to keep the secret for me, and I will also suppress this emotion, and taste it when I think about it.

It won't cause trouble to anyone, and even if... the elders find out, it won't implicate anyone. "

Yin didn't tell Luke what she wanted to say most in her heart. She didn't know what kind of answer she would get, after all, the punishment of the Shuojin people would implicate him.It's better to hide this emotion in your heart and enjoy it alone as before.

Luke didn't know what to say.

"Since this is your decision, I respect you. But no matter what happens in the future, I will always be your best friend. My promise to you is valid at any time. No matter what trouble comes to you, I will help you solve it. "

The burden in Yin's heart seemed to be let go in an instant, and his smile became more natural: "Don't talk about such things that destroy the atmosphere. This is the first time I have seen such a magnificent palace. Can you show me around?"

"Of course, you are the most honored guest of the Golden Shield Empire."

Luke took Yin to tour the palace, and then sent her to the residence of the Shuo Jin.

Just after returning to her residence, Kailinna informed that a mysterious old man had visited and had been waiting in the lounge for more than two hours.

"He refused to tell me his name, but judging by his temperament and demeanor, he seemed to be a big shot. And he just sat there motionless for these two hours, without any sign of impatience."

who is it?

After listening to Karina's description of the visitor's appearance, Luke never guessed the identity of the visitor.

But since the other party had been waiting for him for two hours, he had to see each other out of reason.

"Take him to the study on the second floor."

"Yes, Lord Marquis!"

As soon as Luke came to the study on the second floor and sat down, the visiting old man was brought in by Karina.

With just one glance, Luke knew the identity of this person.

Archangel Gold.

Sky City is managed by fourteen archangels. Archangel Gold is considered to have a relatively high status among the fourteen archangels. He is the chief envoy of the angelic mission's visit to the Golden Shield Empire.

The current Archangel Gould didn't wear an angel robe, but a popular gentleman's suit, and the angel wings were also hidden. No wonder Kailinna couldn't see his angel.

Although Luke saw Gold's identity, he didn't point it out.

"Please take a seat, mysterious guest. I'm short on time. You should introduce yourself first, and then explain the purpose of this visit."

"Thanks to the Marquis of Meteor..." Gold sat down on the opposite side of the desk, and then took out a cross dagger. A small crystal bottle was hung on the handle of the dagger, and the bottle contained water that exuded holy white light: "I am a The exorcist, when passing by, found that there was a strong demonic aura here.

Demons are extremely evil creatures.They will confuse people's minds and slowly devour people's souls.Please let me destroy him and return peace to you. "

Luke didn't expect that an archangel would pretend to be a magic stick with him.

"After the naval battle against Leo, the world knows that there is a demon serving my sentence here. If you feel the breath of a demon in my place, it must be the unlucky guy.

I don't have a demon here for you to drive away. If there is nothing else, I will send you out. "

Gold managed to see Meteor, so how could he be kicked out with just a few words.

"I've heard rumors about this demon. He was subdued by the Queen of the Fairy Sky, and he was punished. But demons are demons, and any promises they make cannot be trusted. They will do evil if they get the chance.

Eliminating them is the most correct way. "

"If you like destroying demons so much, why don't you go to hell? There are demons everywhere, enough for your performance."

Gold was not annoyed by Luke's ridicule, he still said sincerely: "The exorcist's mission is to save the world, as long as the demons in hell do not harm the world, they are not our targets.

The Marquis won't allow me to destroy this demon, is it because of Queen Clear Sky?You can ask me to meet the Queen of the Clear Sky, and I am sure Her Majesty will heed my advice. "

The purpose of Gold's visit was finally revealed.

Luke said with a smile: "The Queen of Sky is very busy recently. And she will meet the elder shepherd of the Shuojin people first, and then it will be your turn... Archangel Gold."

Gold froze.

He didn't expect his identity to be easily seen through by Meteor.

"I don't understand... I haven't been born in the world for hundreds of years, and I didn't tell anyone my identity when I came to Saint Lun City today. How did you recognize me?"

Luke crossed his legs and said, "Archangel Gold, don't you look at what I do. The Imperial Secret Service is doing intelligence gathering. If you can't even recognize me, my salary Isn't it for nothing?"

Gold knew that Meteor was talking nonsense, and no matter how powerful the Golden Shield Empire Secret Affairs Bureau was, it was impossible to get the information to Sky City.

"Since Lord Marquis is unwilling to tell the truth, I will not ask. I am visiting as an ordinary person, and it is a secret visit. I did not inform the accompanying angels. I also ask Lord Marquis to keep this secret for me."

Luke looked at Gold and asked, "Of course you can keep it a secret. But why keep it from the angels who are walking with you?"

"This is a matter within our sky city, please forgive me for not being able to tell. I am here this time to see if I can meet Her Majesty the Queen of the Clear Sky alone through your recommendation."

Luke still answered just now: "No! The queen of the sky has already arranged who to meet first, and everything to talk about. We have no way to explain to the Shuojin people after seeing you alone.

After all, the Shuojin people came with investment, but the angels..."

Luke speaks louder than he speaks.

If you have money, you can jump in the queue. If you come empty-handed, just wait for the process honestly!
Archangel Gold didn't give up on this: "It's just a private meeting, not a formal meeting. And about the matter of Emperor Augustine, I think you also need our help to conceal it."

Facing the threat, Luke said unhappily: "It is because of Emperor Augustine that you have the opportunity to enter the palace. Otherwise, you will kill the emperor of the empire, and none of you will see it."

Gold asked: "Why did we kill Emperor Augustine, it was clearly a clear sky..."

"The Queen of the Clear Sky just killed a heroic spirit who tried to use the name of Emperor Augustine to disrupt the empire. The moment his body died, our great emperor died.

If it wasn't for the sword of the oath that randomly gave His Majesty a set of heroic weapons, His Majesty would never be willing to make his body look like that, and he can still live for a long time.

Transforming a healthy person into a heroic spirit, what is the difference between your method and the devil's soul collection! "

Facing Luke's angry rebuke, Archangel Gold was irrefutable.

Although he didn't know the details of the whole process, but only based on the known information, the sword of the oath did violate the convention and gave a set of heroic weapons to a person whose body was far from the death-prone stage.

It can be said that it was this set of heroic spirits that prompted Augustine to abandon his body and transform himself into a heroic spirit.

If it is held accountable, Sky City has an inescapable part.

Archangel Gold immediately corrected his mistake: "Our visit to the Golden Shield Empire this time will not participate in any disputes within the empire, and we will only discuss the construction of a temple in the city of Saint Lun.

And our real purpose is... to talk to Queen Clear Sky about the damage compensation for the previous generation World Tree. "

Gold said that he would not talk nonsense about Emperor Augustine, and Luke also accepted it as soon as it was good. It would be no good for anyone to be too stiff.

"Yes, let us solve the internal affairs of the empire by ourselves. As the chief minister of the Queen of the Moonlight Court, I am very pleased with Sky City's willingness to compensate for the destruction of the World Tree.

Her Majesty the Queen of the Clear Sky once said: Claiming compensation is not the purpose of our claim this time. How to use this incident as a warning so that this incident will not happen again is our real intention.

The new world tree is still very weak, and it cannot be compared with the previous world tree.We must take precautions before they happen, and we cannot allow the tragedy to repeat itself. If the World Tree is extinct, it will be a loss to the entire world. "

Archangel Gold said with approval: "Yes, the World Tree, as the oldest extraordinary species, must be strictly protected.

If the Moonlight Royal Court agrees to Sky City to build a temple near the World Tree, Sky City can send angels to protect the World Tree. "

Luke knew the real purpose of the angel, so he pretended to refuse: "No, Her Majesty wants to maintain the status quo of the Moonlight Court, and external factors may damage the World Tree.

Especially... In the ancient war, all five of your civilizations participated in the war to destroy the world tree.The new Moonlight Tree King was inherited from the previous World Tree, and the Angel's Temple might make it unhappy. "

Gold knew that the relationship between Meteor and the elf Qingkong was very deep. If he wanted to meet the Queen of Qingkong, he had to pass this test.

He said to Luke: "As long as Lord Marquis can facilitate this matter, Sky City will definitely prepare a separate thank you for you."

It is said that people become smart when they get old, and angels are smart when they get old.

Old Gold is very clear about the secular world!
Luke immediately turned into a smiling face: "I'm not trying to thank you, but I must be cautious in my words and deeds in my position. There may not be any benefits if you do it right, but there must be disadvantages if you do it wrong.

The Queen of the Sky is the fierce war song of the elves, and she has dedicated her life to the World Tree. Now she is the Queen of Moonlight. Even if I have a very good friendship with her, I can't agree to anything about the World Tree at will.

But... Angels are the embodiment of justice. Even if the World Tree was damaged in that war, it must be the devil who made the first move. The angels just accidentally hurt the innocent. "

Luke blamed the devil without guilt.

Archangel Gold said against his will: "Yes, none of us want that to happen, but wars will always affect the innocent. We have always had deep reflections on harming the World Tree. Now that the World Tree has recovered, the angel will Thinking about protecting it to the best of our ability."

Luke said with a smile: "Leave this matter to me. The order of formal meetings cannot be changed, and we cannot make the Shuojin people feel neglected.

But I will find a way to arrange a private and secret meeting between you and Her Majesty the Queen of the Clear Sky, and I will do my best to facilitate the construction of a temple in the Moonlight Royal Court.

After all, the tree people who protect the World Tree are still saplings, and the protection of angels is more reassuring than anything else. "

With the promise of the meteor, the purpose of Archangel Gold's visit has been achieved.

He stood up and presented the cross dagger in his hand: "This is the dagger and holy water I made with my own hands. It has a very strong restraint effect on demons. I remind you again that demons are untrustworthy, so don't keep them by your side."

Luke took the dagger and holy water, which weighed no less than a large broadsword. It was obviously made of some kind of special alchemical metal, and it was a powerful alchemical weapon.

"Thank you for the gift from Archangel Gold, and thank you for your kind reminder. I also have a word to tell you that before ancient wars, there was no distinction between good and evil creatures. The result of forced division is that some angels are transformed into Fallen angels went to hell."

Archangel Gold has experienced the fallen angel incident, and he is very clear about the changes in Sky City before and after the war.

Good can enforce justice, and evil can enforce justice.Without the neutralization of evil, the angel's good side becomes more and more extreme.

Even though angels and demons restrained each other before the ancient wars, they never took destroying demons as their bounden duty. Many angels and demons even had good friendships and punished evildoers in the world together.

Angels executed justice, and demons gained delicious souls.

The demons at that time did not believe in demons, but they believed in angels.

Angels lived very easily back then.

Everything changed until the Shuojin people launched the ancient war.

Archangel Gold knows why this change happened, but he knows he can't change anything.

"Well, please take what I just said as a very ordinary suggestion. Give my regards to Her Majesty the Queen of the Clear Sky, and I look forward to meeting her as soon as possible.

Farewell! "

Archangel Gold left with a fruitful result.

But before Luke could rest for a while, Kailinna came in to announce: "Director Pan from the Raging Waves City Branch of the World Bank is visiting."

Luke asked: "Did Director Pan come alone?"

"Yes, Lord Marquis, Director Yin didn't come with me this time."

Luke probably guessed what Pan wanted to talk about.

The defeat in the naval battle of Port Samuel was an extremely serious blow to the Republic of Leo.Not only did the current government collapse, but the new government also failed to calm the chaotic domestic situation.

The Restoration Army of the Watchers took the opportunity to attack aggressively, and the Leo Republic, which was battered by fire, formed a trend of sweeping away the fallen leaves.

Some speculators in the Leo government began to regroup, and it was almost only a matter of time before the restoration of the Leo Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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