Age of Arcane

Chapter 414 Spring War

Chapter 414 Spring War
When Luke followed the coconut's adventure group through the dense forest in the south of Tedgar, the Raging City fleet led by Mrs. Tasia completed the blockade of Songta Port from the sea.

As analyzed before the war, at this time, the United Navy of Attorney County was in a period of inadequacy. A batch of new warships, the Sea Lions, had just launched into the water, and they were not yet capable of combat. It is not the opponent of the all-metal warship at all.

This poor sea strength cannot be made up for by strategy. Therefore, when Art County United learned of the intention of the Raging City fleet to go north, it immediately shrank the main force of its navy back to the local sea area for defense.

The guards of Songta Port all rely on the land-based fortifications that were urgently built in winter, and the entire port is a permanent fortress inside and outside.

Mrs. Tasia stood on the bridge of the flagship Loyalty, holding a telescope to observe the port ahead that was completely exposed to her own ship's guns.Except for a few barges at the pier, there is not a single warship, and the defenders are all huddled in a strong fortress.

There are more than a dozen steam airships floating above the city behind the port, and several war fortresses can be seen blocking important intersections in the city.

Rear Admiral Nelson is the commander of the Raging City Imperial Fleet, and the deputy commander of the Raging City Fleet. He is standing beside Mrs. Tasia, and he is also observing this important port in the north with a telescope.

"According to the information sent by the Bureau of Secret Intelligence, the enemy troops in Songta Port are arranged in a light front and heavy rear. There are only a small number of defensive troops in the port, and the main force is concentrated in the city. Our shelling will not cause them too much loss. , but once the landing operation is carried out, the enemy forces in the city will push back up.”

Mrs. Tasia asked: "What's the situation in Mingji Insko City now?"

"Although the defenders over there are not as many as the ones in Songta Port, they are also similarly arranged. Since we want to use Mingji Insko City as a springboard to attack Songta City, the Art County United must also think of it."

Madam Tasia put down her binoculars, turned around and said to Major General Nelson: "The enemy can only think that we will send the marines to carry out the landing operation, but they don't expect that behind us is the Raging City Armored Assault Division.

Let's go, go to the combat conference room, I saw Commander Shelley coming by boat. "

Major General Nelson turned the telescope in one direction, and sure enough, he saw a small boat approaching rapidly.It's just that Mrs. Tasia was clearly looking at the direction of the port just now, so how could she see a small boat behind her.

The eyes of the Naga tribe are indeed different from those of humans.

Rear Admiral Nelson followed Mrs. Tasia to the combat conference room. Shelley soon boarded and arrived, and after a while, the commander of the guerrilla fleet, Baron Jeff, also boarded and arrived.

After everyone was seated, Baron Jeff, who was wearing a traditional nautical suit, first said: "My fleet has set up a 200-nautical-mile isolation zone in the northern waters of Songta Port. Many friends at sea have come to help. It is impossible for the Grand Fleet to pass through our blockade to get here silently."

Baron Geoff's friends at sea were, of course, pirates.It is becoming more and more difficult to do business at sea now. Many pirates want to get rid of their relationship with Raging Waves City. Brilliant Island took the opportunity to expand its strength several times.

As the commander of the Armored Assault Division, Shelley said: "The Assault Division took a transport ship and parked off the coast of Minki Insko City, but investigations showed that the city of Minki Insko was heavily guarded."

At this time, the Fleet Staff Group has laid out a combat map of the Songta Port and Minki Insko City area on the combat table.At the same time, the layout of the enemy forces collected from the intelligence was displayed one by one, and the models representing the own fleet were also placed in place.

Mrs. Tasia said: "Because our navy has an absolute advantage in this sea area, the Yate County Alliance has completely given up its intention to compete with us for sea dominance. Therefore, the Yate County Alliance does not know the location and layout of our fleet. In passive defense.

I plan that the main force of the Raging City Fleet will launch a strong attack on Songta Port, and the Marine Corps will make a forced multi-point landing posture on the front and flanks of Songta Port, prompting the Yate County United Defenders to mobilize the defenders of Minkey Insko City.

As long as the defenders in Mingji Insko City moved, the armored assault division immediately landed and took Minki Insko City.At that time, the Armored Assault Division and the Marine Corps could flank Songta City. "

The battle plan formulated by Mrs. Tasia is quite satisfactory. Even if there is an emergency in the middle, the Raging City Fleet, which has the initiative on the battlefield, can deal with it calmly.

Commanders of other ministries had no objection.

The army is not suitable for floating on the sea for a long time, so the general attack time is [-] o'clock in the evening, trying to force the defenders of Minki Insko City to be mobilized to support Songta Port in the early morning.

The battle plan was distributed, and the commanders of each department took the transportation boat to their respective command positions.

The main force of the Raging Waves City fleet immediately approached Songta Harbor.

There are more than 40 warships, all of which are all-metal warships of the No. [-] machine class.The artillery on the battleship is the latest rear-loading naval gun developed by the empire. This kind of naval gun is extremely expensive as a pure alchemy product, and the current production capacity is only enough to supply the navy.

The hot weapon technology of Art County United is not stronger than that of the Golden Shield Empire, and the defenders of Songta Port have not yet been able to obtain new artillery, so the long-range firepower of the coastal defense is far behind the Raging City fleet in terms of range.

The new all-metal warship approached Songta Port aggressively. After entering the range of the naval guns, all the warships lined up densely on the sea, aiming all the naval guns at the beach of Songta Port.

The naval airships that followed the fleet were bolder than surface ships. The leading airship approached at a height of 500 meters to a position less than 300 meters from the beachhead.

This attack arrangement is obviously a preparation for the beach landing.

The sirens in Songta Harbor were loud, and a series of large-caliber old-style artillery was pushed out from various forts.The gunners skillfully cleared and reloaded gunpowder and shells, and then corrected the angle to aim at the battleship on the sea.

Part of the airships above the city also pressed forward, forming a confrontation with the airships of the Raging Waves City Fleet on the dividing line between land and sea.

A cannon roar was heard from the flagship of the Raging Waves City Fleet, the Loyalty, and a cannonball whizzed and drew a large parabola in the air, before hitting the pier of Songta Port.

The explosion opened the Songta Harbor landing battleship with flames and gunpowder smoke. For a while, the warships on the sea opened fire one by one. The strong recoil pushed the warship to move sideways. Shells were fired at the defenders on the shore.

Pine Tower was drowned in an explosion.

The defenders immediately opened fire to counterattack... It's just that the range of the old artillery is too short. Facing the world's most advanced and new naval fleet, most of the defenders use front-mounted smoothbore artillery, so they can only send the shells to the front of the Raging City fleet in vain Splashes of water splashed out on the surface of the sea.

After a round of probing firepower, the fleet of Raging Waves City became more daring, and the fleet pressed forward again.

At this time, it had already overwhelmed the airship near the coastline, casting magic outward.A series of smoke curtains unfolded, forming a curtain in the air and falling from the sky, blocking the defender's field of vision. The shelling that was originally insufficient in range became chaotic.

The wind blows from the shore to the sea, and the magician on the Art County United Airship summoned the gale to blow the smoke screen released by the Rage City airship.The airship of Raging City threw alchemy shells outward, and the smoke billowed forward against the wind. The smoke quickly turned into thick clouds, and the lightning flashed in the clouds, and then gathered into thunderbolts and struck at the airship of Art County United.

The protective cover was deployed in front of the Art County United airship, and the offensive magic for counterattack was immediately released from the pod of the airship.

In the middle of the shelling, the magical forces of the two armies clashed fiercely.

In this way, the Raging Waves City Fleet prepared for the landing firepower from morning to afternoon with sufficient material reserves.As the evening approached, the release of long-range firepower was strengthened. The battleship faced the artillery bombardment of the defenders, and the bayonets on the naval guns aimed straight at the defenders' shore fortifications.

The naval airship casts alchemy magic outward regardless of loss. Such a local tyrant's style of play made the airship of Art County United dare not continue to fight recklessly.The navy airship is in full swing, flying from the sea to the land.

As night fell, Raging City's landing craft appeared in the waters around Songta Port, ready to carry out night landing operations.

The whole day's port offensive and defensive battle put unprecedented pressure on the defenders of Songta Port.The firepower of the Raging Wave City fleet was extremely ferocious, and the front-line fortifications were almost completely destroyed.The soldiers of the Art County United have never experienced such intensive bombing. Magic and shells seem to be thrown on the docks and beaches for free.

After nightfall, the airships of the Raging Waves City Fleet cast lighting magic everywhere, and all the beachheads in the entire Songta Harbor area were illuminated as brightly as day.Then the Raging Wave City airship made ice along the beach, and used the ice to bypass the obstacles set up by the defenders on the beach. At the same time, it broke the alchemy trap and laid a convenient passage for the marines rushing to the beach.

The magic and shelling extended towards the city, forming a fire shield between the beachhead and the city, preventing the city defenders from effectively supporting the pier and the beachhead.

The landing craft is getting closer...

At this time, the commander of the Songta Port garrison decided to ask for help from the neighboring city of Minki Insko.

The main force of the Raging Waves City fleet is attacking Songta Port, and it is too wasteful for the troops of Minki Insko City to stay there.If Songta Port is breached by the Raging City fleet, the Golden Shield Empire's troops can be continuously transported from the sea. Mingji Insko City is too small to bear the responsibility of stopping the Imperial Army.

The order was sent to Mingji Insko City, and the defenders in the city quickly dispatched half of their troops to Songta Port for assistance.

The mobilization of the troops was immediately known to the imperial spies lurking in the city, and the news was transmitted as quickly as possible to the Raging City Armored Assault Division hidden in the sea off Minki Insko.

Shelley estimated the time when the reinforcements from Minkey Insko City would leave, and when they reached the middle of Songta Port and Minki Insko City, he ordered the armored assault division to perform a landing operation.

Without firepower preparation, the airship group belonging to the armored assault division directly broke through from the sea to the top of the city before the defenders could react.The next step is to lower the flying altitude and dump the Tin Woodman towards the city below.

The Alchemist Association of Raging Waves City has modified the tin men used by the armored assault division as a one-time war weapon. They are designed in a block shape that is easy to load, and together with the steam engine box, they are a square cube.

An airship can carry about a hundred Tin Woodmen, and the Raging City Armored Assault Division invested twenty airships in the first wave, throwing two thousand Tin Woodmen into the city of Minki Insko at one time.And Benji Insko City is a small city with a total population of less than 1, and only about [-] defenders left.

The defenders who had just separated half of their troops were immediately stunned by this overwhelming attack.Inside the city, the one-time Tin Woodman carried out a suicide attack; outside the city, the transport boat rushed directly to the beach, and a large group of Tin Woodman rushed into the city.

Followed by War Machine.

Luke gave the armored assault division a real armored soul, "What can be done with steel, absolutely does not need to be done with the flesh."

The fortifications outside the city were violently destroyed before they could function, and a tide of steel formed and submerged the small city in an instant.

Minki Insko City was quickly occupied, and Songta Port became an isolated city.

The armies of Rough City fired the first shots of the Spring War in the northern border of the Empire.

And the owner of this army is currently undergoing strength training in the southernmost jungle of the empire.

(End of this chapter)

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