Age of Arcane

Chapter 43 You Should Be Scared

Chapter 43 You Should Be Scared

Through the portal, Luke returns to Library 36.

There was no sound from outside.

Luke poked his head out cautiously, but there was no one there.

The sheriff and the imperial spies should have gone elsewhere. Now that they have obtained the Book of Calamity, let them leave Oulu Academy and let them continue to search here.

Luke came out of library 36 and walked up the stairs carefully.

At this time, a small head stuck out from behind a chandelier on the ceiling.

It is a little monkey the size of a teacup.

It stared wide-eyed at Luke, and jumped from the chandelier after she disappeared at the top of the stairs.It turned into an owl in the air, spread its wings and glides silently to the spiral stairs, and then turned back into a monkey, grabbing the handrail and swinging up.

Luke didn't know that she had been followed. She relied on her familiarity with the terrain of Oulu College to leave the library and then went into a forest.

Across the woods is the main teaching building of Oulu College.

It consists of four castle-like buildings, and there are three corridor links between the castle and the castle.

Among them, there is a secret entrance in the basement of the Northeast Castle to enter the sewer. Follow the sewer to leave the Oulu Academy, and find the connection point with the main space outside to return to Rage City.

At this time, Oulu Academy has entered the highest alert state. In addition to a large number of imperial spies and sheriffs hunting down the invading elves, the faculty of the academy have also mobilized.

They formed a patrol to protect the teaching building in the middle.

Some senior students were sent to guard the entrances and exits of the teaching building and the windows on the outer walls.

They were told that the one who invaded the Oulu Academy was a female elf killer. She had short green hair that reached her ears and carried two exquisite scimitars on her waist.

If you spot an invading elf, don't be hostile to it, flee immediately and seek protection from the nearest faculties.

Luke crouched low behind a clump of grass, using his hiding skills to reduce his brightness and grayscale to blend into the environment.

After a patrol team of Oulu mages walked through the small path ahead, she jumped out nimbly and rushed to the corner of the northeast castle.

How to get inside?

Luke realized that he had underestimated the reaction of Oulu Academy. There were shaking figures everywhere inside and outside the castle, and there was no chance to sneak in.

Could it be that you go offline and come back tomorrow?
Just when Luke was hesitating, a soft voice shouted above her head: "Professor Qingkong, Professor Qingkong..."

Luke looked up, and saw Heidishiko, whom he met on the college bus, sticking his head out of the window on the second floor and waving to him.

"Professor Qingkong, there are people over there... come up quickly!"

Luke also heard someone coming, and immediately teleported to the window on the second floor and got in.

Inside is a corridor.

Space Teleport Heidi Siko, who was guarding the window, was taken aback, including the three children with him, and Lydia, the girl who sat with Luke in the car, was also there.

Luke smiled at the four children with nervous expressions: "Now the whole Oulu Academy is arresting me, aren't you afraid?"

"We, we believe that Professor Qingkong is a good person... no, a good elf. It must be Senator Virgil who is framing you. My father said that he is a liar, a villain, and a criminal who should be sent to the gallows.

We'll hide it for you.

Lydia, you go ahead and see if anyone is there. "

"Okay, okay."

Lydia's nervousness was relieved by Luke's geniality, and she plucked up the courage to run to the other end of the corridor with her magic wand in hand.

Luke said to Haidishiko and the other two children: "Thank you for your help, but helping me will put you in danger.

I know how to leave, you should find a safe place to hide, don't tell anyone that you have seen me. "

Haidishiko said bravely: "Professor Qingkong, we are not afraid of danger, we can..."

The blade rested on Haidishiko's neck, preventing him from continuing.

Luke, holding a knife in his hand, said to the three frightened children: "You should be scared! Senator Virgil is right, I am very, very dangerous! I am not a professor at Oulu College, it is all a lie to you .

Children, it is not whoever you think is a good person is a good person.

The next time you encounter this situation, you must listen to your teacher.

Can you understand? "

The three children who were all stiff nodded in a daze.

At this time, Lydia who ran to the front shouted and ran back: "Someone is coming! Run!"

But when she saw her three partners being threatened by the elf with a knife, she was stunned on the spot.

Behind her, a team of Imperial agents rushed out from the other side of the corner.

They saw the invading elves draw their knives at the same time, then knocked Lydia down and stepped over her.

Luke saw that the group of imperial spies released their combat skills when they charged, completely disregarding the life and death of the three academy students who were with him, so he quickly retracted his knife and charged back at the imperial spies.

"Run!" Luke warned the three of Heidishiko.

With two knives in hand, the ice wheel is enchanted, and the freezing air erupts forward.

The level of the clear sky is pushed down to 100.

Lydia, who was trampled by the agents of the empire, didn't know what happened, which annoyed Luke, and she wanted to rescue the girl who was trying to protect herself as quickly as possible.

Just when Luke was about to swing the ice wheel at the imperial agent, an owl rushed from behind her to the front.

Immediately afterwards, there was a strong wind in the corridor, and the strong wind pressure pushed away the rushing imperial spies, pressing them firmly against the wall.

In the center of the eye of the storm, the owl transforms into an old man in black magic robes.Leaning on a long-handled magic wand, he walked between the imperial agents who were separated by the wind, and picked up Lydia who fell unconscious on the ground.

The wind stopped at this moment, and the spies fell heavily to the ground.

"Principal Will Reed!" Haidishiko shouted loudly after seeing the old magician.

The spies of the Empire, who got up from the ground, were a little at a loss when faced with the dean of Oulu Academy on the one hand and Qingkong, the elf killer, on the other.

A spy who seemed to be the leader asked Dean Willred: "Master Dean, we are helping you catch the killer, why did you attack us?"

Willred checked Lydia's situation, and after confirming that her life was not in danger, he handed her over to the Oulu mage who heard the voice.

"Help me catch the killer? But, why did I see that you hurt my child!

I shouldn't have let you in.

Get out, all of you out of Oulu Academy. "

The secret agents of the empire knew that they had annoyed Dean Willred, and they didn't think about how the dean happened to appear here.

Things have developed like this, if you don't want to die, you can only leave.Report what happened here to Congressman Virgil, and ask him to negotiate with Dean Willred.

The imperial spies left in disgrace.

The three students of Haidi Siko ran to the corner of the wall and ran behind Will Reid, and then went to see Lydia's situation.

Willred paused for a moment with the staff in his hand, and the window behind Luke was closed.

"Spirit, tell me why you sneaked into Oulu Academy."

Luke smiled and said, "Sneak in? I came here on the Oulu Academy shuttle bus, and entered the academy through the main entrance."

(End of this chapter)

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