Age of Arcane

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

Baron Sergey is a smart man, and some things he can't figure out are because he is blinded by inherent concepts.Once there is a reminder and then I can jump out of my original perspective, it will suddenly become clear from a macro perspective.

The Duke of Celtic started to rely on the human race passively. As long as there is a way, he will not reuse this race that can make money and pay taxes and is easy to bully.

Most of the nobles of the human race in the holy mountain now regard this as the grace of the Duke, and regard the alms given by the barbarians as a reward.But without too much consideration, why not give these rewards to other races in the Tedgar Hills?
That's because the human race has strength.

The current status of the human race is earned by themselves!

Recognizing this, the perspective of considering the problem and the result obtained will be different.

Will the Duke of Celtic stay on factory ban because the Savage lost the Hercules match?

Isn't that waiting for the butcher's knife of the empire to cut on the neck?
Would the Celtic Duke blame himself for the Savage's loss at the Hercules match?
definitely will!
But he will definitely not make drastic moves at the critical moment of the overall transformation of the Tedgar Hills.

He now relies heavily on human merchants to build factories, human craftsmen to arm barbarian legions, and even human warriors to form troops to fight on the front lines.

If a human being wins the champion of Hercules, and wins the championship in the Duke's Castle, and accepts the Celtic Duke to wear the gold belt himself.

It can be used as a wake-up call to wake up those human races who are still willing to be second-class citizens.

If a human can defeat all barbarians in the strength that barbarians are best at, then what superiority do barbarians have over humans?

If they win, Tedgar's human race can become a large clan independent of the barbarians.

When Tedgar's human race formed a real group, rather than a race attached to the barbarians, the leader of the human race was not something that the Celtic Duke could kick away.

Baron Sergey looked at Luke with eagerness and suspicion.

"who are you?"

Sergey doubted Luke's purpose in saying this to himself, which was too rebellious.

Luke picked up the coffee again and drank it: "I am an adventurer from Raging City, I have seen what happened in Raging City over the years, and then I have a little feeling about what is happening in the Holy Mountain.

The reason why Governor Meteor rose so quickly is because he won the hearts of the people of Raging Waves City.If the empire needs Raging Waves City, it needs Meteorite. As long as Raging Waves City maintains its current status, no one can touch Meteorite.

As far as I know, when he came to Raging Waves City, he was just an ordinary detective of the Bureau of Secret Affairs, and now he is a Marquis.And Lord Baron... your starting point is much higher than Meteor.

By the way, this coffee is tortoiseshell coffee from Raging City, and Mrs. Fickchek must have worked hard to get it.Try it, it's delicious. "

Sergey's mind was a little confused by the stimulation, he took a sip of coffee almost unconsciously, and felt all kinds of tastes in his heart.

He thought of the warning the Duke of Celtic gave him last night, and also thought of the oath he made.

Now everyone says that Meteor is a powerful minister. He empties the imperial power, and is a negative teaching material for his subordinates.

But there is a road of meteorites in front of him, who can resist being a "meteorite"?
To Baron Sergey, it didn't matter who Luke was.

What he is thinking now is... what kind of position he can achieve as the leader of the Tedgar Hills human race.How to control all power and wealth in your own hands in the future, instead of being deprived of it at will.

Sergey said suddenly: "It seems that the Hercules of the Duke's Castle will finally win the battle, and winning is in the interests of the people of the Tedgar Hills."

Luke sipped the coffee slowly and said, "I'm just an adventurer. It's my job to accept and complete the mission. It's up to you to win or lose."

Sergey thought about it for a while, and the cup of hot coffee in his hand was almost completely cold, before he made up his mind and said, "Win! Please, Mr. Luke, be sure to win the championship in the Hercules final match at the Duke's Castle."

Luke said: "It's all up to you, Lord Baron. As long as the money is in place, I will definitely compete according to your wishes."

Baron Sergey was stunned for a moment before he realized: "Win, do you still have to pay?"

"Of course you have to give money." At this time, Luke is like a shrewd businessman: "I just said that losing is easy, and winning is much more difficult than losing. If you don't give money, what if you lose?"

The truth is this truth, but...something is wrong.

Baron Sergey, whose mind was overloaded by the stimulation just now, felt himself being dizzy.

He summed up the process of this transaction.

"We started talking about...lose, and I pay you 5000 million Reichsmarks."

"That's right!"

"Now follow your wishes to win, why should I give you money?"

"Because winning or losing is uncertain before the game starts. If you don't give money, you may lose; but if you give money, you will definitely win."

"You said the championship is very important to you!"

"I can lose the game for 5000 million Reichsmarks. Which do you think is more important to me, money or the championship?"

5000 million let Baron Sergey see the adventurer in front of him clearly.

This piece of meat, whether you win or lose, you have to cut it off.

Baron Sergey looked at Luke and felt that the other party was fortunately an adventurer. If he was in business... he might be stripped of his pants today.

Talking is useless!

This enlightenment makes people realize that it can affect the truth of the Sergei family for generations. Isn't it worth 5000 million Reichsmarks?
Baron Sergey could only comfort himself in this way, he asked Luke: "5000 million, are you really sure to win?"

Luke said: "Master Baron has seen my game and my opponent's game in the Hercules Arena. It is difficult to be upset in this kind of pure strength competition. I have both absolute strength and enduring strength. Advantage.

Your Excellency the Duke asked you to persuade me to fight fake matches, isn't it because I have a big advantage?
My lord, the coffee is cold! "

Baron Sergey drank all the remaining coffee in the cup in one gulp, and said: "I will prepare 5000 million Reichsmarks as soon as possible, please Mr. Luke keep in good condition these few days, and be sure to win the Hercules Championship. "

Luke smiled and said, "Thank you Baron for the bounty."

Luke touched the empty cup in Baron Sergey's hand with his empty cup, and the porcelain cup made a pleasant sound.

Then Luke and Baron Sergey returned to the dinner together, and Mrs. Fekchik had changed into an evening dress.

She warmly invited the two back to the dinner table and asked, "What did you two talk about?"

Luke replied: "Baron Sergey wants to invite me to join the city's militia and human brigade, but I will continue to take risks after finishing the matter of the holy mountain, and will not stay here for too long.

Therefore, I took a idle position in the Canglang Militia Brigade. "

Baron Sergey expressed regret and said: "Mr. Luke is now the star of the entire Holy Mountain. It is our loss that we cannot join the wolf militia brigade. Fortunately, Mr. Luke is willing to serve as the inspector general of the brigade, which is the best result." .”

When Mrs. Fekchik heard about this, she immediately lost interest: "The barbarians have no shortage of brave soldiers, but what they lack are wise men with brains. My husband is one of the few smart barbarians. Business is doing very well.

I want his brothers from the Stone family to help Rage City and learn how to do business and make money.As a result, their heads were all stones, and they had no interest in what such smart people did. They all ran to join the city militia, waiting to be added to the barbarian army.

Mr. Luke... They are all in awe of you. You help me persuade them that they will die in the battlefield. The Stone Family has shed enough blood, and they will have a future in Raging City. "

It has to be said that Mrs. Fekchik, who is at the forefront of fashion in the Holy Mountain, has a much broader vision than most barbarians.

Luke replied, "Yes, Mrs. Fickchuk, I will persuade them."

At a dinner party, everyone got what they wanted, everyone ate happily, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

Luke was the one who benefited the most. Not only did he acquire a valuable iron workshop without spending a single penny, but he also successfully divided the barbarians and human races in the Tedgar Hills.

Luke didn't know whether Baron Sergey could become the Tedgar Hills version of "Meteor", as long as he was willing to work hard in this direction.

Baron Sergey also felt that he was the one who benefited the most.

What is an iron workshop?
When the steel factory is built, all blacksmith shops will be scum!

What is 5000 million Reichsmarks?
When he became the leader of the Tedgar tribe and the Duke of Celtic had to rely heavily on it, all the money would be drizzle.

As a rising star in Tedgar's political arena, he can no longer look at things from the perspective of a businessman like before.

You have to stand high to overlook the mountains.

Meteor is my role model and my goal!

Baron Sergey frequently invited Luke to drink, and when the dinner was over, he was already drunk and unconscious, and was put on the carriage by the attendants who came with him.

Nothing serious happened the next day.

Luke first went to the Black Potion Workshop to collect some information about the Temple of the Abyss, and then put on the robes of the Abyss Mage to report to Priest Egbert.

Egbert is currently busy studying the Egg of Nirvana. He didn't treat Luke as a test subject, so naturally he didn't give him a good face.He only said that the abyss would not come today, and sent Luke away.

This time Luke didn't stay in the abyss temple for too long, and the erosion of the abyss energy was far less severe than the first time.Without the help of Clear Sky, Luke successfully defuses the invading abyss energy with his own strength.

The abyss didn't seem invincible, so Luke was much less afraid of it.

Sure enough, fear comes from the unknown!

Then there is training.

The Fickcik family has a very professional underground training ground, and the training equipment is even purchased from Raging Waves City.To Luke's surprise, there is even a gravity training room here.

The gravity training room is to use magic alchemy to create a special room that can adjust the level of gravity.In addition to increasing gravity to exercise strength, lowering gravity can help train mental magic.

After inquiring, Luke learned that the gravity training room and the entire training ground were gifts from Fickichek to the Stone Family.

The savages of the Stone family like to come here to break their sweat.

When Luke came to the underground training ground, all the training equipment here were occupied by barbarians, and there was a queue outside the square gravity training room.

The savages showed off their strong muscles while exercising, bragging about their achievements in the Hercules Arena.

And when Luke appeared, the entire underground training ground fell silent immediately.

The barbarians of the Stone family don't like the human race, but they are conservative and traditional, and they also fear absolute power.They have all tried their strength with Lu Ke, and they have also seen the performance of this human Hercules in the Holy Mountain Hercules Arena.

Absolute power has absolute status.

"Mr. Luke!" Coco, who was also here, saw Luke, and immediately ran over and asked with concern: "Has your body recovered?"

Luke felt his physical condition. Today, because he controlled the amount of energy absorbed from the abyss, he did not suffer from physical collapse like yesterday.Moreover, after the energy of the abyss was consumed, the power and energy of rebirth seemed to be refined, making the whole body indescribably transparent inside and out.

This feeling gave Luke another sense of power.

This is why Luke came to the training ground immediately after clearing the energy of the abyss.He wanted to gain a deeper understanding of that vague feeling through training, because he felt that it was a level of power that had never been mastered by players in the game.

As a senior game UP master, Luke collected a lot of information and communicated with other players, and agreed that the game stage they were in at that time was only the beginning of the era.

It is the player's familiarization process with the era system.

Six stars are the basis for the next version update.

Based on various signs, senior game analysts predict that the next version of Era will be a strong return of the five ancient civilizations.Based on what Luke now knows, this prediction is very likely to be accurate.The strong return of the five ancient civilizations will definitely represent the return of the artifact, and the power level of the entire era world will be raised by an order of magnitude.

Like the devil tyrant, the current comprehensive strength is five and a half stars. Once there is an artifact to assist, it will be a slave turning over and singing.

Now that the artifacts of the five ancient civilizations are all in the abyss, and the artifacts return to the plot, the abyss will definitely play a very large role.

What the abyss is, the player has not defined it, and Luke does not know it now.

The natives of the Era game generally define this unexplainable power as a god, and then worship it.

The Abyss Temple clearly deified the Abyss.

There are many other deified powers in this world.For example, Qingkong's special bloodline, the Wings of Time and Space, was obtained through the main god of the elves.

And the so-called main god of elves is just a well that is worshiped and deified by elves.Well water has a special power that allows elves to evolve.


Same tune with the same effect.

Luke touched his forehead, and the coolness remained.

The body and strength are changing with the process of infecting and clearing the abyss energy.

After the storm, there must be a clear sky.

Is that what she meant?

Luke couldn't help smiling.

Seeing that Luke didn't answer himself, Ye Guo touched his forehead and smiled blankly, and reached out and pressed his forehead: "Are you sick?"

(End of this chapter)

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