Age of Arcane

Chapter 432 Starry Sky

Chapter 432 Starry Sky
Age of Arcane
Volume Two

Chapter 190 Four Starry Sky

After looking at the essence through the surface and analyzing the matter clearly, Luke felt that there was no need to react too much to the arrival of the angel.Anyway, Baiyin Manor is idle if it is idle, if the angels don't despise the inauspiciousness, let them toss first.

The empire is to respond to all changes with the same, first to see how the parties respond before playing cards.

However, this time the angel soldiers came to the palace, which still exposed the weakness of the secular country.Faced with this sudden attack of flying dragons riding on the face, the core of the huge empire could hardly come up with the strength to fight against it.

Or the plot has been changed too much. The five ancient civilizations intervened in the secular world prematurely, but the secular world has not yet completed the accumulation of technology.

Luke informed the imperial spies who came through the clear sky of the Moonlight Court, saying that he would pass the news to Meteor, and that Meteor was doing something very important to the Empire.

How to deal with the angel's arrival this time will be discussed after Meteor returns to the imperial capital.

After Luke dismissed the imperial agents, he returned his consciousness to his body.Consciousness is in the spiritual universe, he thought about it for a while, and then turned to the spiritual starry sky.

At this time, the clear sky was half lying on the falling crescent moon, and she pointed at the stars in the starry sky with her finger, and every time she touched a star, that star would twinkle.

It's like... the teacher rolls the roll before class.

Luke floated to the side of the clear sky and said, "You should already know about the arrival of the holy angel in the imperial capital."

"Understood..." Qingkong's focus is still on the starry sky, as if spotting the stars is very fun, she asked at the same time: "When are you going back? When you and I are not in Shenglun City, the angels dare to come You are looking for trouble, you need to learn a lesson!"

Luke replied: "Many things on the Holy Mountain have reached a critical moment. The power of the abyss will come to the temple of the abyss at any time. I must do something to make the impact of the abyss energy on the Tedgar Hills as low as possible.

The blood of the Valkyrie can provide us with extraordinary warriors who can fight against the five ancient civilizations, and the Tedgar Hills must be completely transitioned into my control. "

Qingkong turned to look at Luke: "Such a big Tedgar Hill, can you eat it?"

"If you can't eat it, you have to eat it! Barbarians are natural warriors who are warlike. Arming barbarians with the equipment used to arm human soldiers will definitely get stronger basic soldiers.

Storm barbarians can be the backbone after being armed.

Now the Valkyrie lineage has been discovered again!
The Tedgar Hills are simply a treasure trove of soldiers. What it lacks is a new owner who is rich and skilled and can fully develop their war potential. "

Facing the clear sky, Luke made no secret of his possessiveness for the Tedgar Hills.

Everything in Raging Waves City is good, but it lacks people!

The expanded Raging Waves City has entered a period of rapid development, factories are robbing people everywhere, and it is difficult for the army to find excellent sources of soldiers who are willing to go to the battlefield.Reluctantly forming an armored assault division of Raging City, most of the soldiers were recruited from the lower city of St. Lun City.

There are people in the Moonlight King's Court, but they are the people of Qingkong in name. Luke always has a barrier when he wants to recruit the barbarians of the western border.

And because of the particularity of the World Tree, the Moonlight Royal Court's army needs to respond to emergencies at all times, and it is temporarily difficult to use them in offensive operations.

The current value of Tedgar Hills is enough to make up for its own shortcomings in Luke's eyes.

"You... Even if you come to the holy mountain to do your own thing, you still think about the empire in your heart. It seems that this kind of thing happened in the winter capital of Art County United." Qingkong sat up and faced Luke, swinging his feet back and forth He wrote: "If you take the Tedgar Hills, wouldn't the empire's direct territory be surrounded by your territory!
When will you be Emperor of the Empire? "

Luke actually thought about it seriously: "If I need to be the emperor of the empire, I will definitely do it. I didn't come to you to talk to you about it.

You... or the power you represent, who is stronger than the abyss? "

Qingkong's swinging feet stopped suddenly, she first looked at Luke in surprise, and then laughed.

"I knew that my secret could not be hidden from you for too long. You are too smart, and you are charming because of your smartness."

Luke said, "You haven't answered me yet."

Qingkong thought about it seriously, and then said very seriously: "I shouldn't have appeared, it was the proper intersection of the World Tree, the starry sky, and your consciousness that created me.

I have part of your memory and know what you belong to in this world.

Also know what you've done to the world?
Your changes to the world have shaped who you are now, and the changed world has become another kind of pressure that constantly oppresses you, urging you to continue to change it.

It's a vicious cycle, and it cannot be stopped.What I can do is to keep a secret from you, so as not to let it affect you, causing the premature appearance of power that you cannot bear now.

I express it like this, can you understand? "

Luke suddenly realized.

The involvement of the five ancient civilizations in the secular world can be said to have been caused by themselves.In order to deal with the early arrival of ancient civilization, I will definitely take measures, and will seriously change the original world line and continue to speed up the progress.

If you pull out those forces that you don't even know what they are at this time, it may really be the end of the world.

The world is not ready.

I wasn't ready either.

Thinking of what he was doing now, Luke asked Clear Sky, "Will my research on the abyss cause uncontrollable events?"

Qing Kong's expression changed very quickly. He was serious just now, and suddenly he said with a humorous smile: "How would I know? But I am firmly on your side. Even if you take out the abyss and beat me up now, I will definitely be the first to go up." .

But with my current strength, I definitely can't beat it. "

Qingkong's words revealed a lot of information to Luke, and he asked, "What is your strength?"

Qingkong dodged Luke's eyes for a moment: "Don't look at me like that, and don't expect too much from me. The upper limit of Qingkong's power is the upper limit of my strength. I am Qingkong, not Starry Sky... at least not yet .

But you don't have to worry, as long as the artifact doesn't appear, I'm invincible in the secular world.Even if you encounter the Sword of Oath, you can exchange one with him.

So you still need to think of ways on the world tree.

oops!Talked too much with you!You guy, I tell you clearly, why can't I tell you too many things, you still try to get my words. "

Luke said a little wrongly: "I just asked about your strength level. You said so much tremblingly, and now you are blaming me instead?"

Qing Kong immediately covered her mouth, and then lay down on the crescent moon again: "Today I will choose the brightest star in the sky, please don't disturb me anymore."

Luke looked at the twinkling stars in the starry sky, as if they were little elves waiting to be called.

Luke saw that the clear sky really started to spot stars seriously, so he quit the spiritual starry sky.

What is certain now is that besides the artifacts, there is another powerful power system in this world, let's call them the god system.

The abyss is the god worshiped by the abyss temple, and the abyss mage can transform into an abyss apostle by accepting the infection of the abyss energy.They may not all become apostles of the abyss. The eye on the gate of the temple of the abyss can only be regarded as the abyss apostle.

This can be tentatively defined as the abyssal god system.

After hearing the words of the clear sky, I can judge that the starry sky is a kind of energy body that is the same and equal to the abyss.

My own spiritual starry sky may be a reflection of the real starry sky.

There is also the recovery of the World Tree. What Qingkong did in the western region should be just an opportunity to plant the next seed. The power to make the World Tree truly recover and grow actually comes from the starry sky.

Such a powerful force is of course qualified to be tentatively defined as the starry sky god system.

Awakened Qingkong owns the authority of the world tree, the projection of the starry sky and the characters produced by her own spirit, which coincidentally shaped her uniquely.


An inexplicable alert made Luke stop and continue his analysis.

Qingkong was right just now, the stall is too big now, and the gods seem to be only passively responding to the world, so it's better not to provoke them too much.

It's just that this abyss is related to the artifacts of ancient civilizations, and the artifacts are very likely to be born, so it is necessary to check.

Just understand a little bit, never go too deep.

Luke set himself a standard for studying the abyss.

In the following days, Luke continued to report to the Abyss Temple on time every day.Infect the body with some abyss energy, and then clear it.Luke could feel the cool energy between the brows always existed, and now he knew it was the energy of the starry sky. It was precisely because of the existence of the energy of the starry sky that he was able to clear the infected abyss energy so easily.

The rapid transformation of the body in the process of clearing the infection gave Luke the feeling of washing the marrow with tendons, cleaning the impurities in the body together with the energy of the abyss.

The most obvious external change is that the bodybuilding muscle mass originally formed by accepting the dragon blood, with the daily strength training, not only did not increase but shrank a lot.

The shape of the body became more symmetrical, and the strength increased again.

The other is the enhancement of magic power and the expansion of spiritual power.

Luke has a feeling that as long as he completes this transformation, his comprehensive strength will reach the initial six-star stage.

The artifact is to allow the user to complete the combination of secret techniques through the ancient language through the interpretation of the origin of the world, thereby releasing powerful divine techniques.

The god system seems to directly transform the human body through its own energy and endow them with powerful power.

What is its theoretical basis?
Thinking about something I shouldn't think about again!
Luke erased the study of theology from Clear Sky's academic research memo, and holding back his curiosity was an effective measure of self-defense.

But... can you really hold back?
Luke didn't believe in himself.

Time passed quickly, and on the third day after the dinner with Baron Sergey, a car stopped in front of Fekcik's house.

Cars are very rare in the Holy Mountain.

Because the car is a product of the steam industry, there is no car repair and maintenance system in the holy mountain, so no one buys and drives it.

I learned that a car came to my house, and it was to pick up Mr. Luke.Mrs. Fickchuk, running faster than Luke in her high heels, rushed to the front of the car, running her big hands over the smooth body.

He sighed and said, "Oh... I ordered a car from Raging Waves City last year, but there was a war and I couldn't send it to the Holy Mountain.

I have the garage all built!

Whose car is this?Make an offer, I bought it! "

Mrs. Fickchuk made a loud noise at the end, and the driver who was driving was scared and ran out immediately.

The driver is a human being, wearing the uniform of the Holy Mountain City Militia, and the badge on his chest is the head of a wolf.It's just that the driver seems to be in good health, but in front of Mrs. Fekchik, he behaves a little submissively.

"Mrs. Fekchik, hello! This car belongs to the Wolf Brigade of the Holy Mountain City militia, and it was donated by Baron Sergey and human businessmen.

No... not for sale..."

Mrs. Fekchik continued to shout loudly: "I can't even buy a car, how did Sergey buy it?"

"Ma'am, how could I know? I am an ordinary soldier of the Canglang Brigade. I have only practiced this car for two days, and then... I was appointed as the driver."

Mrs. Fickchek knew that she couldn't ask anything from a small soldier, so she said angrily: "What are you doing driving to the door of Fikechek's house? I don't know that my husband is from the Stone family, be careful of his brothers Wreck your car.

go away!go away!Don't let me see, I can't stand it doesn't belong to me! "

The soldier said aggrievedly: "Ma'am... I, I, under the order of Baron Sergey, came to pick up Mr. Luke, the Chief Inspector of the Wolf Brigade.

Your butler has gone in to report? "

"Have you been notified?" Mrs. Fickchek recalled, she only heard a car coming, didn't she hear that it was coming to pick up Mr. Luke?

Before Mrs. Fickchuk could recall what the butler had said to her, Luke had already walked out.

With him come out the stone savages.

When the human driver of the Canglang Brigade saw the stubborn stone barbarian, his legs couldn't help shaking.The stubborn barbarian is a tyrant of the Holy Mountain, and the human race who often bullies the Holy Mountain is notorious.

If the car is smashed by these stubborn savages, how can I explain it when I go back?

Seeing a large group of stubborn barbarians getting closer and closer, the human driver even felt like crying.

But how could the stubborn stone savage, who is usually extremely domineering, behave so docilely this time.They actually surrounded a human being respectfully one by one, as if this human being was their boss.

Is this the Stone Barbarian?

The driver was a little stunned.

"I'm Luke." Luke walked up to the driver, glanced at the car and said, "The brand new Snowdmer CT97, Baron Sergey has some skills. You are here to pick me up to join the Wolf Brigade Is it a ceremony?"

Hearing that the man in front of him without big muscles turned out to be Inspector Luke, the driver inexplicably raised his courage and confidence.He straightened up in an instant, and gave a standard military salute to Luke.

He replied in a very strong voice: "Lord Inspector Luke, I am the second-class soldier Joe John of the city militia Wolf Brigade Driver Company. I am here to pick you up to the Wolf Brigade barracks to attend the formation ceremony under the order of Baron Sergey." !

Get in the car! "

(End of this chapter)

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