Age of Arcane

Chapter 440 The Top of the Forbidden City

Chapter 440 The Top of the Forbidden City
The Silver Manor in the imperial capital is now a temporary sanctuary belonging to Sky City, and the sanctuary is guarded by the first preacher Theresa and the holy angels led by her.

This group of angels had been self-enclosed in the Silver Manor except for the great battle they had made on the night of their arrival.Without employing any servants, there are only 38 angels living in the huge manor.

Outside the manor, angel believers come to worship every day.None of them were allowed to enter the manor to be summoned by the angels, but this made them constantly deepen their self-examination, thinking that their beliefs were not pious enough.

So these people who share the same belief spontaneously form associations and prepare for the further formation of churches.

These people regarded themselves as Templars, and arranged their shifts according to their own schedules, and established a 24-hour patrol route around the outside of the Silver Manor.

The number of citizens of St. Lun who joined the Templars is increasing every day. They are also actively promoting that angels are a symbol of goodness. Believing in angels can definitely be protected by angels, keeping evil and bad luck away.

This is in line with the spiritual demands of ordinary citizens, especially during this period of war.

As for the Templars, the agents of the Imperial Bureau of Secrets have already penetrated into it. While recording the members with small notebooks, they are actively expanding the personnel in order to strive for more agents to enter the core layer of the Templars.

This can prevent the Templars from being used by those who want to. If the Templars are accepted by the angels in the future, it is tantamount to placing eyeliner around the angels.

It would also be handy if the Secret Service had to deal with the Templars.

"But Shenglun City is so big, we only have 38 angels, and we are not familiar with it... If we rely on the humans here, there is a risk of leaking the secrets of the artifact."

Jenfernie stood at the front with the sheriff in her arms, looked at the magic mirror, and said with a little worry: "Can Miss Skylight defeat that holy angel?"

"Let me think about it again..." Teresia asked, "Is there any reaction from the Shuojin people?"

Is she really going to challenge a holy angel who has participated in ancient wars?

After losing the artifact, our strength has dropped a lot compared to the ancient war period.This clear skies invitation... let me go. "

"what should we do?"

Teresia did not expect Queen Moonlight Qingkong to send this thing as soon as she arrived in Saint Lun City.

As for Sky City, the knowledge system has hardly changed for thousands of years. Since the end of the ancient war, it has been completely eating its laurels.The ancient angels are busy looking for artifacts, and the newborn angels indulge in the glory of the past every day.

Although the people were disappointed, they still gathered around the periphery of the imperial city, looking towards the direction of the palace with their heads up. It was also a joy to see a little magical light.

Before Teresia could express her thoughts, an angel broke through the barrier here and flew down from above.

"Theresia Holy Archangel, did the Archangel Gold really perceive the breath of the artifact in the city of Saint Lun in the Golden Shield Empire?"

Teresia stood in the middle of the magic circle, and the sacred object she enshrined in her faith floated beside her.Regarding the question from the subordinate beside her, she was silent for a while before answering: "The Archangel Ulysses, the sword of the oath, also sensed the aura of the appearance of the artifact in Sky City, but the time was too short to make a precise location, so we can only Determine a general direction.

The family, color, and place of residence have allowed the dragons to form many small communities, each of which is led by a highly respected head dragon.If there is a big event, those old guys who have experienced ancient wars will come forward, and the Dragon Clan can gather together to solve the problem.

This is a battle between the world's top forces, and it has extraordinary significance for the development of future weapons and transformation technologies.

The sudden arrival of 38 Holy Inquisition Angels in Shenglun City of the Golden Shield Empire broke the tacit understanding of the five ancient civilizations during this period.If World Tree is added, the Dragon Clan will definitely respond.

What is this written about?
There are a few words on the paper, and Teresia looks dumbfounded.

But the purpose of their visit to Saint Lun City this time is not to expand Sky City's influence on the secular world, but to find artifacts that have been lost for thousands of years.

Outside the Silver Manor are Templars growing stronger every day, and of course the angels inside the manor can see it.

"The Shadow Clan is busy dealing with the Shuojin people, and the demons in hell will argue for a long time about how to deal with them. The Dragon Clan...the Dragon Kingdom probably hasn't received the news yet, but they will definitely make big moves when they get the news."

"we need to……"

But her strength is only the strength of the secular world. Even if she inherited the power of the previous generation of World Tree and became the Queen of Moonlight, Shenglun City is far away from the Moonlight Royal Court, and she cannot get the help of World Tree.

Teresia took the letter, broke open the ink pad with the Moonlight Queen's seal, and pulled out the letter inside.

Marus, the crown of thorns, also stood with the teachers and students of Oulu College. He was wearing the college's teaching assistant uniform, and his expression was no longer arrogant.

The angels returned to their own form, and a look of disappointment appeared on each angel's face.

As soon as Qingkong came back from the Moonlight Royal Court, he challenged me impatiently. He must want to avenge me for leading you to surround the palace.

Teresia somewhat regretted this reckless arrival.

Now not only do they not know how to find artifacts, but they also attract competitors.

The angel who sent the letter said: "The moonlight knight said: Tonight at the highest point of the palace, the Queen of Moonlight who just came back from the western region is waiting there for Theresia's holy angel to fight.

Angels have been active in various historical legends since they entered the civilization stage from the human race.The holiness, strength, and kindness of angels make angels the spiritual sustenance of human beings in the ignorant period.

"The exploration of artifact perception here will continue, but we can't continue to guard in the manor. We need to know what happened in Saint Lun City that night, and who opened the space that traps the artifact."

However, the Imperial Secret Service and the Public Security Department set up a blockade in the imperial city, strictly prohibiting people from the upper city from entering the imperial city, so as to prevent unnecessary casualties to the people during the battle between Qingkong and Angel.

Therefore, when the news spread that Qingkong and the holy angel Theresia were going to compete in the sky above the palace, it immediately caused a sensation in the entire city of Saint Lun.

In St. Lun City, the news that the queen of the clear sky and the holy angel first announced the appointment of St. Theresia spread throughout the city in just half a day at an incredible speed.


The Empress of the Empire was humiliated here, so Queen Christina immediately offered to give up the palace as their duel field when she heard Qingkong's offer to fight the Angel.

"I saw it too!"

Teresia said: "If we find the information about the artifact within a few days, it won't be lost for thousands of years.

Bruce Ban adjusted the instruments standing on the edge of the building, and at the same time shouted to the noisy students: "You all stand obediently in the protective circle set up by the professors, and I promise you can see Professor Qingkong clearly."

Marus was a little grateful to Qing Kong for chopping off his wings, and he would put down his posture after losing his wings, and look at this exciting world with a straight eye.

All the angels chanted together a hymn written in the ancient angelic language, intending in this way to elicit a response from the sculpture of light.

But the honest Bruce Class couldn't suppress these students. The students were still very excited. From time to time, some people released magic fireworks into the sky.

The imperial palace opened the protective cover, and concentrated its magic power to create a large and strong flat duel field above the palace complex.

"On the night of the full moon, on the top of the purple gold, a sword comes to the west, and the sky flies away!"

Qingkong is an elf who has never failed in his debut and has killed many famous and powerful people.Moreover, she is not only strong, but also extremely beautiful. Her fan base has grown from Raging Waves City to Saint Lun City, and she has a large number of supporters.

Although the Dragon Kingdom is not unified, the situation is much better than hell where every devil is a mountain.

clear sky!

The eight obelisks and the magic track on the ground form a large magic circle. Sixteen angels stand on the nodes of the magic circuit, and the light connects them to each other.They also turned into statues, holding balls of light in their hands.

Archangel Gold said that he sensed that the artifact was here in the city of St. Lun, and that the time and location were correct, and even if Archangel Gold was dissatisfied with our Holy Tribunal, he would not be able to lie about the artifact.

It's just that there is no change in the entire magic circle, and it seems that there is no gain today.

If Qingkong can defeat the angel here, it will definitely bring a high sense of honor to the whole empire, and it will also sweep away the shadow left by the angel's descending and encircling the palace.

The previous victories gave her the confidence that she can defeat me, so I will kill her confidence with my own hands.

"Professor Ban, can you bring the angle of view closer?"

Without relying on the local humans, just relying on 38 angels to go out to find clues, the situation will not be any better than the perception here.

After nightfall, the citizens who had finished their day's work flocked towards the palace, wanting to witness what must have been a wonderful battle with their own eyes.

Very few angels have a serious understanding of the secular world that they look down upon, and they don't know what kind of civilization these lower races have created.

Let these secular lower creatures see clearly the gap between them and angels.Even without artifacts, angels are not something they can provoke at will! "

Thearesia held the gauntlet, and the white sacred flame burned the paper to ashes.

On the ground floor of the main building of the manor, the angels opened up an open and enclosed space.The passive holy light illuminates the entire space into a white jade color, and the eight obelisks stand in eight directions.Under each obelisk stood an angel, who turned themselves into a statue, holding a light ball made of light elements in both hands.

If Qingkong loses, as long as the loss is not too ugly, it will be an excellent thing for the empire.

He landed in front of Teresia and handed over a letter.

"I saw Professor Qingkong, and she stood there."

Keeping secrets is the primary criterion for completing tasks.


The interior of the palace and the top floors of the surrounding high-rise buildings are all filled with magicians and scholars of various disciplines.In addition to preventing the energy spilled from the duel from harming innocent people, they also wanted to record the duel in all directions without dead ends.

"The Shuojin people from the Shenglun City Branch of the World Bank once came to visit, but we refused to see them. Now that the Shuojin people are looking for trouble with the Shadow Clan because of the death of Elder Chun, they shouldn't do anything in Shenglun City so soon. reaction."

Even after entering the industrial civilization and enlightenment of the people, human beings still have more closeness to angels than other races.Therefore, most ordinary people are very happy when angels come to them, thinking that this is the beginning of good luck.

The angel who delivered the letter said: "I heard that the Thorn Crown who followed Archangel Gold to Saint Lun City challenged Qingkong last time, but was easily defeated by Qingkong, and was then threatened by Qingkong to work for her.

So under the deliberate indulgence of the Imperial Secret Service, the Templars developed very rapidly.The addition of some officials and businessmen gave the Templars money to order uniform uniforms and armor, and scholars wrote for them the teachings that needed to be published in the future.

"But we have been searching for so many days, but we can't sense any information related to the artifact. If it is really here, so many of us who are proficient in the ancient angelic language cast spells together, no matter how deep it is hidden, there should be a little bit of feedback That's right."

The background and the amount of knowledge possessed by the world's top colleges let Malus understand what it is to be a frog in the bottom of a well and to stand still.Human beings are very weak in front of angels, but when trillions of human beings gather their wisdom like dust, they form a vast ocean of knowledge like smoke.

Teresia had heard Qingkong's name in Sky City, and knew that she was an elf with a very strong fighting capacity.

This is a difficult problem.

The artifact is definitely not in the table world, it and other artifacts must be trapped in a special space.Someone opened that space that night, and the breath of the artifact leaked out. It may be difficult for us to find useful clues in this way. "

"Of course!" The sheriff is more confident than anyone else: "The former Her Majesty the Queen was very strong, and the current Her Majesty the Queen is stronger than before! It's not like your Majesty has never won a battle before. .”

"Qingkong, the Queen of Moonlight from the Moonlight King's Court, arrived in Saint Lun City today. This is the letter of war just sent by the Moonlight Knight."

In the clear sky museum, all the staff and students of the St. Lun City Branch of Oulu College came to the top rooftop.Although it is a bit far away from the imperial palace, after several alchemy instruments were set up facing the direction of the imperial palace, as the instruments were activated, the scene of the imperial palace was immediately pulled into the nearby airspace.

In the imperial palace, all the palace guards and royal knights stood in their positions and stood ready.

At that time, I only wanted to find the artifact as quickly as possible and protect it, but I didn't expect that the artifact was close at hand, and I still couldn't find it.


This battle is a friendly competition and will not affect the friendly relationship between Moonlight Royal Court, Golden Shield Empire and Sky City. "

Therefore, no matter how the Templars displayed themselves outside the manor, the angels never responded.They set up countless magic traps in the manor, without warning, all of them were killing magic directly aimed at life.

I believe him. "

Teresia re-read the battle book, and said: "The Crown of Thorns is a new post-war angel with vain enthusiasm but no strength. He has never experienced real combat. To challenge an elf with rich combat experience, can you Winning is weird.

An elf who dared to challenge the angels who were active on the ancient battlefield thousands of years ago was too presumptuous.

"Other civilizations?"

As the queen's mount, the sheriff feels that he is inferior to one person, and of course he is above ten thousand people. Marus, the crown of thorns, is beside him.

Marus knew what kind of temperament this black cat was, and he was also a half-shadow, so he didn't care about such trivial matters with him.However, Marus still reminded: "Teresia is different from me. She participated in the ancient war and lived to the end of the war. She is much better than me.

It is not wise for Professor Clear Sky to challenge Teresia. "

The sheriff picked up his beard and said, "What do you know, brat? Let's watch the show!"

(End of this chapter)

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