Age of Arcane

Chapter 445 The Last Mission

Chapter 445 The Last Mission
The first transmission of the holy scriptures Teresia lost?

The angels supporting the protective barrier around the duel field all showed incredible expressions.Just now, Theresia and Fairy Clear Sky were evenly matched, and even in the scene, Theresia seemed to have an advantage in flying in the air.

But Teresia suddenly ran around in the air like a headless fly, and finally hit the ground barrier of the duel arena.

What happened?

The angels were all at a loss.

The royal family, nobles, ministers, and citizens watching the battle near the palace couldn't understand it either.As an angel who was born with the ability to fly, he fell from the sky by himself, the reversal is too exaggerated.

But whether it was the angel Teresia who got dizzy in the sky, or was hit by some kind of spell, in short, Miss Weathering won.

In the entire city of St. Lun, no one regards Qingkong as a foreigner. Although she bears the title of Queen of the Moonlight Court, she is also a professor at the Imperial Academy of Oulu and a member of the Council of Rage City.

She is our national goddess... Miss Skylight!
After a period of silence, a bunch of magical fireworks exploded into the sky, bringing the city of Saint Lun into a pyrotechnic celebration.

"Miss Cloudy Sky won! She defeated the Holy Angel, the first biography of Saint Teresia, in the Imperial Palace. She was an angel who had participated in ancient wars, but she still lost to our Miss Cloudy Sky...

Tedgar Hills sacred mountain.

Teresia, who regained her sense of direction, did not lead Qingkong's kindness. She flew up to avoid Qingkong's outstretched hand, and then suspended in midair.

After waiting for a long time, the angels above the palace followed Teresia and left. Agatha said: "The war against the Attorney United in the north and the Tedgar Hills in the south must end as soon as possible. The empire's strategy requires Make major adjustments.

"Yes, luckily Miss Weatherlight is on our side. But we only have one Miss Weatherlight..."

Queen Christina looked at Agatha: "I think Meteor will definitely bring us good news when he comes back from the Tedgar Hills this time.

Since the angel's intrusive arrival, the imperial court and Secret Intelligence Bureau are actively formulating countermeasures.

Teresia looked up at the clear starry sky, and said unconvinced: "The time and location of the duel are in your favor. This is not a fair duel."

It was Natchhal, the storm barbarian who came, holding a gorgeously wrapped gift box in both hands, followed by a group of barbarian warriors in full armor and armed with long-handled battle axes.

"Let's go!"

The beautiful Miss Sunny Sky, her strength is as good as her looks, there is no match for her! "

There are 12 secret agents here, waiting for your dispatch at any time. "

I mean, you should be able to understand. "

Luke let the irrelevant people leave the room, and when only himself and Mrs. Fickichick were left, he replied: "The temple of the abyss is about to usher in the abyss, and the energy of the abyss may spread and pollute the entire holy mountain. The Celtic Duke Now it is time to order the Abyss Temple to stop the abyss, but I think the Abyss Temple will never give up easily."

Then he carefully avoided the city militias blocking the road all the way, and came to the Black Potion Workshop.

Qing Kong presses on: "What if? If you don't agree, we can make another appointment. The time and place are up to you... If you don't agree, I'll hit you until you agree!"

When Mrs. Fekchik heard that Luke was back, she immediately came down from the roof to greet her, and asked worriedly: "There is news from the Duke's Castle that the Duke has sealed off the Holy Mountain and surrounded the Abyss Temple. You were in the Duke's palace last night. Castle, have you heard any news?
Is this going to war with the Abyss Temple? "

"Yes, the abyss must be prevented from descending."

"What?" Mrs. Fekchuk was greatly surprised: "You said that disgusting eye was a person before?"

Coconut and Storm Cato were called in, and the three of them got into the tunnel leading to the outside under the cover of Mrs. Fekchik.

"How can I stop it?"

Mrs. Fikechick was indeed Mrs. Fikechick, and Luke immediately said, "Yes, once the residents of the Holy Mountain become monsters, who will our shop sell to?"

The Black Potion Workshop was already occupied by the spies of the empire.

The news of Qingkong's victory over Theresia spread to the entire Saint Lun City along with the magic fireworks that spread out in circles.

The newly established Human Race Wolf Brigade was also transferred out this time, and all members participated in the task of martial law in the city.Moreover, Baron Sergey did not abide by the agreement with Earl Rammutu. All the soldiers of the Wolf Brigade wore new-style armor and pulled out all the unskilled war weapons.

When talking about the Abyss Temple, Mrs. Fickchek showed a look of contempt: "I don't like the Abyss Temple. I went in once, and it was as oppressive as a tomb. What do you mean by the abyss energy and the pollution of the holy mountain?" ?”

Facing the barbarians, the human soldiers did not have the cowardice they had before. They were all high-spirited, as if they were the ones who won the champion Hercules at the Duke's Castle last night.

However, a strong man like Dean Willred has his own affairs, and it is impossible to stay in the imperial capital for a long time.If nothing happens, these powerhouses will have nothing to do, and it will be an immeasurable loss to the empire.

Agatha's thoughts diverged, and she couldn't help but look at the clear sky in the magic projection: "But he is not something we can control."

Now that the power in the Abyssal Temple is under the restraint of Lord Duke, the internal defense force must be extremely empty.

Luke walked forward quickly, and at the same time said to the coconut: "Who am I, I will tell you when I leave the Tedgar Hills. Now the imperial agents lurking in the holy mountain are working for me. Shan’s mission. Let’s talk about the specific situation when we go in.”

Hearing the secret agent, Ye Guo, who was following Luke, couldn't help asking in surprise: "Secret agent! You, you are imperial agents? Mr. Luke, who are you?"

In addition... Whether I continue to supervise the country in the future or become the first empress of the empire, I am just passing through.If the empire wants to be strong while being stable, and if it wants to participate in the new civilized war, the future emperor of the empire must have the blood of Augustine and at the same time obtain the unreserved support of Raging Waves City.

But even in the most difficult time of ancient wars, he never flinched from any powerful enemy.

Miss Weatherly lives next to her, and she is teaching her students what she has learned.If I can become a student of Miss Weathering Sky, I will definitely gain the power to defeat angels in the future...

Here is a secret passage leading to the outside, you can go out through the secret passage. "

I sneaked into the Abyss Temple with Naco and Storm Cato, and I can destroy it by finding the location where the Abyss descends.It's just that I don't want the things I did to be known by the Duke. "

Mrs. Fickichek, who had heard the news a long time ago, built her home into a fortress.The lady wore the heaviest armor and the thickest makeup, and stood at the highest point of the main building holding two battle axes.

The short-term solution is to invite strong men scattered throughout the empire to enter the imperial capital to deal with emergencies caused by this group of descending angels.

After dawn, there was a knock on Luke's door.

The angelic presence is just the beginning.In the last ancient war, the human race was just bystanders and victims. This time... a new civilization collision is coming. As the first time we stand on the poker table, we must be fully prepared. "

"Okay, I'll be back as soon as possible!"

Mrs. Fickchek could already imagine what it looked like at that time, she swallowed dryly: "We bought so many shops, isn't it worthless?"

The impact of this battle is gradually fermenting.

Teresia stopped backing, and she said to the clear sky: "Okay, let's fight again, the time and place are up to me!"

"Mr. Luke, good morning!" Storm Natchhal respected Luke very much. He presented the gift box and said, "This is the duke crown given to you by the Duke of Celtic. The Duke ordered me to lead an elite armored Barbarian team, escort you from the holy mountain."

Entering the pharmacy, the small room is full of imperial spies of different sizes.They all wore masks to hide their appearance, and they could continue to lurk after the mission was over.

"Yes, there are still many such monsters in the Abyss Temple. If the abyss really descends, the energy of the abyss will spread to the entire holy mountain, and the consequences will be disastrous."

Qing Kong walked up to Theresia who fell to the ground. She lifted the "Reversal of Time and Space" and stretched out her hand to Theresia: "You fought well. You are the strongest opponent I have encountered so far."

Terrans like angels, and they like the news of Miss Weatherly's victory over angels even more.

Luke left the Duke's castle under the escort of a group of iron-clad barbarians, and there were far fewer barbarian fighters in the castle.Along the way, the urban militia had already blocked the road early, and all citizens were ordered to stay at home.

Teresia backed up: "I admit that you are very strong, and can even skillfully use time and space skills, but... I was just careless. If... If..."

"The energy of the abyss is the energy that seeps out from the abyss. It can easily turn people into monsters. Have you seen the eye in front of the temple of the abyss?"

"I understand..." Mrs. Fikechik nodded comprehendingly: "For our shop, you can go at ease, I will not tell anyone about your leaving here.

Queen Christina continued to look at Agatha, with an indescribable expression in her eyes: "This is our helplessness, since we were born in such a family, everyone's fate is beyond our control.

The long-term solution is to increase the research investment of powerful individuals to create warriors and weapons capable of fighting angels.

Storm Cato didn't ask anything, just followed Luke closely.

I envy you very much, at least you have a good impression of him, he is a person worthy of entrustment. "

Luke took advantage of the situation and said: "I have a friend who used to be a mage in the Abyss Temple, and he knows a secret way to secretly enter the Abyss Temple.

Teresia lost the arrogance and arrogance she had when she first appeared on the stage. She retreated under the pressure of the clear sky, which meant that she did not have the confidence to win in another fight.

The savages showed their excellent talents in war. Even though these young people have never been on a real battlefield, they can still clearly distinguish what they should do on the battlefield.

"The duel just now was really exciting!" After being silent for a while, Queen Christina let out a long breath slowly: "Miss Weatherlight is stronger than we imagined. I'm even afraid that their battle will tear down the palace."

"Isn't this a fair duel?" Qingkong said and walked forward step by step, and the icy steps were formed under her feet. She walked up to Theresia and continued to press forward step by step: "Before the duel begins , you probably don’t think so.”

Agatha stared at the magic projection, feeling extremely excited in her heart: "Fortunately, Miss Sunny Sky is on our side. When this battle spreads, our opponents must carefully calculate the cost of fighting us."

In the heavily protected palace hall, Empress Christina and Princess Agatha stared at the magic projection in front of them together. In the circle surrounded by many angels, Clear Sky stepped on the ice platform and Teresia suspended in the air. confronted.

Those stubborn barbarians who eat and drink here are also guarding various points in armor and holding weapons, ready to fight the invaders desperately.

A tense atmosphere pervaded the entire holy mountain.

Qingkong and Teresia face to face: "Accompany me at any time!"

Several storm barbarians gathered together as a reserve team to support everywhere at any time.

The time limit for awakening has not yet come, Qing Kong decided to play freely and expand his play.

"I've seen it. It's so disgusting that I haven't eaten all day."

After Queen Christina finished speaking, Agatha fell into deep thought.

The ironclad barbarians and human militia brought by Luke once again strengthened the defense force of the Fekchik family.

"My lord!" The secret agent leader was a human being dressed up by a craftsman and wearing a black mask. He didn't know Luke's identity, but only knew that this person had a higher position in the Secret Intelligence Bureau than himself.He led the three of Luke along the corridor and reported at the same time: "The wizard is inside, and the guards in the prison are indeed very loose. We rescued the wizard when an abyss mage mutated and went crazy. The entrance has been sealed. Will not be found for a short time.

The sore-faced man sat nervously on an old chair, surrounded by spies from the empire, which made him worry about his own safety.

"The abyss must be prevented from falling."

Storm Natchhal opened the door: "No matter where you go, sir, we will protect you."

"I..." Of course Agatha understood what Queen Christina meant, and also thought of what her father said to herself before he died.After hesitating for a moment, she said, "I understand!"

The spiritual ball floating on Qingkong's shoulder and the scriptures floating on Theresia's shoulder sent electric chains to each other to demonstrate.

Luke took the gift box and said to Storm Natchhal: "I have to go back to the Fickchick's house. Mr. Fickchick entrusted me to take something to Rage City."

Seeing their chief inspector and idol, these human militiamen immediately dispatched a hundred-man squad to escort Luke to Fickchik's house closely.

Although Miss Weatherly has defeated Theresia this time, Theresia is not the strongest angel, and Miss Weatherly's fighting power is an untouchable ceiling in the secular world.

"That's what an abyss mage becomes after being polluted by abyssal energy."

The wizard sat next to him, his body was weak from the prison, and the stubble on his face made it difficult to tell his actual age.

Luke took out the steel wings of blazing feathers, and it instantly turned into a two-handed long sword. The holy light shone from the inside to the outside of the sword, making everyone in the room feel the warmth rising from the depths of their hearts.

Luke put the spine of the long sword on the wizard's shoulder, and the transmission of holy energy made the wizard's spirit much better.

"Wizard, I need you to lead us into the temple of the abyss and prevent the abyss from falling."

(End of this chapter)

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