Age of Arcane

Chapter 448 Sunshine

Chapter 448 Sunshine
The heart in the middle of the altar suddenly stopped beating, and the blood also stopped instantly, everything seemed to be frozen in time.

Then there was a crisp "click" sound.

There were countless cracks in the space where the altar was located, like glass cracking, and the three were separated by cracks, but Luke found that Naco and Storm Cato didn't seem to notice these cracks. They watched the heart in the middle of the altar motionless.

Taking a closer look, Naco and Storm Cato are also frozen in time, like a three-dimensional photo.

Have you been mentally attacked?
Luke clenched the steel wings of the blazing feathers with both hands, and opened the thunder and fire pupils, and the scene he saw suddenly changed.He found himself standing on the edge of a cliff, facing a bottomless black hole.

Is this the abyss?

Luke leaned out a little to look into the black hole, and then saw a person in the black hole also leaned forward, looking at him from below.In the dimness, he couldn't see the other person's appearance clearly, only a pair of bright red eyes shone with a strange light.

In an instant, Luke understood that the person in the black hole was himself.

One step forward can step into the abyss.

Abandon everything, one step for God!
A strong desire surged from the depths of Luke's heart. He believed that the abyss had the ability to make himself a god.In charge of the authority representing the abyss, not bound by any laws and rules, doing whatever he wants to release all suppressed chaotic natures.

The holy light shone, and the hymns sang.

All that is seen seems to be an illusion.

Seeing this scene, Coconut and Storm Cato knelt down on one knee and sang a song of offering sacrifices to the dead.

The abyss really respects me.

Moreover, the energy of the abyss is rapidly weakening, and someone destroyed the altar!

In order to find out what happened as soon as possible, the Duke of Celtic ordered the armored barbarian to stand by, and he took a barbarian hero to the Abyss Temple.

Naco's voice reached Luke's ears.

The wizard is alive too.

The three apostles didn't care about talking to the Duke of Celtic, and quickly turned into black smoke and rushed into the temple.

The leader endured the pain and reported to Luke: "My lord, the mission is complete, all the weapons in the abyss have been destroyed. The three brothers died fighting to cover our retreat, and no one was left alive... These are the materials we brought out."

Luke didn't disturb the clear sky, and silently retreated from the spiritual starry sky.

The abyss came down to the altar, and Luke swung his long sword and slashed out a white holy flame at the beating heart.The holy flame swept over the bloody water, and the high temperature burned the blood into blood powder before purifying it into white smoke and dissipating.

"I'm not an angel! Don't ask so many questions, the time is coming, you must arrive at the prison on time."

Luke said to the black hole: "I never think that it is a good thing to get power and strength easily. If I am tempted by you, it can only mean that my mind is flawed. Even if I become a god, I am still a flawed god.

Luke gave the agent leader some healing potions, and looked at the prison again.

Luke took out his pocket watch to check the time, and ordered: "Retreat!"

Luke's right eye's thunder-shrinking fire pupil blazed brightly, and the fire and thunder formed an intensified burst of huge energy, and a laser shot out from Luke's eye.The laser hit the starry sky, pointing out a new star among the stars.

"Is the mission completed?"

Everything is exactly the same as the starry sky in the spiritual starry sky, but why does Qingkong say that the starry sky is missing something?
It is indeed missing a star.

"This is the holy mountain, the holy mountain of the Celtic Duke! Anyone who dares to stop the Duke from inspecting the territory will be executed!"

The three rushed to the prison as quickly as possible, and the spies who arrived one step earlier took them in.

Coco, who was retreating, ran behind Luke. She kept staring at Luke's back, and finally couldn't help asking: "Sir, you... are you an angel?"

An abyss mage wanted to stop him, but was cut in half by the barbarian hero guarding the duke.

After Luke finished speaking, the scene around him turned back to the altar.

"Sir, apart from that heart... there seems to be nothing that can attack us..."

Goodbye, the little energy you leaked can only affect me to this extent, next time we meet, we should show more sincerity. "

Luke, Nata, and Storm Cato are on guard carefully to prevent any sudden attack from any monster hidden here.

There is no distinction between good and evil, right and wrong.

Luke looked down at the black hole at his feet again, and the other self disappeared. The black hole retreated to a position of [-] meters in the darkness under the sunlight.

The two spies were carrying four leather bags, and there were papers protruding from the cracks in the bags.

The brightness of this star has increased rapidly since its appearance. Its light covered the surrounding starlight, and in an instant, half of the stars in the sky were covered by its own light.But the enhanced light of this star still shows no signs of stopping, its brightness is still increasing rapidly, the Milky Way fades and disappears under its illumination, and the moon gradually disappears under its intense light.

Luke was infected and stood leaning on his sword. He bowed his head and recited the ancient angelic language. A white cloth robe was attached to his body, and a pair of wings of light spread behind him.

Luke galloped down the road with Naco and Storm Cato.The destruction of the altar where the abyss descended will inevitably attract the attention of the apostles.If they are blocked in the temple, it will be difficult to get out.

Outside the gate of the Abyss Temple, the three Abyssal Apostles who were still playing Werewolf turned back together.The black mist inside the gate became lighter and was quickly dissipating, and bursts of sacred singing came from inside.

It is better to be a man and a god, and to be down-to-earth, knowing how to go out every step, so as not to fall into the air.


On the bloody water on the altar, white wandering souls rose one by one. They rose one after another, and after rising to a certain height, they burst and dissipated like bubbles.

In the middle of the altar, the still heart beat again, and streams of blood gushed out from the heart tube.Coconut's words followed Luke's last sentence, as if there was no space crack, no black hole.


The cracked space is reorganized, and the cracks disappear like a movie reversed.

There is a thin line, stepping into the abyss, there will be no troubles, just like putting down the butcher knife and becoming a Buddha immediately.

Not to mention, it's not up to me to decide what I actually become.

Qingkong said to himself: "There is one more star! Such a simple riddle is really not difficult for you, but I don't know when you will be able to illuminate the starry sky."

Chaos does not exclude order, order can contain chaos.When chaos is strong, order is dormant, and when order is strong, chaos is hiding.

The abyss apostles are not here, and the abyss mage dare not act rashly.The barbarian heroes roughly pushed aside the abyss mage and abyss familiar, and escorted the Celtic Duke into the temple.

There was no change in the spiritual starry sky, only Qingkong lay on the crescent moon and concentrated on counting the stars.

This is the hymn of the angels, which means that angels have sneaked into the temple.

The consciousness of all the abyss mages is still immersed in the abyss, their eyes are bloodshot, and the flesh on their bodies is twisted and wriggled.

The Duke of Celtic also heard the chants and knew that he had forced out the three apostles and most of the abyss mages, allowing the angels to take advantage of them.I don't know how much loss the Abyss Temple will suffer if it is attacked by an angel, and... why did the angels attack the Abyss Temple?

The sky was as dark as an abyss, but after Luke looked over, little stars appeared, forming a bright starry sky in a short time.The full moon hangs beside the galaxy, and the meteor shower streaks across the sky...

The thunder and fire pupils allowed Luke to maintain a certain degree of sanity when staring at the abyss.He looked away from the abyss and looked up to the sky.

The chief agent's abdomen was wounded, and although bandaged and treated, it was still oozing blood.The number of spies is not complete, it should be sacrificed.

The sky turned from black to blue, and only one star could be seen in the sky, and that was the sun!

However, the imaginary guards did not appear, any guards were inferior to the apostles of the abyss, and none of the apostles were here.The holy flame struck at the heart unhindered.The heart was cut in half, and the color quickly darkened from bright red to black, then shriveled, rotted, and finally turned into a puddle of thick water.

"Yes, my lord!"

The injured spies helped each other to get out of the passage. The leader waited for Luke to leave and then retreated last, not forgetting to use magic to seal the hole again.

After a while, roars came from the throats of the abyss mages in the prison.Their bodies exploded, twisted limbs and tentacles protruded, and their bloodshot eyes opened randomly.

In an instant, the prison was filled with berserk monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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