Age of Arcane

Chapter 471 Puppet Show

Chapter 471 Puppet Show

The third car is a cemetery, surrounded by decayed iron fences.Under the dim light, the handwriting on the tombstones was blurred.On the other side of the cemetery is a dilapidated church, and the door of the church is the connecting door of the carriages.

On the bell tower of the church, a group of black crows flew out, and the bell rang with a sense of dilapidation.

Crows croaked and flew into the darkness.

The cemetery seemed to be disturbed, and the ground rose rapidly.Then coffins broke through the ground one by one, and the bells in the church tower became more and more urgent.

With the sound of creaking, the lid of the erected coffin was opened, revealing the mummy wrapped in a shroud.The mummies walked out of the coffin with outstretched arms and stiff feet. They hissed, and black corpse gas leaked out from under the shroud.

The sandpaper that came in first waved, and a few screwdrivers flew out of the carry-on tool bag, and shot at the nearby mummy.The screwdriver was so powerful that it easily pierced through the mummy's body, leaving round holes in it.

But this kind of attack can only make the mummy pause for a while, and then continue to move over step by step.

The flying screwdriver went around in a circle, penetrated several mummies and returned to the side of the sandpaper.

"Governor, are these monsters unkillable?"

Luke held the steel wings of the blazing feathers that turned into a long sword and danced a sword flower, and a layer of holy flame was attached to the blade.

"These are monsters transformed from the energy of the abyss. Using sacred magic and combat techniques can easily purify them, and they can also be killed by destroying the core at the heart. But since they are transformed monsters, as long as the secret technique works, They are endless.

Only by finding the abyss mage hidden here can the secret technique be cracked. "

After listening to what Luke said, Sandpaper threw out all the screwdrivers around him, targeting the mummy's heart.Sure enough, as Luke said, after the heart was pierced, the mummy immediately fell straight, and then scattered into a piece of fly ash and merged into the ground.

At the same time, after several coffins in the cemetery shook a few times, an intact mummy came out of it.

Sandpaper asked: "Didn't you say that the abyss mage can only face us when the train is moving? Why are you looking for them?"

Luke swung his sword, without any fancy sword skills, the holy flames swept across, and the mummy's whole body would burn as long as it touched a little spark.

"This is already facing us directly. If the abyss mage is outside the carriage, the secret techniques in each carriage will be connected in series, and the power will increase exponentially." Luke lit a few nearby mummies, and then said to the sandpaper: "Abyss mage Just hide it in one of the coffins, and he will be handed over to you and Kestrel to deal with. I will go directly to the next compartment, and the next one is the front of the car.

We cannot waste time. "

Sandpaper replied: "Leave it to me here, let Kestrel rush over with you, and hurry up to save Boiling."

The hair of the sandpaper was flying, and the screwdriver turned into a streamer and shuttled quickly among the mummies, and the mummies fell down layer by layer like flowers blooming.

Anxious to rescue the boiling kestrel, she listened to the arrangement of the sandpaper, she rushed forward holding the rapier, the sword was as bright as lightning, every time a mummy was stabbed in the heart and fell down.

The sandpaper and the kestrel killed it quickly, and the coffin refreshed the mummies quickly, and the mummies went out one by one.

Luke didn't insist on letting the kestrel stay. He swept out his sword, and the holy flame flew out from the sword, turning into a crescent slash and sweeping towards the mummy blocking the way ahead.The road leading to the dilapidated church was cleared, and while the mummy did not block the road again, Luke quickly rushed over with the kestrel.

While rushing and killing, Luke rushed to the door and opened it, and the kestrel slipped into the light curtain.

Luke looked back at the sandpaper, the mummy was stuffed between him and her.Cutting down a few mummies approaching, Luke turned and ducked into the light curtain.


Darkness without a ray of light.

Even though the holy flames were burning on the steel wings of the blazing feathers, it still couldn't illuminate the vicinity, and the kestrel disappeared.A flash of electricity danced in Luke's left eye, and there was an image in the field of vision, but there was no color in the image, all in black and white.

The carriage has not changed its appearance. This is the rest area for the flight attendants. There is still unfinished coffee on the table and papers scattered on the floor. It can be seen how hurried the flight attendants were when they were notified to go to the No. [-] carriage.

The black and white tones make Luke feel like he's watching an old silent film.

An undead disciple in Heart Eater Pollen.

Man-eating vines under the bloody jungle.

A mummy in Deathstroke Cemetery.

Three carriages, three different secret techniques, other carriages should be arranged like this.This time it was a temporary assassination, and the Abyss Temple had prepared so many secret techniques. He really wanted to put himself and Agatha to death!

As for the current condition of this carriage.

It is the secret technique exclusive to the third apostle Belgar: a puppet show in black and white tones.

This carriage is the spectator stand, and the front of the train has been transformed into a puppet show stage by secret techniques.

I'm late?
not late!

The dark curtain has not yet been lifted, and the puppet show has not yet begun.

Luke stowed his blazing-feathered steel wings and stepped forward, sitting down behind a table.

The black curtain covering the entire carriage dissipated, and the seats were filled with audience in an instant.It's just that the audience are all puppets, their faces are painted with bright white paint, and their facial features are lifeless and filled with a deep sense of terror.

"Sir, which drama do you want to watch?"

A puppet waiter walked to Luke's side with a tray. Inside the tray were a few pieces of wood with the repertoire written on them.

Luke flipped through the chips at random.

"The Secret Room of Cobb Toast", "Scream", "Rabbit's Foot", "Eyes at the Bottom of the River"...

You can't tell from the name of the play, but these are homicides a hundred years ago, and they have not been solved so far.

The third apostle Belga is a deep suspense reasoning enthusiast. His hobby is to assist the Public Security Department in investigating cases as a private detective. The more difficult a case is to solve, the more interested he is.

After transforming into an abyssal apostle, Belga created a secret technique with its own plot killing according to his hobbies.

The puppet show in black and white tones is a secret technique that even the players have not found a loophole.As long as the puppet show starts, the player can only follow the plot, and choose one of the many options on the stage according to the clues to promote the plot.

If the player cannot find the murderer in time, once they encounter the murderer, they will die.But because even Belgar doesn't know who the murderer is, these puppet shows have no correct answers.Unless the player's strength is strong enough to break through the secret technique forcefully, he can just wait for the resurrection.

Kestrel disappeared because she ran around after coming in, and was caught by the secret technique and went backstage to prepare to act on stage.

Luke sat in the auditorium and acted as the audience watching the puppet show.

Now the door leading to the locomotive is closed, and the stage of the puppet show has not appeared, which means that the puppet show has not yet started.But as long as Luke chooses the play, the puppet show starts immediately.Luke, who was not caught on the stage, still had a chance to escape the secret technique, but Boiling and Kestrel would surely die.

There are real audiences in the stands of puppet shows, so puppet shows cannot be performed randomly.

Luke threw the wood chips into the tray: "Is there any troupe that neglects the audience like this? This kind of show is very long, shouldn't the audience be served a cup of tea first?"

The puppet waiter was stunned for a moment, and then apologized: "I'm sorry, sir! I'll pour you tea right away."

The puppet waiter turned around and brought the tea set, and poured a cup of hot tea for Luke.Although everything is black and white, you can still see the light smoke rising from the tea.

"Sir, which drama do you want to watch?"

Luke drank his tea and said, ""The Untold Stories of Young Men and Women in the Flower Field""

The puppet waiter was stunned again, and said, "I'm sorry, sir! You can only choose the plays we have."

"Oh, I can only choose the plays you have?" Luke flipped through the wood chips again: "Is there any scene with a simpler scene, preferably with one bed in one room, and the plot should not be so complicated. The characters should not be too many. Individuals are fine.

any recommended? "

The puppet waiter was almost shut down by Luke's request, and it replied: "I'm sorry, sir! There is no play that meets your requirements in our repertoire. Please choose a play from it, and we will perform it for you right away."

Luke suddenly realized: "Just pick a play?"

"Yes, sir!"

"I don't know anything about these plays." Luke said with a smile: "You tell me the general content of these plays, and I'll hear which plays are interesting."


To deal with puppet shows in black and white tones, the players concluded that the method is to occupy the seats of the audience and prevent the puppet show from starting.Maintaining the secret technique consumes energy continuously, as long as it is delayed for a long time, the third apostle will not be able to withstand it and jump out.

And procrastination also requires strategy. You can't make unreasonable demands, and you can't stop have to keep rubbing your hands, wandering on the edge of the rules of the secret technique, or not going any further.

As long as it is infinitely close to the triggering conditions of the secret technique, Belgar, as the creator of the secret technique, cannot change the rules of the secret technique.

All he can do is wait or wait.

Luke got stuck in the start-up bug of the secret technique, and used the rich experience of the old drivers of the players. As long as Belga doesn't jump out, he will definitely run out of energy and burn out.

Of course... after finally catching Belgar, it would be bad if he ran away.

I don't know how long it will take the sandpaper to deal with the abyss mage next door.

According to Luke's request, the puppet waiter gave a brief description of the plot of each play.

"Sir, which drama do you want to watch?"

Luke said: "I want to watch them all! But I am very dissatisfied with your plot arrangements. Can your troupe adapt these plays once, combine and reorganize the plots, advance multiple cases together, and kill more people? The bloody part will fill up the suspense. By the way! It can’t all be the suspense of solving the case, can you add some love elements and comedy elements?”

"Huh? Romance elements and comedy elements!"

"Yes, there is no drama without love. Add more kissing scenes and sex scenes to make sure it looks good. Then find two clowns to perform funny scenes on the side, and the comedy effect will come out."

The puppeteer shook his head, obviously stunned by Luke.

"Sir, our play has been rehearsed and cannot be adapted temporarily. Which play do you want to watch?"

"It's been rehearsed...well, I won't adapt it this time, but I have requirements for the actors. I'm a feminist, and I ask the actors to be equally male and female. Isn't this too much to ask?"


Luke tortured the puppet waiter with the dialogue strategy on the mobile phone, and also tortured the third apostle Belga who was hiding behind the scenes.He never expected that there would be such a big omission in this secret technique that he had spent a hundred years carefully writing scripts, rehearsing and creating.

But since this secret technique was created, even the first apostle Victor dared not try to enter it.Who is this man?How could it be possible that the first time I saw this secret technique, I would be stuck and unable to activate the secret technique!

Belga couldn't help thinking of those dead apostles.

Their secret techniques were easily deciphered by the elf Qingkong, and then they died unexpectedly.Could it be that Qingkong told this person the way to crack the black-and-white puppet show? How did Qingkong know?How did she know how to crack it?

There are traitors in the Abyss Temple!
Which of the two of them is a traitor, and how does the traitor know the way to crack the secret technique.

Even I don't know!

Belga, who was hiding, became more and more flustered, but he had already integrated himself into the secret technique.Unless I take the initiative to release the secret technique, I can't do anything.

Belga looked at Luke in the auditorium through a barrier from behind the scenes. He still didn't know that this person was Meteor, nor did he know that this person was Luke who had been to the Holy Mountain.The fear of the elf clear sky put him under extremely strong psychological pressure, and he had an intuition to warn himself.

run away!run away!It's too late to die!
But if you don't kill Agatha and Meteor, you can't complete the mission of the Celtic Duke. If you escape back to the Holy Mountain in such a mess, can you still be tolerated by the Abyss Temple?

Four apostles of the abyss died, and the first apostle Victor left. The temple of the abyss is no longer the temple of the abyss.

Belgar maintained the preparations for the secret technique, and was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle in his heart.

Time was wasted by him every minute and every second.

Suddenly, the connecting door to the compartment at the other end of the auditorium opened, and a girl with a pink ponytail flew in.

Sandpaper rushed into the carriage, saw everything in front of him turn black and white, and stopped immediately.Her eyes flicked across the carriage, and then she saw Luke sitting there drinking tea.

A puppet body swayed unnaturally and stood beside Luke.

"Governor, what's the situation here?" Sandpaper didn't see the Kestrel, and asked anxiously, "Has the Kestrel entered the front cab?"

Luke didn't look back, and said to the puppet waiter: "Please wait a moment, I have a small request, I hope your troupe can meet it. My friend is here, maybe she can give me a suggestion."

The puppet waiter said: "Please make a decision as soon as possible."

"I'll make a decision right away." Luke turned to look at the sandpaper, there was no injury on his body: "Good job! Can you contact Kestrel?"

Sandpaper closed her eyes and tried her best to increase her perception: "I can sense Kestrel, she is in a bad condition, she seems to be restrained by some kind of restriction, and she can't move, the same goes for boiling.

How do we save them both. "

"Immediately, immediately!" Luke first appeased the impatient puppet waiter, the secret technique has reached the critical point of activation.Luke took the time to say to the sandpaper: "Let the Kestrel say the secret phrase 'Please give me a song time'"

(End of this chapter)

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