Age of Arcane

Chapter 487

With the sound of war drums and the fluttering of banners, the barbarian cavalry lined up on the edge of the ancestors' grassland, forming a line of cavalry that was one kilometer long and ten meters thick.In the sky, the letter eagle croaked and shuttled back and forth, delivering the orders of the Moonlight Queen to every cavalry team.

The shamans painted sacrificial makeup, wore costumes of animal bones and bird feathers, performed sacrificial dances in front of the cavalry queue, and sprinkled blessings on the warriors.

The yellow sand on the Gobi in the distance is all over the sky, and a sandstorm is rolling towards this side.In the sand and dust, you can see the knights of clay figurines running. They are numerous and boundless, pressing up like a tide.

In contrast, the "dam" formed by the barbarian cavalry is slightly weak.

But the barbarian cavalry did not flinch, they received the blessing of the shaman, the power they received from their ancestors.The orcs roared loudly, and their voices possessed magical powers, which could make those who heard them gain infinite fighting spirit, feel no pain, only unyielding fighting spirit.

The wind and sand are blowing, and the red scarf is flying.

The battle is imminent!

The terracotta cavalry raised dust soaring into the sky as they galloped. Like undead, they are fearless of life and death. Only disaster gives them the only will... rush to the World Tree and clear away all obstacles!
The yellow sand diffuses into the grassland, and the warhorses of the clay figurines are faster after setting foot on the solid land.Facing the barbarian army blocking the front, all the sand warrior cavalry raised their swords made of gravel together.The army made of sand did not shout, only the thunderous galloping of countless horseshoes.

The barbarian cavalry charged towards the sand figurine cavalry. They brandished all kinds of weapons and made cheers in their mouths.The war horse first trotted to accelerate, and soon reached the fastest speed.

Due to the uneven speed of the horses and the lack of training of the barbarian cavalry, the originally straight cavalry line became uneven.But in the army composed of all relying on faith, none of the soldiers flinched. They charged at full speed against the unknown number of enemies.

At this time, the ground also churned, and roots like giant pythons emerged from the ground.The roots rose and fell and charged with the barbarian cavalry. When they rushed in front of the terracotta cavalry, the roots swept across, smashing a piece of terracotta cavalry into sand in an instant.

The barbarian cavalry immediately collided with the cavalry of the terracotta warriors, sending dust flying up.

The first World Tree defense battle officially started.

In the sky, Victor, who was personally supervising the battle, turned into a crow and hovered over the battlefield.

The barbarian cavalry is very brave, and the grassland elves and orcs are the best among them. The terracotta cavalry has no power to fight back when they are killed in front of them. Among them, the heroic warriors can even turn on the mowing mode.However, there were too many terracotta cavalry, and their successive attacks caused the barbarian cavalry to suffer constant casualties.

The corpses of the barbarian warriors were buried in the yellow sand scattered by the terracotta cavalry, and new corpses fell on it.The originally flat grass turned into ever-increasing sand dunes, and then turned into a city wall piled up with gravel.

The roots undulate in the sand, like sandworms living in the depths of the desert.

It's just that such an army was not enough to stop the attack of the sand warrior cavalry, and the barbarian cavalry couldn't bear the casualties and finally began to retreat.The follow-up sand warrior cavalry crossed the sand wall left by the war and continued to charge towards the World Tree.

Next, the barbarian cavalry organized several interceptions, but they were all rushed away again and again by the terra cotta cavalry relying on their numbers.

Victor oversees the entire battle.

The performance of the barbarian cavalry was as he expected, even worse.They have courage but no decent organization. Rather than saying that they are an army, it is more appropriate to say that they are a group of nomads gathered.

Victor has seen what a modern army looks like, not to mention the elite northern army of the empire, even if he called in the barbarian army, these barbarians would have been defeated long ago.

The terracotta cavalry marched forward triumphantly, and their scale shrank rapidly under the continuous interception of the barbarian army.

At this time, the noble army of the western region had joined the remaining half of the sand warrior cavalry.Is it to attack Sunshine City first to replenish a batch of abyssal creatures?Or follow the passage made by the first batch of terracotta cavalry, and attack the Moonlight King's Court in one go?
Victor didn't hesitate much.

Earl Ould cannot be refined into a mysterious item, and the secret summoning of abyssal creatures will be greatly reduced. Attacking Sunshine City will delay precious opportunities.

Now that the dragon and the fallen angels have arrived at their respective positions, it is time to wait for the flames of war to spread into the Moonlight Royal Court, and let the elf Qingkong put all her troops on the battlefield.

Thinking of the meteor in Crescent Oasis, Victor felt that he had no time to lose.

Therefore, as the commander-in-chief of the disaster-destroying army, Victor issued an order, and the sand warrior cavalry and the noble army of the western region formed the second wave of attack groups and charged towards the grasslands of the ancestors.Enter the battlefield as soon as possible, gather the first batch of remnants of the terracotta cavalry, and launch a general attack on the Moonlight Royal Court!

In the desert, the terracotta cavalry and the noble army of the Western Region moved towards the Moonlight Royal Court.

Luke, who had known the location of the Disaster Army for a long time, grasped the movement of this army immediately.One after another, the letter eagles traveled between the desert and Sunshine City, constantly reporting the location of the main force of the disaster army to Luke who was in Sunshine City.

"The main force of the disaster destroying army entered the grassland of the ancestors! The forward of the disaster destroying army attacked the Moonlight King's Court!"

When the news arrived, Luke, who was waiting for the news with Earl Uld, breathed a sigh of relief.So far, the mobilization of the Disaster Army has been planned and laid out, and it's time to close the door and beat the dogs.

Luke said to Earl Ould, who never left his armor these days: "It's time for the Sunshine Oasis to appear."

Earl Ould has been recuperating and his body has almost recovered.He stood up, the armor clanging and clanging: "Follow the order, Mr. Shoufu."

Luke changed into the clothes of the chief minister of the empire, and made a public appearance in the Sunshine Manor.

Earl Ould summoned his retainers and announced: The Sunshine Oasis was handed over to the Imperial Chief Minister Meteorite, and everyone unconditionally accepted the command of the Imperial Chief Assistant.

Luke issued a notice for the inspection of the Western Territory of the Empire's chief assistant.

In view of the fact that some western nobles joined the rebellion, they seriously violated their oath of allegiance to the empire.As the chief assistant of the Golden Shield Empire, I am authorized by the Queen of the Empire to deprive the seventeen nobles of the Western Region headed by Wordsworth and Cleveland of all honors, confiscate their noble titles and territories, and arrest the main personnel.

Order the Lord of the Sun, Earl Uld, to serve as the interim governor of the Western Territory to suppress the rebellion, and lead his troops to quell the rebellion from now on.Other noble leaders must obey Earl Ould's call and not be tricked by the rebels into joining the rebellion.

Immediately after the release of the Shoufu's inspection notice in the Western Territory, it was signed and printed by Meteor Shoufu, and sent to all the nobles in the Western Territory with a letter eagle.

At this time, the attack on the ancestors grassland has already caused an uproar in the western region.Some nobles had already heard the news, so they closed their doors and waited for the development of the incident; while most of the nobles were ignorant, and didn't even figure out who was attacking the grassland of the ancestors.

The announcement made by Meteor, the new chief minister of the empire, in Sunshine City caused a huge earthquake in the western region.

Depriving seventeen nobles of their titles and territories at one time puts all the nobles in the western region at risk.

And isn't Meteor Shoufu in New Moon City? Why did he suddenly appear in Sunshine City?

Victor, who joined the main force of the disaster, also received the notice from the meteorite immediately, and then he was surrounded by the seventeen nobles and subordinates.

"Victor, how should this be explained?" A nobleman waved the paper in his hand: "You said that the meteor is in New Moon City, and our actions will make him unable to react. Now he not only reacted, but also It's in Sunshine City."

Another noble said: "And we have brought out most of the territory's military strength for this war. If Earl Ould attacks our territory, the territory will have no resistance at all."

"Victor, we must respond immediately. The Terracotta Army does not need supplies, but our army does. Once we lose our territory, we will all die in the desert."

Victor was surprised by the news that Meteor appeared in Sunshine City. It seemed that the person in New Moon Oasis was just a substitute, and he had already sneaked into the West Territory secretly.

Victor comforted the nobles: "Everyone, we all gathered together at the call of Lord Calamity. You have gained power from Lord Calamity and inherited his will. Destroy the World Tree, and the Western Territory can be restored to its original state." The old look.

Moreover, your territory was left by your ancestors and has nothing to do with the empire. Even Emperor Augustine is not qualified to deprive you of your titles and property.

Don't let an announcement from Meteor disturb your hearts. "

"We are all loyal to Lord Disaster Mie, and we devoted all we have to create this army of sand figurines for Lord Disaster Mie. But if our territory is invaded, what is the point of all we do?"

Victor said to the nobles: "I understand your feelings, and I already have a solution."

"any solution?"

"Meteor's public appearance in Sunshine City certainly exceeded our expectations, but he also put himself to death. Now you immediately take your army back and march towards Sunshine Oasis, and bloodbath Sunshine City according to our previous plan. Give Meteor a chance to further plot.

The abyss mage I left behind in Sunshine City will cooperate with you in performing the secret summoning technique and help you carve up the Sunshine Oasis.

I hope you can kill Meteor, which has a longer-term significance than destroying the World Tree. "

Victor's countermeasures made the nobles smile.

Meteor made Earl Ould the interim governor of the Western Territory, which actually gave these nobles an excuse to carve up the Sunshine Oasis.

However, a nobleman asked: "We left with the army, can only the sand figurines break through the Moonlight King's Court?"

Victor smiled and said: "We don't need to break through the Moonlight King's Court, we just need to contain the Moonlight King's Army. Now the first batch of sand warrior cavalry has entered the Moonlight King's Court, and I take the remaining sand warriors The cavalry rushed, enough to achieve the previous strategic vision.

Destroy the world tree, and our allies are responsible.That's a group of fallen angels, and..."

Victor really wants to tell the nobles that the dragon is also on our side.

But he knew that this kind of military secret must be restrained from letting too many people know.

Soon, the nobles turned around with their army and rushed towards the Sunshine Oasis.

Watching off the noble army, Victor looked in the direction of the Moonlight Royal Court, his smile gradually froze.

I changed my battle plan again and again, there were no abyssal creatures, and now there was no army of nobles in the western region, only the terracotta cavalry who had no intelligence and only knew how to charge blindly.

The vanguard of the terracotta cavalry had already entered the Moonlight King's Court. Looking back on the whole process...was it a bit too smooth.

Victor didn't know if the alertness in his heart was the anxiety of being about to succeed, or if he was really caught in a conspiracy.

Are fallen angels unbelievable?Or are the dragons untrustworthy?

None of them are credible, only the same interests are credible.

The fallen angels came to destroy the World Tree, and because the giant dragon was behind the angels and the Shuojin people in a certain matter, destroying the World Tree was beneficial to them.

Is there a problem?

Where is the problem?
Or maybe this is just my own wild thinking, the sudden appearance of Meteor in Sunshine City, which aggravated my worries and delusions of being persecuted.

Victor couldn't figure it out.

But now I have no retreat to speak of, and it is impossible to make this plan to destroy the World Tree fall short because of this concern.

Withdraw at this time, fallen angels, dragons, and disasters will not let themselves go.

Only forward, no matter what is ahead, is the result of my choice.

Victor, who is alone, has no one to talk to, and no one to give him advice. He can only enlighten himself.

He re-inspired his struggle, anyway, he had nothing to lose, and only by fighting hard, could he have a chance to embark on the divine path.

Victor turned into a black shadow, then gathered into a crow and flew into the sky.

The grassland below has been covered with yellow sand, and the battlefield has formed spectacular sand barriers and dunes.Without the encumbrance of the aristocratic army in the western region, the sand warrior cavalry accelerated and rushed towards the Moonlight Royal Court.

Moonlight Court.

The fallen angels hid their aura, flew in extremely high airspace, and quietly approached the World Tree.

Around the World Tree, the Moonlight King's Army represented by red is struggling to fight against the terracotta cavalry gathered in yellow sand.Moonlight knights, barbarian warriors, and tree men surrounded the outer circle of Moon Mountain, forming a solid city wall. Even though the tide of cavalry cavalry was repeatedly impacted, the "city wall" still stood firm.

The originally limitless terracotta cavalry experienced continuous consumption, and the thickness was no longer so terrifying.If the fight continues, these sand warrior cavalry will be wiped out sooner or later.

And the pressure created by this batch of terracotta warriors on the Moonlight Royal Court was not enough for the Moonlight Queen to put all her troops on the front line. At least there was still a complete army on the Moon Mountain.

Garland saw many ancient treants on Moon Mountain. They were extraordinary species with the strength to fight against the fallen angels.

Now that there is a giant dragon as an internal response, Garland thinks that the fallen angels don't need to rush to attack.

When the follow-up army arrives, mobilize all the ancient treants.

Attacking at that time can minimize your own losses.

Garland led the fallen angels to watch the battle between two low-level creatures on the ground in the air, which looked like two ant colonies fighting.

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