Age of Arcane

Chapter 490 Pingxi Realm

On the battlefield of the Moonlight King's Court, as the barbarian warriors launched a countercharge, the war ended quickly.When the last terracotta cavalry was cut into a piece of loose sand, cheers resounded from the entire grassland and sea of ​​flowers.

The warriors roared and waved their weapons, expressing their excitement of victory.

The world tree stopped growing, and it shook the leaves and made a sound like a wind chime.The gravel left over from the battle was absorbed into the soil, and the flower elf continued to fly into the distance.

The battle in the air is also over.Unfortunately, due to the sudden growth of the World Tree, the crown of the tree rushed into the battlefield, causing a loophole in the siege of the fallen angels. Garland took advantage of the chaos to escape with two fallen angels.In this battle, twelve fallen angels died and fell above the Moonlight Royal Court, which undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the small number of fallen angels.

The angels and the Shuojin people did not hunt down the escaped fallen angels, they were more concerned about the sudden changes in the World Tree.Even in the eyes of angels, the mortal enemy, the fallen angel, has to give way to the artifact.

Under the World Tree, Moon Lake returned to calm.From here, the world tree does not seem to have grown up, and the trunk still occupies such a large lake.

The rays of light here are so holy that people dare not have the slightest blasphemy.

Angels, glittering men, and dragons fell on the lake.

The clear sky is already waiting here.

Archangel Gould, Elder Tong of Sparkling Gold, and King Tai Lun of Golden Dragon walked in front of Qingkong.

Gold took the lead in saluting to the clear sky, and said: "Your Majesty the Queen, the angels, the shimmering gold people, and the giant dragon have fulfilled our agreement with you and prevented the destruction of the World Tree by the fallen angels. I also congratulate the Moonlight Court for blocking the disaster." We are in awe of the bravery shown by your fighters in this attack that has been destroyed."

Qingkong saluted Gold back: "Thank you to the angels, the Shuojin people and the giant dragons. Especially the giant dragons, at the most critical moment, you chose to protect the treasures of this world, and did not let the tragedy happen again."

King Tai Lun, the golden dragon, nodded and said, "The dragon is sincerely here to protect the World Tree. Now that the war is over, we will return to Saint Lun City soon, where there are more important things waiting for us."

Archangel Gord and Elder Tong of Shuojin looked at the golden dragon King Tai Lun very puzzled when they heard that the dragon was leaving the Moonlight Court.

The dragons must know that the World Tree can be promoted to an artifact, but why don't they stay in the Moonlight King's Court to snatch the World Tree?
Thinking of the sudden arrival of an angel in Shenglun City, Gold and Elder Tong had different thoughts.

Qingkong guessed that the Golden Dragon King Tailun should already know that Dragon Soul Banat is involved in the promotion of the World Tree's artifact, so he is unwilling to enter the muddy water here at the Moonlight King's Court.Instead of being put on by the angels and the shimmering gold people, it's better to wait in the city of St. Lun honestly and see what the angels are doing.

Qingkong did not keep the dragon: "Moonlight blesses the dragons! I will ask my subjects to prepare gifts and send them to the dragon's lair in Shenglun City to thank the dragons for their help to the Moonlight Court."

The Shuojin Elder Tong couldn't wait to ask Qing Kong: "Your Majesty! Can we know why the World Tree suddenly grew suddenly? If it wasn't for the impact of this sudden growth, we would never let Garland escape.

The appearance of the fallen angels this time is a major hidden danger to the stability of the world for thousands of years. "

"Elder Tong, please forgive me for not being able to answer your question." Qing Kong said to everyone: "Before this, I, like you, never knew how the World Tree grew. It may be that this war has had an impact on the World Tree. Irritation, or for other reasons.

Everyone should be very interested in the sudden growth of the World Tree. As a scholar, I also want to know the reason.Why don't we set up a research group together and take this world tree storm growth as a research topic. "

Now that the world tree has awakened divinity and the artifact is in his own hands, Qingkong doesn't mind doing useful research on the world tree under his supervision.

Hearing Qingkong's suggestion, both Angel and Shimmering Gold were very happy.

Although they established the Holy Church and the World Bank branch in the Moonlight Royal Court, their research on the World Tree was carried out secretly.Now the Queen of the Sky has invited to jointly set up a research group. Isn't this letting the weasel look at the chicken coop?
Many private activities can be put into this subject for public research.

Archangel Gold and Elder Tong both expressed their support for the establishment of this research group.

Qingkong is here to reward all parties involved in defending the World Tree, and Luke has a general understanding of the function of the artifact tree buds.

To put it simply, the artifact tree bud is a trigger of the World Tree language. Although it cannot directly use the World Tree language to cast related divine arts, it can perfectly activate the subject of the secret art without a secondary word.

The artifact is indeed an artifact, and when it was still such a small thing, its power has surpassed that of a "brick".

At the same time, the artifact tree bud can also summon treants and cast some very effective recovery spells, which is simply a perfect support.

Luke resolutely forgot his dislike for the tree buds before, and happily assumed the responsibility of taking care of the little things.

Leaving the finishing work of Moonlight King's Court to Qingkong, Luke returned to Sunshine City with the artifact tree bud.

The war is still going on here.

After losing the internal support of the Abyss Temple, the coalition forces of the nobles in the western region had no way to deal with the Sun Yao led army, which was relying on the strong city to fight.Everyone is mixed in the western region, and they all know each other's details, so it's a stalemate of exhaustion.

It's just that the army led by Sunshine is fighting at home, with convenient supplies and strong morale.

However, the coalition forces of the nobles in the western region came all the way from the grasslands of the ancestors.Once the war is delayed, the quality of supplies and fatigue will seriously reduce the morale of the army.

Coupled with the news that the Moonlight Royal Court has not destroyed the World Tree for a long time, the hearts of the entire coalition of nobles in the western region have become even more trembling.If it weren't for the nobles who led the army to surrender to the catastrophe, the coalition without cohesion would have collapsed on its own.

The war has caused great damage to the entire Sunshine Oasis, but the Sunshine Army guarding their homeland firmly believes that victory must be on their side.

In fact, when Luke returned to Sunshine City, the victory had already been tilted to the side of Sunshine.

Even in the central lake castle of Sunshine Manor, Earl Uld and his officers are making a battle plan to capture these noble territories.

Earl Ould immediately went to greet him when he heard that the chief assistant of Meteor was coming.After inviting Luke into the war room, Earl Ould first asked: "Master Chief Assistant, what is the current situation at the Moonlight Court?"

The officers who lead the army on Sunday also stared at Luke together.

They knew very well that the battle at Sunshine Oasis was just an auxiliary battlefield in the battle to defend the Moonlight Royal Court, and the outcome here ultimately depended on the outcome of the main battlefield.No matter how beautifully they played here, it didn't really have much impact on the situation of the battle.

Those barbarian officers looked at Luke even more eagerly.If it weren't for their duty to protect the Sunshine Oasis, they would rather be fighting to defend the Moonlight Royal Court.

Luke, who sat at the head, asked Earl Ould and the officers to sit down.

"I am here this time to bring you the latest news from the Moonlight Royal Court. Under the leadership of Her Majesty the Moonlight Queen, and with the support of the barbarians and allies in the entire Western Region, we have won a complete victory in this World Tree defense battle.

All the terracotta monsters that attacked the Moonlight Royal Court were wiped out, and most of the fallen angels were wiped out. Only three fallen angels managed to escape.

Her Majesty the Queen entrusted me to express my sincere thanks to Earl Ould and Sunshine Oasis. It was you who held back a powerful enemy army for the Moonlight Court, and played a vital role in this victory! "

Earl Ould and his officers were very happy to hear that the Moonlight Court had won. All the barbarian officers stood up and paid respect to the Moonlight Queen in the direction of the Moonlight Court.

When the upsurge in the venue subsided a little, Luke asked Earl Ould: "Is there any pressure on the Sunshine Lord to eliminate the rebels outside? As the chief assistant of the empire, I don't want to ask the foreign troops of the Moonlight King's Court to assist in peace." rebellion, but if necessary, the Moonlight Royal Court can quickly organize an army into the military sequence of the Sunshine Territory."

Earl Ould considered his battle plan, and replied to Luke: "As long as the news of the Moonlight Court's victory comes, the other nobles who are watching in the western region will know that they are on the side of the victor. The rebels will soon be able to win." To be wiped out, there is no need for foreign troops from the Moonlight Royal Court to enter the arena.

It's just that the territories of these should they be distributed? "

These are seventeen aristocratic territories, all of which have become ownerless land.If there is a problem with the distribution, the balance among the nobles in the western region will be broken, and the entire western region will fall into a long period of open and secret struggles.

Earl Ould, of course, wanted to get more based on his loyalty and merit.

Luke didn't say how the aristocratic territories would be distributed, but said to Earl Ould: "The Western Territory cannot stay on the edge of the Empire's rule for a long time. This is not good for the stability of the Empire, nor is it conducive to the future development of the Western Territory."

Earl Ould asked puzzledly: "How can the western region get rid of the status quo?"

Luke still didn't answer directly, but said: "The main reason why Calamity was able to form such a large-scale army in the western region almost silently is that most of the nobles in the western region are dissatisfied with the Moonlight Royal Court, so they just Will be invaded by catastrophe, turning dissatisfaction into hatred.

Dissatisfaction and hatred cannot be eliminated, but nobles with armies and territories can do much more than ordinary people. "

Earl Ould had a bad premonition, and he asked tentatively: "Master Chief Assistant wants to get rid of all the nobles of the Western Region who are dissatisfied with the Moonlight Royal Court?"

Luke smiled and said: "I don't know who is dissatisfied with the Moonlight Court, but I just don't want to use these nobles to quickly pose a threat to the Moonlight Court, and at the same time affect the stability of the western region."

Earl Ould already knew what the chief minister wanted to do, and he said in embarrassment: "But the land was left to us by our ancestors!"

Luke finally stated his purpose: "I'm not trying to take away your territory. As long as you don't betray the empire, your property is sacred and inviolable. I just want to promote a model of joint management between the empire and the lord in the western region... The lord owns Ownership of the land, the empire has the right to administer the land."

This still made it difficult for Earl Ould to accept: "Master Chief Assistant, this is tantamount to taking our territory in a different direction."

Luke said with a strong attitude: "Count Ould, do you think that after this incident, the empire will allow the nobles of the western region to keep their troops? The Moonlight Court will allow the nobles of the western region to assist the disaster and prepare for the second attack on the world." Tree attack?
At this time, a powerful barbarian army was ready to go in the Moonlight Royal Court. They had enough reasons to attack all the nobles in the western region, and the western region would not receive any support from the empire.

Only by voluntarily handing over the army and handing over the territory into the unified administrative system of the empire, can the nobles of the western region retain their dignity and continue to live a prosperous life relying on their ancestors! "

Luke's words made Earl Uld tremble unconsciously.

He originally thought that with the success of standing in the team this time, he could get a few fertile oases, so that the Ould family could embrace the thigh of the empire's chief minister and become more prosperous.

But he never expected that Mr. Shoufu has such a good appetite this time, that he will swallow the entire Western Territory in one gulp.

Stop Meteor from encroaching on the Western Territory this time?

What to stop?
The principle of the nobles of the western region to advance and retreat together has existed in name only after Meteor came to the western region last time, and it is even gone this time.

Some nobles in the Western Region were listed as rebels and deprived of their territories and honors;

The Moonlight King's Court is now in a state of great victory, and a large army is gathering. If they suddenly send troops to attack the western border.

In the situation where the empire doesn't care, who can stop it?Who will stop it?

The Western Territory is really finished this time!
Earl Ould suddenly felt like a deflated ball, and he was in a good mood in an instant.

Luke knew that the effect of his big stick was good, and it was time to give the sweet date.

"Of course, as the chief minister of the empire, I can see the loyalty of the Ould family to the empire. If you, Earl, propose that the seventeen ownerless noble territories in the western region belong to the empire and hand over the military power of the territories and executive power, I can recommend you as the first governor of the western region.

If the Western Territory is stable and prosperous under your governance, the empire can issue a decree to allow the Western Territory to appoint and dismiss the Governor on its own in the future. "

Earl Ould, who was still disheartened just now, suddenly had bright eyes.

Governor of the West!

Although the Governor of the Western Territory may be a mascot character that has been emptied after handing over military power and land administration power, he is nominally the "King of the Western Territory", and it may be hereditary.

Now facing the double pressure from the Moonlight Royal Court and the Empire, the nobles of the western region who are already in a state of disunity are the leaves after autumn, and there is no big storm to turn over.

Since nothing can be changed, it is better to be the first bird again and grab this glory for future generations.As for infamy, I, Earl Uld, still care about infamy?
Earl Ould immediately said: "My lord, I know how much trouble the Western Region has caused to the Empire, and it has caused headaches for all the emperors of the Empire. Now that I have the opportunity to fully integrate the Western Region into the Empire, I, as one of the nobles of the Western Region , has the responsibility to lead the Western Territory into the open arms of the empire.

No matter what Master Shoufu wants to do, the Ould family and the Sun Yaoling will fully support it! "

Luke said with a relieved smile: "Put down the rebels first, and I will write a memorial now, requesting Her Royal Highness the Queen of the Supervisory Kingdom to appoint a governor of the Western Territory in the Western Territory.

You just need to prepare the Governor's Mansion in the Western Territory. "

"Yes, Master Chief Assistant!"

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