Age of Arcane

Chapter 494 The Battle of the Century

Chapter 494 The Battle of the Century
After the second prince Alec held a secret meeting with the empire's chief assistant Meteor, he immediately announced his resignation as the head of the Western Territory Legion, and handed over the command of the legion and the jurisdiction of the New Moon Oasis to the empire.

Luke took over the government affairs of the New Moon Oasis, and announced that the Western Territory Legion would be reorganized into the Imperial Royal Second Magical Legion, and he would act as the head of the legion temporarily.Then Luke selected a group of officers from the legion and sent them to Rage City to participate in the development and manufacture of magical weapons.

The original government affairs and official system of Crescent Oasis were preserved, but all those cronies of Alec were eliminated, and some idle time was arranged for them, which was their reward for following Alec.

As for the second prince Alec, after handing over his power, he stayed behind closed doors, waiting to return to the imperial capital by the first auxiliary train.

Therefore, there were no twists and turns in the handover of the entire New Moon Oasis and the transition of the legion. Everyone acquiesced to this result, but they all guessed in their hearts what the meteorite and Alec had talked about, so that the prince who was obsessed with the throne cooperated so much.

Luke didn't stay in the New Moon Oasis for too long. Counting the round trip, he had already spent about three months on the affairs of the western region.

Autumn is here and another winter is coming.

Now the conditions for electing Empress Christina to be the emperor of the empire are ripe. Since the new emperor is enthroned, it is better for the territory of the empire to be more complete.I don't know how far the negotiations between Agatha and Art County United have progressed. The empire needs a big victory to push the country into the next era.

And Leo.

Luke didn't have much energy to take care of Leo's affairs, and Pan also hid and pushed back the ceremony of establishing the kingdom, so Luke decided to let this matter go.

But he didn't expect Pan to stretch his hand so far.

When the abyss mage lurking in Sunshine City was cleared, the demon hunters discovered something related to Leo.After interrogation and further information collection, it was proved that Victor received a large amount of funding from Leo, not only with funds and equipment, but also a team of watchers participated in the plan to attack World Tree.

If coupled with the support of the Tedgar Hills, Pan really felt that he died too slowly!

Therefore, after everything stabilized in the New Moon Oasis, Luke handed over the remaining work to Yomington and the chief assistant staff, and took the second prince Alec on the special train to return.

A cold air from the polar ice field swept across the entire northern part of the empire. A thin layer of snow fell on the city of Shenglun, and the temperature dropped a lot.

At the Shenglun City Railway Station, Princess Agatha and her entourage are waiting on the exclusive platform.She didn't hide in the warm waiting room because of the cold wind and waited. She let the wind bring snowflakes down on her shoulders and looked up to the direction of the railway track going west.

When she heard a series of sirens coming from the west, Agatha couldn't help smiling.

The train came from a distance, and the steam from the jets pulled out a long-lasting white mist.It rushed into the station with a long train, and then slowly stopped in front of Agatha.

The carriage door opened, and Luke walked out first.

"His Royal Highness!" Luke saluted Agatha and said, "When I left, the imperial capital was still very hot. I didn't expect it to be so cold and snowed when I came back."

Agatha asked her entourage to put the windbreaker they brought on Luke, and said: "The weather is always unpredictable, just like you are also unpredictable. When you left, you were talking about solving the troubles of World Tree , and finally solved the stubborn disease of the empire...

Earl Ould, welcome to the city of St. Lun. On behalf of the Augustine family, I welcome the visit of family friends. "

Seeing Earl Ould stepping out of the train, Agatha immediately recovered her manners and saluted the earl.

Earl Ould saluted Agatha: "Good day, Your Royal Highness! The chief assistant of the meteorite is the precious wealth of the empire. I believe that with his assistance, the empire will surely reach a new peak."

"Yes, the chief assistant of the meteorite is a precious treasure of the empire, and he is also someone I cherish."

Earl Ould noticed that Agatha looked at Meteor with special eyes, so he smiled and said, "Bless you two!"

Agatha smiled and said, "Thank you!"

Then the second prince Alec got off the train.

His complexion is very bad.

He once thought about how he would return to Shenglun City, whether it would be the return of the new king, or be reduced to a prisoner, but he never thought it would be this way.

All in my heart is the aggrieved feeling that the enthusiasm has not been fully realized.

The information that Agatha has sent back from the Bureau of Secret Intelligence knows that Alec has handed over the military power, which is tantamount to giving up the fight for the throne.Although I don't know the specific details yet, seeing Alec means that the long-term battle for the throne of the empire is finally settled.

Agatha saluted Alec, instead of using an honorific title, she said, "Brother, welcome back!"

Alec didn't give Agatha a good face: "Fania and I have been fighting openly and secretly for the throne for so long, but I didn't expect you to be the ones who benefit in the end. Fania lost his life, but I lost everything...

If you lose, you lose, there is nothing to say.When I go home, whenever I need to say something, just send someone to notify me. "

After Alec finished speaking, he took his entourage and left directly.

Agatha asked Luke curiously, "What did you talk to him about?"

"Let's talk about it when we go to the palace to meet Her Majesty the Queen." Luke looked at both sides, and the accompanying personnel had already got off the car, and then said to Agatha: "We don't want to stay here, it will delay the normal operation of the train station. Send it off first. Earl Ould goes to the residence, and we will go to the palace together."

"Okay!" Agatha invited Earl Ould: "Master Earl, your residence has been arranged. You and your family will settle down first. Tonight, the palace will hold a banquet to welcome your visit."

Earl Ould saluted and said, "Thank you, Your Royal Highness, Princess!"

After Luke and Agatha sent Earl Ould's family to their residence, they drove into the palace together.

As soon as the door was closed, a private meeting of the three giants of the empire was held.

Luke didn't talk about his trip to the west first, but asked Agatha about the negotiations with the Art County United.

Agatha replied: "Almost as you expected, Yate County United is not very sincere about the truce. It just so happens that we have no idea of ​​​​a truce, otherwise we will be really pissed off by their various demands.

According to the information from Dongdu, the troops mobilized by the Yate County Alliance from all sides have arrived one after another.Just in time for winter again, Yate County United is preparing to launch a new winter offensive. "

Queen Christina said: "I have been watching the training of the Snow Army. Now the Snow Army has sufficient strength, well-trained, and doubled supplies. It should not be too difficult to block the winter offensive of the Art County United."

Luke thought for a while and expressed his thoughts: "Now that the southern and western borders of the empire have gradually stabilized, we can devote more energy to the war in the northern border. If we increase our support for the Snow Army, can we Attack against attack in winter, and take back all the lost territories?"

Agatha and Queen Christina glanced at each other, and then asked: "Didn't your strategy for the Northern Territory War be a protracted war, dragging the Attorney League into the quagmire of the war, and constantly consuming their national power?
Why did you suddenly change tactics? "

Luke replied: "Because I didn't expect such a big change in the western region before, and even solved the problem of Prince Alec's separatism. I want to elect the queen as the queen of the empire on the first anniversary of Her Royal Highness's supervision of the country.

For the queen to ascend the throne, a complete empire map is required. "

Queen Christina was extremely shocked: "So fast?"

Luke said: "It's too soon, but all the conditions happen to come together. The establishment of an administrative office in the western border, which has never been done by emperors of all dynasties; the cabinet changes, the old official system has fallen into a trough; Sinclair and Asia Lectra backed down one after another, just when the opposing voices could not get together.

If you procrastinate, you don't know what unexpected things will happen. "

"But..." Queen Christina still said worriedly: "I am enthroned as queen, I'm afraid I won't be able to suppress those nobles. After all, to them, I am Ruth's benefactor... even though I have Augustine's blood."

Luke said: "There is no need to worry about the nobles. I have already talked with the second prince, His Highness Alec, and he will announce the recognition of your Augustinian blood at the appropriate time, and take the lead in proposing to support your imperial empress."

Agatha and Queen Christina's eyes widened and their mouths widened: "What kind of magic did you use on Alec? You made him agree to this!
How could he agree! "

Luke smiled and said: "It can only be said that you don't know Alec too well. In short, this is an excellent opportunity. Only when the empire has a new emperor can it concentrate on doing great things, instead of endlessly consuming national power and internal friction superior.

Your Majesty, what is your answer? "

Queen Christina replied: "If you think the time has come, I trust your judgment. If I am the queen of the empire, I will never marry for life. After I dedicate my whole life to the empire, the throne will eventually return to the hands of the Augustine family. .”

Queen Christina's answer is not only for Luke, but also for Agatha.

But Agatha said: "You don't need to consider my feelings and choose to be alone for the rest of your life. In my heart, the empire is the empire. It doesn't matter who sits on the throne, or whether it's Augustine or not.

I just want to create and witness a great new era with Meteor, let me burn like a fire in this era, and become a shining star in this history. "

Queen Christina laughed: "It seems that after I ascend the throne, the empire is about to usher in a second happy event."

After discussing some specific procedures for the new emperor's ascension to the throne, the three of them ended the meeting.

On the other hand, Qingkong, who had just returned to the Museum of St. Lun, received an invitation from the Shuojin people to visit the Golden Valley, the headquarters of the World Bank.

Before Qingkong replied, Luke also received an invitation from the Shuojin people, inviting Meteorite, the chief assistant of the Golden Shield Empire, to visit the Golden Valley, the headquarters of the World Bank.

At the same time, Luke received information from Helkin, the winter capital, that the World Bank was secretly meeting with high-level members of the United States Congress in Attorney County.The World Bank may break the rules of non-interference in regional politics and provide a secret war loan to the Attorney League.

Luke realized that the World Bank had sensed early on that the Golden Shield Empire was challenging their financial supremacy.

Of course, the World Bank wouldn't be the World Bank if they didn't see it.

The energy strategy of the Golden Shield Empire cannot be concealed. After all, energy transactions are currently the largest transactions in the world.As soon as the raw fire crystals mined by the Golden Shield Empire in Dragon Kingdom entered the international market, it immediately had a great impact on the entire energy market.

In addition, some areas of the empire have limited the use of gold coupons and silver dollars as pilots, and used preferential policies to encourage the use of Reichsmarks for energy transactions.

Targeting the World Bank in this way, if the World Bank doesn't notice it, the Shuojin man's head will really be caught between the doors.

The World Bank's response was also as Luke had expected.

Gold and energy are not the same track. It is difficult for the World Bank to use its authority on gold to effectively attack the energy market, especially when all countries are actively promoting their own banknotes and their dependence on gold is getting lower and lower.

Then it became a good choice to hide behind and attack the national power of the Golden Shield Empire through a proxy war.

So the Shuojin people found the Art County United.

According to Luke's analysis, the Shuojin people invited him to visit the headquarters of the World Bank this time, because they wanted to threaten the empire to rein in the precipice.If he signed an unequal treaty under pressure, then the World Bank would not need to waste money on Attorney United.

After much consideration, Luke decided to go to the Golden Valley, the headquarters of the World Bank.

Throughout the winter, the empire will regain the lost territory in the north and prepare for the queen's ascension to the throne, so the Attorney Union cannot be allowed to receive funding from the World Bank before then.

In addition, the matter of sound can no longer be delayed.

Pan's troubles in the western region were exposed, and he didn't know what crazy things he would do next.Let's see if I can save Yin when I go to the Golden Valley this time.

He wanted to go to the Golden Valley, and Qingkong also agreed to come down.

Golden Valley is the old lair of the Shuojin people, it must be extremely dangerous to go there, and the value of force must be raised as much as possible.

It just so happened that the preparations for the Blazing Wings on Clear Sky had been completed, it was time to ignite the Angel Light Wings, and with the help of the artifact tree buds, the success rate of making the Blazing Wings would definitely increase a lot.

Luke rushes through Cabinet business to make time for a visit to World Bank headquarters.

At the museum, Clear Sky is undergoing an operation.

Jenny was lying on the operating table, her naked body covered with a white cloth.There was a wound in her chest, no blood flowed out, and there was nothing in the place where a heart should have been.

Qingkong stretched out her hand, and a seed with green light floated on her palm.

"Jennifer, you are very lucky! When I was thinking about what material should be used to make your heart, the world tree sprinkled the seeds of hope. I planted the seeds of hope, and it would induce your hope to become a beating heart." heart.

You no longer need to drink dragon's blood to maintain body temperature, and you will get more emotions, as well as worries. "

Clear Sky put the Seed of Hope into Jenny's chest.

The seed of hope swelled and germinated rapidly in the green light, the sprouts connected to the blood vessels, and the seeds became a beating heart.

The red blood was produced, and after being pressed all over the body by the heart, it oozes from the wound...

(End of this chapter)

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