Age of Arcane

Chapter 497 Give Me an Explanation

Chapter 497 Give me an explanation

First pass on the holy scriptures Theresa has been living in seclusion since she built the sanctuary in Shenglun City, avoiding intersections with the Shuojin people and dragons, and also avoiding this kind of scene.

Facing the Taotie King of the Dragon Clan, King Tai Lun and the Elder Shepherd of the Shuojin people, Teresia regretted her recklessness.It's just that Qingkong made such a big noise this time that he couldn't help rushing over to find out if it was related to the artifact.

As a result, he was questioned face to face.

Teresia looked at the clear sky, she had fallen into the skylight on the top floor of the museum.

"Angels do you need to explain to the Dragon Clan and the Shuojin people?" Theresa raised her head and said proudly: "On the contrary, it is the King of Gluttony. The relationship between Qingkong and the Dragon Clan seems to be very deep! Or it is like the Dragon Clan created you Similarly, Qingkong is so powerful because the Dragon Clan has done something that we don't know about."

The attention of the Shuojin Elder Shepherd was successfully diverted by Teresia.

Ever since they knew that Qingkong had researched the ancient Shuojin language, the people of Shuojin have been investigating Qingkong, and found that Qingkong seemed to appear out of thin air.Her strength is unreasonably strong. She defeated Theresia, who had performed well in ancient wars, like a warrior who exists exclusively for battle.

This time, Qingkong's experiment actually set the sky on fire, and he seemed to be trapped in the light ball produced by the experiment, so that King Taotie appeared to rescue him.

When the World Tree was in danger, the Dragon Clan immediately went to protect it, and left simply after the victory, as if they had no desire to possess the World Tree.

It turns out that the Dragon Clan doesn't want to own the World Tree, but...they already have it.

If it weren't for the accident in Qingkong's experiment, which forced King Taotie to rescue him, the other four ancient civilizations would still be kept in the dark.

If the giant dragon allows the Golden Shield Empire to go to the dragon country to mine the fire crystal mine, it will challenge the financial dominance of the World Bank.

The giant dragons have been sleeping for thousands of years to confuse the outside world, and they have been accumulating strength.

just now……

Meteor is the agent launched by the Dragon Kingdom to control the Golden Shield Empire. Clear Sky's mission is to protect Meteor and help him gain the power of the empire.At the same time, the clear sky revived the world tree and mastered this extraordinary creature that could be promoted to an artifact for the dragon clan.The Golden Shield Empire controlled by Meteor can not only become the umbrella of the World Tree, but also stab the World Bank.

That's abominable!

Elder Mu felt that he was being played by the Dragon Clan, giving away money, giving away people, and even fighting the fallen angels to protect the World Tree.


Elder Mu figured everything out, and asked Luke: "The dragons have accumulated so much power, and even used the clear sky to control the world tree, are they trying to destroy the peace for thousands of years?"

Luke, who played the gluttonous king, said: "Elder Mu, I will never admit this kind of slander. If you think that the dragon clan controls the world tree through the clear sky, then why did the dragon clan invite the angels and you Shuojin people to enter the grassland of the ancestors?" ?Even the dragons like to share, and they should share it with their former allies, the demons and the shadows.

I appeared in Clear Sky's experiment... because I asked Miss Clear Sky to refine a sword for me. "

In order to prove what he said, Luke stretched out his hand, and he held the Blazing Sword that had just been put away.The blade was blazing white, causing the surrounding temperature to rise rapidly, and the extremely active fire element formed a field of flames.

Elder Mu recognized that this was the sword that King Taotie slashed at the ball of light in the clear sky. This sword absorbed the energy of the ball of light, and the blazing white blade and ball of light were exactly the same as the sun.

"What kind of sword is this?" Elder Mu can feel the energy contained in this sword. It is an extremely powerful weapon. The flame field formed by it alone can provide the gluttonous king with a large increase in fire attribute magic. .

"Sword of Blazing Heaven!" Luke announced the name of the sword, and took it back with his hands, and the flame field was released.Luke continued: "The dragons did not enter the Moonlight Court, which is enough to prove that the Dragons have no intention of destroying the millennium peace. Instead, Sky City couldn't wait to send angels to the Moonlight Court to build a temple, and then the Shuojin people did the same thing.

The reason why the Dragons sent me and King Tai Lun to Saint Lun City of the Golden Shield Empire is because the angels descended here on a large scale, and all the holy angels led by the first scripture, Theresia, participated in ancient wars.

Elder should be very clear about who is destroying the stability of the millennium.Angels come first, Jin people come second, do you have anything to explain to the Dragon Clan? "

Luke kicked the ball to Teresia and Elder Mu.

King Tai Lun echoed and said: "What King Taotie said is also what I want to say. Miss Qingkong has nothing to do with our dragon clan; the dragon clan doesn't want to get involved in the dispute if they don't enter the grassland of the ancestors. The dragon came to Shenglun City of the Golden Shield Empire, It was completely a stress response to the angel's threatening actions... So many holy angels who participated in ancient wars came here, but they did not give any explanation to the other four ancient civilizations.

Teresa!Who is destabilizing, who is pushing the world to the brink of danger? "

Elder Mu thinks whether the clear sky is related to the giant dragon. He has no definite evidence. Anyway, the Shuojin people have already entered the Moonlight Royal Court, and the Queen of the Clear Sky has also invited the Shuojin people to join the World Tree research group. There is no need to blame Qingkong for a guess and the dragon thing.

Today, I should stand firmly with the Dragon Clan and let Teresia make it clear about the large-scale arrival of the holy angels in the city of Shenglun.

The elder shepherd turned around very quickly: "Pass the holy scriptures first! Due to your coming for no reason, now there are shimmering gold people, angels, dragons, demons, and shadow clans hiding in the dark in the city of Shenglun. .

If the angel does not explain for a long time, the Shuojin people can only send more power to Shenglun City for safety, and I believe the Dragon Clan will do the same.The demons of hell will stop fighting because they threaten to stop, and more and more shadowfolk will lurk around us.

This would be a terrible arms race, and any miscalculation could trigger a new war.

On behalf of the Shuojin people, I demand an explanation from you! "

The pressure came back to Teresia.

She looked at the Taotie King.

Although King Taotie just denied that Qingkong had anything to do with the Dragon Clan, her intuition told her that King Taotie and Qingkong were definitely not as simple as an experiment.

But now is not the time to think about these things, the trouble in front of me must be dealt with first.

"I led the Holy Order Angel to come to Shenglun City, and I was ordered by the Chief Holy Order Angel Sword of the Oath. As for what to do... it is the top secret of Sky City, and I have no right to tell you.

If you really want to know, you can go to Sky City and ask about the Sword of Oath.

Let's not stay in the sky anymore. After all, this is not Sky City, Golden Valley, or Dragon Kingdom. We must respect the master here.

goodbye! "

Teresia expressed her respect for the owner of the city for the first time, and then turned around and led the angels to the Silver Manor without waiting for the response from the Golden Man and the dragon.

The Shuojin people and giant dragons were left in the air.

Elder Mu rarely saw King Taotie and King Tailun at the same time. Immediately after the angels left, he said, "I heard that the giant dragons allowed the Golden Shield Empire to land in the Dragon Kingdom and mine the fire crystals in the Dragon Kingdom."

Luke replied, "Yes. Does it have anything to do with the Glitterers?"

Elder Mu asked: "Since the Dragon Kingdom is willing to sell the Fire Crystal to the Golden Shield Empire, can the Shuojin people be allowed to mine the Fire Crystal in the Dragon Kingdom?"

Luke refused: "Elder Mu, what are you kidding! Although you haven't experienced ancient wars, there are many giant dragons who have fought against the Shuojin people in the Dragon Kingdom. The Shuojin people entered the Dragon Kingdom to mine fire crystals, and they are not afraid of being killed." Does the dragon play as a ball?"

The refusal of the Taotie King was expected by Elder Mu. After all, the hatred between the two clans is there. Whoever the giant dragon allows to land in the Dragon Kingdom will not let the Shuojin people in.

Therefore, Elder Mu took the next best thing and said: "King Taotie is right to be worried, I have ignored the feelings of the giant dragons. But now the secular world has more and more demand for fire crystals, since the Dragon Kingdom has allowed Golden Shield The empire went to mine, can it also allow other countries to mine some.

No matter what the Golden Shield Empire exchanged with the dragon for fire crystals, other countries would definitely be able to pay, or even give more. "

What the Golden Shield Empire used to trade the fire crystal with the dragon has always been a mystery.The cargo ships of the Golden Shield Empire did not seem to have transported anything of value to the Dragon Kingdom except for some beef to feed the giant dragon near the mining area.

Due to the closure of the Dragon Kingdom, the Shuojin people have never found out what the Golden Shield Empire used to pry open the gate of the Dragon Kingdom.

Unless the guess just denied by the Taotie King is correct, the Dragon Kingdom already controls the Golden Shield Empire.

The elder shepherd in golden armor looked at Luke, waiting for an answer.

Luke said: "Elder Mu should know that the Golden Shield Empire is investing in the western region on a large scale."

Elder Mu replied: "I know, the World Bank also participated in the investment at the invitation of the empire."

Luke said: "The fire crystals of the Dragon Kingdom are actually given to the Moonlight Royal Court as compensation for the dragons who participated in destroying the previous generation of the world tree. Her Majesty the Moonlight Queen felt that it was useless for the Moonlight Royal Court to have so many fire crystals, so she and the Golden Shield Empire Signed an agreement to exchange fire crystals for investment.

Therefore, the fire crystal originally intended for the Moonlight Royal Court was transferred to the Golden Shield Empire in exchange for the empire's investment in the western region to improve the lives of the barbarians in the western region.

There is nothing that dragons like in the secular world, so the Dragon Kingdom will no longer allow other people to log in and mine. "

"Compensation for investment?" Elder Mu didn't expect that there would be such an operation in the fire crystal transaction, which would block the way to obtain Dragon Kingdom fire crystal through other channels.Elder Mu asked unwillingly: "How much Fire Crystal will Dragon Kingdom compensate Moonlight Royal Court?"

If the fire crystals for compensation are limited, the firepower of the Golden Shield Empire's energy war will be limited.Knowing the opponent's hole cards, the World Bank can deal with it calmly.

Luke thought for a while, and asked Tyron King: "We don't seem to have set how many fire crystals to give?"

King Tai Lun was very happy to see the elders of the Shuojin people being played around by Luke: "It seems that I forgot how many fire crystals were written in the agreement. But this thing is like a stone in the Dragon Kingdom. People in the Golden Shield Empire don't If you feel tired, dig it out, and the beef delivered, the children are very satisfied."

We are not tired either.

Elder Mu shouted in his heart.

He never expected that the giant dragon would actually send Huo Jing out as a stone.

This means that the Golden Shield Empire can obtain unlimited fire crystals from the Dragon Kingdom, and the World Bank will face an unprecedented challenge.

"King Gluttony, King Tailun..." The elder Mu said earnestly: "The giant dragons may not know what fire crystals mean to the secular world. If the Golden Shield Empire is allowed to mine the fire crystals of the Dragon Kingdom indefinitely, it will make the Dragon Kingdom suffer great losses.

I suggest that you re-sign a compensation agreement with the Moonlight Queen to limit the amount of mining fire crystals.The World Bank can send a professional actuary to assist in calculating the amount of compensation. "

Luke said contemptuously: "Re-sign the agreement? Is the integrity of our dragon cheaper than a stone-like fire crystal? And that is to supplement the World Tree destroyed by us. It burned for five years and endured thousands of years of fire." pain.

Can the actuaries of the World Bank calculate the value of the World Tree?

I don't know why Elder Mu has been talking about fire crystals with us. These fire crystals now belong to the Moonlight Royal Court. If you have any ulterior motives, you can go to the Moonlight Queen, Her Majesty Qingkong, to ask for them.

As long as His Majesty Qingkong agrees, we will do the same to anyone! "

Luke didn't want to continue to entangle with Elder Mu in this large crowd, so he turned his left hand to his right and asked Elder Mu to find Qingkong.

Elder Mu felt that he and the giant dragon could not reach any conclusions, and the two races were not on the same chat channel at all.

The matter of Huo Jing should indeed be found in the clear sky.

It just so happened that Qingkong agreed to visit the Golden Valley, so that he could try to buy the fire crystal trade of Dragon Kingdom under the control of the World Bank.

Under the suspicious eyes of King Taotie and King Tai Lun, Elder Mu left with the Shuojin man.

After there were no other people in the air, the Golden Dragon King Talon said to Luke, "I need an explanation."

"Explain what?"

King Tai Lun said: "I have an agreement with you that the Dragon Kingdom will not directly participate in the battle between you and the Shuojin people. But in the current situation, they seem to guess that the Dragon Clan is secretly manipulating everything. Even if you deny it, the angels and the Shuojin people People are still skeptical.

Are you intending to draw the Dragon Clan into the game? "

Luke smiled and said: "King Tyron, you said that the Dragon Clan seemed to be on the sidelines. If the Dragon Clan wants to stay out of the situation, immediately take your dragons back to the Dragon Kingdom. Then stop the fire crystal transaction and bury your heads in your sleep. .”

The situation in the entire world is becoming more and more complicated now, and Saint Lun City is obviously the source of everything.

King Tyron would not dare to just take the dragons away from the center of the vortex. He said seriously to Luke: "I have helped you a lot! No matter whether you have drawn the dragons into the game or not, you must always give me a reason to continue helping you!" Bar.

The gluttonous inheritance is not enough for me to do that much. "

Luke thought about it, and felt that the dragon was really interesting, so he said to King Tyrone: "You should really thank Taotie for the inheritance, and then I will tell you a secret. The purpose of London City?"

The golden dragon King Tailun came closer with his eyes wide open, his big head almost reaching Luke.

"You know? What is their purpose?"

Luke replied in a low voice: "It has something to do with the artifact."

King Tai Lun's eyes were full of doubts.

Luke added in a low voice: "It has nothing to do with World Tree."

King Tai Lun's eyes sparkled suddenly: "Really?"

"Absolute fidelity!"

(End of this chapter)

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