Age of Arcane

Chapter 499 The first confrontation

Chapter 499 The first confrontation

The Golden Valley, the home of the Shuojin people, is a grand canyon stretching for hundreds of kilometers. There are many large gold mines densely covered here, hence the name of the Golden Valley.

The Golden Valley is the birthplace of the Shuojin people's civilization, and it contains many secrets of the Shuojin people. Outsiders are not allowed to enter the valley.The young Shuojin people have to undergo extremely strict training in it, and at the same time live a Puritan life in order to strengthen their will and avoid being tempted by various material desires after entering the world.

But because the World Bank run by the Shuojin people wanted to open their doors to do business, the Shuojin people built a city in an area near the exit of the canyon and the sea.The Golden Valley, which is widely mentioned in the world, actually refers to this city.

Most of the people who came to the Golden Valley in the past were businessmen who had business dealings with the World Bank.As for the dignitaries of the country... Due to the principle of staying away from politics that Shuojin people insist on, even if such people come, they will not receive special treatment.

This time, dignitaries from various countries came to the Golden Valley one after another, but they also didn't get much enthusiasm from the Shuojin people, as if they were just tourists with special identities.

But this time, the Shining Gold people took the initiative to invite the Queen of the Clear Sky from the Moonlight Court and the Chief Assistant of the Meteor of the Golden Shield Empire to visit the Golden Valley, which made the politicians with keen senses aware of the change in the principles of the Shining Jin people.

The Golden Shield Empire has been creating major worldwide events in recent years.

The world tree in the west of the empire is revived.

War of the United County of Art and the Empire.

A Celtic duke leads a barbarian rebellion.

At the same time, the Shuojin people and the angels sent missions to visit the imperial capital of the empire.

A large group of holy angels suddenly descended on the city of Shenglun.

The dragon came to the city of St. Lun.

And the world's first all-metal warship.

A fleet cruise that makes countries all over the world tremble.


Too many events have made the Golden Shield Empire the protagonist of the entire human civilization time and time again, making the world's attention focus on this ancient and young empire.

Recently, the Golden Shield Empire has launched a drastic energy policy, relying on its right to speak in international energy trade, to encourage energy transactions to use the currency of the Golden Shield Empire... Reichsmark.

Anyone who knows a little bit about international relations knows that the World Bank of the Shuojin people used to have an unshakable position in international trade, but now this seemingly unbreakable position is being challenged.

The Golden Shield Empire is flexing its muscles while wielding energy to promote changes in international relations.This time, the Shuojin people invited the chief assistant of the Golden Shield Empire, Meteor, to the Golden Valley. This time, on behalf of the Shuojin people, they felt the crisis and realized that the Golden Shield Empire had the strength to challenge themselves.

This visit will define the next phase of the world.

Is it because the Golden Shield Empire chose to surrender in the face of the Shuojin people and continue to abide by the fact that gold coupons are the only universally circulated currency in the world?
Or continue to challenge the World Bank on the new track of energy, and bring the future of the world into an unpredictable and dangerous path?
It all depends on the outcome of the negotiation between the chief assistant of Meteorite and the Shuojin people!


It is a name that has made cocoons in the ears of dignitaries from various countries.

The name is a legend.

With every major event that happened in the Golden Shield Empire, the name Meteor would inevitably appear in it.Now Meteor is one of the soul figures of the Golden Shield Empire, and is the youngest chief minister in the history of the empire.

Before the visit started, it was destined to be a major historical event with heavy ink and ink.

Another protagonist of this visit is Fairy Clear Sky.

The same is the world of fame.

She revived the World Tree that was destroyed in ancient wars thousands of years ago, and obtained the power of the World Tree to establish the Moonlight Royal Court, becoming the Moonlight Queen.

She possesses supreme force, and accepted the challenge of the holy angel Theresia in the palace of the Golden Shield Empire and defeated her; she defeated the devil and made the devil willingly serve her sentence; Shadow Clan assassins lost their lives.

Her beauty captivates everyone who sees her.

Her knowledge impresses everyone who talks to her.

With her charm, angels, shimmering men, and dragons work together to protect the World Tree from the attacks of fallen angels.

She is almost a perfect existence without blemish.

And she has an unknown tacit understanding with the Golden Shield Empire Meteor, which also prompted the Moonlight Royal Court and the Golden Shield Empire to form a synchronous offensive and defensive camp.

What the Shuojin people wanted to talk about when they invited Queen Clear Sky to the Golden Valley also aroused many speculations from all over the world.

Time passed day by day, and all the people who should come have come. The most powerful people in human civilization gathered in the Golden Valley, waiting for the arrival of the joint delegation of the Golden Shield Empire and the Moonlight Royal Court.

When the sound of the siren sounded from the distant sea to the sky above the Golden Valley, the people who lived in the Shuojin Hotel all walked to the balcony of their respective rooms.Shuojin Hotel is facing the sea, the sky is clear and cloudless, and the fleet coming from the other side of the sea can be clearly seen.

Although many people are not seeing this fleet for the first time, they are still deeply shocked by these steel bodies after seeing it approaching again.

Especially the huge ship in the middle of the fleet, the jungle-like gun barrel made people both scared and excited.This is the pinnacle of the wisdom of human civilization, regardless of standpoint, its existence is enough for the entire human race to be proud of.

Soon people discovered that there was not only one Dreadnought-class steel battleship in this fleet, but a similar body came into people's eyes.

Cheers erupted from the Golden Valley pier.

The human workers working in the port waved to the approaching fleet.They work at the wharf of the Golden Valley for their livelihood, and they can deeply understand the arrogance of the Shuojin people on weekdays.Now the two mountain-like steel battleships were built by humans, and their majestic figures are enough to make the human workers feel a sense of pride.

The sensation caused by the steel fleet quickly spread from the port to the entire city, and more and more people flocked to the port to see the elegance of the world's strongest warship.

At this time, Luke was also standing on the bow of the flagship "Augustin the Great", looking at the Golden Valley that was getting closer.

Golden Valley is a city that is as modern as Raging City.Unlike Raging Waves City, which attaches great importance to industrial development and has many factories, Golden Valley's financial industry is very developed, which makes the sky, sea and mountains here beautiful because of the lack of pollution.

The buildings decorated with gold leaf can be seen everywhere, making the whole city look resplendent, so tourism is also an important industry in Golden Valley.

Finance and tourism have driven the development of other service-oriented industries, which requires a lot of labor and hired workers, making most of the people in this part of the city outside the Golden Valley Canyon not from Shuojin.

When the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet was approaching the port of the Golden Valley, a group of shining gold men in golden armor flew out of the city in the golden light, and landed on the deck together after reaching the top of the "Augustin the Great".

The leading pair of Shijinren twins saluted Luke and the clear sky that appeared in an instant.

"The Chief Assistant of the Meteor Star...and Your Majesty the Moonlight Queen, welcome to the Golden Valley. We have prepared the best room for the two distinguished guests at the Shuojin Hotel. The two of you can check in first to rest and wait for the elders to receive you.

I now lead your fleet into port. "

Luke simply returned the gift and said: "The fleet I brought is too large, and the size of the ships is also too large. If you are not careful, it will crash into your port. The fleet does not need to enter the port, just let them stop at sea. .”

The Shuojin man looked at the surrounding sea, and then he couldn't help but look at the gun barrel thicker than a human.Thinking in his heart, if this fleet fired at the Golden Valley, how long would it take for the city to be reduced to ruins.This fleet staying at sea is a major threat. Only by entering the port can the Shuojin people control this fleet at the fastest speed when necessary.

"Meteor Chief Assistant, if your fleet stays at sea, it will affect the ships coming and going from the Golden Valley. It's better to enter the port, we have enough docks to park these ships."

Luke insisted: "Since you are afraid that my fleet will affect sea traffic, I will let them drive farther. The main gun of the Dreadnought-class steel battleship has a range of 40 kilometers. Using alchemy shells and increasing the range of the gun chamber can increase the range. Increased to 75 kilometers.

I let the fleet stop 80 kilometers away from the Golden Valley, so it won't affect the ships entering and leaving the Golden Valley, right? "

The capital ship has a maximum firing range of 75 kilometers, and the fleet is on the ring line 80 kilometers away. If you want to bombard the Golden Valley, you only need to get in.It is not an easy task for the Shuojin people to keep an eye on the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet in such a vast sea area.

The Shuojin people could hear Luke's threat, and they kept observing the fleet after boarding the ship, especially the Dreadnought-class steel battleship they were on.

The super-large hull and sufficient displacement make this [-]-ton giant ship more malleable.Therefore, on the deck, the Shuojin people saw not only offensive artillery, but also a lot of magical alchemy equipment for defense.It can be said that once attacked, the Dreadnought-class steel battleship not only has a hard enough hull, but also can build a solid magic defense system in a short time.

The part that can be seen is so rich, and the configuration inside the cabin must be extremely luxurious.

Moreover, some of the ships guarding the Dreadnought-class steel battleship were not equipped with offensive weapons, and there was something hidden in those closed cabins to protect the capital ship.

There is also a group of airships in the sky that can provide magic barriers and magic support for the entire fleet.

There also seems to be something underwater.

This is a fleet with a complete three-dimensional offensive and defensive system that the Shuojin people don't understand at all.If there is a strong attack, the Shuojin people are confident that they can defeat this fleet, but how much will it cost?How long will it take?
This fleet cannot be allowed to cruise at will in the open waters of the Golden Valley.

"Meteor Chief Assistant, your fleet must enter the Golden Valley Port, this is for our safety."

Luke also pointedly said: "My fleet cannot enter the Golden Valley, this is also for my safety, otherwise I would not take the fleet so far to this sea area.

You can go back to the House of Elders and tell your elders.If the Glitterers insist on my fleet entering port, I will cancel this visit.

Your Majesty the Queen of the Clear Sky, what do you mean? "

Qingkong couldn't help laughing and said: "I didn't expect the Shuojin people, as one of the five ancient civilizations, to worry about a fleet built by a lower civilization. Don't the Shuojin people know how to fight besides making money?

I think it is necessary for you to ask your elders' house for instructions.

Don't be ridiculed by the other four civilizations because of your timidity.

Am I right, pass on the Holy Code Theresa first. "

Now Teresia is simply Qingkong's follower.When Qingkong went to Raging City, she chased after him; when Qingkong boarded the "Augustin the Great", she followed and refused to leave.

Called by Clear Sky, Theresia appeared on the deck.

"From the fact that the elder was easily assassinated by the Shadow Clan assassins, and defending the World Tree against the Fallen Angels, it can be seen that the fighting power of the Shuojin people has indeed dropped significantly, which is not like the Shuojin people in ancient wars.

Is it true that as Miss Qingkong said, the Shuojin people are too busy making money to practice, or... the loss of the artifact has such a big impact on the Shuojin people? "

Seeing the angel and hearing Theresia's ridicule, the golden man's complexion became very ugly.

The loss of the artifact did have the greatest impact on the Shuojin people.

After all, the other four races are all born extraordinary creatures, even if they don't have artifacts, their own strength is very strong.But the Shuojin people come from the ordinary intelligent race in the secular world, and their starting point is much behind the other four races. The level of strength depends entirely on the comprehension of the ancient Shuojin language, and individual strengths are naturally uneven.

However, with Shuojin people actively participating in the WTO, many hidden strengths cannot be seen, and they are just scattered around the world with the World Bank.

The Shuojin people still attach great importance to angels.After all, the Shuojin people once conquered the angels in ancient times. If they are ridiculed by the angels for being weak now, how can they have the face to see their ancestors in the future?
A group of Glittering people can only salute to Qingkong and Luke and leave. They will inform the elders' house of the process of the first confrontation, and the elders will decide whether to retreat or show the toughness of the Glittering people.

Without keeping Luke and the others waiting for too long, the group of Shiojin people boarded the "Augustin the Great" again in the golden light.

"Your Majesty the Queen of the Clear Sky, Chief Minister of Meteor! You are the distinguished guests invited by the Shuojin people. As the owner of the Golden Valley, the Shuojin people will try their best to meet the needs of the guests without harming the interests of both parties.

The Royal Ocean Escort Fleet of the Golden Shield Empire does not need to enter the port of the Golden Valley, but it must stop at a sea area 100 kilometers away from the Golden Valley and accept the close observation of the ships sent by the Golden Valley. "

Luke thought about it.

The Shuojin man's reply was regarded as a retreat on this issue, but he did not back down on the additional conditions.

20 kilometers more is nothing for the fleet.

As for the closer observation... My large fleet is unfolding, can you get closer if you want to?

Anyway, the large fleet at sea is only a deterrent, and we should try our best to avoid direct conflict with the Shuojin people.

"Yes, I will immediately order the fleet to stay away from the Golden Valley!"

The Royal Ocean Escort Fleet of the Golden Shield Empire turned around and sailed away from the coast of the Golden Valley. An airship carrying the joint visiting group of the Golden Shield Empire and the Moonlight Royal Court was heading towards the Golden Valley under the escort of the Jinshi people.

(End of this chapter)

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