Age of Arcane

Chapter 510 Meeting the Clear Sky

Golden Valley Prison.

Because of his special status, even though he resigned from the Bad Debt Handling Office of the World Bank, he still got a clean single room and an independent washroom in the prison.

The iron door of the prison was pushed open, and Ying walked in from the outside.

The Shuojin man guarding the prison said: "I think Tan is right. The World Bank was supposed to be a tool of the Shuojin civilization, but now it seems to be the other way around. Ying, please tell Tan our thoughts."

Ying looked at Tan in the prison. She was sitting on the bed and looking at the opposite wall, wondering what she was thinking.

Ying smiled at the guard: "Tan is so bad at communicating. If she ignores you, I apologize on her behalf. I will pass your words on to Tan, but I think we should trust the elders' house. This is Shuo Jin. civilized laws."

"We all trust the elders' house, so we all hope that Youtan's elders' house can restore the authority of Shuojin civilization."

"Thank you for your trust in Dan."

"Shadow, your visit has been approved by the Elder's House, so you have plenty of time and can freely decide when to leave..."

The guard closed the cell door.

Ying walked to Tan's side and sat down, looked at the wall Tan was staring at, and said, "I know you very well, and I am also worried about you. Do you really think that the current path that Shuojin Civilization is taking is wrong?"

"Ying, do you know how much wealth the World Bank holds?"

Shadow shook his head: "I don't know."

"Do you know how much debt the World Bank has outside?"

"I have been developing the magic difference machine, and I don't know much about the operation of the World Bank."

"Actually, I don't know. I only know that the amount of debts that the Bad Debt Office needs to recover every month is getting bigger and bigger, like a snowball. The World Bank's external investment is also like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger.

However, the World Bank's share of wealth in this world is getting smaller and smaller, and the civilization of the human race is developing too fast.The House of Elders wants to use the golden coupons to control human civilization, but the hardness of the reins cannot keep up with the growth speed of the beasts.Even if the Shuojin civilization wins this negotiation, so what?According to the development speed of the civilization of the human race, the second challenge will come soon, can the elders' house still win?

What about the third and fourth time?
There will always be a day when the reins will be broken, and the Shuojin civilization at that time may be swallowed back by the human civilization. "

Ying said in disbelief, "Tan, are you thinking too pessimistically?"

Tan looked at Ying and asked: "In your development of the magic difference machine, how much technology is human race?"

Shadow replied: "About 60.00% four."

Tan couldn't help but smiled, and asked again: "How many of the parts used to manufacture the magic difference machine are processed by human machines or technology?"

"80.00%... a little more."

"Now do you still think I'm pessimistic?" Tan looked at the opposite wall again, as if her eyes could see through the thick wall and see the outside world: "Shadow... I don't know if the path I envisioned is right, but The path that the elders' house is taking is definitely wrong. How can the Shuojin people compete in the opponent's advantage zone?"

Shadow asked: "The path you imagined! What path?"

"Let the world restart... The legacy of the human civilization is all the golden civilization."

"Although I don't understand, since it is the path you chose, I will definitely help you."

"I need the magic difference machine to really work."

"I see!"


A long night passed, and the news that the chief assistant of the Golden Shield Empire had been assassinated by Meteor had spread throughout the Golden Valley.

It is reasonable for Yate County United Ice Cave agents to participate in the assassination.

It is also reasonable for Leo Watcher to participate in the assassination.

But there were Shuojin people participating in the assassination of the first assistant of the meteorite, which was beyond everyone's knowledge.

Didn't the Shuojin People's Elder's House have scheduled a second round of talks with the Golden Shield Empire's chief assistant, Meteorite, at the Shuojin Hotel today?Why did you send someone to assassinate Meteor the night before!

What does the Shuo Jin want to do?
Both the people from the Golden Shield Empire and the Shuojin people kept silent about the assassination incident last night, allowing various speculations and rumors to spread rapidly in the Golden Valley.Some people who were timid and afraid of being affected by the war packed up their bags and ran away by boat early.

But no matter what the truth is, the image of Shuojin people in the hearts of officials from various countries has plummeted.

Luke had spent the morning meeting with those who came to condolences, and he showed the outside world that he was safe and sound in the assassination in a full image.At the same time, he said that he is still full of expectations for today's negotiations, and has no comment on the assassination he encountered last night.

It seems that only a small group of Shuojin people acted without the permission of the Shuojin people's elders' house.

There must be something wrong inside the Shuojin people!
While Luke was busy meeting people from all walks of life, Sunny Sky, who had been reclusive since arriving at Golden Island, also welcomed two visitors.

Elder Mu and Elder Lin who entered the room saluted Qingkong: "Dear Your Majesty Moonlight Queen, we came here specially to apologize for the accident that happened last night."

Qingkong returned the gift and said: "The one you should really apologize to is Meteorite Chief Assistant. Sit down, I think you must have other things to talk about when you came to me before the negotiation.

Let me tell you that Ms. Teresia is here first, you probably don't mind. "

Qingkong invited the two elders to sit at the table by the window. Teresia, who came to Qingkong for morning tea, held a teacup and said lazily, "I can guess what you are talking about, but I still I want to remind you not to have too high expectations. Tan did not defeat Qingkong, which made you lose a very heavy weight, and also let the other four ancient civilizations see the weakness of the Shuojin people."

Elder Mu walked up and said: "It is something to be happy that there is no outcome in a battle that shouldn't have happened. The opinions of outsiders do not represent the real strength of Shuojin civilization, and Shuojin people never advocate the use of force to resolve disputes, let alone There will be no raids on a nation's capital without permission."

"It seems that Shuojin people can't listen to kind persuasion."

Qingkong stopped the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two civilization representatives in time: "Elder Mu, please sit down... Your meeting with Meteor will start soon, so hurry up and talk about things."

Jenny brought tea and refreshments for the two elders, and then stood behind Qingkong.

Elder Mu did not continue the verbal dispute, but instead expressed his intentions: "I heard from the Dragon Clan's Gluttonous King that you transferred the fire crystals collected by the Golden Shield Empire from the Dragon Kingdom to the Golden Shield Empire?"

"Is there such a thing?" Qingkong replied calmly: "The fire crystal is the compensation given by the Dragon Kingdom to the Moonlight Royal Court, but my subjects are far away from civilized society now, so it is meaningless to ask for the fire crystal. Later, the chief assistant of Meteor came to me , let me transfer this batch of fire crystals to the Golden Shield Empire, and the empire will convert the value of the fire crystals into investment in the western region to improve the living standards of the barbarians in the western region.

This is a win-win situation, so I agreed. "

Elder Mu followed up and said: "Since the recovery of the World Tree and the establishment of the Moonlight King's Court, the Shuojin people have been very active in making compensation for the past disasters. The World Bank opened a branch in the Moonlight King's Court and invested in the grassland of the ancestors. Lots of infrastructure.

If Her Majesty the Queen allows the World Bank to increase investment in Moonlight Royal Court, we Shuojin people are definitely willing to establish a deeper friendship with World Tree and you. "

Knowing that Elder Mu came here for Huo Jing, Qingkong took a sip from her teacup and said, "My subjects need a lot of funds and materials if they want to quickly integrate into the modern world. If the World Bank wants to increase The investment in Moonlight Royal Court is of course a good thing that I will not refuse."

Elder Mu said: "The World Bank has endless financial potential and an industrial chain connecting the world. Our managers can formulate a comprehensive development plan for Moonlight Royal Court, complete the initial industrial construction within five years, and connect to the international market at the same time.

We only have one small request, which is to distribute 70.00% of the Huojing share of Longguo to the World Bank. "

Regarding the expected request, Qingkong smiled: "Elder Mu... When Meteorite and I were talking about the transfer of the Fire Crystal Mine, I didn't know what he was going to do with the Dragon Kingdom's Fire Crystal, but now I know.

The energy strategy of the Golden Shield Empire is very bold, and it can arouse such a big reaction from the Shuojin people, even allowing Tan to assassinate him himself, which means that the Imperial Mark has the potential to leverage the status of the Golden Bond.If I knew in advance that it would cause such a big turmoil, I would not have signed the fire crystal transfer agreement with the Golden Shield Empire.

It's just that everything is too late. Now that the agreement is signed, it must be fulfilled. I cannot unilaterally tear up the agreement.

I ask the two elders for your understanding. "

Elder Mu knew that Qingkong and Meteor are very closely related, and a simple lure would not make Qingkong agree to transfer Huojing. He looked at Teresia and said, "Your Majesty, you should feel that this world is becoming more and more unstable. .

There must be a major purpose for Sky City to send angels to Saint Lun City.

Recently, we have received news that the Dragon Kingdom has sent an additional batch of giant dragons to Shenglun City.This triggered a series of chain reactions, Hell's activities in St. Lun City increased, and the shadow clan's traces also increased.Our House of Elders has just passed the resolution to strengthen the branch in St. Lun City, and a team of Shuojin warriors has already marched towards St. Lun City.

This is just the beginning of a military competition among the five ancient civilizations. The city of St. Lun will become the most dangerous powder keg in the world, and a misjudged Mars may trigger a new all-out war.

It is very unwise for the Golden Shield Empire to provoke a dispute with the Shuojin people during this sensitive period. It will harm the Moonlight Royal Court, which is also an ally.

Only you, Your Majesty, can prevent this crisis and let the Golden Shield Empire abandon the current energy and currency policy. It is beneficial to the Moonlight Royal Court to resolve the crisis. "

Teresia seemed to be having tea and enjoying the beautiful scenery outside the window, but in fact, she had been listening to what Qingkong was talking with the elder Mu.Talking about the incident of the angels forcibly descending on the city of St. Lun again, Teresia said: "Don't provoke the relationship between me and Miss Skylight. I led the holy angels to descend on the city of St. Lun. That is a matter between us and the Golden Shield Empire. Is the instigator of the crisis.

Miss Qingkong, the credibility of the Shuojin civilization and the control of some Shuojin people by the Elder House are very doubtful.Don't offend the Golden Shield Empire and not get the benefits promised by the Shuojin people in the end. "

Elder Mu immediately angrily reprimanded Teresia: "Pass the sacred scriptures first, you are the one who provokes our relationship with the Queen of the Clear Sky. The Shuojin people who participated in the assassination of the chief minister of Meteor Star were all detained, and we also promised that we would not do it again." Something like that happened!"

Teresia smiled: "I just remind my friends, you can continue talking as if I don't exist."

How could Elder Mu think that such a big angel does not exist: "Teach the scriptures first, I think you'd better avoid it."

Teresia drank tea, ignored the elder shepherd, and didn't move her butt.

At this time, Qingkong said: "Elder Mu, my attitude is very clear. It is difficult to build trust, but it is very easy to destroy it. Tan is not an ordinary Shuojin person. Her private actions mean that there are problems within you that cannot be ignored.

The Moonlight King's Court is located in the western region of the Golden Shield Empire, and most of my subjects are citizens of the Golden Shield Empire. What our two countries need is trust, not stabbing a knife in the back for small profits at critical times.

There is no room for discussion on the issue of Huo Jing.If the two elders have nothing else to do, go back and prepare to attend the meeting with the chief assistant of Meteorite. "

Clear Sky refused again, severing the World Bank's attempt to cut off the Golden Shield Empire's fire crystal supply.

Elder Mu looked at Elder Lin, and Elder Lin said to Qingkong: "We can talk about the transfer of the fire crystal of the Dragon Kingdom when we have a chance. I have one more thing I want to ask Your Majesty the Queen. Your development of the ancient Shuojin language is completely independent. Is it done?"

Qingkong replied: "Not exactly. I have always had a strong interest in ancient languages. At the beginning, I tried to decipher and learn ancient languages ​​by myself, but the progress was very slow. Later, Pan Heyin came to Rage City, and with their teachings, I was able to It has significantly improved my learning of the ancient Shuojin language."

Elder Lin frowned and asked, "Your Majesty, did you learn the ancient Shuojin language from Pan Heyin?"

"Yes!" Qingkong said affirmatively, and then asked: "Is it because the ancient Shuojin language is not allowed to be spread? Will it cause trouble for the two of them... By the way, Pan is dead."

"No, even in ancient times, there is no law that does not allow the ancient Shuojin language to be passed on." Elder Lin said, "It's just that if it is not a gifted twin and without training, it is difficult for ordinary people to master and use the ancient Shuojin language." Golden language. Her Majesty not only learned the ancient Golden language, but also developed it more deeply, and even cast it independently without twin resonance, which really made us very curious.

Especially in the absence of twin resonance, the independent release of the shimmering gold magic is of extraordinary significance to our shimmering gold civilization, and will also affect the future of Yinyin.

Can Her Majesty clear up this doubt for us? "

Qing Kong put down the teacup and said, "Teresia, the morning tea time is over, you should go back to your room."

Teresia, who was hearing the key, heard the order to evict the guests from the clear sky, and immediately said dissatisfied: "I haven't finished my tea yet, how can it be regarded as the end of morning tea? You can talk about yours, just treat me as air."

Seeing that Theresia was so reckless, Qingkong ordered directly: "Jenferni, send Theresia out."

"Yes, Miss Sunny Sky!" Jenny walked up to Teresia, took away her refreshments, and snatched the teacup from her hand: "Miss Teresia, please leave!"

Teresia knew that the next secret was related to the foundation of the Shuojin civilization, and she would never let herself listen to it.She could only stand up: "Okay, you continue to talk. I... come back at lunch."

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