Age of Arcane

Chapter 514 Turning to Confrontation

The third round of negotiations between Golden Shield Empire and the World Bank is over.

It ended very quickly, much faster than the second round of negotiations. After less than an hour of dialogue, Meteor, the chief minister of the Golden Shield Empire, took the lead to leave the venue with the imperial delegation.

The Shuojin elders then left.

The two sides still haven't released details of the talks, but officials from various countries know that the talks have collapsed.

The status of the gold certificate is very important to the World Bank, and it is not allowed to be challenged, but the Golden Shield Empire insists on its own energy monetary policy.

Now you can give up your illusions... The world has officially entered turmoil from this moment.

Knowing the result, the dignitaries and observers from various countries no longer had the panic they had before. The entire Shuojin Hotel was extremely calm, and everyone was preparing to leave the Golden Valley.

In Luke's room, staff and servants packed papers and belongings.

Luke stood on the terrace looking at the beach outside, and Kailina reported from the side: "Master Chief Assistant, we have already contacted the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet. The large fleet is sailing to the offshore of the Golden Valley, and the airship that picked you up has already arrived. Here it is, expected to arrive in half an hour.

Sandpaper Squad is in place, ready to protect you when you leave.

Miss Weatherlight had sent Jenfernie a message that they were ready to go any minute.

At present, there is no change in the Shuojin people, and our fleet and airship have also been allowed to approach.


Miss Yin sent someone to deliver a letter, saying that she would not come to see you off. "

Luke didn't respond.

Kailinna said: "Miss Yin must think that if she goes with you, she will definitely bring trouble to you, and there is indeed no place in this world for her to go. Miss Yin can send news, which means that the Shuojin people are not It's too embarrassing for her, your statement at the venue is still useful..."

Only then did Luke say: "That's all I can do for her. Although I regret not taking her away, I respect her choice.

Hope she's all right.

let's go! "


In the Prison at the bottom of the Golden Valley, Helkkin, as the leader of the Attorney League side in the assassination of the meteorite incident, was also treated as a single room here.

It's just that no one came to see him, and he was not interrogated or interrogated except for the food and drink delivered on time every day.Helkkin just stayed in the cell like this, without a chance to let the wind go, and he didn't know the information from the outside, and didn't know what happened to him.

Until the prison door was opened for the first time.

"Master Helkkin, the elders invite you to the elders' house."

invite!House of Elders!

The simple information made Helking understand most of the matter. He stood up and said to the Shuojin guard: "Please give me a moment, I need to tidy up my personal hygiene, can you go to my room and get a suit for me?" Appropriate clothes, after all, I want to meet the elders of the Shuojin people."

"of course can."

The Shuojin guards retreated without closing the cell door.

Helkkin is even more certain of his own judgment: I will take all the credit for this visit to the Golden Valley, Speaker Potrovic, you ran too early.

The Shuojin man quickly fetched his clothes, and after Helkjin finished washing, he put on his clothes energetically and followed the Shuojin man who came to pick him up to the elders' home.

In the Shuojin People's Elder's House, Elder Lie, who has always advocated being tough on the Golden Shield Empire, became the presiding elder who summoned the representatives of the Yate County Union this time.

Helkkin was led into the middle of the venue.

The aloof Elder Lie asked Helkkin: "Master Helkkin, are you the highest official of the Yate County United in Golden Valley?"

"Yes!" Helkkin replied: "I am the deputy officer of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Yate County Federation. This time I came to Golden Valley to follow Speaker Botrovic to discuss cooperation with the World Bank. Speaker Botrovic had to return to the County Federation in advance. Now I am the highest official of Attorney United in Golden Valley, and I have also received instructions from the speaker, and I can handle the cooperation with the World Bank with full authority."

After an exchange with other elders, Elder Lie said to Helkkin: "The negotiations between the World Bank and the Golden Shield Empire have encountered difficulties, and the empire's chief assistant Meteor unilaterally terminated the dialogue, and will soon leave the Golden Valley.

Do you have any ideas? "

Helkkin said without hesitation: "We have long seen that Meteor's visit to the Golden Valley has no sincerity, and the ambitions of the Golden Shield Empire have long been exposed. It is the Shuojin people who still have hope in him, so that the county Comprehensive cooperation between the United Nations and the World Bank has been delayed.

The Shuojin people had already made a serious mistake, and if they let the meteorite leave the Golden Valley, it would be another irreparable mistake. "

Elder Lie asked, "Are you suggesting that we not let Meteor go?"

"Yes!" Helkkin said firmly: "Meteor is now the absolute center of the Golden Shield Empire, even Queen Christina or Princess Agatha listen to him on important matters.

He controls Rage City, the economic center of the Golden Shield Empire, he leads the Reform Society that is in power in the imperial court, and he suppresses the second prince of the empire, Alec, the grandson of the emperor, Sinclair, and all ambitious people.

As long as he dies, the Golden Shield Empire will collapse in a short time.


Helkjin carefully analyzed the benefits of getting rid of meteors in the Golden Valley for the Shuojin elders.

But he knew that his suggestion would not be accepted by the elders of the Shuojin people. If the Shuojin people decided to kill Meteor in the Golden Valley, he would not be brought to the elders' house.

Before the Shuojin elders summoned Helkin, they did discuss killing meteorites in the Golden Valley.

But Meteor is very well prepared for this visit to the Golden Valley. He has brought the strongest fleet in the sea world, and there is a clear sky by his side.

Qingkong has already proved her strength through the battle with Tan, and during the meeting and cooperation with Qingkong in the past few days, Qingkong warned...don't do things that violate diplomatic ethics.

If Meteor can be killed, of course it is good, all losses are within the tolerable range.

But if Meteor cannot be killed, Golden Valley will not only suffer heavy losses, but also become an international laughing stock.Credit and authority are gone, and the original advantages will no longer exist.

And who will benefit from killing the meteorite?

Of course, it is the Yate County Alliance that is at war with the Golden Shield Empire. Once the Yate County Alliance's army breaks through the northern defense of the Golden Shield Empire, it will be able to drive southward to attack the city of St. Lun. The fragmented empire will soon be annexed by the Yate County Alliance.

With the merger of two powerful human nations, the Shuojin people will face a stronger enemy.

Helkkin's enthusiastic suggestion to kill the meteor in the Golden Valley also proved the Alter County United's greed for the Golden Shield Empire.

The elders of the Shuojin people have long reached a consensus that the next confrontation will not only be against the Golden Shield Empire, but the entire human civilization.

The Golden Shield Empire will be weakened, and the Attorney League will also be weakened, and any country that is strong will be weakened.The World Bank turned the Golden Valley into a safe haven, and hid behind to earn profits, thereby controlling the entire human civilization step by step.

Therefore, good credit must be established.

The Golden Shield Empire delegation was invited by the Shuojin people. Even if they knew that the two sides were enemies, the Shuojin people would let the guests go back safely.

This is tolerance, allowing the outside world to see the confidence of Shuojin people in their own strength.

So when Helkkin finished his speech, Elder Lie said in a nonchalant manner: "The World Bank is a commercial entity, and Shuojin people have never thought of using extreme means to resolve commercial disputes.

Nothing is out of the control of the World Bank.

Lord Helkkin, this time you are invited to the elders' home because the World Bank wants to discuss a large cooperation plan with Yate County United.The Yate County Federation has received comprehensive support from the World Bank in terms of capital, technology, agriculture, industry, etc. We will strengthen the county's steam industry and assist the County Federation to establish a magical system.

It is believed that Art County United will soon have its own magic army and dreadnought fleet. "

For Helkkin, this sense of happiness came too quickly.Even though he was an ice cave agent, he couldn't hide his excitement.

In order to hold this unique feat in his hands, Hulking said: "I can sign a pre-agreement with the World Bank on behalf of Yate County United to confirm this comprehensive cooperation first. Then Yate County United will as soon as possible Form a professional delegation to Golden Valley, discuss with the World Bank to finalize the formal agreement, and sign it for implementation!"

The Shuojin People's House of Elders summoned Helkkin in such a hurry, because they wanted to publicize the World Bank's comprehensive investment in the Art County United while officials and observers from various countries did not leave the Golden Valley, and spread the foundation of the "International League" as soon as possible. Knock solid.

Therefore, the House of Elders promised Helkkin to sign a pre-cooperation agreement and jointly issue a statement to the outside world.

At this time Luke had already boarded the flagship "Augustin the Great" of the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet.

The entire fleet changed from a bombardment stance to a sailing formation, drew a long arc-shaped wake on the sea, turned around and headed towards the Golden Shield Empire.

Between the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet and the Golden Valley is the Golden Valley Defense Fleet composed of armed ships mobilized from various branches of the World Bank during the negotiation period.The size of the fleet is very large, but except for more than a dozen all-metal warships of the first-class machine class, the others are all wooden dome-armored ships.

Such a fleet is of course no match for the Dreadnought fleet. Fortunately, there are still enough airships in the Golden Valley, and there are Shuojin fighters to support their face.

The airship group of the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet turned to retreat one by one after the large fleet left.

A tense confrontation finally came to an end with the departure of the Golden Shield Empire delegation.

But the influence of the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet on this temporarily formed Golden Valley Defense Fleet is far from over.

The World Bank's business is all over the world, and it also has a large number of high-quality armed fleets, which makes the crew of the World Bank's armed fleet very proud.But during the days of defending the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet of the Golden Shield Empire, every crew member of the Golden Valley Defense Fleet spent every day under high pressure.

They originally thought that the power of the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet was just the eight main guns of the Dreadnought class that could squeeze a person into it.But the longer you observe the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet at close range, the more you can appreciate its horror.

The Dreadnought-class battleship is not only an intensive firepower delivery platform with super strong defense, but also has the ability to integrate and coordinate the resources of the entire fleet.

By observing the training of the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet, the Golden Valley Defense Fleet can confirm that the two dreadnought-class warships have two sets of fleet command and staff teams with a certain size.Their existence effectively integrates every unit in the entire fleet into a whole.

What has been shown is that the execution capabilities of the entire fleet are very efficient, and the fleet moves quickly and richly.It can be said that in the open combat area at sea, the strength of each unit of the fleet has been brought into play.

On the other hand, on my own side, the tonnage and protection capabilities of the ship are not enough to put a staff group with a sufficient number of people on the flagship.Therefore, the flagship cannot issue detailed instructions, and various deviations may occur in the ability to understand and execute instructions due to the uneven command system of each ship.

When it comes to naval battles, it is the slow response of the fleet and the waste of combat power.

The Golden Valley Defense Fleet has conducted many simulations of encounters with the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet, and the results are... If the Shuojin people cannot rush into the Dreadnought class in the early stage of the war and eliminate the two command systems of the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet, the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet will be destroyed. The ocean-going escort fleet can easily break through the blocking of the Golden Valley Defense Fleet and bombard urban areas.

However, the Shuojin people followed the World Bank and spread all over the world. There are not many Shuojin people in the Golden Valley, and most of them are children who are trained at the bottom of the valley.In the urban area, important officials from various countries gathered, and the number of various spies, spies, thieves, and assassins reached a peak.A large number of Shuojin people were restrained in the urban area. If they hunted down meteors, they would not be able to send enough powerful Shuojin people to break through the protection system of the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet.

After repeated desktop deduction, the Golden Valley Defense Fleet can only admit that it is not only behind its opponents in weapons and equipment, but also lags behind in terms of command system and operational thinking.

Seeing the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet gradually moving away and disappearing on the sea, all the ship commanders standing at the bow of the ship have only one idea... If you want to defeat such a fleet in the future, you must start chasing your opponent from now on footsteps.The fleet must have new naval warfare ideas, learn systematic warfare, and need a combat platform that can realize new ideas and new tactics.

Build giant ships and build cannons.

With the appearance of the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet of the Golden Shield Empire in the Golden Valley, this idea quickly swept the world.Since camp confrontation will become the mainstream for a long time in the future, any country that relies on the ocean has to pay attention to building its own navy.

Projects of [-]-ton warships were established one after another, and a large number of personnel, materials and funds were invested into this bottomless pit.

The ocean arms race begins.

Moreover, countries not only strengthen their navies, but also develop new weapons and form new armies, which further increase military expenditures.

However, the turbulent international situation and the confrontation between increasingly distinct camps have caused the world economy to slump.On the one hand, the continuous increase in spending on armaments, on the other hand, the reduction in income, and the countries with poor families are all complaining.

However, not only was the economy of Raging Waves City unaffected, but the import and export transaction volume broke through one peak after another.

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