Age of Arcane

Chapter 516 Rumors

"Meteor Chief Assistant, I am here to inform you that Her Royal Highness will summon you tonight to discuss matters concerning the throne..." Agatha regained her posture and walked out of the office, passing by Shelley and Pisco , and said appreciatively: "You played very well in the northern border. Especially Shelley, it seems that you are really not suitable for the job in the Secret Affairs Bureau. Fortunately, the first assistant has discovered your talent."

Shelley still had better eyesight than Pisco, she took a step back and saluted, "Thank you Your Royal Highness for saving me from prison, thank you governor...thank you Mr. Chief Assistant for trusting me and entrusting the Raging City Armored Assault Division to my command. "

"Shoufu transferred you back from the northern border because there are other important tasks for you. Do it well... The empire will not disappoint anyone who has made contributions to the empire. You talk, I'm leaving..."

Agatha left, and Shelley immediately took out the documents she carried with her to report to Luke.

The Raging City Armored Assault Division stationed at Pine Tower Harbor played a vital role in bringing the Empire's winter offensive to a timely conclusion.Especially in the late stage of the offensive, the Raging Waves City Armored Assault Division, led by Shelley, broke through decisively inland, and was invincible all the way.Facing the defense line deployed by Yate County United against Songta Port, they achieved an average record of breaking through 30 kilometers a day, which cut off the momentum of Yate County United's back road in one fell swoop.

In the end, the Art County United was forced to retreat from the northern border of the empire, and countless materials were discarded.

All the northern territory of the empire was recovered, and Queen Christina's prestige reached a new height.

Now the Snow Army Corps is rebuilding the border defense line, and some other meritorious troops will be transferred back to Shenglun City for repairs, preparing to participate in the military parade for the coronation of the new emperor.

The Raging Waves City Armored Assault Division has already handed over the defense of Songta Port to the Snow Army. One batch will return to Raging Waves City by sea and the other by land, waiting for a new reorganization.

Luke looked at the war records and attrition results reports submitted by Shelley, while asking questions about the war.

Shelley answered each one in detail.

The Winter War in the Northern Territory perfectly brought out Shelley's partiality in war command.She was born for the battlefield and has a very sensitive sense of fighter planes.Once the opportunity is seized, the action is as decisive as she shoots someone, really as fast and deadly as a poisonous snake.

After the debriefing, Luke said to Shelley: "After returning to the base of Raging City, the Armored Assault Division of Raging City will undergo magical reorganization and build it into a mobile fortress with automatic production and automatic replenishment capabilities, accumulating technology and resources for future more advanced wars." strategy and tactics.

As the commander of this army, you need to strengthen your strength to deal with high-strength battles. "

Hearing about the war, Shelley asked excitedly: "Master Shoufu, are we going to start a war with the Shuojin people?"

Luke said: "As a soldier, just obey orders and don't ask for things you don't need to know. After you take a break, report to Miss Weatherly's museum. Miss Weatherly will formulate a body modification plan based on your physical condition.

Pisco, you go find the sandpaper! "

Pisco was instinctively afraid of sandpaper as a mechanical reformer. Hearing that Shoufu asked him to find sandpaper, Pisco couldn't help shivering: "My lord, why did you ask me to find sandpaper?"

Seeing Pisco's appearance, Luke couldn't help laughing: "The Alchemist Association of Raging City and the Magic Lab jointly developed a magic-powered exoskeleton for the training of Magic Titan drivers. I Let the engineer make a special one for you as a reward for your outstanding performance in the Northern War, and the exoskeleton is there with the sandpaper, let her help you install it."

"Okay, okay!"

"There's nothing else to do, you go out and do your thing."

"Yes, Master Chief Assistant."

Shelley and Pisco leave, and Luke throws himself back into what seems to be a never-ending job.

At this time, in the manor of the second prince Alec, Alec was playing with the musket just sent from the Imperial Gun Research Institute in the shooting range.

An attendant released a gray rabbit at a distance of 200 meters, and Alec aimed his gun at the rabbit who didn't know what was going to happen.The freed rabbit hopped two steps and was attracted by the nearby vanilla, and began to nibble quickly.

There was a gunshot, and a cloud of mud splashed near the rabbit.

The frightened rabbit ran away, jumped into a group of grass, and the attendants immediately ran to find the rabbit.

Alec didn't feel any emotion because the shot missed, but carefully checked the gun's sights.

At this time, the guards ran over: "Your Highness, the former Prime Minister Gabriel is here to visit, and there are more than a dozen retired officials and well-known businessmen with him."

Alec adjusted the gauge, and pulled the bolt to force a fresh round into the chamber.

The squire caught the rabbit and threw it out into the open.

The rabbit that landed ran away like a puff of gray smoke flying close to the ground.

There was another gunshot, and the running rabbit turned a few somersaults on the ground before dying with its limbs twitching.

Alec was very satisfied with his marksmanship, and asked the trusted guard: "I wonder if this thing can penetrate the golden armor of the Shining Jin people?"

The guard replied: "Firearms are effective against undefended light armored units at a long distance, but they are not ideal against magic protection and heavy armor. Melee combat is not as good as a sharp knife; long-distance is not as good as enchanted arrows and magic weapons." Projectiles and artillery.

I heard from a friend who works in the Firearms Research Institute that the Magic Lab of Raging Wave City is using micro-engraving technology to burn magic circles inside bullets.If it is successful, the firearms that can fire magic bullets will be given to the magician to use, which can increase the magician's fighting methods. "

Alec threw the musket to the guard, and said with emotion: "I don't know if I can get a gun like this when I leave the empire."

The loyal guard said sadly: "Your Highness, do you really want to leave?"

Alec said bitterly: "If I don't leave, I won't find peace for a moment. Those people always want to push me to the front and fight for their own interests. But can the current situation of the empire be changed by me and their power? ?
If I could fight to win, I wouldn't come back from New Moon Oasis.

By the way, who did you say was coming to visit? "

The guard repeated: "It's Mr. Gabriel, the former chief assistant, and some retired officials and well-known businessmen."

"Gabriel!" Alec became interested when he heard the name: "Can't even this old fox sit still? Since it's Lord Gabriel visiting, let's meet him and listen to what he thinks." What are you doing?
Take them to the council hall. "

"Yes, Your Highness."

In the meeting hall, Gabriel and the people who came with him sat in the seats on both sides.The fire in the fireplace was burning very vigorously, dispelling the lingering chill of early spring.

The second prince, Alec, hadn't arrived yet, and there was no sound in the meeting hall. Everyone looked at Gabriel, the former Chief Assistant, who was close to the main seat from time to time.

Resentment and worry made the atmosphere in the meeting hall very low.

After a while, Alec came in with a change of clothes.

Gabriel led everyone to stand up and salute Alec: "His Royal Highness Alec, good day!"

"Sit down! Don't be too restrained, all I have left now is the title of prince."

All seated.

Gabriel said to Alec: "Your Highness, have you heard such a rumor these days that the great emperor of the empire, our respected Emperor Augustine, died in the coup d'état initiated by Fania a year ago?" .'"

Alec pretended to be confused and said: "I heard this rumor a long time ago. I remember that when I was still in the New Moon Oasis, the person who told me that my father was gone... seems to be sent by you, my lord. "

"Ahem..." Alec's merciless revelation made Gabriel cough twice to cover up his embarrassment: "The people who came here today are all trustworthy people, so I won't make up stories. Your Highness Alec Well, it was impossible for such rumors to spread in St. Lun City before, but now even the lowest level citizens are talking about it.

The spread of the rumors was obviously with the acquiescence of the palace and the Imperial Secret Service. "

Alec knew the advisor and said, "Master Gabriel, what do you want to express?"

Gabriel looked at the people who came with him, and then said to Alec: "During Meteor's visit to the Golden Valley, there were many rumors about the queen's lineage and succession to the throne in the city of St. Lun.

Now someone is spreading news of His Majesty's death...

I think that soon the sycophant Yuxing will support the queen to rebel and usurp power, and take away the throne belonging to the Augustine family. "

Alec smiled and said: "So what? Do you still think I can stop it? Look at you, you were all important ministers of the empire a year ago, and now you are not all like me, and your wings were easily twisted by the meteorite.

What do you want to do, don't pull me, I know that I am not the opponent of Meteorite, and I want to live a few more years. "

Gabriel said: "Your Highness, it is different now. Meteor is so arrogant that he dared to openly oppose the Shuojin people. Now the World Bank is withdrawing capital from the empire on a large scale, and leading the whole world to sanction and block the empire." , and the empire has yet to find a significant ally.

According to the latest news we have received, many big businessmen in Gexinshe are on the World Bank's sanctions list, and some people's accounts were directly frozen, and the loss of wealth is unimaginable.

The Shuojin people and the World Bank are simply not something the empire can fight against.Right now, the Reform Agency is already very unstable, and some officials from the Raging Waves City system are also questioning Meteorite's decision. "

Alec said lightly: "You came to me because you want me to stand up against Meteor?"

A big businessman stood up impatiently and said: "Your Highness, the arrogant Meteor is completely insane, and he is leading the empire to a path of destruction. It won't be long before the empire's economic system will be blocked by the World Bank." The world would collapse, bankrupts would take to the streets to loot, armies would rebel, and the Empire would be thrown into total chaos.

Yate County United is receiving full funding from the World Bank.

The victory in the North is only temporary. When the Attorney United invades again, we will be powerless to stop it.

Your Highness, only you can save the Empire. "

Alec glanced at the businessman who was speaking excitedly, and then asked Gabriel, "What do you think I should do?"

Gabriel said meaningfully: "Your Highness, this may be your last chance to save the empire. With the intensification of World Bank sanctions, more and more people whose interests have been seriously damaged will oppose the meteorite. There are Reform Society, some The Crusaders, and the old nobles.

As long as you are willing to lead us, we can organize a large-scale rally and parade in the city of St. Lun.People throughout the empire who are dissatisfied with the meteor will come to our aid, and more and more people will realize that the meteor is destroying the empire.

When the entire empire is against Meteor, he can only resign! "

Alec asked, "Will there be that many people supporting us?"

Gabriel replied decisively: "Yes!"

"Why are you so sure?"

Gabriel hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Your Highness, our coming together this time means that we are ready, and we are just waiting for your decision!"

Alec looked at the people who came with Gabriel, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "What you told me is too sudden and important, and I can't give you the answer right now.

Let me think about it and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. "

Gabriel knew that the shadow in Alec's heart was too great, and it was impossible for him to make a decision against Meteor now.

"Alright, we are waiting for Your Highness's reply. Please don't think about it for too long, we must stop the queen from usurping the throne first."

"I know, you go back first."

Gabriel led the people away, leaving only Alec and his bodyguards in the huge meeting hall.

Seeing Alec sitting there for a long time, the guard whispered, "Your Highness... I, I think... this is an opportunity."

"Yes, this is an opportunity. Gabriel and the others came to me confidently, and they must have the support of the World Bank behind them. If I agree to them, I have a chance to become the emperor of the empire. But... if my father The emperor is in my situation, what will he do?"

The guard replied: "Your Highness, I dare not speculate on His Majesty's visionary wisdom."

"Yes, father is wiser than me, and can see farther than me." Alec said to himself: "He has long seen that neither Fania nor I are qualified monarchs, and the facts also prove that he sees us. It is very accurate. If the father is in my current situation, he will definitely do better than me, but no matter how he fights, he will never betray the interests of the empire.

Gabriel didn't tell me that the World Bank was behind him, it must be because he promised many conditions to the Shuojin people.I understand these new aristocrats, their integrity is far inferior to those of the old aristocrats, as long as the interests are sufficient, they can sell anything. "

The guard Dawu said: "So that's why you didn't agree to them, Your Highness. You are really smart, Your Highness."

Alec couldn't help laughing at himself and said: "Since those who vassalized me have left, the house has become much quieter, and I am willing to use my own brain.

Gabriel's side just dragged on like this. Even without me, they will still complete the tasks assigned to them by the World Bank. I want to see how Meteor will respond. "

"I know how to do it. I will stop all future visitors for you."

"Hmm! Any news about Nightingale?"

"Yes, Miss Nightingale is now..."

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