Age of Arcane

Chapter 518 Medusa

When Luke was talking about the succession of the throne with Empress Christina and Princess Agatha, Clear Sky was looking at an incubator in the No. 7 Extraordinary Transformation Laboratory of the Institute of Extraordinary Biology of the Empire.

The incubator is a cylindrical container made of glass, with a diameter of two meters and a height of three meters.The incubator is filled with a light green nutrient solution, and after strict temperature and magic field control, an artificial womb environment is formed.

In the nutrient solution of the incubator, the naked Shelley was curled up and suspended inside, like a fetus in pregnancy.

The surroundings of the laboratory are full of experimental equipment in operation, with lights and magic beams flickering uninterruptedly, and nearly [-] extraordinary biological researchers in white experimental uniforms are busy working in their positions.

An item of data is collected.

From time to time, new culture fluid was injected into the incubator through the catheter, and the magic halo formed by the magic reaction flowed in the nutrition fluid, and finally penetrated from Shelley's skin into her body.

Shelley is a Medusa-like supernatural creature transformation, a product of military super warrior experiments.It's just that the one she cultivated didn't meet the standards of the extraordinary warrior experiment, so she was sent to the northern battlefield like other defective products.

In the border contact battle between the Northern War and the Yate County United, Shelley made a lot of military exploits with his bravery, and his position and rank also continued to rise.

However, the positions of middle and senior officers in the former Northern Legion were dominated by the military aristocrats, and it was extremely difficult for ordinary civilian officers to be promoted when they reached a certain rank, not to mention that Shelley was just a transhuman being.

But being able to be the third officer of a war fortress can already see Shelley's strength and potential.

Later, because she was dissatisfied with being suppressed and seriously injured her boss, she was sentenced to 45 years in prison.Then he was recruited by Agatha into the Secret Affairs Bureau, which opened the "legend" belonging to the Black Mamba.

Shelley is very popular in the Age of Ages game. Several players can refuse a beautiful aunt who wears a tight leather jacket and drives a steam motorcycle, and this aunt also has special crime-solving skills.

After players conquer Shelley, they will naturally try their best to improve Shelley's strength.It is very cool to go in and out of various high-level dungeons on Shelley's motorcycle.

Qingkong retracted her involuntary reverie and reappreciated Shelley in the incubator.

Shelley's training path, of course, is to continue to strengthen her existing Medusa lineage.

Medusa is an extinct extraordinary creature, they only have females, no males, they have snake hair and a pair of eyes that can release petrification-like magic.Medusa has a very strong motion capture ability, and her physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Medusa was most active during ancient wars. They were like mercenaries today, and they were willing to fight for any side as long as they paid the corresponding price.Studies of later generations generally believe that Medusa's intelligence or mind is defective, because they seem to be unaware that they will be thrown into the worst battlefield as mercenaries, and the facts also prove the end of Medusa.

In the materials of the late period of the ancient war, there is no information about Medusa.

So far, no living Medusa has been found.

But Medusa's fighting power is unquestionable, after all, the five ancient civilizations are willing to hire Medusa to fight for them.

The Institute of Extraordinary Biology of the Empire was able to conduct research on Medusa because it found a section of active Medusa hair during an excavation of an ancient ruin.

It was a section of a snake's head, which was completely sealed in a piece of crystal.

"Miss Qingkong..." An assistant walked to Qingkong's side with a form: "We have completed the collection of body indicators for Medusa No. 16 subject. The subject is in good health, only left The pupil of Medusa cannot be controlled, so it must be covered with an eye patch.

We have added Nabing Polyethylene Compound Medicine, Buffy Y. Teller Red Agent, Intermediate Mana Stabilizer, and Sky Tearstone Solution to the nutrient solution in batches according to the plan you gave.All auxiliary reagents were absorbed by Medusa No. 16 test body, and no adverse reactions occurred. "

Qingkong took the form, which recorded hundreds of Shelley's physical index data, followed by the data that Shelley had just cultivated.Decades have passed, not only have the main values ​​not decreased, but they have increased considerably.

"How many Medusa subjects are still alive?"

The assistant replied: "A total of 26 healthy embryos were cultivated by the Medusa experiment. Among them, seven embryos died during pregnancy, ten were deformed, and four were executed because they failed to meet the requirements during growth. In the end, only five of the experimental subjects were cultivated and formed." , but during the training phase, three subjects including subject No. 16 were listed as defective.


Subject No. 16 and Subject No. 3 are the living subjects of the existing Medusa warrior subjects. "

The cultivation of extraordinary creatures is definitely not a humane experiment. The combination of genes of extraordinary creatures and human embryos is destined to produce all kinds of strange things, and the success rate is also very low.

Shelley is unfortunate, but also lucky.

Qing Kong asked again: "What's the condition of Experiment No. 3?"

"Experiment No. 3 has a controllable pupil of Medusa, and its physical strength and magic power far exceed that of Experiment No. 16. It also has a very good ability to execute orders. After the angels descended on the palace, some extraordinary reformed fighters were killed. Conscripted into the imperial palace, Experiment No. 3 was among those conscripted.

I heard that the Empire Special Weapons Development Bureau specially made a bow for Experiment No. 3, which can shoot special alchemy magic arrows.

Miss Sunny Sky, do you need to transfer Subject No. 3 to assist in the follow-up experiments? "

"No, I'm just asking casually. The most important thing is to protect the safety of Her Highness the Queen."

Clear Sky asked Experiment No. 3 to confirm whether the only remaining Medusa warrior had any accidents due to the change of the plot.

Still alive... not bad.

The assistant said: "Experiment No. 3 is very honored to protect Her Highness the Queen."

Qingkong asked: "How much living tissue is left in Medusa's severed hair?"

The assistant replied: "The active tissue we extracted from Medusa's broken hair is very small, and it was used up during the cultivation of Medusa warriors. Now there is only an empty snake head left from Medusa's broken hair."

Qingkong said: "Send the snake head left over from Medusa's hair to Experiment No. 3, and order her to open the pupil of Medusa and stare at the eyes of the snake head for 10 minutes every day until the eyes on the snake head are petrified." , Immediately return it to the Extraordinary Organism Cultivation Research Institute.

After you get the snake head, keep it well, I am useful! "

The assistant saluted and said, "Yes, Miss Qingkong. We will send someone to report to you as soon as we get the snake head."

Qingkong said: "I'm going to leave Shenglun City for a while, and I'll come to you to ask for it when I need it. It's none of your business here, so go out."

"Yes, Miss Skylight."

In view of Qingkong's status in the empire and her own strength, no one in the Empire Institute of Extraordinary Creature Cultivation dared to go against her.After receiving the order, all researchers in the laboratory immediately withdrew.

Soon the laboratory was left with the clear sky and Shelley sleeping in the incubator, surrounded by the sound of "di di da da" from the running of the machine, and the sound similar to electric current from time to time.

Clear Sky approached the incubator and pressed a button on it.

There was a continuous rumbling sound, and after the incubator vibrated for a while, the nutrient solution inside swirled out and flowed away along the drain valve opened at the bottom.

The green water drained away, and Shelley lay at the bottom of the incubator.Then a large amount of clear water was washed down from above to wash away the nutrient solution on Shelley's body.

Shelley, too, came to himself in the douche.

She stood up and faced the clear sky in a military stance.

The glass cover was opened, and Qingkong reached out and grabbed a bath towel from the air and threw it on Shelley's body.

"Go to the locker room and put your clothes on, I have something to tell you."

"Yes, Miss Skylight."

Qingkong's powerful momentum and emotionless expression made Shelley dare not be as presumptuous as she was in front of Luke, and her nervousness made her show a soldier's style.

Without waiting too long, Shelley changed her clothes and came out from the dressing room next door.

And standing straight in front of the clear sky.

Qing Kong said, "Give me your gun."

Shelley drew the pistol from the holster on his leg ring, and handed it to Clear Sky with both hands.

Qing Kong took the gun, and after looking at it repeatedly, he threw it on the table next to him.


Shelley couldn't help worrying about whether his favorite gun was broken. It was his second favorite thing besides Thunder BU953.

But the quality of the soldiers prevented her from running over to check her favorite gun.

Seeing Shelley's eyes that couldn't stop glancing at the gun, Qing Kong couldn't help but smiled and said: "No matter how well maintained the things that were made more than ten years ago, they won't work anymore.

Try the 'Viper' I made just for you, I guarantee you will like it. "

Qingkong reached out and took out a black pistol from the portable space.The shape of the pistol is peculiar, and the body of the gun is covered with a layer of slowly wriggling scales, making a slight "rustling" sound, really like a poisonous snake turning into a gun.

Shelley grabbed the gun thrown by Qing Kong, snake scales covered her hand in an instant, and the gun and hand became one.Let Shelley feel that the gun is fused with himself, and his magic power enters the magic array built into the gun without any resistance or loss.

"Miss Sunny Sky, is such a good gun really for me?"

Qingkong gave Shelley a few magazine clips: "'Viper' is specially made for you, and others can't use it. When there are no bullets, 'Viper' can consume magic power to shoot short-distance venom. It fires ordinary bullets and can attach bullets to the bullets. Highly poisonous; it fires special alchemy bullets, which have the effects of breaking demons, piercing armor, paralyzing, and weakening."

After getting the "Viper" and hearing that the gun was so powerful, Shelley immediately forgot all about his original gun, thinking about finding a place to try the power of the "Viper".

At this time, Qingkong said again: "I still need to wait for a key mysterious item to transform you, and your body needs to be strengthened before the transformation. It's just... I have to leave the empire for a while, so that you can recover in time." To complete the transformation, you need to come with me."

Shelley stopped playing with "Poisonous Snake", looked at Qingkong and asked, "You want me to leave the empire with you? I need to apply to the Chief Minister of Meteor. Only with Mr. Chief Minister's permission, can I accept Miss Qingkong's transfer."

"Your loyalty to Meteor Shoufu deserves to be rewarded." Qing Kong took out a transfer order and handed it to Shelley: "This is the transfer order given to you by Shoufu. During the time when I leave the empire with me, you must obey me all the time." .”

Shelley put the gun back into the holster, and the snake scales and her hands loosened automatically.

Shelley took the transfer order and checked it carefully, and after confirming that it was correct, she saluted Qingkong: "Shelley accepts the order of the chief assistant of the meteorite, and from now until the end of the mission, I will unconditionally carry out Miss Qingkong's order.

May I ask Miss Skylight, where are we going after we leave the Empire?What task? "

Qingkong replied: "Go to the magic forest. Princess Dai'er seems to be in some trouble. Let's go find her and bring her back to attend Her Majesty's coronation ceremony."

"Emerald Forest? That's the kingdom of the forest elves!"

"Yes, that is the country of the forest elves. Let's get ready, we will leave early tomorrow morning."

"Yes, Miss Skylight."

The next day, the team to the Emerald Forest set off quietly.

The black dragon Bale flew towards the east facing the rising sun, and Jenny and Shelley sat on its open back.Shelley had never flown into such a high airspace without protection. She tightly grasped the raised corners of the black dragon's back, not daring to look at the sea below.

Jenferni was much calmer. It wasn't her first time riding a black dragon, and she was very experienced in casting a windshield for herself and Shelley.

The sheriff lay comfortably in Jenny's arms, the wind from the windshield blowing its black hair.

"Black Dragon Ballie, when you came, I was worried that you would threaten my status. Only now have I realized how much Her Majesty the Queen loves me, and even specially equipped a dragon as a mount for my trip.

I really want to see that little mouse in An Ye soon. She doesn't know how jealous she will be when she sees me now. "

Being forced to fly with people on his back made Black Dragon Pale very unhappy, but being provoked by the cheap-talking police chief made him even more angry.

"Damn black cat, believe it or not, I threw you into the sea."

The sergeant is not afraid of the black dragon: "I am the mount of the noble Queen Clear Sky, and you are just a dragon serving a sentence. If you dare to throw me into the sea, you don't need Her Majesty to take action. My servant will be fine." teach you...

Meow! "

Fearing that the sheriff would really irritate the black dragon and make a somersault, she quickly stuffed the sheriff into her bag, and then apologized to the black dragon Barle: "I'm sorry, Black Dragon Barle, the sheriff is just fighting for favor, it's afraid You squeezed his position, after all, you are a mighty dragon."

With a slap of the dragon's fart, the anger of the black dragon Bale immediately calmed down: "I would be happy to carry Her Majesty the Queen of Clear Sky across this long sea area, but Her Majesty seems to prefer to fly alone so that she can think quietly."

Jenny looked at the airspace ahead, and the clear sky with ice crystal wings was flying about 300 meters ahead.

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