Age of Arcane

Chapter 523 Difficulties

Chapter 523 Difficulties
After Professor Dilai Sisminya finished explaining the headhunters, several elf professors came to the stage to show their own or team's research results on headhunters.

At this time, it has been about half a month since Daier found the headhunters and informed Professor Makatina. It is very rare for the Emerald Magic Academy to research so much information.But these research results are only the surface of the headhunters, not enough to conclude an effective way to deal with the headhunters.

Finally, the magic projection on the podium showed a map of the Emerald Forest, densely marked with the location of the discovered headhunter camps, and some elven villages captured by the headhunters.

The lecture theater fell silent.

An elderly elven scholar stepped onto the podium.His face was wrinkled, his eyelids were slack so that he couldn't keep his eyes open, his thinning hair was tied into a bun, and the tips of his ears drooped.

Professor Makatina introduced to Qingkong in a low voice: "This is Ezra Vidal, the dean of the Emerald Academy of Magic, who has the title of 'Deer of Wisdom'. We don't know how many years he lived. It seems that he Forget it too, but he is definitely one of the oldest forest elves who have seen the devastation of the Emerald Forest after the ancient battle."

Qingkong said: "'Deer of Wisdom'... Even in the desolate western region, we often hear the name of Dean Vidal and his legend. He gave up the honor of inheriting the elf king, chose to create the Emerald Magic Academy, and It has been guarding this academy to this day.

It can be said that Dean Vidal laid the foundation for the modern magic science of the Emerald Forest, and was also the pioneer of the Emerald Forest's integration into human civilization. "

Hearing that the Queen of Moonlight had such a high opinion of her dean, Makatina said happily: "Yes, Dean Vidal is the guide for the emerald forest to a new civilization."

Dean Vidal stood on the podium, seemingly weak, but said in a very calm voice: "Not long ago, I saw the personal attendants sent by King Sanye, and His Majesty asked the Emerald Magic Academy if they had found someone to deal with the headhunters. Method.

If we can't come up with a feasible plan, His Majesty may have to choose the forest elves to leave the Emerald Forest..."

Dean Vidal's words made the auditorium immediately noisy.

Family migration!

This is definitely a stain that the forest elves will always bear.

And it is easy to leave, but it is not easy to come back.

However, the headhunters have a strong reproductive capacity and a terrifying speed of strength improvement. If they don't evacuate now while they have time, they will only pay a heavier loss when the headhunters attack the Emerald King's Court.

Is there really no other way?

"Silence!" Dean Bildah's voice was not loud, but he immediately quieted the noisy classroom: "Now every minute of time is precious. We have missed the best time to suppress the headhunters, and the headhunters are using a very terrifying The speed is increasing, and they will appear around the Emerald King Court at any time and launch an attack.

King Sanye trusts us, and he is waiting for our news.

Can anyone suggest?Even if it is not feasible, it may be an inspiration. "

An elf professor in the audience raised his hand, and after obtaining the permission of Dean Vidal, he stood up and said, "Headhunters are tricky, but their weaknesses are also very obvious. Find the Queen Hunt and kill it, and you can fix it." The number of headhunters, it is a simple matter to eliminate them one by one.

The difficulty now is not knowing where the Queen Hunting is.

I think that by using astrology and divination, concentrating the abilities of all the fortune tellers in the academy, combined with the computing power of the alchemy difference machine, it may be possible to calculate and predict the location to hunt and kill the queen. "

Dean Vidal thought about it: "Astrological divination is the derivation of the laws of all things in the world. We don't know enough about headhunters to perform accurate divination, and we can't report this to King Sanye as a solution.

This is related to the future fate of the forest elves. His Majesty needs a certain value to make a decision, and an uncertain value will only interfere with him.

But for us, astrology and divination may be a reference factor.Professor Fawali, I allow you to mobilize the fortune tellers of the academy to carry out a large-scale divination ceremony, which can start now. "

Professor Fawali saluted Dean Vidal and left the auditorium.Several fortune tellers got up and left with Professor Fawali.

Another elf professor raised his hand and stood up: "The headhunters have low intelligence and low mental power. We can try to use mind control equipment to control the headhunters to enter their territory, so that we can definitely get more information, and maybe we can find The position of the Headhunter Queen."

Dean Vidal said with great relief: "This is a good idea! This job is entrusted to you. If you need headhunter experimental products, you can tell the royal court patrol soldiers, and they will find a way to meet your experimental needs. "

Then several elf professors put forward their own ideas.

Although it is not a solution, it is at least an advancement towards the ultimate goal.

When Clear Sky was listening carefully, Professor Makatina next to her raised her hand.

With Dean Vidal's permission, Professor Makatina stood up and said: "According to the known information, the headhunters are very aggressive towards animals, and they have not been found to attack plants with a clear purpose of hunting.

We can try to plant and breed offensive plants to delay the expansion of headhunters.It can cultivate toxins against headhunters for non-contact combat. "

Dean Vidal praised and said: "This is a very feasible method. However, we must use it with caution when cultivating toxins against headhunters. It must be confirmed that headhunters will not evolve resistance to toxins, or even evolve toxins against us. toxin.

We still know too little about the headhunters, so don't be too radical. "

Makatina saluted and replied: "Yes, sir, I will definitely keep your concerns in mind."

At this time, Dean Vidal noticed the clear sky sitting next to Makatina.

"A... prairie elf. I don't remember any prairie elf scholars hired by the academy. How did you get in here?"

Professor Makatina immediately explained: "This is Miss Xingkong, from Fengcao City, Harmutu Basin, Western Region Administration of the Golden Shield Empire.

Miss Starry Sky learned that we were suffering from headhunters and wanted to help us. "

Qingkong stood up and saluted Dean Vidal: "Dean Vidal, I am very honored to meet you."

Dean Vidal looked at Qingkong, his eyelids that almost covered his eyes opened a little, and then formally saluted Qingkong under the surprised eyes of all the elves.

"Miss Xingkong, I am also very honored to visit you. Thank you for your willingness to help the Emerald Forest. What do you think of the headhunters?"

Qingkong said: "I have been listening in, and think that the professors and scholars of the Emerald Academy of Magic have found the right method, all that is needed is time to verify.

I will talk about my thoughts from another direction.

During the ancient war period, especially in the early stage, many extraordinary creatures that had never existed before suddenly appeared in a concentrated manner.It was during that period that the headhunters first appeared.

In addition, recently, I have been researching the "War God" that once appeared in the Tedgar Hills. This kind of extraordinary creature also appeared in the ancient war period. It was most active in the early stage of the war, and gradually disappeared in the middle and late stages.

There are also Medusa, two-headed lizard dragon, dream eater, raging orc...

According to a research paper published by the Institute of Extraordinary Biology of the Golden Shield Empire, these extraordinary creatures that suddenly appeared and then disappeared due to various reasons have more or less defects, making it difficult for them to reproduce.


Because of the values ​​of the forest elves, the Emerald Academy of Magic did not offer the subject of transformation of extraordinary creatures, and their understanding of extraordinary creatures was far inferior to that of their human counterparts.

Therefore, what Qingkong said instantly opened up a new way of thinking and direction for these forest elves.

Dean Vidal said: "Yes, the flaws of the headhunters are very obvious and fatal. The hunt for the queen must be surrounded by the headhunters. Now the headhunters have become a trend, but we don't even know where the queen is. ..."

Qingkong said with a smile: "President Vidal, you are avoiding the point I said. In the early days of the ancient war, a large number of supernatural beings appeared in all parts of the world. It must be because the world at that time formed the conditions for them to appear.

Now that the headhunters appear again in the Emerald Forest, does it mean that this condition has been formed again? "

Dean Vidal said: "The emergence of headhunters is a scientific issue, and I don't want to involve other things. Miss Xingkong, I think you can understand what I mean."

"The emergence of headhunters is of course a scientific issue, as to whether other things will be involved, it is not up to you to decide.

And since you think the appearance of the headhunters is a scientific problem, Mr. Dean, then... why don't you tell everyone the way to quickly find and kill the queen? "

Qingkong's words caused an uproar in the lecture theater in an instant.

Dean Vidal knows how to quickly find the way to hunt the queen?
But since he knew, why didn't he say it!
You must know that the hunters have forced the forest elves to migrate out of the Emerald Forest.

Professor Makatina said dissatisfiedly to Qingkong: "Miss Xingkong, I respect you very much, but please don't frame Dean Vidar. If Mr. Dean knows how to find and kill the Queen, he will never hide it!"

Qingkong didn't answer, but looked at Dean Vidal.

Myrdal stood there, not defending himself.His abnormal behavior made the elves can't help guessing... Could it be that the dean really knows how to hunt and kill the queen?

The chaotic voice quickly subsided, and the elves looked at Qingkong and Dean Vidal at the same time, wondering what the correct answer was.

At this time, an elf assistant teacher broke into the lecture hall: "Dean...Master Dean, it's bad! An angel landed in the academy, he said...he said that his companion was hunted by headhunters!"

All the elves stood up in shock.

When the headhunters encounter a strong enemy, they will cultivate a targeted hunter. If the hunter successfully kills the target, the hunting queen will produce this type of hunter in batches.Therefore, when the forest elves faced the headhunters, they paid great attention to the protection of their powerful units.

Now you say an angel was hunted!

What are the angels doing in the Emerald Forest?It's okay, what are you doing to provoke the headhunters!
Dean Vidal knew the seriousness of the matter, and he asked seriously, "Where is the angel who came?"

"The angel was injured and has been sent to the hospital for treatment."

"Take me to him!" Dean Bildad suppressed his anger.After walking a few steps, he turned to Qingkong and said, "Miss Xingkong, if you don't mind, can you accompany me to see this angel?"

"Of course. I'm also very curious, what is the angel doing in the Emerald Forest at this time?"

Clear Sky followed Dean Bildad out of the lecture theater.

The elves immediately surrounded Professor Makatina and asked what the identity of this grassland elf Xingkong from the Golden Shield Empire was.

Professor Makatina said: "If you guessed it, the identity of Miss Starry Sky is what you guessed. Now we do what we should do. No matter what the headhunters become, we are the ones who face them. "

The elves quickly dispersed.

Professor Makatina is right, no matter what Miss Starry Sky's identity is or what will happen in the future, it will always be the forest elves who face the headhunters.

Qingkong followed Dean Vidal to the college medical center, and saw a male angel being treated by a doctor.

The angel took off his armor and sat on the medical chair. His whole body was covered with scars from sharp knives, and a piece of his left wing was cut off.

The elf doctor smeared potions on the angel's body, and then cast magic to speed up the healing of the wound and the absorption of the potion.

Dean Vidal walked up to the angel and asked, "Your name, and the purpose of coming to the Emerald Forest."

Enduring the pain, the angel said, "I am the sapphire sapphire Siphus, the holy angel. I have come to the Emerald Forest to check the status of the magic spring..."

Dean Vidal reached out to stop the holy angel Sifus from continuing. He said to the doctor: "Go out, I want to talk to this angel about some confidential matters."

"Follow your orders, Dean Vidal."

The elf doctor left.

Dean Vidal said to the angel: "Why are you investigating the Magic Spring?"

The angel Sifus said: "This is the order of the sword of the oath. I don't need to explain anything to you. Just like last time, the headhunters were created by the magic spring, and the queen hunt is there.

When we found the Magic Spring, my companions and I were found, and only I escaped. "

Dean Vidal couldn't help being angry and said: "Since you know what a headhunter is, you should only know what the consequences will be if an angel is hunted! Soon hunters who are capable of hunting angels will appear in large numbers, not only Only we forest elves will perish, and the whole world will usher in an unprecedented disaster!"

The angel didn't show any remorse, he said: "Killing an angel doesn't change the fact that headhunters are low-level creatures. As long as Sky City is willing, it can behead and kill the queen at any time.

At this time, the forest elves should lower their stance and seek help from Sky City instead of blaming an angel who delivered the news for you! "

(End of this chapter)

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