Age of Arcane

Chapter 537 Mushrooms

Chapter 537 Mushrooms
The bottom hatch of the Kirov airship opened, and two mechanical arms grabbed a Magic Titan and lowered it out of the cabin.

In the cockpit, Luke completes the neuron connection with the Magic Titan.When the consciousness was connected, all the senses of the Magic Titan were accurately fed back in his spirit, and he could even feel the sharp airflow blowing through the body.

Luke opened the eyes of the Magic Titan, and the powerful magical energy in his body exploded, and the wind element ejected from the nozzle at the rear of the body was transformed into a fire element.With a stronger thrust, the crimson tail inflammation pushed the body to shake violently on the fixed bracket.

The mechanical arm was lowered to the lowest position, the air clamp was opened, and the Magic Titan, which had already stored a large amount of potential energy, rushed forward in an instant.

In front are five hunting angels, they try to attack the airbag of the airship, but are blocked by the gargoyle carried by the airship.The magicians located all over the hull use fixed magic amplifiers to use the surplus magic energy of the airship's element fusion reactor to expand a circular amplification circle. The magic cast by the magician will be multiplied several times after passing through the magic circle. A simple lightning bolt can release the effect of thunder.

With the support of covering and powerful magic, more than a dozen gargoyles were able to firmly suppress the five hunting angels, and it took some time to wipe them out.

At this time, the Magic Titan rushed into the battle group, and the fire elements gathered on the fists to form explosive gloves.Swing out with all your strength, and when the glove touches the hunting angel, it will use a directional blast. In the impacting flames, half of a hunting angel's body will fly far away, and the other half of the body will be blown away by the punch. The hit smashed.

The Magic Titan punched again. Although a hunting angel managed to avoid the front, the shock wave formed by the bursting of the fist swept its left arm, and one arm disappeared in the flames in an instant.The Magic Titan spurted flames to catch up, and swung his fist with the Explosive Gauntlet attached. After a blast, the Hunting Angel was smashed into burning pieces.

After killing two hunting angels in a row, Luke became more and more fond of this magical Titan full of violent aesthetics. It can definitely be used as a cutting-edge weapon for the empire to fight against five ancient civilizations.The Magic Titan burst into flames and rushed towards the third victim, just like a grown man rushing towards a kindergarten child. In a fist-to-flesh explosion, he took away all the remaining hunting angels one by one.

When the threat was lifted, the gargoyles flew to the storage hanger, and then became flat and stuck in the fixed slot one by one.

The attacking magicians also released the unfolded magic circle one by one. The Kirov airship continued to move forward, and the magic projectiles protruding from both sides kept firing shells stored with preset magic to the ground.

Luke scanned his surroundings, and after making sure there were no other threats, he flew towards the location that Owen informed.

At this time, the hunting king Nierteye was extremely depressed. He couldn't figure out why the war didn't develop in the direction he expected.The hunting angels that broke through did not kill anything, but after rushing into the city, they were separated by the complex and tall buildings here.

The Hunting Angels are strong, but the Emerald Court also has powerful elves.Once the hunting angels are alone, they will soon fall into a siege, and the royal court patrols will try to contain them as much as possible, and then lure the hunting angels into the preset ambush circle.

During this period, although the hunting angels can also cause greater damage to the forest elves, they are far from what Nierteye expected for them.

And when the full-armored war machines of the Golden Shield Empire entered the battlefield, the hunting angels were pushed to the point where they could not gain a foothold at all, and became the hunted party.

A defeat has been decided, making Nierteye very angry.

There are so many hunting angels, but they were bred so hard by myself and the hunting queen, which consumed a lot of energy from Her Majesty the Queen.And this war not only killed these hunting angels, but the massive number of regular hunters were also born from eggs by eggs of Her Majesty the Queen.

Now I have buried them all in a war by myself.

At this time, Her Majesty the Empress was extremely unhappy because of the disappearance of the corpse of the elf Qingkong. After knowing that she had lost such an embarrassing battle, she didn't know how angry she would be.

So Niertje went off in person.

He got the first blood, he was invincible, he killed a lot... Whether it was an elf or a full-armored war machine from the Golden Shield Empire, they all became ghosts under his sword.

He is unstoppable, he will kill the entire Jade King Court.

Then he was sealed in the middle by the enchantment.

Those were four tall tree-trunk buildings, each with a magic tower standing on top of them.Under the action of a large number of elf magicians, a barrier was formed with four high-rise buildings as pillars, which just sealed Nierteye in the open space in the middle.

Nierteye tried various methods to break through the barrier, but none of them worked.Even the space skills that he is best at are unable to accurately locate the space in the space interference generated by the elf magician using the magic tower.

Therefore, Nierteye can only use stupid methods and rely on brute force to implement hard damage.

The angel sword he swung concentrated energy on the blade, and he slashed towards the barrier with all his strength.With one sword after another, the enchanted wall shook violently.

Outside the barrier, the hunters rushed towards the four tall buildings, trying to break the assembly from the outside.The forest elves mobilized heavy troops to block the hunters outward and prepare to kill Nierteye inside the barrier.

The steam titans also joined the battle group.

On the other hand, Owen negotiated with an elf elder to prevent the elves from rushing into the barrier.

"Please wait a little longer... Our Lord Shoufu said that he has a way to kill the hunting king inside."

Elder Elf said anxiously: "Your chief assistant has just arrived at the Emerald King's Court. He has never seen a hunting king of this level. How could he kill him? Don't stop us, humans! Children of the forest elves He is trying his best to buy time for us, but the enchantment is almost unable to hold on, we must kill him as soon as possible!"

Nierteye slashed at the barrier again, and the wall of the barrier shook like a bubble that was about to burst.

Owen looked at the enchantment behind him, and he was still standing firmly in front of the elf team: "Please trust our Chief Assistant, he will be here soon..."

At this time, there was a whistling sound from the sky, and a fireball spewing flames rushed straight towards here.

After receiving the message, Owen immediately said to the Elder Elder: "That is our chief assistant, please cooperate to open the barrier so that Lord Chief Assistant can enter smoothly."

"Meteor!" The elder looked at the sky, and the fireball seemed to be a real meteor falling.Seeing that the fireball was about to hit the barrier, the elder shouted: "Open the upper barrier and let him in."

The upper barrier opens at the moment the fireball is about to hit.

Nierteye in the barrier rushed up, trying to take the opportunity to escape, but what greeted him was a suppressed fire cloud.A fist in the fire cloud went straight to the door, Nierteye could only dodge, and was blasted and turned a few times in the air.

After Nierteye stabilized his body, he fanned the strong wind to disperse the fire cloud, and the top barrier had been closed again.


Nierteye looked angrily at the guy who blocked him, and then froze.

What is this?
It is somewhat similar to those full-armored war machines outside, but those full-armored war machines obviously do not have the ability to fly, while the war machine made of steel in front of it can fly smoothly in the air.

That's steel, what can make such a big lump of steel fly, and it can also have such good mobility!
Nierteye did not act rashly in the face of the unknown enemy, countless leaves floated from his wings, and then scattered into a wall of blades.

"You are from the Golden Shield Empire, right? This is not your war. I advise you to leave the Emerald Forest before the Queen makes the Golden Shield Empire an enemy... Otherwise, after the headhunters wipe out the forest elves, they will use the Golden Shield Empire as an enemy." Our next target to conquer."

Rows of fireballs gathered energy in the airspace behind the Magic Titan, and its eyes glowed red, then turned purple.

The chain of lightning swam between the fireballs, forming a spread electric fire net.

A voice like thunder came out: "Since you know that I am from the Golden Shield Empire, you should know that the headhunters have already entered the list of enemies that the empire must eliminate.

Niltyer, not only you can be resurrected.

His Majesty Clear Sky has been reborn on the World Tree. "

"She really came back to life..." Nierteye confirmed his guess. After all, it is impossible for such a large corpse to simply disappear.Hunting the Queen and him both speculated that the World Tree was a hindrance, and now it seems that my guess is correct.Nierteye was not nervous about Qingkong's resurrection: "So what if she is resurrected? If we can kill her once, we can kill her a second time! Next time, Her Majesty the Queen will definitely transform her before she is resurrected. "

"Then you should go back to the Queen's lair and tell her... His Majesty Qingkong said that the next meeting will give her a big surprise."

After Luke finished speaking, he immediately cast the formed spell.

All the fireballs shot towards Nierteye together, and the electric chain continued to swim between the fireballs, and the fireballs that were no longer under control were activated by the electric energy to activate the fire element in the memory.The crimson fireball gradually turned purple in flight, and the already destructive fire element became more intense and unstable.

Nierteye threw out all the leaves behind him, and the high-speed rotating leaves created a strong whirlwind, and the blades turned metallic to form a storm of blades.

The storm collided with the fire net, and the unstable energy accumulated in the fireball exploded together.

The space in the enchantment was instantly filled with berserk energy, the temperature rose, and the pressure also rose in a straight line.The outer wall of the barrier was bulged outwards by this energy, the four supporting high-rise buildings made the sound of twisting steel bars, and large blocks of bricks and stones fell like waterfalls.

Outside the barrier, the elf magicians who had received the tactical notification immediately opened the upper barrier.

At this moment, the energy accumulated in the enchantment finally found the eruption outlet.

In the explosion, the pillar of fire rose into the sky, and the smoke and dust rolled upwards to form a spectacular mushroom cloud.

The enchantment finally couldn't support it and shattered, and the four tall buildings collapsed, and the dust surged along the surrounding streets like waves in the shock wave.

In the enchantment, Nilteye and the Magic Titan were sprayed out mixed with bricks and countless unknown fragments.They kept rolling in the upward shock wave, and were constantly hit from various angles.

In the cockpit of the Magus Titan, Luke was enveloped in a mass of liquid energy, and the Artifact Bud protruded from under his collar, two much larger leaves.

A secret language was read from Luke's mouth.

"Let's Grow Mushrooms Together"

The huge mushroom cloud formed by the explosion is still in the activation of the secret technique.

As a secret technique developed by Era players, the secret technique "Let's grow mushrooms together" was originally developed for the purpose of making stop-motion art.The player who created this secret technique first filled his world with such "mushrooms".From the constant pursuit of big "mushrooms" to the design of different shapes and colors, organically combining destruction and aesthetics in this type of art.

At the same time, "Let's grow mushrooms together" is also an excellent confinement secret technique.

Inside the "mushroom", the space will be in a quasi-solidified state, and people trapped inside will have the feeling of being trapped in asphalt.

At this time, Nirtye and the Magic Titan were both imprisoned in this space, surrounded by the same static dust and various debris from the explosion.

Nierteye moved his body extremely hard, but even if he exhausted his strength, the range of movement was minimal.He used his space skills again... he could move, but only a little.

Nierteye knew that his current situation must be related to that strange war machine, which was less than 20 meters away from him, surrounded by bricks and stones.It is also fixed there and cannot move. It seems that this secret technique is an indiscriminate attack.

So Nilteye moved towards the Magic Titan with all his might... bit by bit, bit by bit.

But the developers of the secret technique certainly wouldn't trap themselves in space confinement.That was only an embarrassment in the early days of the secret art. Players can only escape from the imprisonment by suffocating and resurrecting. Later, this is not a problem.

In the cockpit of the Magic Titan, Luke is in a space confinement, and he needs to use all his strength to move a little bit.But the artifact tree bud was not affected by the confinement. It stretched out most of its body from Luke's collar, pushing Luke's shoulder and talking "babbling".

"Secret..." Luke opened his mouth slowly, his voice was like a speaker with no electricity: "...language..."

The artifact tree bud immediately understood, it shook its leaves, and the green halo slowly spread out round and round.

Luke slowly stretched out his left hand, revealing a dried mushroom inside.


The air-dried mushrooms instantly turned into powder, and then scattered into a piece of shining light dust.

Light and dust covered Luke's whole body, and he immediately gasped as if alive: "Fortunately, that player didn't write a long secret word for this secret technique."

Luke kicked open the cockpit door and got out.

He stood on the hatch and observed the Magic Titan, and compared the coverage of the light and dust on his body, he gave up the idea of ​​taking the Magic Titan out.

too big!
Just stay here, wait until the secret is released from the outside, and then recycle it.

In the end, Luke waved to the stunned Niltyer: "It's a pity that you can't suffocate to death, so you can only be trapped here. If you can't die, you can't be resurrected. I hope your queen won't find another new love while you're away.

goodbye! "

Luke jumped out of the cockpit door and quickly disappeared into the thick smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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