Age of Arcane

Chapter 540 The Arrival of Angels

Chapter 540 The Arrival of Angels
The business of the World Bank covers the entire world covered by human civilization, and there is also a branch of the World Bank set up here in the Emerald King's Court.

Several golden lights came to the Emerald King's Court from overseas, and the Pegasus knights of the King's Court patrol tried to intercept them, but after finding that there was a shining gold man in the golden light, they changed to accompany them and sent a rider to the Emerald Lake to report the news.

But these golden lights did not directly enter the land, they were close to Emerald Port, and flew past the side of the Kirov airship.The Kirov turned on the shield all the way, and thickened the shield facing the Shining Jin people. Behind the barrier of golden light, the magicians all over the ship were ready to fight back as soon as the Shining Jin people showed hostility.

The Shuojin people who came from afar did not provoke the Golden Shield Empire too much. They quickly passed the side of the Kirov airship and flew straight into the city.

The elder Shuojin who led the team came here. After entering the World Bank Emerald King's Court branch, he immediately summoned the directors and important managers here to inquire about the current situation of the Emerald Forest and the Emerald King's Court.

In the meeting room, after the director of the branch told about what happened in the Emerald Forest during this period, he continued to say to Elder Lin: "Elder Lin, you should have seen the latest super-heavy steam airship 'Kirov' built by the Golden Shield Empire in Emerald Port. This is another time after the Dreadnought-class battleship, the Golden Shield Empire has demonstrated their strong strength in the field of construction.

And this time the Golden Shield Empire not only brought the Kirov-class super-heavy steam airship, but also showed a transpiration Titan and a Titan that seemed to be made with magic technology. Demonstrated outstanding combat effectiveness in combat.

The still mushroom cloud outside was caused by Meteor driving the Magic Titan, and there is a hunting angel king sealed inside. "

Elder Lin, who was sitting at the head of the conference table, turned his head and looked out the window next to him. He noticed the magnificent mushroom cloud when he came, but he didn't expect that its formation was also related to the Golden Shield Empire.

In the direction of the Emerald Forest, the Golden Shield Empire has seized the opportunity, not only sending supplies to the Emerald King's Court, but also showing its muscles.If the Shuojin people don't handle it properly here, they might watch the Golden Shield Empire swallow the Emerald King's Court.

Now that the world is trying its best to encircle the Golden Shield Empire, so far no influential country has joined the "free trade body" of the Golden Shield Empire, which is the success of the multi-faceted efforts of the Shuojin people.If the Golden Shield Empire can achieve a zero breakthrough in the Emerald Forest, the opening will become bigger and bigger.

Meteor, the leader of the Golden Shield Empire, came to the Emerald Court in person, which shows how much the empire attaches importance to the forest elves.

"The World Bank is integrating the industrial system it owns. With the industrial powerhouse of Yate County United as an ally, we will soon be able to create our own Dreadnought and Kirov. There are also Titans... This is obviously a steal from Yate The technology of the County League can only prove the stealing ability of the Imperial Bureau of Secrets. With our help, the Titans of the Art County League will definitely be stronger than those of the Golden Shield Empire."

Elder Lin cheered up the employees of the World Bank, especially to let those managers who are not Shuojin people know that Shuojin people have comprehensive advantages, and the Golden Shield Empire can't change its poor strength with only a few high-end weapons.

The director of the branch said: "Emerald Lake did not summon Meteor at the first time. It can be seen that King Sanye knew what Meteor came to talk about. The Emerald Forest did not want to become the enemy of our Shuojin people. Now that Elder Lin has arrived at the Emerald King's Court, I believe that the forest The elves can already see whose side is the right one."

Elder Lin nodded: "Immediately arrange a meeting with King Sanye. Tell him that the Shuojin people know how to quickly kill the hunting queen to curb the expansion of the headhunters. The Shuojin people are willing to provide material assistance to the Emerald Forest, and Grant a low-interest loan as a fund for rebuilding the Emerald Forest.

In short, what the Golden Shield Empire can give, the World Bank can also give.What the Golden Shield Empire cannot provide, the World Bank can still provide. "

Elder Lin was very confident when he said these words.

The Golden Shield Empire can provide supplies to the Emerald Royal Court, and the World Bank can also provide them.But the Shuojin people can kill and hunt the queen, but the Golden Shield Empire can't do it.

With this bargaining chip in hand, Elder Lin believed that King Sanye would be impatient to meet him.

A simple meeting ended, the World Bank officially sent a note to Emerald Lake, and the elder Shuojin hoped to have a friendly meeting with King Sanye.

But the reply given by Emerald Lake left everyone in Shuojin at a loss.

His Majesty King Sanye is busy with affairs, please rest in the court for a few days, Elder Lin, and then meet with him after the affairs of Emerald Lake are settled...

What matters in the Emerald King's Court are now as important as eliminating the headhunters?

Elder Lin didn't know what King Sanye was thinking, but knowing that King Sanye also didn't see the Golden Shield Empire's Chief Assistant Meteor, he wasn't too anxious.Anyway, the news that should be delivered has been delivered, and now the forest elves just won a war, and they are a bit flustered. When they meet the headhunters with a bloody head, they will know who to ask.

As for Emerald Lake, King Sanye stabilized the Golden Shield Empire and the Shining Jin people at the same time, and then quickly arranged a plan to hunt down the Queen.

The elite royal court patrol continued to chase and defeat the retreating headhunters, and the main attackers pointed directly at the horsehair area of ​​the Unicorn Mountains.This move is to strategically confuse the hunted queen, forcing the headhunters to gather their troops to defend the Unicorn Mountains.

With fewer headhunters in other parts of the Emerald Forest, the forest elves can more calmly arrange hunting grounds for hunting the queen.

During this time, Luke lived in the Emerald Academy of Magic, waiting for the reconstruction of Library No. [-] to be completed.

Only on the day when the reconstruction of No. [-] library was completed, a group of angels suddenly descended on the academy.Originally, the angels planned to use their usual method to encircle the Emerald Magic Academy, but a black dragon in the academy made them put away their arrogance.Without understanding why the black dragon was here, the angels stopped outside the tallest tower of the college and asked Dean Vidal to come up to see him.

Dean Vidal ascended the tower and came to the highest terrace. In front of him was a row of angels hovering in the air.

At the front is a burly and powerful angel, wearing an angel's white robe, with layers of light wings behind a pair of wings.

"I am the Archangel Elzelie. Tell me your name, Elf!"

Dean Vidal saluted in an unassuming manner: "Welcome to the Emerald Magic Academy, respected Archangel Elzelie. My name is Vidal Garrett, the dean of the Emerald Magic Academy.

May I ask you to come to the Emerald Forest, is there anything we can help? "

Archangel Elzelie glanced down at the black dragon on the academy square.The big guy was lying on the ground, with his head buried under his wings, as if he had fallen asleep.

Elzelie looked at Dean Vidal again: "Two holy angels disappeared in the Emerald Forest, and here is the imprint left by one of them.

I think you should have something to explain to Sky City. "

Dean Vidal said: "I think Sky City should give us an explanation, why are there two angels going deep into the Emerald Forest without our knowledge?"

"In this world, angels can go wherever they want?"

"It also includes going deep into the hunting queen's lair, and finally being hunted, being transformed into a hunting king, and giving birth to hunting angels with the hunting queen?"

Dean Vidal was really angry. The killing of angels caused serious damage to the college, and some students died at their hands.The attitude of the angel now makes Dean Vidal even more unable to suppress his anger.

It was the first time that Archangel Elzelie heard that an angel had been hunted by headhunters, and he warned Dean Vidal: "Elf, watch your words, any slander against angels will be judged by justice! "

"Slander? Then see for yourselves!"

Then a griffin came flying from another tower, with the corpse of a hunting angel under its claws.After flying close, the griffin threw up the corpse of the hunting angel, and the elf knight on the griffin's back shot an arrow.The arrow turned into a spear in the fly, and nailed the body of the hunting angel to the wall next to the terrace where Abbot Vidal was.

All the angels could tell that this thing with an angel-like appearance was definitely not an angel.

Archangel Elzelie's complexion became very ugly, the wings of light behind him fluttered, and strong holy energy exploded violently.

"Elf, I believe what you said. The headhunters dare to kill the holy angels. They are definitely an extremely evil race. Don't worry, the sky city will send angels to destroy them all, and the light of justice will shroud the emerald forest. "

Archangel Elzelie thought that the lowly elves would be grateful to Dade, but unexpectedly got an unexpected reply.

"The headhunters appeared in the Emerald Forest. This is the internal affairs of our Emerald Forest. We have a way to deal with the headhunters. Angels better have a sense of boundaries, and don't invade the territory of the forest elves at will."

Archangel Elzelie said contemptuously: "Can you deal with the headhunters? I'm afraid you don't even know how the headhunters appeared. Don't refuse the angel's kindness, you have no right to refuse..."

"Wow! Are all angels talking like this now? You have caused so much trouble for the owner of the Emerald Forest, not only did you not apologize, but you are also so arrogant, I really can't stand it anymore."

The might of the ancient giant dragon oppressed it.

Longwei came from behind Dean Vidal, and in the dark tower, an ancient dragon was approaching.

Then the angels saw a man wearing dragon armor coming out, and the might of the ancient dragon was emanating from him.

"The Gluttonous King!" Archangel Elzelie recognized this special ancient dragon, and the possible lurking dragons around him made him tensely alert: "Why are you here?"

Luke stood beside Dean Vidal and said to Erzille: "Don't you think there is a problem with this question? I should be more reasonable than you here!

After all, the Emerald Forest is quite close to the Dragon Kingdom, and this was once the territory of the giant dragon. "

The angels finally knew why the elves were so confident. It turned out that they were backed by the Dragon Kingdom.

"Could it be that the Dragon Kingdom has re-occupied the Emerald Forest? This is not conducive to the balance of power in the world!"

Luke said with a smile: "Angels come to the Emerald Forest to uphold justice, and dragons come to the Emerald Forest to disrupt the balance of power in the world. Erzelie, you are so double-standard, does the sword of the oath know?"

Being ridiculed made Elzelie show his fighting spirit: "King of Gluttony! You are not qualified to comment on the justice of angels. The justice of angels is the ultimate solution to all contradictions in the world.

If you dare to continue to provoke me, I will let you know what the just verdict is. "

Elzerie showed the angel sword.

Luke flew up from the terrace, reached out and summoned the Blazing Sword in his hand: "Archangel Elzelie, let me see if you are as brave as the legend."

The black dragon Bale on the ground let out a roar, and then rushed up with flapping wings.

Dean Vidal saw an ancient dragon and an archangel about to fight over his college, so he hurriedly stopped him: "King of Gluttony, Your Excellency the Archangel Elzerie. Please pay attention to your respective identities, you not only represent your own He himself represents Dragon Kingdom and Sky City.

Your battle will spark an all-out war between two ancient civilizations. "

Archangel Elzelie looked at the Gluttonous King in front of him, weighing his chances of winning in his heart.Looking at the number of bright faces, the opponent only has one ancient dragon and one black dragon, so they are at a disadvantage.But if the Dragon Kingdom has reached a tacit understanding with the forest elves, there may be other dragons ambushing here.And in a real fight, the forest elves must be on the side of the dragon, just like in ancient wars, both the forest elves and the dragon were the enemies of the angels.

This situation must not be contested for a while.

Otherwise, not only would he provoke the war between Sky City and Dragon Kingdom, but he might even fall here.

"The elves are right. You, Gluttonous King, probably don't want to trigger an all-out war between angels and dragons, do you?"

Luke didn't continue to oppress when he saw the Archangel Elzelie looking for the steps.

"Of course! I'm just protecting the interests of friends in the Dragon Kingdom. The dragon will always regard the forest elves as the closest partners. Therefore, we will help the forest elves get rid of the headhunters. The angels can go back, and please don't set foot on them in the future. here."

The sword in Luke's hand turned from red to purple to blazing white.Different from the holy flame that angels are good at, this is the state where the fire element is extremely concentrated, and the dazzling brilliance is like looking directly at the noon sun.

The energy contained in the sword made the archangel Elzelie a little in awe, unwilling to try its edge.

"King Gluttonous, you will pay the price for your arrogance one day."

After the archangel Elzelie uttered a harsh word, he led the angels away from the Emerald Academy of Magic.

Luke pointed out that the black dragon Bale followed the angels to see if they had really left the Emerald Forest.

Luke then put away the Blazing Sword and dropped it back onto the terrace.

"Dean, let's go, go to Library No. [-]. Find the Hunting Queen, kill her, and my mission will be completed."

Luke walked down the stairs, but Dean Vidal did not move for a long time.

If King Taotie didn't show up just now, would he be able to convince the aggressive angels to retreat?
Certainly not!

Dean Vidal shook his head sadly and walked down the stairs.

(End of this chapter)

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