Age of Arcane

Chapter 542 4 parties meet

Chapter 542
The hunting queen suddenly opened her eyes, first saw a pair of beautiful legs wearing a lady's armor, and then looked was a woman wearing an angel-like armor.

Some familiar!

Soon after hunting the queen, she recognized the identity of the person in front of her.

No, she is an elf.

Moonlight Queen Clear Sky.

"Why are you here?" The Hunting Queen asked, retreating into the middle of the pool.She looked at the clear sky in surprise. If this dead elf was resurrected by the World Tree, it should be in the Moonlight Royal Court. How could she appear beside her silently.

Qingkong walked along the edge of the pool, the armor on his body rubbing against each other, making a clanging sound.Keeping her eyes on the Queen Hunt, she said, "It doesn't matter why I'm here. I'm not happy that you occupy the magic spring I prepared for another girl. Especially when the pure spring water is taken by you." It’s so filthy, it will take a while to restore it to purity.”

"Clear sky, your self-confidence seems to be a little too much." The hunting queen who occupied the center of the pool straightened her body in the water, and said contemptuously: "Not long ago, you were successfully hunted by me. If I didn't waste time, let the world The tree saved you, and you are already my king.

I won't give you any chance this time, you and me will breed the strongest hunter! "

Four waves of water exploded in the pool, and four hunting kings jumped out of the pool. They shot arrows in the air, and the green magic arrows turned into a dense rain of arrows the moment they left the string, pouring towards the clear sky.

Qingkong reached out and summoned an ice shield in front of him, and all the green arrows were nailed to the ice shield.

The Elf Hunting King jumped to the shore and divided into two groups, sandwiching Qingkong in the middle.The alchemy bow in his hand turned into a scimitar, and he attacked quickly.

Clear Sky divided the still solid ice shield into two to block the left and right sides, reached out and took out the Tiangong Absolute String Bow from the space backpack, nocked the arrow and opened the bow to aim at the Hunting Queen in the middle of the pool.

Sensing the danger, the Hunting Queen roared, the water in front of her surged, and then a water giant made of pure water elements stood up and walked towards the clear sky step by step.

The ice shield blocked an impact from the four elf kings, and at the moment the ice shield shattered, Qingkong shot out an arrow full of energy.The arrow pierced through the chest of the water elemental giant, instantly freezing it into an ice sculpture.

The water in the pool surged, giving the ice elemental a new life, and the ice elemental giant stepped forward again, punching the clear sky with a heavy blow.The ice blade condensed with the wind of its fist, and the sharp blade cut with the sound of piercing the air.

The four elf kings attacked together with knives, blocking the space around the clear sky regardless of their own life or death.

And behind Qingkong, a faint ripple swayed, and the Hunting Fire Spirit quietly appeared.It aimed at Qingkong's back center and pierced out the short blade with flowing fire, which was at the same angle and position as last time.

But before the short blade pierced Qingkong's body, Hunting Fire Spirit noticed something strange.

The ice blade brought up by the ice elemental giant swung its fist and turned halfway, sweeping towards the four elf hunting kings.The elf hunting kings originally blocked the clear sky's hiding space for the ice elemental giant, but they didn't expect the ice elemental giant's target to be themselves.Unprepared, the elf hunting kings were hit by ice blades in succession, and their bodies were sliced ​​into several pieces.

At the same time, the ice giant's fist brushed away from the side of Qingkong's face, forcing Hunting Fire Spirit to give up the attack, barely avoiding the heavy punch.The ice elemental giant didn't give up, it rushed over from Qing Kong's side, and continuously punched the hunting fire spirit who evaded deftly.

Hunting the queen was a bit dumbfounded.

This ice elemental giant was obviously made by himself using the energy of the magic spring, so why was Qing Kong easily robbed him of control.The energy of the magic spring comes from the origin of the world, what can affect the energy of the origin of the world.

The Hunting Queen quickly noticed the green arrow inside the ice elemental giant's body.Qingkong's ability to control the ice elemental giant must have something to do with that arrow.

Seeing the clear sky, he calmly took out a green sword and put it on the bowstring. Hunting the Queen felt a sense of crisis. It seemed unsafe to stay in the middle of the magic spring.

"Your Majesty the Queen of the Clear Sky..." The Hunting Queen looked at Hunting Fire Spirit, she was being chased by the ice elemental giant, and she would not be able to destroy this elemental creature directly created with the magic spring water.Hunting the Queen shouted at the clear sky that was about to shoot, hoping to delay some time: "Your power comes from the magic spring, we are the same origin. I am willing to share the magic spring with you, with your fighting power and my breeding ability, the whole world belongs to our sisters.”

Qingkong drew his bow and aimed at the Queen Hunting, and said with a smile: "You are so stupid, I will kill you... The whole Magic Spring is mine. Your Majesty, this is made of the World Tree Heartwood and the Seed of Hope Arrows have the same power as the magic spring. I think you can only use the power of the magic spring, and your own strength is not strong...

If I'm right, you're in trouble. "

The Hunting Queen frowned at the pointed arrow, and she looked at the Hunting Fire Spirit again, but she still hadn't gotten rid of the ice elemental giant's entanglement.

Qingkong's guess was correct, the Queen of Hunting focused all her evolutionary points on breeding, and she firmly believed that no one could break through her army of hunters and rush in front of her.Even if something sneaks in by chance, the power of the magic spring is enough for self-protection.

I didn't expect that this time I was pulled into the siege of the forest elves together with the magic spring, and the hunters were outside to resist the intruder's attack; I also didn't expect that Qingkong had a weapon to suppress the magic spring, making me feel like I was stripped naked stood before her arrows.

The hunting queen did not sit still, she used the lair pheromone to call for help, and ordered the hunting fire spirit to come to protect herself.

The water in the magic spring boiled again, and the water curtain rose to block the hunted queen.

Hunting Fire Spirit uses space skills to dodge the attack of the ice elemental giant, and then dodges the continuous ice cones.She flew in front of the clear sky, and the short blade swung fire...

At this time, Clear Sky has opened the Ice Dance Garden and laid out the frozen domain.The ice elemental giant shattered in situ, then regrouped beside the hunting fire spirit, leaped out from the ground, and swung a fist with ice blades.

The hunting fire spirit who mastered the time and space ability could avoid this punch, but she didn't dodge and continued to swing the short blade.The fire front was about to shoot out, as long as Qingkong could be forced to dodge, it would be equivalent to blocking an arrow for the queen.

Facing the incoming fire front, Qing Kong also did not dodge, her eyes were already eyes of ice crystals, and a cold light shot out from her eyes.

Ice and fire collided in the air, and the ice elemental giant punched the hunting fire spirit and flew away.

With the shooting circle, Qing Kong let go of the string-controlling hand, and the green arrow flew through the ice and fire.It flew forward, and when it encountered the blocking water curtain, it was like passing through an ordinary water curtain... and then pierced through the heart of the hunting queen.

The Hunting Queen let out a scream, and the whole lair squirmed.The eggs in the mucous membrane wall were thrown out, and the hunters who were not yet fully conceived struggled to get up.

At this moment, a mucous membrane was knocked open, and a Magic Titan rushed in.

"Miss Sunny Sky!" Shelley's voice came from the Magic Titan generator: "Master Chief Assistant ordered me to hand over the Magic Titan to you."

The Magic Titan strode forward, trampling and killing countless mutilated hunters.

Qing Kong looked back at the magic spring, the hunted queen fell into the water, green blood gushed out from the wound in her heart.

Looking at the hunting fire spirit again, it has lost its trace, and it should have fled away when it sensed that the hunting queen was dead.This reversely confirmed the death of the hunting queen, otherwise, as a hunter, he would never abandon the queen and run away.

Qingkong stretched out his hand, and the ice elemental giant scattered like broken ice, and the green arrow in its body flew over.Qingkong grabbed the green arrow and examined it carefully. There were many patterns of ice elements on the arrow.Obtaining such a powerful thug with the help of the magic spring is not a bad reward.

Qingkong took back the ice elemental giant's summoning arrow.

Shelley had opened the cockpit and jumped out.

Qing Kong said to Shelley: "The Hunting Queen is dead, and the power that imprisoned the Magic Spring will disappear soon. You should take this time to soak in the spring water, and take out the corpse of the Hunting Queen inside and throw it on the shore.

Be careful...the power in the magic spring is very unstable, you must come out within 10 minutes!Otherwise, I will have to kill you with my own hands! "

Shelley has been in the Emerald Magic Academy for so long, of course he has heard of the magic of the Magic Spring.Now the magic spring is in front of you, and you are eager to try it.But upon hearing Qingkong's warning, she immediately withdrew her excessive reverie and said, "Yes, Miss Qingkong, I will definitely come out within 10 minutes."

"I'll leave it to you here." Clear Sky released his perception, and after confirming that there was no danger, he jumped into the cockpit of the Magic Titan and sat in it.

At this time outside the lair, the war is still going on.

However, the battle above the lair is over. The hunting angel king Nierteye was beheaded by the archangel Elzelie, and the other hunting angels also died in the hands of the angels.

The shining gold man in golden armor appeared on the battlefield.

The Kirov super-heavy airship opened its shield and slowly entered the battlefield.The steam titan is invincible, turning all hunters and killers on their backs.

Luke stood on the back of the black dragon Bale as the gluttonous king, and came to the top of the lair from another direction.

Angels, Shining Goldmen, Golden Shield Empire, Dragon Kingdom.

When the forest elves were desperately trying to regain the Emerald Forest, they didn't know that their future fate would be determined by the four parties above them.

Elder Lin of the Shuojin people looked at the angel and the giant dragon, and asked dissatisfiedly: "Archangel Erzelie, King Taotie, why are you here?"

Archangel Elzelie said: "Hello, Elder Lin. Sky City discovered that the magic spring in the Emerald Forest was in an unstable state, so it sent an angel to check it out. As a result... you should have seen that a holy angel was arrested. Pollution, I just did my ruling as I was supposed to.

I want to remind you that Dragon Kingdom will return to the Emerald Forest, which is something we should be vigilant about. "

Elder Lin asked Luke, "King Gluttonous, is this true?"

Because of the fire crystal mining, the relationship between the Dragon Kingdom and the Golden Shield Empire has a lot of doubts.Although the Shuojin people have no evidence that the Dragon Kingdom and the Golden Shield Empire have joined forces so far, there is always such a possibility.

Now that the Golden Shield Empire is making an idea of ​​the Emerald Forest, and the Gluttonous King of the Dragon Kingdom happens to appear here, is there any connection behind it?

Especially when the magic spring was pulled to this place, the Golden Shield Empire definitely didn't have this ability, either the angel did it or the Dragon Kingdom did it.

If the giant dragon really came out of the Dragon Kingdom and regained the emerald forest, it would be another major damage to the already unstable world.

Luke replied: "It doesn't matter whether this is true or not. If the Jin people and angels can come to the Emerald Forest, we dragons can't come to the former territory to see, by the way, remember the glorious years?"

The Dragon Clan's intention to return to the Emerald Forest is clear.

Elder Lin felt a lot of pressure, whether the Emerald Forest fell into the hands of the Golden Shield Empire or the Dragon Kingdom, it would not be a good thing for the Shuojin people.

The Meteor of the Golden Shield Empire drove the Magic Titan into the lair just now, obviously to take the credit for killing the Queen, so as to increase the bargaining chip with King Sanye.The Shuojin people's influence on the Emerald Forest has been lagging behind from the beginning, and it is even more difficult to use it this time with the restraint of the Dragon Kingdom.

Elder Lin said to Luke: "King of Gluttony! Archangel Elzerie said just now that the original power of the world is becoming unstable. This is not a good phenomenon. As the three parties who have experienced the last disaster, we should do our best to The stability of the world shoulders our responsibilities.

Now the Shuojin people are resolving the disputes in the secular world provoked by the Golden Shield Empire. I hope that the Dragon Kingdom can take the initiative to stabilize the situation at this time, and don't involve the five ancient civilizations in this battle. "

Archangel Erzelie saw that there was a helper, and said forcefully again: "King Gluttony, I support Elder Lin's point of view, and I hope you will not make wrong decisions for Dragon Kingdom."

At this time, a voice came from below: "The Emerald Forest is really lively! Angels, Shijin people, dragons, I thought you could only see the three races at the same time in the Golden Shield Empire, but I didn't expect that in the territory of the forest elves. I can see you."

It was the voice of Meteor, the chief assistant of the Golden Shield Empire.

A Magic Titan flew up, and as a representative of the Golden Shield Empire, joined the three-party-to-four-party meeting.

It was the first time for the Shuojin man and the angel to see the Magic Titan, and they were all surprised at the flying ability and maneuverability that such a big iron lump just showed.

The Magic Titan stopped and waved to Luke: "Glutton King, long time no see."

It was Clear Sky who was driving the Magic Titan, and the sound came from the simulation of the machine.

When Luke played the role of the Taotie King, he used the Taotie's timbre, full of the might of a dragon. "Meteor Chief Assistant, I didn't expect to meet you here either. I seemed to have been threatened by the Archangel Elzerie and Elder Shuo Jinlin just now, maybe I should consider promoting a deeper level of communication and cooperation between the Dragon Kingdom and the Golden Shield Empire. "

The Taotie King's attitude made Elder Lin's complexion very ugly.

Due to historical reasons, the relationship between the Shuojin people and the angels is very delicate.If the Dragon Kingdom thinks that the Shuojin people will re-align with the Sky City, it will not only lead to an alliance between the Dragon Kingdom and the Golden Shield Empire, but may even spur out the peaceful Hell and Shadow Clan.

Archangel Elzerie was also worried about this, he and Elder Lin said at the same time: "King Gluttonous, you must have misunderstood us!"

(End of this chapter)

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