Age of Arcane

Chapter 547 The Departing Train

Chapter 547 The Departing Train

Luke couldn't help laughing when he learned from the visiting acting dean of Makatina that King Sanye wanted to board the steam airship Kirov.

In the Emerald King's Court, the Sanye King is the host, and the Golden Shield King's Court is the guest.In terms of identity, King Sanye is the ruler of the Emerald Forest, but he is only the chief minister of a country, so there is a big difference in status.According to the etiquette, he should visit the Palace by the Emerald Lake by himself.

If King Sanye offered to visit the chief assistant of the Golden Shield Empire who came from afar, it would be disrespectful, so it was Makatina who spoke this time.

So Luke publicly sent an invitation letter to Emerald Lake: Sincerely invite King Sanye to visit the Kirov steam airship.

The Sanye King gained face, and the Golden Shield Empire also gained face.

Soon King Sanye led a delegation of elders aboard the steam airship Kirov to start formal negotiations between the Emerald Forest and the Golden Shield Empire.

Mrs. Mihir has already discussed with the Emerald Forest about cooperation in commercial trade and alchemy technology.After both parties agree to the terms, they only need to be signed by Luke and King Sanye to take effect.

Joining the "free trade body" is the core of the negotiations between the two sides.

Among them, currency interoperability and weakening the role of the World Bank's gold certificates in trade are also the core purpose of the Golden Shield Empire's establishment of a "free trade body".

Emerald Forest's joining the "Free Trade Organization" this time has already touched the sensitive nerves of the World Bank. It does not want to continue to stimulate the Shuojin people in weakening the gold certificates, so the details of the negotiations have become very difficult.

The covenant just signed with the Dragon Kingdom is where King Sanye's confidence lies. He is trying to win more benefits for the Emerald Forest on the condition of joining the "Free Trade Organization".

In the first negotiation, the two sides fought for more than ten hours, and did not reach a result that both parties agreed to until late at night.

This situation was expected by Luke, and he did not intend to negotiate this matter in a short time.

The purpose of the Golden Shield Empire supporting the Emerald Forest this time is to buy a horse bone with a thousand dollars.Now it has created momentum all over the world. If it ends too soon, it will give people the feeling that the Golden Shield Empire is bullying the weak and taking advantage of others.

Anyway, the meat of the Emerald Forest has already reached his mouth, so he is not in a hurry to swallow it.

So when the two parties agreed to continue the talks tomorrow, Luke said to King Sanye: "Your Majesty, I will return to the Empire tomorrow, and I will entrust the next negotiation to Mrs. Mihir."

King Sanye was surprised by Meteor's sudden return: "Is it because we made you feel slighted?"

"No, no... the enthusiasm of the forest elves makes me feel as relaxed as at home." Luke said with a smile: "The main reason is that I have been out for too long this time, and there are still many things waiting for the imperial court and Raging City. I will deal with it. Especially the new emperor's ascension to the throne, there can be no accidents."

Hearing that Meteor didn't leave because of negligence, King Sanye breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, for the Golden Shield Empire, there is nothing more important than the enthronement of the new emperor. I have received the invitation letter to watch the ceremony, and I will definitely Go to Saint Lun City to congratulate."

"On behalf of the empire, I would like to extend my most sincere welcome to His Majesty Sanye King. The signing ceremony of the Emerald Forest's entry into the 'Free Trade Organization' should be held during the ceremony."

King Sanye stood up and held out his hand to Luke: "Just sign it during the ceremony, I wish you a smooth journey."

Luke shook hands with King Sanye: "Thank you! I also wish you to lead the Emerald Forest to a prosperous road. The steam airship Kirov is here, and I have issued an order to allow His Majesty to visit at will."

Hearing that he could visit the Kirov airship at will, King Sanye couldn't hide his joy.

After entering the cabin of the airship, the forest elves felt a stronger shock than they saw from the outside, as if they had traveled to another world.A lot of magical technology is used here, and there are many things that the forest elves have never heard of.There is also a high-concentration mana environment, making mages seem to be immersed in the tide of mana.

Just now King Sanye was thinking about how to learn some magic techniques from the Kirov steam airship, but he didn't expect that the meteorite chief assistant would let him visit.He believed that with the ability of the forest elf alchemist, it would be no problem to learn some magic techniques.

King Sanye held Luke's hand with both hands: "Thank you, Meteor Chief Assistant. You and the Golden Shield Empire's help to the Emerald Forest will definitely be rewarded accordingly!"

Luke also held the Clover King with both hands: "I believe in the character of the forest elves, and I will wait for you, Your Majesty, in St. Lun City."

"it is good!"

King Sanye left the Kirov steamship with the Emerald Forest delegation. After Luke explained the bottom line of the Golden Shield Empire to Mrs. Mihir, he rode the black dragon Barle back to the empire overnight.

He did waste too much time in the Emerald Forest. The enthronement ceremony of Empress Christina was approaching. As the chief assistant of the empire, he had to return to the imperial capital to preside over the overall situation as soon as possible to prevent accidents from happening.

Night shrouded the sea, and the black dragon roared across the starry sky.

The brightly lit Emerald Court was getting farther and farther away, and finally only the moon above his head was left to accompany Luke through this long journey.

After a while, the black dragon Balie said, "The King of Gluttony!"

Luke corrected: "The Gluttonous King is just my unknown identity, and now I am Meteor, the chief assistant of the Golden Shield Empire."

"I'm sorry, the chief assistant of the meteorite." Now the black dragon Bale respects Luke very much: "Would you like to detour to the Dragon Kingdom? You let the dragon return to the Emerald Forest after a thousand years. The dragon kings want to see you very much, and they also want to see you." It is already known that the Taotie King is the inheritance of the past Dragon Kingdom King."

Luke considered the option of going to the Dragon Kingdom by detour, and finally said with regret: "If I go to the Dragon Kingdom at this time, I don't know what will delay the time. Besides, apart from getting to know each other, there will be no real Effect.

When you return to the imperial capital, you will represent me to visit the Dragon Kings of the Dragon Kingdom.Bring the invitation card from the Golden Shield Empire, and hope that the Dragon Kingdom will send a delegation to attend the enthronement ceremony of Queen Christina.The scale does not need to be too large, as long as there are four or five dragon kings. "

The black dragon Balie replied: "Follow your will! I think the Dragon Kingdom will welcome back our new king soon!"

Luke laughed and patted the black dragon Bale on the head: "I'm a human being, and Taotie is just a young dragon who doesn't understand anything. How could those unruly dragon kings submit to him?"

"I do!"

Luke laughed louder, looking up at the sky.The moon is as round as a disk, and a figure in the moonlight is flying in the middle.


With the blessing of magic, the black dragon Bale flew very fast, and flew across the ocean to the city of Raging Waves the next afternoon.

Luke had just landed in his Governor when he received a message.

Rio's newly established Restoration Society won the general election, formed a national parliament, and formally came to power.The foundation of the Restoration Society was the government-in-exile of the former Leo Republic. After absorbing a group of nobles and local tyrants from the Old Kingdom, it became the largest political group in Rio. other competitors.

The ruling new parliament did not restore the Republic of Leo, but respected Yin who was far away in the Golden Valley as the Queen of Leo, and established the Kingdom of Leo with a constitutional monarchy.

The mission of the Kingdom of Leo has arrived in Rage City, hoping to get the recognition of the Golden Shield Empire and re-establish diplomatic relations between the two countries.Because of the absence of the imperial chief minister, Queen Christina has not approved the mission to go to Saint Lun City, so they are stranded in Raging Waves City, waiting for the meteorite chief minister to return home.

Luke returned to his office and quickly checked the Leo Kingdom information collected during this period.Outside the window, the black dragon Bale flew away. He wanted to go to the Dragon Kingdom as soon as possible so that the Dragon Kingdom delegation could attend the Empress' Enthronement Ceremony in time.

From the available information, it can be seen that the evolution of Leo's political situation has been under the supervision of the Imperial Secret Service.The top and bottom of Leo Kingdom have been infiltrated by Secret Intelligence Bureau like a sieve, politicians really dare to sell anything in order to get the support of the empire.

This time, the Kingdom of Leo mission is clearly here to establish diplomatic relations, but in fact, everyone has a cooperation plan representing their respective factions.

The chaos caused by the Restoration War and Pan's death destroyed Leo's original interest system.Coupled with the maritime blockade of the Golden Shield Empire, factories closed down, a large number of people became unemployed, and production resources that were sold cheaply but could not be sold were everywhere.

At this time, whoever's capital can enter Leo first will be able to enjoy the feast to the fullest.

Only the World Bank and the Golden Shield Empire have this strength in the world.

Everyone in Leo knows that they are too close to the Golden Shield Empire. Whoever dares to bring in the World Bank will not be able to see the sun the next day.Therefore, all parties in Leo squeezed their heads and stuffed their own people into the visiting group, waiting to sell themselves for a good price, and followed the capital of Raging City to drink soup.

Queen Christina also saw that Leo's delegation was too complicated, so she didn't let them go to Saint Lun City.Another meaning is to know that Leo is a dish that has been arranged by Meteor for a long time, and to save it until Meteor returns is to express that he is not interested in this dish.

Among the information about the New Leo Kingdom, there is also a report on the current status of various industries in Leo.

The Rio economic system collapsed, inflation made the national currency look like waste paper, and all hard assets were at the price of cabbage.

It is the best time to buy bottoms.

In order to buy out Leo, the capitalists of Raging Waves City are already sharpening their swords, and they are waiting for the chief assistant of Meteorite to return to the country to issue an order.

Ible, who is already the Minister of Finance of the Empire, even ran from Saint Lun City to Rage City specifically for this purpose, took a knife and fork in the city government office, and waited for the banquet to begin.

Now that the food was on the table, Luke was not polite.

Summon the Leo Kingdom Mission.

The next day, the Raging City Governor's Palace announced that the Raging City Bank would provide the Leo Kingdom with a loan worth 50 billion Reichsmarks for the infrastructure construction of the Leo Kingdom.

Raging Wave City wholly invested in the renovation of Leo Palace, and the renovated Leo Palace was opened to the public as a museum.

Meteor, the chief minister of the empire, expressed his willingness to promote the resumption of diplomatic relations between the empire and the Kingdom of Leo, and invited the president of the Leo Kingdom to come to Saint Lun City to participate in the imperial celebration.

The Raging City Merchant Group established the Leo Kingdom Economic, Trade and Investment Committee, with Meteor Shoufu as the chairman and Minister Ible as the vice-chairman.The role of the Economic, Trade and Investment Committee of the Leo Kingdom is to coordinate the investment of Raging City merchants in Leo, avoid vicious competition, and help various industries in Leo get out of the predicament and resume production as soon as possible.

Before the Kingdom of Leo issues a new national currency, the Reichsmark and the old Leo currency can be circulated in Leo at the same time.Raging City encourages merchants going to the Kingdom of Leo to use Imperial Marks for transactions, which will help the Kingdom of Leo quickly accumulate Imperial Marks for importing necessities from the Empire.

Meteor chief minister proposed to set Port Samuel in Leo Kingdom as a free port, allowing imperial warships to freely dock for supplies.

The Chief Assistant of the Meteorite proposed that the Leo Kingdom apply to the Empire for garrison troops to make up for the lack of national defense forces.

Meteor Chief Assistant proposed to help Leo Kingdom form a defense force, abolish local warlords and illegal armed forces, and centralize the command of the army under the leadership of the Congress.

Meteor Shoufu suggested that Leo Kingdom join the "Free Trade Organization".

Meteor Chief Assistant suggested that the Kingdom of Leo revise the textbooks, dilute the historical conflicts between the two countries, and increase the intimacy between the two countries.

Meteor Chief Assistant proposes...


Ships and airships swarmed out of Raging Waves City towards the east as if they had heard the starting gun.The Kingdom of Leo in front put down all its defenses, waiting for the thugs to come to their door.

According to the calculations of the Chief Assistant Staff Group, after this big harvest, more than half of the Leo Kingdom's economy will be controlled by Raging City Capital.Among them, iron and steel, machinery, metallurgy and other heavy industries and high-precision industries will be directly or indirectly controlled by Yanyang Group.

It can be said that the economic lifeline of the entire Leo Kingdom is held in Luke's hands, and a comprador class will be born in the Leo Kingdom to become the white gloves of Raging City's capital to manipulate the Leo economy.

As for the upper-level ruling structure of the Leo Kingdom, it will be trapped in the election infighting that Luke designed for them.Raging City Capital funds the puppets through white gloves, the obedient ones go up, and the disobedient ones come down.

What the common people at the bottom can see are the congressmen and speakers elected by themselves. If they have complaints, just change them.

Open up and down like this, holding the rein and hiding on one side, as long as the Golden Shield Empire does not fall, the Kingdom of Leo will not be able to get out of this besieged city.

So far, Leo, who has been on the side of the couch and made the emperors of the Golden Shield Empire restless, has been completely solved.When Port Samuel is in hand, the city of Raging Waves is like two gates stuck on both sides of this channel. Most maritime countries want to follow the World Bank to sanction the Golden Shield Empire. First, they must consider how much profit loss this route will bring to them.

I don't know if Yin is okay in the Golden Valley?
After sending the Leo mission away, Luke couldn't help but stand by the window and look out at the ocean.A strong wind blows, bringing the waves to toss.There are ships sailing out of port against the waves, and airships fighting against the strong wind. Their belief in a better future makes them dare to face the strong wind and waves.

At this time, the empire is also ready, it is like a train with steam turbines boiling, and after all the faults have been eliminated, it is running on the road towards dawn.

"Master Shoufu!" Coconut pushed the door open and walked in, his special boots rattling on the marble floor tiles: "The airship to the imperial capital is ready. Now there is a sudden strong wind blowing outside. Do you want to delay the departure time?"

Luke turned and walked out the door: "No! This kind of wind is nothing, we're leaving now!"

(End of this chapter)

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