Age of Arcane

Chapter 568 Closing

Chapter 568 Closing
The palace is easy to attack and defend, and the fallen angels have to confront the tyrant and his demons, and guard against the demons of the original madman behind them.Surrounded in groups, the fallen angels and black feather demons couldn't help showing panic. If they really fought, they would definitely be overwhelmed by the massive demons.

Not to mention the explosive combat power of the demon tyrant.

The fallen angel Garland could not help cursing inwardly. He was deceived by the dragon clan in the Moonlight Court, and by the demons in Hell. We all belonged to the same camp thousands of years ago. Why are you so shameless now!
"Lord tyrant!" Garland admitted the tyrant's ownership of this territory again: "We fallen angels have no intention of being your enemy... just for you to seize the madman's territory, the fallen angels have done a lot Strength, and even took out the extremely precious fire core in the center of the earth to support such a large-scale space transmission.

If I go back empty-handed, how will I explain to our leader Azazel? "

The tyrant has no idea of ​​completely turning against the fallen angels. They have been entrenched in the black prison for thousands of years, and the outside world has no idea how powerful they are now.So Garland looked for a step, and the tyrant followed the trend downhill.

"If the fallen angels cherish the friendship we have established through this battle, of course I will not let my friends go away empty-handed. I can give you a piece of land as the territory of the fallen angels, but your credit is too great. If I give you too much territory Small, it seems that my rewards and punishments are unfair; if the territory given to you is too large, it will make me feel uneasy."

Garland heard a turning point from the tyrant's mouth: "Do you have any good suggestions?"

The tyrant replied: "The fallen angels help me take back Furnace City, and I will help the fallen angels grab a territory. I don't need to be a nominal lord. The fallen angels openly become lords in hell. Any demon that dares to attack you is my tyrant. enemies of..."

The attractive conditions did not make Garland forget that he had just been deceived by the tyrant.

"Do you think fallen angels will still believe in you?"

"Hahaha... Since I can give my demons the territory, why can't I give you the fallen angels' territory? What I have done has made me the enemy of other demon lords in hell. You are also the enemy of the demon lords of hell. We We can share the pressure with each other, we are natural allies.

Together we shall struggle against the tide of siege and die together. "

Doubt disappeared from Garland's face, the tyrant really had no reason to deceive the fallen angel this time.Giving the fallen angel territory is not because he really has any kindness, but because he wants to pull the fallen angel into his chariot.

Garland also laughed loudly: "Yes, yes, yes! We are all incompatible existences in this hell, and we have to truly become allies in life and death, just like the war thousands of years ago united all the demons in hell Come on.

Let us struggle together in the wave of siege, let us die together! "

After speaking, Garland flew towards the tyrant.

The tyrant stood up from the lord's throne, letting the demons in front of him avoid it.He came face to face with the fallen angel Garland, holding out their hands together.

All fallen angels, black-feathered demons, and demon descendants raised their weapons together to prove the unbreakable alliance.

At this time, Tan stood on the hanging bridge and watched quietly. The attack on the Lord's Castle was in her plan, but the process was beyond her expectations.

First of all, I far underestimated the combat power of the demon tyrant.

Then I far underestimated the political wisdom of the demonic tyrant.

He accepted all the demon descendants of the fanatics almost seamlessly, and made the fallen angels who had just turned their faces shake hands to form an alliance.

Can such an ancient demon be controlled by himself?
What he said to himself... How true?How fake?
Now Tan can't make a judgment, but she knows that she has just witnessed an extremely important moment in the history of hell, and a fierce battle in hell is about to start.

This trip to hell did not complete the ejection of the Golden Shield Empire from hell, but the task of provoking a large-scale civil war in hell was accomplished.I don't know if the Elder's House is satisfied...

When the tyrant shook hands with Garland, he glanced at Tan on the hanging bridge.

My heart is full of admiration for Meteor.

Just say a few words casually, and the resentful woman, the fallen angel, willingly sticks to her.With fallen angels, you can share half of your pressure.

No, the meteor boss said: more than half.

For fallen angels, they can fail, but they absolutely do not allow me to fail.If they lose, I can help him regain the territory, but if I lose, their territory will eventually be lost due to lack of legal support.

Hell is the hell of demons. Fallen angels are a group of outsiders after all. They must rely on demons if they want space!

As for the Shimmering Goldman...

If you can hide from them for a day, you can earn a day of support.

As for how to deal with Tan, you still need to find the meteor boss to discuss countermeasures.

The next thing went very smoothly.

The tyrant's legal rule over the territory is the prerequisite for the fallen angels to have their own territory in the future.Therefore, Garland took the Fallen Angel and the Black Feather Demon to the border of the territory to monitor the movements of the neighbors for the tyrant and prevent the demon lord next to him from taking the opportunity to invade.

The tyrant took advantage of this time to complete the allegiance ceremony of the Demon Family, and quickly occupied the entire territory after completely controlling the Scorched Earth City.

The fortresses guarding various places changed their flags, and the scattered demon tribes sent representatives to the Scorched Earth City to pay tribute and swear allegiance to the new lord.

The entire process of receiving the territory was orderly, and there was almost no fighting.

At the same time, the movements of the Madobusa family are also watched by all the demon families. They all want to see whether the new lord will fulfill his reward, or be fickle like a devil, and find an excuse to cancel the reward fiefdom for the Madobusa family.

In Black Fort of Scorched Earth City, the entire Madobusa family was busy.

All the succubus and vassals packed their bags together, and they were about to move to the territory of the Madobusa succubus family in Chihe Fortress.There is a fertile creek there, and the family will soon prosper.

In the secret room, Madobusa didn't pester Luke this time, but stood there respectfully.

During the various struggles in Scorched Earth City, she can be said to have witnessed her brother's ability firsthand.The mighty lunatic lord disappeared as easily as ice thrown into a river of lava.

The more powerful tyrant lord treated him with respect and obedience, as if he was a follower of this human being.

That is the ancient demon, who can make the ancient demon bow his head?

But my brother did it.

He didn't need to show up, and he changed the flag of the huge city and a vast territory in secret.He did not show force, but only used wisdom to let all parties be led by the nose and follow the route he preset.

He even made his competitors willingly support the demon lord he fostered.

At this time, Madobusa did not dare to sit beside Luke, and she felt terrified just standing here.She feared Luke more than she respected her, and she couldn't even lift her head.

It was rare for Luke to sit alone in this bedlike chair, enjoying the spaciousness.

"I asked the tyrant, and he said that the defenders of the Chihe Fortress have been informed that the Madobusa family will take over the Chihe Fortress. After you go to the Chihe Fortress and complete the handover with the defenders, it will belong to you."

", it's my lord..." Madobusa changed her title, she was [-]% sure that this human being was not her brother.She asked reluctantly, "Are you leaving Scorched Earth City?"

Luke replied: "Yes, I don't belong here after all. My trip to hell is over, and I will let Dalikova give you instructions on how to act in the future.

You have developed well in Chihe Fortress.The war in hell is about to begin, and I have given you the chance to become the Queen of Succubus, whether you can grasp it or not depends on you. "

Dalikova did not stay by Luke's side this time, and the battle for Scorched Earth City opened her eyes again.

When he was in Winter Capital back then, he obtained important information by himself, turned the situation in Snow City, and changed the trend of the war between the Yate County United and the Golden Shield Empire.He even successfully instigated a key figure in the county federation, making the intelligence of the two countries unilaterally transparent.

This time he came to hell, he once again replicated the miracle of the winter capital.And its strategic significance is far higher than his trip to the winter capital. It can be said that no matter what the outcome of the war in hell will be in the future, his influence on hell will become decisive.

This is one of the five ancient civilizations, and it is also the most chaotic and most unavoidable hell.

Now Dalikova vaguely guessed the identity of this enigmatic man.The only reason why she is still not sure could that high-ranking adult take such a big risk to go to the enemy country and enter hell!
Hearing Luke call her name, Darikova couldn't help asking: "Do you really want to leave me in hell?"

Leaving Darikova in hell was the result of Luke's careful consideration. He replied: "I can't take you to the empire, and letting you go back will only put you in danger. The bald head is worth to me, so that he can go against me Willingness to do something, I have no way to protect you.

In hell, I need a liaison who can coordinate things.This job is very important, it needs professionals, and it needs my trust..."

Dalikova smiled: "You can't take me back to the empire, is it because of your fiancée?"

Luke looked at Darikova, and she was also looking at herself, her eyes bold and full of desire to win.

Luke knew that Dalikova had guessed his identity, and he answered truthfully: "Yes, part of the reason is because of my fiancee. She loves me very much, and I love her very much. I respect this feeling, so I can only treat her You say sorry."

"You really are him!" After getting the answer, the light in Dalikova's eyes dimmed, but she quickly regained her confidence: "I am convinced that I lost to that woman, and women in the polar regions will not stop because of feelings." .Since you have chosen a suitable battlefield for me, I will work for you in the future.

The king of hell in the future, I also pre-order one! "

Madobusa said at this time: "Sister Dalikova, my family and I went to the Chihe Fortress. This black castle will be occupied by other demons if it is empty. Why not give it to you and your family.

Our two families must take care of each other and work together for adults. "

Dalikova smiled charmingly: "Okay, sister."

When Luke was about to leave Scorched Earth City and return to the Empire, Tan was also preparing to return to the Golden Valley.

At this time, the tyrant lord lifted the seal of the Highland Venture Capital Company, and the company's business not only resumed, but also gained a lot of convenience.

In order to gain support for the Shining Gold civilization, the tyrant sent troops to provide escort services for the transport team of the Highland Venture Capital Company, and also set up a professional debt collection team with the fallen angels to recover the arrears.

The losses of the Shining Gold people have decreased, and the expansion of the hell market has accelerated.

It's just that the tyrant in purgatory is somewhat beyond reach for the edge of hell where the Golden Shield Empire is entrenched.Moreover, the tyrant and the fallen angel still have their territories to snatch, and after they succeed, they will face a war that offends the entire hell, and it may be a long time before they reach the edge of hell.

Therefore, the competition between the World Bank and the Golden Shield Empire in hell will also continue for a long time, and no one can prevent the other party from obtaining resources from hell.

In this case, it would be very wasteful to continue to put Tan in hell.

Tan, who was notified, was handing over the business with the manager who came to take over, but there was always an indescribable feeling of discomfort entrenched in his heart.

But she didn't know where this sense of discomfort came from. It seemed that there were still mysteries in the Scorched Earth City that she had not solved.

"Shadow..." Tan used telepathy to contact his twin sister: "Isn't it too simple?"

Ying's response was slightly delayed: "Tan... I don't know the situation in your place, so I can't make a judgment for you. My suggestion is to tell your doubts to the manager who will replace you. Golden Valley needs you more."

"It seems that this is the only way to go. I haven't been back to the secular world for a long time. Has anything changed?"

"There are many things. The source of divine power in the Emerald Forest changed, and a war broke out between the forest elves and the headhunters. As a result... the giant dragon returned to the Emerald Forest after a thousand years, and the forest elves joined the free trade led by the Golden Shield Empire." body.

Another important thing is that the Archangel Elzerie of Sky City was assassinated and killed by a holy angel in the Emerald Forest. "

Hearing these news, Tan was stunned.

"An archangel died, or was assassinated by the holy angel! What's the situation in Sky City now?"

"Sky City has blocked the news, and we have no way of knowing what is going on inside the Angel. Tan, this world is about to enter a new war. This war will be more complicated than the war a thousand years ago. Every meeting of the Council of Elders is arguing.

They still don't let me tell you these things, worrying about what will affect you in hell. "

With just a few words, Tan could feel the tense situation outside, and the Elder's House still had some scruples about him.

"It seems that I have to return to the Golden Valley as soon as possible. Shadow, help me notify the World Bank's Bad Debt Processing Office. I must see all the captains of the debt collectors as soon as I arrive in the Golden Valley."

"I'll do it, Dan...I really want to see you soon!"

"Come on, Shadow!"

(End of this chapter)

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