Age of Arcane

Chapter 574 Big Event

Chapter 574 Big Event

When today's protagonists enter the palace together, the wedding officially begins.

The bell rang and the salute was deafening.The guests watching the ceremony gathered in the main hall of the palace, a red carpet was spread from the gate to the stage, music echoed in the towering dome, and Luke walked in through the door holding Agatha's hand.

People are amazed at Meteor's youth. He is in a high position due to his ability at such a young age, and has become a figure who can easily influence the whole world.At the same time, she was amazed by Agatha's beauty, and the royal inheritance added to her a noble temperament that ordinary beauties can't precipitate.

The two are like characters that only exist in fairy tales, turning fantasy into reality.

Luke took Agatha's hand and walked up to the stage, where Queen Christina was already waiting. She would personally preside over the wedding and lead the two couples to recite the marriage vows.

The wedding was proceeding in accordance with the procedures in the eyes of many people.

At the same time, another protagonist of today finally has to make another decision that can affect the world.

Sky City is built on a solidified cloud, and the granite walls built during ancient wars have turned this otherwise undefended city into a solid fortress.The city is also dominated by square granite buildings, and the former gardens and squares have become angel training centers.

The new angel began to receive combat training from the light element into life, and recognized himself as the embodiment of justice...

The previous angels were romantic and artistic.

Today's angels are rigid and follow the rules.

The northwest corner of Sky City is the Holy Tribunal. This is a church-like building, solemn and solemn, and more depressing than other places in Sky City.

At this moment, all the Holy Tribunal Angels hovered in the air around the Holy Tribunal. They wore uniform white armor and held angel swords in their hands.On the ground, densely packed heroic spirits stood in the open ground and on the road. They were dressed in standard heroic spirit armaments, uniform and motionless like clones.

The angels and heroic spirits all stood silently in their positions, waiting for that moment to come.

Inside the sanctuary, a long table was covered with white velvet, and on both sides were the commanders of the sanctuary angels sitting in full swing.

The main seat is the Chief Inquisitor Archangel Ulysses Sword of the Oath.

At this time, the sword of the oath has put on its own battle armor.He has platinum-blonde hair, looks like a boy full of sunshine with vigorous vigor, from inside to outside he has never met an opponent and is invincible in self-confidence.

The conference room was silent. Although the holy angels were very angry, none of them dared to speak in this situation.

Sword of the Oath looked at the Holy Tribunal Angel sitting on his left and asked: "First pass on the scriptures, what do you think of the Archangel's decision to abolish the Holy Tribunal?"

Teresia didn't expect that Oath Sword would call her name, she immediately replied: "I just came back from the secular world, and I don't know what happened in Sky City, so it's hard to make an accurate comment."

After hearing Teresia's prevarication, Sword of the Oath smiled, but the smile was fierce: "Yes! You just came back from the secular world... If I hadn't forced you to return, I'm afraid you would still be here. in the secular world.

What are you running from!Theresa? "

Teresia replied: "I, I'm looking for the artifact."

"Where is the artifact?"

"I still do not know yet."

"Yes, I don't know." Oath Sword kept nodding: "You can't find the artifact; Archangel, you don't compete; I'm asking you, but you are so perfunctory... What are you doing, Teresia?

You were not like this before! "

Teresia knew that the sword of oath was angry, and she immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, sword of oath. I have failed your trust and am willing to accept all your punishments."

The sword of the oath saw through Teresia's thoughts, and he laughed again: "If I punish you and take you into custody, don't you need to worry about the next thing?"

Teresia replied: "I think...maybe we can talk to the Archangel again."

"The talk is over. The Archangel made this decision to settle the matter that should have been settled thousands of years ago." The sword of the oath did not continue to chase Theresia under this special situation, He turned to the commanders of the Holy Inquisition Angels and said: "Azure Sapphire's assassination of the Archangel Elzerie is an extremely vicious incident. We, the Holy Inquisition, are all responsible, but we cannot bear all the responsibilities.

The Archangel has been holding the Holy Tribunal accountable for this responsibility, and his real intention is to abolish the Holy Tribunal, simply forgetting the sacrifices and dedications made by the Holy Tribunal Angels for the Sky City from generation to generation.

Commanders of the holy angels, all of you have participated in that war and have more devout beliefs than other angels.It is this kind of belief that makes the Holy Inquisition Angels have incomparably powerful combat effectiveness, and saves the declining Angel Race.

The survival of civilization must be guarded by sufficient force. In this era of turmoil, abolishing the Sanctuary is breaking the sharpest sword in Sky City.Although I have not experienced the humiliation of Sky City being raided and occupied by the Shuojin people, but without the Sanctuary, the same thing will definitely happen again.

So I can't back down! "

The commanders of the holy angels are filled with righteous indignation:

"Never back down!"

"The sword of the oath, the weakness of the archangel is not enough to lead Sky City to deal with the chaos in the future, the angels need a strong and aggressive leader."

"The angels of the holy tribunal are all ready. If the archangel insists on abolishing the sanctuary, we can only ask the archangel to 'abdicate' for the future of Sky City."

"The sword of the oath is the most suitable choice for the 'Archangel'. He should have been the Archangel thousands of years ago."

"It's not too late!"


The commanders of the holy angels discussed indignantly, but Theresa sat there silently.

The Sword of Oath asked Teresia: "I need you to lead your subordinates to attack the Hall of Angels, do you dare?"

Teresia replied very readily: "In ancient wars, I was the first to charge in every battle. This time it is for the Sky City and the Sanctuary. I am willing to be the first to attack the Hall of Angels."

"Very good!" Oath Sword was very satisfied with Theresia's vigorous struggle, and his dissatisfaction with her was also reduced a lot: "It is worthy of passing on the holy scriptures first. When I become the archangel, you will be one of the archangels. Don't refuse again."

"Yes, the sword of the oath!"

The Sword of Oath stood up, spread its wings and flew out from the open window of the meeting room.

The other holy angel commanders immediately flapped their wings to keep up.

The Sword of the Oath flew to the top of the Holy Tribunal with his commanders, surrounded by layers of Holy Tribunal angels.

"Sacred Angels!" shouted the sword of the oath: "It's time to bear the fate again. We will use our swords to continue to fulfill the oath we made, guard the sky city, and guard the civilization of the angels.

Guard justice and judge any injustice. "

The holy angels shouted together: "Guard the sky city! Guard the angelic civilization! Guard justice!"

A huge sound formed a sound wave and radiated over Sky City.

The angels of the neutral faction looked worriedly at the direction of the Sanctuary and the Angel Hall, not knowing who they should help, nor where the future of Sky City would go.All they can do is to stay in their own residences honestly... Since they don't know who is right, let the outcome be the final decision.

The holy angels and their heroic spirits marched mightily towards the angel hall in the middle of the city. Angels joined in along the way, and a white cloud soon formed.

The Angel Hall is a hanging garden. The open garden preserves the lives of many ancient angels.Most of the angels here wear cloth robes, and once they have a sense of the beautiful scenery, they will fall into a stillness like a sculpture.

The Holy Inquisition gathered troops, and the Angel Hall had already received the news.The angels guarding the Angel Hall are fully armed and fly around the Hanging Garden, ready to meet the attack of the Holy Angel.The brooding angels were also awakened, and taken to a safe place for refuge.

In the middle of the Angel Hall is a fountain, which sprays not water, but light like water.

In the pool under the fountain, a newborn angel is taking shape.He is still in the form of light, and can barely see the image of an angel.

Archangel Aldrey stood by the pool, quietly waiting for the arrival of the newborn angel.

(End of this chapter)

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