Age of Arcane

Chapter 577 Flying to Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 577 Flying to Dragon Kingdom
The Shuojin civilization began to reform the elders' house, and the way of confrontation with the Golden Shield Empire will soon be transformed.

The city of Shenglun is still filled with the atmosphere of celebration. The scene of congratulations from all nations pushes the empire to its peak. With the wedding of the Duke of Raging Waves and the princess of the empire, the national power of the empire has reached an unprecedented strength.

The self-confidence of the citizens of the empire was unprecedented, and the celebrations continued from day to night, and they were ready to party all night.

And the clear sky in the spiritual starry sky did not go to Luke and Agatha's wedding, she sat alone on the crescent moon and looked up at the stars in the sky, enjoying the quietness under the stars.

"Clear sky!"

A call disturbed the clear sky, she recognized the source of the voice, and then disappeared on the crescent moon.

In a quiet lounge in the palace, Qing Kong closed his eyes and opened them again, with a smile on his face: "I thought you forgot about me when you had a wife. At this time, shouldn't you be with Agatha? What? come to me?"

The clear sky looked out of the window again. It was already night, but the whole palace was still brightly lit and resplendent, and the night sky outside was full of blooming fireworks.

Luke sat on the sofa opposite, he took off his heavy coat and changed into casual clothes, holding a cup of refreshing coffee in his hand.

"In Agatha and I's positions, even weddings have their own tasks." Luke took a sip of coffee and continued, "The world will enter real chaos next. Do you have any hints from the starry sky?"

"It's not like a question you can ask, what are you worried about?"

Luke couldn't help but smiled wryly: "I used to be alone. Whether I win or lose, I take care of it all by myself. But from today, I have a family and someone I want to protect even if I give up my life.

With some trepidation in my sudden responsibility, I found myself terrified! "

Qingkong looked at Luke and said meaningfully: "This means that you have finally integrated into this world and are truly accepted by this world.

The previous fearlessness was because you didn't care about everything you got. Even if the abyss tempted you with divine power, you could kick it away like a stone.The fear right now is because you value what you have, what you have to protect.

If you were presented with divine right now, would you accept it? "

Luke asked, "What does divine power have me do?"

"You can become a god, with a long life and great power, it is enough for you to protect the people you want to protect."

"What's the price? I don't believe that theocracy can be obtained without paying."

"The price? I don't know. I only have part of the power of the starry sky, not the starry sky. Let's end this topic. Theocracy is not the power that should appear now."

But Luke asked: "Obviously you started talking about divine right, why didn't you talk about it again?"

Qingkong obviously didn't want to say more, she stretched out her hand and cast a spell to control the coffee pot on the table to pour herself a cup of coffee, and then picked it up to drink.

"Because I accidentally crossed the line just now. I'm just your follower on your way to God, not your guide. Today is not a good day to talk about such distant things...

Congratulations, happy wedding!

Agatha is a good wife, and you will have happiness like a fairy tale. "

Luke was amused by the blessing of the clear sky: "It's still easy to talk about such a topic. It's just that fairy-tale happiness is obviously not realistic for Agatha and me. The empire's chariots are about to start in full swing, and it will be a long time in the future." , our lives will be filled with all kinds of bloodshed and conspiracies."

"No matter what happens in the future, I will accompany you and face it together."

Luke looked at Qingkong and saw that Qingkong was watching him, and his shadow was reflected in her green pupils.

Luke couldn't help but said, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, you deserve it." Qing Kong pursed her lips and smiled, "I can't get rid of you, and you can't get rid of me either...

You are the one I want to protect even if I give up my life! "

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the lounge, and then Agatha pushed the door and walked in.

Seeing that there were only Luke and Qingkong in the room, Agatha showed no suspicion.She walked to Luke's side, leaned on the armrest of the sofa, and put her hands on Luke's shoulders naturally.

"What are you talking about?"

Just as Luke was about to answer, Qingkong said first: "Let's talk about protection. Luke just told me that he has someone to protect all his life. Let me stop pestering him."

After hearing this, Agatha looked at Luke, with a half-smile on her face, and said through her teeth: "Is that so?"

Luke knew that Qingkong had committed an old problem again, so he quickly defended: "Miss Qingkong is joking with you, I have a special relationship with her, that kind of..."

Luke somehow explained his relationship with Clear Sky in an accessible way.

"It's okay, you don't have to explain it to me." Seeing Luke's eagerness to explain, Agatha laughed: "Miss Clear Sky told me long ago that your relationship is not love between men and women, but a relationship that transcends family, love, Another emotion of friendship.

Although I don't understand what kind of feelings this is, but I know that in your heart, I have the same weight as Miss Weathering Sky.

that's enough!
And I have never seen Miss Weather in this state before, and I feel a lot more friendly. "

Clear Sky drank the rest of the coffee in the cup in one gulp, then stood up and said, "It's too exhausting to talk to you, I'd better find my students.

Bless you again! "

After speaking, Qingkong walked out of the room.

Leave the slightly embarrassed Agatha.

"Did I say something wrong? It seems to have offended Miss Qingkong."

Luke said: "You don't have to care, that's how she is, she's just making excuses to leave."

Agatha breathed a sigh of relief: "I was just curious that Miss Weatherlight would suddenly make a joke, but luckily I didn't make her angry.

By the way...the first round of special operations summary on the Tedgar Hills has been sent, do you want to go and have a look together. "

Luke replied: "I won't read it. You can organize the summaries and send them to the research teams. Tomorrow, I need to leave the empire for a while."

Hearing that Luke was going to leave again, Agatha asked very reluctantly: "You just came back from hell not long ago, where are you going this time?
You are the Duke of Raging Waves of the empire, the chief minister of the cabinet, so there is no official in such a big empire who can go out to do things for you? "

"This time... no one can replace me."

"Let's hear it, I don't believe that things can be more difficult than hell?"

"Go to Dragon Kingdom to participate in the King's Trial and compete for the position of King of Dragon Kingdom..."

Before Luke could finish his sentence, Agatha opened her mouth wide enough to stuff an egg.

"Jing, competing for the king of the Dragon Kingdom? You are... but a human being."

"But I have another identity, the Gluttonous King, and the identity of this Dragon King has been recognized by the dragon kings of the Dragon Kingdom. The Golden Dragon King Tai Lun proposed and is willing to support me to participate in the King's Trial of the Dragon Kingdom. I think this is an opportunity. Regardless of whether he can compete to become the Dragon King, it can expand the influence of the Gluttonous King in the Dragon Kingdom."

Agatha had seen Luke wearing the dragon armor, and knew that the Gluttonous King was actually Luke.

But being dragged to compete for the king of the Dragon Kingdom like this still made Agatha unbelievable.

"This... is really unbelievable. Is there any danger in the trial of the king of the Dragon Kingdom?"

"I don't know..." Luke really didn't know, and there was no record of the Dragon King's trial even in the player guide.The original plot has long been changed beyond recognition, and super-versions are appearing one after another. "But since it is to select the king of the Dragon Kingdom, the trial will definitely not be easy. But I am not going for the king's position. If I encounter a trial that is beyond my power, I will withdraw."

Hearing that Luke would not forcefully compete for the throne of the Dragon Kingdom, Agatha let go of some worries.

Although she didn't know what the trial of the Dragon Kingdom King was, Luke's participation in it must be at a great disadvantage compared to the original Dragon King.Agatha, who is already married as a wife, does not ask Luke to bring much help to the empire, as long as she can come back safely.

"Yes, there is a way to win Longguo, and the empire is far from the time when you need to go all out. The empire needs your safety, and I need your safety."

Luke patted Agatha's hand: "Don't worry, the title of king of the Dragon Kingdom is not enough for me to go all out."

Luke did not have much thought about the position of King of the Dragon Kingdom from the very beginning.

The ruling structure of the dragon civilization is different from other civilizations.

The power of the shimmering gold civilization is concentrated in the elders' house; the power center of the angelic civilization is the Archangel Council imitating the elders' house; hell is all the demon lords who are the only ones.

The dragon civilization is more like a society. The dragon kings have their own territories and dragon groups. Although there will be fights among them, they are very restrained. Most of the disputes can be resolved by the mediation of a few good dragon kings.

The king of the Dragon Kingdom is actually a big brother who takes the lead.The leading brother has strength and prestige, and the dragon kings below will naturally give him some face.If the dragon kings are not obedient, the king of the Dragon Kingdom is a mascot, at best he can command his own dragons.

Of course, most of the kings of the Dragon Kingdom in history were highly respected, and were hailed as co-lords by the Dragon Kings.

Therefore, Luke is more willing to believe that the so-called trial of the king of the Dragon Kingdom was decided by the dragon kings of the Dragon Kingdom.

Such a hastily prepared trial cannot be considered fair, notarized, and there will be no reliable security guarantee.

The Taotie King, a foreign dragon king, not only has disadvantages in trials, even if he becomes the king of the Dragon Kingdom by luck, he will become a decoration that no one can command because he has no foundation.

Now Luke doesn't have the energy to rectify the Dragon Kingdom, and spends effort and time to subdue the Dragon Kings one by one.He went to Dragon Kingdom to participate in the king's trial this time, and only set himself one goal.

It is to form a group of dragons belonging to the gluttonous king.

A bird in hand is worse than two birds in the bush.


The palace wedding was spent in blessings and celebrations. After a tiring day, Luke took his new wife Agatha back to Silver Manor in a royal carriage.

Another night of work.

The next day, Luke left his newlywed Yaner's wife, turned himself into the gluttonous king and rode the black dragon Bale, and flew to the Dragon Kingdom under the protection of the golden dragon King Tailun and a group of dragons.

(End of this chapter)

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