Age of Arcane

Chapter 587 Dusk

Luke's former marquis mansion is now the headquarters of "Twilight".At this time, the buds of the artifact tree are still growing, and the Twilight organization has been working on the development of the World Tree language.

In order to cope with the changes in the world and speed up the development of the World Tree language, after the unanimous decision of all members, the Twilight Organization has new members to join.

The first to join the Dusk was the Archangel Malus.This once reckless hair-headed holy angel has now become a steady philosopher. The ancient angelic language he has mastered is a good inspiration for the language of the world tree.

Now that an angel joined Twilight, Sisli, a Shadow Clan servant who had failed to assassinate Qingkong and was captured, also joined Twilight under the coercion of Qingkong, providing the ancient Shadow Language as a reference for the development of the World Tree language.At the same time, Qingkong arranged for the sheriff to learn the ancient shadow language with the face-to-face service, striving to become a qualified shadow clan.

The third to join Dusk is Crystal Sleep.Shenmian's joining the Twilight Organization was completely accidental. Since this guy had enjoyed the cleaning service, he no longer stayed in the underground of the palace. When he was free, he would come to the museum to find the butler.This guy went down and down, and accidentally discovered the Twilight Organization.

Clear Sky can only recruit Deep Sleep, the Crystal Man, and let this senior tech geek serve as a technical consultant for the Twilight Organization.

These strange creatures form the core of the Twilight Organization, and there is also a large outlying group that provides various services and assistance to the Twilight Organization.For example, the development of the magical difference machine, the search and exploration of ancient relics, the translation and arrangement of ancient documents, and the ancient language system.

The current Twilight Organization is a team of ten thousand people, and there are countless people who indirectly work for the Twilight Organization.

When Luke started the final trial of the Dragon Kingdom King Trial, a meeting of core members was going on at the Twilight Organization headquarters.

In addition to the demon tyrant in Hell and Meteor in Dragon Kingdom, Elf Clear Sky, Troll Laconia, Dragon Soul Banat, Angel Malus, Shadow Tribe face-servant Sisli, and Crystal Man Deep Sleep surrounded a picture Sit down at the round conference table.

The layout and color tone of the venue are similar to the sunset, as if you are in the dusk, corresponding to the name of the organization.

As the leader of Twilight, Clear Sky sat at the head. She first asked the angel Marus, "Jenferni said, you have an apprentice?"

Marus immediately replied: "Yes, Miss Skylight. The child's name is Gabriel, and it is... a baby angel..."

Marus hesitated for a moment, but still revealed the identity of the apprentice he had accepted.

Qing Kong said: "Baby angels are really rare, or they have never existed before, can you explain?"

Marus replied: "Gabriel is an angel personally recruited by the Archangel Aldrey, and he was born in the form of a child on purpose, and then let the Archangel Gold take it out of Sky City and send it to me.

Archangel Aldrey hopes that Gabriel can have a growth process and form his own worldview and values ​​through learning, instead of being forced to accept the overall thinking of an angel like an angel who was born as an adult. "

Qing Kong listened carefully, and then asked, "Where is Archangel Gold?"

Marus replied truthfully: "I don't know. He said he would hide as an ordinary human being, and now he is a wanted criminal in Sky City."

Clear Sky nodded, and then reminded Marus: "I received the news from Sky City. There is a rumor among the angels: the infant angel that Archangel Gould took away from Sky City was chosen by the Archangel Aldry, with Defeat the angel of the potential of the sword of oath.

One day, he will fly back to Sky City, kill Oath Sword, and avenge Archangel Aldrich!
Although the sword of the oath is dismissive of this rumor, you still need to protect this secret. "

Marus replied solemnly: "I understand the risks involved. If the sword of the oath comes to me, I will take Gabriel and leave."

"You don't need to leave. The current city of St. Lun is not something he can come to. I will make arrangements for Gabriel to become an imperial citizen and then go to a school. Although he is your apprentice, he still needs to be educated. Go to a professional elementary school."

"Follow your arrangement, Miss Weatherlight."

The angel Malus had no objection to Gabriel's arrangement.

Qing Kong turned to face-to-face Sisli and said: "I need you to go back to the underground world. I heard that the Shadow Clan is in some trouble. Collect all the information you can and bring it back to me."

Sisli grew her whole body from the remaining head, and her current image is that of a human woman.

Hearing that Qingkong asked her to go back to the underground world, Sisli first asked: "Aren't you afraid that I won't come back after I go back to the underground world?"

Qing Kong said with a smile: "If you wanted to go back to the underground world, you would have escaped long ago. After you joined Dusk, I have no restrictions on you. I believe that the only artifact in the world will let you come back to see me."

When it comes to artifacts, Sisli lost her temper.

"Yes! You have the only artifact in this world in your hands. No one can refuse Dusk's invitation. I will come back and bring you news from the underground world."

After finishing speaking, Sisli left in stealth, quietly and quickly.

Then Qingkong looked at Dragon Soul Banat.

As an egg, the dragon soul Banat has already faded, which means that he is about to complete the eternal disappearance of the inheritance.

"Banat. The final test of the Dragon King's trial is to find the colorful demon heart. Can you give some hints to the gluttonous king?"

"Has he reached the final trial? I'm really looking forward to the final result." The dragon soul shone brightly: "The colorful magic heart is a magic gem that I extracted from the artifact Rainbow Arch. The arch can exert its greatest power.

Now that the artifact is lost, the colorful magic heart is just a very good magic boosting item.If it can become the heart of Taotie, its strength can be greatly enhanced. "

Qing Kong asked, "How did you find it?"

"If it is hidden intentionally, no one will be able to find it. It is a conscious magic gem, and it will change into various forms to observe everything that happens in the Dragon Kingdom. Now it is used as the final tool for the king's trial, It must have been known by it.

Tests will follow.

I have no way to influence it, it will choose a qualified king for Dragon Kingdom. "

Qing Kong said with some regret: "It seems that there is no way to get a shortcut from you."

Banat laughed and said, "Don't you believe that the Gluttonous King will create another miracle in the Dragon Kingdom?"

Qing Kong also laughed: "I think you and King Tai Lun worked together to create miracles secretly. Let's not talk about this matter, let's go back to our duty at dusk.

The people of Shuojin hope to have a dialogue with us on the research of the difference machine of magic. This is a good opportunity to learn about the difference machine of God.I will leave the task to Shenmian..."

Without waiting for Qingkong to finish speaking, the crystal man raised his hand and interrupted, "Do I need to leave Saint Lun City? I don't want to leave my Crystal Palace too far."

Qingkong insisted: "Shenmian, that is the magical difference machine, no one here is more suitable for this job than you. Your Crystal Palace will not run away, and I will let my butler accompany you all the way.

May I? "

After a strong ideological struggle, the veteran crystal man Shenmian finally agreed: "Okay, I'll go. It's agreed, let your housekeeper go with me."

"no problem!"

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