Age of Arcane

Chapter 594 Assassination

Chapter 594 Assassination
Luke, who fell asleep, looked up the information on his mobile phone in his spiritual universe.

Chief Harpy Romanchenko, although not too strong, is definitely not a timid character.

According to the information collected by the players, the Scarlet Banshee tribe is located near one of the few entrances that the outside world can enter Gruzere.Chief Romanchenko is a very aggressive shadow tribe, and the harpies have a strong sense of territory. Therefore, when players enter the underground world of Gruzelle for the first time, they must fight with this harpy shadow tribe. .

And even if he is at a disadvantage in the battle, Chief Romanchenko often chooses to fight to the death without retreating, so he left many photos of battle damage for the players.

Why is the current Chief Romanchenko acting a little timid, even voluntarily asking for the protection of the dragon.

She is a Shadow Clan, a somewhat lonely assassin.

Is it because of accepting extraordinary biological transformation?

And what kind of extraordinary biological transformation can make the Shadow Race unaware that they have been tampered with?
Consciousness deep well city was shrouded in a certain conspiracy, Luke opened his eyes involuntarily.

He looked at the harpies snuggling together in the corner.

I don't know if they fell asleep or not.

The dragon armor was opened from the back, and Luke came out quietly.Leaving the dragon armor disguised as the resting dragon king, he slowly slid down from the pile of gold gems.

Nearby, the white dragon Eiffel, who heard the voice, opened his eyes.

Luke immediately made a silence gesture to her, and then told her with whisper magic: "I have something to go out for a while, don't disturb them."

White Dragon Eiffel nodded, looked around, then bent down and pretended to continue sleeping.

Luke used the thieves skills he had learned to enter stealth. He fumbled for a secret door and slipped in.

Since this dragon lair was built by the Shadow Clan for the giant dragon, it must have prepared a dark channel mechanism in advance.But there is nothing to hide from the players' carpet-like search for any secret agencies.

Luke walked forward along the narrow dark passage, and the change of gravity caused him to walk up the wall and the ceiling from time to time.After experiencing several changes in the direction of gravity, he walked out of a hidden rock crevice.

In the low-light field of view, it can be seen that this is a small urban area.The height is about 20 meters. Between the superposition of old and new stone houses, there is a three-dimensional narrow road of up, down, front, back, left, and right.Even with the map of Deep Well City, Luke still took a good look at it for a while before he chose a winding staircase going upwards uncertainly.

Stepping up the stairs, Lukla pulled the clothes on his body, and the ordinary human clothes became a dark and ordinary smock.Then Luke took out another ghost mask and put it on his face, his eyes glowed a faint blue under the influence of magic.

At this time, a few cavemen walked down from the top. They had green skin and bent their bodies.After seeing the light from Luke's eyes, he immediately got out of the way in a panic, curled up and knelt there, and buried his head, not daring to take a look.

Luke knew that they were all prisoners at the bottom of the underground world, so he walked over without saying a word according to the rules of the underground world.

It wasn't until Luke walked away that the cave people dared to stand up and continue to walk down silently.

The Shadow Clan and Prisoners are the two poles of the underground world, and there will be no intersection.

After getting lost twice, Luke almost turned over the map before finally finding the place he was looking for.

In front of him was a stepped pyramid-style stone castle. There were no windows on the stone castle, and there was only a small entrance at the bottom.

The entrance is also blocked by a stone tablet.

Luke walked to the stele, took out a dagger and carved a string of symbols on the stele.

"Listen to the voice in the darkness, touch the blade in the shadows, walk on the edge of death, only the spirit is with me!"

After the symbol is engraved, the mantra is recited.

The stele turned around, revealing the door behind it.

Luke walked through the door.

Then a sharp knife came to his back.

A female voice rang in his ears: "I don't know you, how do you know how to get in here?"

"Sisli." Luke called out the other person's name: "You don't know me, but you only need to know Miss Skylight."

The sharp feeling in the back of the heart is gone.

"Miss Sunny Sky sent you here? She didn't tell me when I came."

Luke turned around.

Sisli, the human-masked servant, still looks like a human woman, with short dark red hair, and wearing a close-fitting leather jacket... The clothes are her body transformation, and the human-masked servant can change into whatever she wants at any time.

Luke looked at Sisli and replied, "I'm Miss Weatherlight, an agent seconded from the Imperial Bureau of Secrets to the Twilight Organization, responsible for investigating the assassination of many Shadow Clans in Gruzelle.

Miss Clear Sky told me the secret key to enter the castle.

She also told me a special language that could confirm my identity. "

Luke made a speech in the world tree language under development.

When Sisli heard Esperanto, she dispelled her doubts about the sudden intruder in front of her. After all, only the most core members of the Twilight Organization know World Tree now.

"You are a human being, even if you pretend to be a Shadow Clan, you are still a human being. Leave it to me to investigate the assassination of the Shadow Clan."

Luke looked around.

The interior of this stone castle is full of training equipment, and there are simulated cornice bridges on the heights.As a newborn shadow clan after the war, Sisli, the human face servant, can be entrusted with the important task to assassinate Qingkong. Her strength is inseparable from hard training.

"Tell me what you have found? If you can complete the task alone, I will leave Deep Well City now and return to the Empire to report to Miss Skylight."

"I..." Sisili opened her mouth and found that she had nothing to say.

Even the Shadow Assassin Group couldn't find any trace of the assassins, and he had just returned to Shenjing City not long ago, so he didn't find any useful clues.

But Sisli still said stubbornly: "I'm investigating... But as a shadow clan, I'm definitely more suitable to investigate this case than you. I'm afraid you don't even know the way to Shenjing City."

"If I don't even know the way to Deep Well City, can I find you here through the maze-like city?" Luke ignored what he had just lost, and said, "And I really found a useful clue."

Sisli said disdainfully: "I admit that you are indeed very good at finding me. But you said you found a clue... Lying will make you look very unprofessional."

"There are humans lurking in Deep Well City."

"Human adventurers are everywhere. Human beings in Deep Well City are rare, but not uncommon."

"This human being is an extraordinary biological reformer. He once performed a body transformation operation on a Shadow Race, and gave the Shadow Race a general anesthesia including mental anesthesia during the operation. It is very likely that during the operation, he gave the shadow parasite Moved his hands and feet.

Now this human being is in Deep Well City.

And it's not sure how many Shadowfellows he's operated on. "

"Are you kidding? Which Shadow Clan will allow general anesthesia, and even mental anesthesia." Sisli expressed her disbelief, but then she thought again, the imperial agent trusted by Miss Weathering Sky would not tell such a low-quality lie: "What you said is true?"

"Really! The name of this shadow tribe is Romanchenko, the chief of a harpy tribe. Now she is with the king of the dragon kingdom, and the gluttonous king has sent the dragon to the empire to pick up an extraordinary creature reformer, etc. When the remodelers arrive at Deep Well City, they can conduct a comprehensive inspection of Chief Romanchenko."

"It turns out that you came with the king of the Dragon Kingdom. No wonder you were able to avoid the eyes of the Shadow Clan and enter the Deep Well City." Sisli thought about it: "The harpies Romanchenko, I have some impressions of her, her The Horde is on the border of Gruzere.

What do you mean... the human being who performed extraordinary transformation surgery on Romanchenko is related to the assassination of many shadow tribes? "

Luke replied: "I don't have evidence of a direct connection, but it's a reasonable guess."

"What do I need to do?" Sisli became serious.

"Try to find this human in Deep Well City." Luke thought about it: "The other party may not be alone, and the study of shadow parasites requires very professional equipment, and it is not easy to hide under the eyes of the eye shadow assassins. They want to hide in the Shenjing City must have the cooperation of the Shadow Clan.

When you find them, be careful! "

Luke's analysis made Sisli's expression very serious.

It is very difficult for a human being to hide in Deep Well City, and it is almost impossible for a group of humans to hide in Deep Well City.Assassins are good at tracking, and there must be traces of human beings living in Shenjing City.

Yet they act as if they don't exist.

There must be Shadow Race helping them, and it's not just one or two.

Extraordinary human creature reformers, anesthetized harpies, shadow tribes who were assassinated and killed, traitors in Deep Well City...

The inside story of those assassinations was far more complicated than imagined, and a big crisis was approaching quietly.

"I'll be careful..." Sisili answered a little unconfidently.

Luke knew that the strength on his side was much weaker than that behind the Lost, but he had to pursue it under pressure.

Luke made a suggestion to Sisli: "The Great Chief of Darkness is rebuilding the Shadow Assassin Group. With your strength, if you participate in the assessment, you should be able to pass.

If there is any confidential information about the Shadow Assassins, it may help our investigation. "

Sisli replied: "I failed to assassinate Miss Clear Sky, and now Gruzelle is missing. If I show up to participate in the assessment of the Shadow Assassins, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain what I have done during this time."

Luke said: "I believe that these problems are not a problem for a person to enlist the Shadow Clan. Let's investigate carefully, so that we can return to Saint Lun City as soon as possible."

Sisli thought about it: "Okay! I will go to the assessment of the Shadow Assassins. If there is any news, how should I contact you?"

Luke took out some mysterious props and handed them to Sisli, and then told her the spells and secret words: "The wind will send your news to my ears."

After agreeing on several necessary code words with Sisli, Luke left her stone castle and returned to the dragon's lair the same way.

That secret passage has not been guarded by the Shadow Clan until now.I don't know if it's the ages that made them forget the existence of the secret passage, or what caused them to ignore the secret passage.

In short, use it first.

Luke greeted the white dragon Eiffel who was on guard, and got into the dragon armor again.

Then really fall asleep.

But Luke didn't sleep for too long, and a loud noise woke him up.He sat up from the pile of gold and gems and asked, "What happened?"

The white dragon Eiffel, who was guarding next to him, replied: "Report to my king, Chief Harpy Romanchenko was assassinated and died."

Chief Romanchenko is dead!

Luke was taken aback.

He looked into the commotion, where the harpies of the Scarlet Banshee tribe were arguing with a group of tauren.The body of Chief Romanchenko fell between them, his chest was pierced by a sharp knife, his collar was torn open, and his brain disappeared.

Luke stepped down from the pile of gold and gems, the twilight dragons in human form at his side.

Walking to Romanchenko's body, Luke asked the tauren Mendez dissatisfied: "A shadow tribe died in the dragon's lair, and the protection of Deep Well City really opened my eyes!

Chief Mendez, do you have anything to explain to me? "

Mendez saluted Luke: "Your Majesty, Chief Romanchenko was not assassinated in your dragon's nest. My subordinates said that Chief Romanchenko left the dragon's nest alone because she was not a member of the Dragon Kingdom mission. Nothing stands in the way.

Then... Chief Romanchenko was assassinated.

I am sorry, Your Majesty!I don't have the idea of ​​shirking responsibility, this is a failure of our protection.I will strengthen the protection of the dragon's lair, but the harpies are not fit to stay here. "

Is Romanchenko the dragon's nest that he left?
Luke asked behind him, "Who is in charge of the care at that time?"

Eiffel replied: "It's me, Your Majesty. I saw Chief Romanchenko leave the Dragon's Nest alone. I didn't tell you order not to disturb your rest."

Luke guessed from Eiffel's words that it was the time when he left the dragon's nest, and Romanchenko left the dragon's nest alone.

At that time, when I came back, I didn't pay attention to the situation on the side of the Harpy, and I didn't find that Romanchenko was no longer there.

Luke nodded and turned to Mendez and said, "I don't want similar things to happen to my dragons. And the Shadow Clan was assassinated continuously in Deep Well City, but you can't find anything. It's really ironic!

Is the assassin's strength too strong, or is it that the shadow clan has lived too comfortably for a thousand years? "

Mendez's complexion is extremely ugly, this time the Shadow Clan is really ashamed and thrown out of the circle.

Mendes saluted Luke again: "I sincerely apologize to you, Your Majesty! I promise, we will catch that assassin as soon as possible.

Please let us take these harpies away, they are here to stay and are a risk to your safety. "

The harpy was stimulated and made noise again.

They didn't want to go with this group of tauren, they knew exactly what was waiting for them.

Luke stopped the noisy harpy and said to Mendez: "These harpies are with me, and I will be responsible for protecting them.

Romanchenko's body was also left behind.

Anyway, I have nothing to do in Shenjing City, so I will help you find out who this assassin is..."

(End of this chapter)

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