Age of Arcane

Chapter 606 Starlight

Chapter 606 Starlight
Qingkong's body was submerged in the darkness of the abyss, and the moon lake was quiet, only the leaves of the world tree were rustling.

The area around Moon Lake is always shrouded in darkness, the passage of time is unknown, and the abyss shows no signs of closing.

Suddenly, a little starlight appeared in the darkness of the abyss. The starlight quickly became larger, then rushed out of the ravine, and landed on the water platform.The abyss closed immediately, no traces could be seen on the smooth lake surface, and the starry sky against it was still shining brightly.

The starlight coming out of the abyss stops on the water platform, and the moon reflected on the lake moves towards the water platform, covering the starlight on the moon shadow.

Immediately afterwards, all the stars on the lake surface turned into shooting stars, flying towards the moon shadow under the water platform and gathering.The powerful brilliance spread upward along the water platform, and a beam of light rose into the sky.

The night was dispelled by this light, and the day returned again. The scorching sun illuminated the huge World Tree in the sky, and the green trees on the ring mountain were full of vitality.

Above the water platform, the beams of light formed by the energy of the starry sky dissipated.

Standing on the water platform, Qingkong said to himself in amazement: "The abyss actually rejected me. No..."

She looked at her hands, which were as white and tender as jade under the light.

"This body is not that one, it is the reshaping of the energy of the starry sky. I can't feel the continuation of Luke's consciousness. What happened? Is she still in the abyss?"

The book of calamity fell, Qingkong got the book, and then flew into the sky.

In the air, her body turned into a meteor, flying towards the Tedgar Hills.

Tedgar Hills.

The battle around the fortress of triumph was extremely fierce, but three days passed, and the barbarian army did not even approach the edge of the fortress.The Duke of Celtic could only intensify the attack again and again, and even ordered the abyss mage to release the secret technique of overdrawing vitality, so that the barbarian warriors dared to charge to the death.

Luke was on the Kirov-class airship, sitting on a comfortable sofa, admiring the fierce battlefield.

Although the barbarian legion's attack strength is getting stronger day by day, with the successive shipment of magic equipment from Raging Waves City, the combat effectiveness of Raging Waves City's armored assault division is also rapidly improving day by day.

Luke even kept a reserve team in case the Glitterkins went straight into battle.

Over the battlefield, a meteor flew from the sky, and the target was the Kirov-class airship.

An alarm sounded immediately in the airship where the unknown object was approaching.

The shields of all the imperial airships were deployed, and several Magic Titans ejected from the escorting airships, rushing towards the incoming meteors.

Meteor's speed was very fast, and even made several zigzag turns, passing by the side of the oncoming Magical Titan.

The siren of the airship became more urgent, which caught Luke's attention.

He saw the meteor approaching at high speed, and wondered what it was coming.

Kailinna ran over in a panic: "My lord, the other party has entered the warning zone of the escort airship, and our defense system cannot effectively block the intruder."

Luke sat there very calmly: "The other party came straight from the open airspace and showed no obvious hostility, so we don't need to be too nervous.

Just do things according to the normal defense process, and it happens to test our soldiers. "

Karina asked: "What if the other side attacks us?"

"Don't worry, I'll make a move..."

Before Luke finished speaking, his eyes were fixed by what he saw.

Kailinna looked out, and immediately relaxed her nervousness: "It turns out to be Miss Weatherlight."

Outside the airship, Qingkong stopped on the outer layer of the magic shield, looking at Luke behind the glass window of the airship.

Luke's expression became very serious. He didn't order the airship to disarm immediately, but observed the clear sky in front of him warily.

Karina asked: "My lord, do you want to order the airship to disarm the shield and invite Miss Weatherlight to come in?"

After a while, Luke nodded and replied, "Let her in!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Kaleena goes to give Luke the order.

Soon Qingkong came to Luke's command room led by Kailinna.

"Carina, it's none of your business here, stay outside and don't let anyone in." Luke waited for Carina to go out, and politely said to Qingkong: "Please sit down!"

Sunny sit down.

Luke asked, "Who are you?"

"I..." Qingkong looked at Luke who was full of vigilance, and said with a teasing smile: "If you have nothing to do, go to my spiritual starry sky to visit, and now I am in front of you, don't you even recognize me?"

That familiar smile immediately made Luke feel familiar. He couldn't help laughing, and asked curiously, "This body is not mine! What happened?"

Qing Kong said helplessly: "I was rejected by the abyss, forcibly separated from that body, and then spit out by the abyss like a fruit core.

Then the starry sky reshaped the body for me.

Are you happy to see me? "

"Okay." Luke asked: "Since you came out of Qingkong's body and have your own body again, you can no longer occupy Qingkong's name."

"Why? I am the consciousness produced by Qingkong's awakening."

"No, Clear Sky is just a game character I created, a very important item to me. I have no way to explain why there are two coexisting Clear Sky, so you must have a name to distinguish Clear Sky.

Exist as Qingkong's siblings. "

"Can't we discuss it?"

"There is no room for negotiation, unless you return to Qing Kong's body."

"Okay... the name Qingkong will be given to your cherished doll. My name is Xingguang, a person who will always be by your side... no, it's an elf!" Xingguang, who had his own name, asked Luke : "Clear sky is still in the abyss, can you perceive her?"

Luke closed his eyes, opened them after a while and replied: "When you enter the abyss, I will cut off all contact with Qingkong. You can only confirm Qingkong's status through the login interface of the Epoch game. She should still be safe.

What is in the abyss? "

Starlight replied: "It is the beginning and end of everything. It is the place where all disasters are included, and it is also the place where everything in the world begins.

Destruction and rebirth alternate, never-ending, inescapable. "

Luke nodded after listening: "You said it, but you didn't say it."

Starlight shrugged helplessly: "I have tried very hard to describe that the abyss is a kind of original energy, and there is no way to express what it is in the existing language, because we are the creation of the abyss and the starry sky.

There is no concept of time and space, no distinction between existence and nothingness, and anything that enters the abyss is a symbol.Trying to explain what an abyss is, will only go to extremes, becoming crazy like an abyss mage. "

The abyss is indescribable!

like this starry sky...

The starry sky we see is just an appearance, but in fact we are in this starry sky, just like being in an abyss without knowing it.

Qingkong may be in this world in another form, and this name is a symbol of her existence.

Luke thought of something, and asked Starlight: "Is there a dragon that entered the abyss?"

Xingguang answered very simply: "No!"

Luke said seriously: "Think about it carefully, are there any dragons?"

Xingguang answered again very simply: "No! Moon Lake is so open, and the giant dragon is there, so it's impossible for me not to see it.

It's strange that the other four ancient civilizations sent personnel into the abyss, and the Shadow Clan even went to four, but the Dragon Kingdom didn't send a giant dragon... Could it be that you, as the king of the Dragon Kingdom, prevented the dragon from exploring the abyss? "


Why no dragons?
Luke recalled the scene he saw that day through the eyes of the clear sky, and there was indeed no dragon on Moon Lake.

But it's impossible without dragons!

If not, it means that the abyss has completely wiped him out, and even the symbol of name does not exist.

The Abyss is such an awesome place.

I don't know if I can still see the clear sky...

Maybe one day we will suddenly forget the name!
(End of this chapter)

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