Age of Arcane

Chapter 608 Magic Guide

After more than a month of uninterrupted transportation, all the active equipment of the Raging Waves City Armored Assault Division was finally in place.

The entire assault division has nearly 2 combat personnel, equipped with 25 offensive war fortresses and 48 auxiliary war fortresses.[-] newly modified war machines, [-] steam titans, [-] magic titans, [-] heavy battle magic cannons, [-] tactical magic cannons, [-] small fast magic projectile cannons, each There are more than [-] steam vehicles.

One Kirov-class super-heavy steam airship and 240 other attack auxiliary airships.

In addition, there are [-] sets of consumable tin men and a complete set of tin man battlefield assembly workshops.

All equipment supplies are over-rationed, and more attention is paid to magic suppression and heavy armor protection in battle, and try to avoid contact combat in the early stage.

As the attack approached, an order of commission was sent from the palace to the triumphant fortress.

Promote the Duke of Rage, Meteor, to the Marshal of the Imperial Army, commanding all the Imperial Army participating in the battle against the Tedgar Hills on the southern front, and fully responsible for the war against the barbarian rebels.

Luke, who put on the marshal uniform he sent with him, stood in the bridge of the Kirov-class airship. The rising sun cast light from the east on the airship, dyeing the airship golden.In the mountains around Tedgar Hills, more airships are launched from hidden positions.

The heavy-duty battle-type magic cannons that have been deployed on the preset battlefield nodes continuously fire shells at high altitudes in the battle zone. As the shells explode in the air, one after another huge ring-shaped magic light waves spread rapidly.

The only few clouds were completely dispersed, and the magic elements in the entire space were activated into an active state, and the halos produced by the magic elements covered the blue sky.

The heavy battle-type magic cannon continued to fire, and one after another, the preset large-scale magic was fired to the designated position.The army mage who marches with one's own army can trigger these large-scale battle magics at a very fast speed and with minimal consumption according to the needs of the battlefield.

Then it was time for the performance of the tactical magic cannon.

The tactical magic cannons are divided into ten groups according to the position of the battle-type magic cannons, and they are deployed on the commanding heights of the battlefield. The range can cover the entire battlefield within its own range.

The bombing begins.

The primary target is the airships equipped by the barbarian army. Destroying these airships will make the barbarians lose the magical cover in the air and help the assault division's airships seize air supremacy.

Four hundred battle-type magic cannons fired in salvo, and groups of beams shot out from the hills.These beams first went parabolic upwards, and after passing through the active area of ​​the activated magic element, the amplification effect made the beams thicker.

The magic tracking function is activated, and all the magic beams leave the parabolic trajectory and accelerate straight towards the selected target.

Then the preset magic effects were activated continuously, breaking magic, piercing armor, sharpening... different colors of strong lights shone, and the magic beam hit the barbarian's airship head-on.

The attack knocked out oscillating ripples on the outer layer of the airship's magic shield, part of the magic beam was blocked, and part of the magic beam penetrated and hit the airship's hull.

Flames and thick smoke from the explosion emanated from the inside of the airship, and the first wave of magic cannon attacks caused severe damage to the barbarian's airship.

The shelling continues...

The assault division's airship took advantage of the situation and pressed forward, using the magic projectile cannon on the airship to attack the barbarian's airship, filling the blank period for the magic cannon to recharge.

After 1 minute, the magic cannon was fully charged, and the second round of salvo was launched immediately.

After the barbarian's airship suffered continuous baptism from magical attacks, one airship lacked lift and began to fall uncontrollably.The airships of the other barbarians had no ability to fight back after being hit, so they could only use all their mana to prop up the shield, and then retreated quickly.

The airship retreated, and the barbarian soldiers below were exposed to the long-range firepower of the assault division.

The tactical magic cannon continued to attack the barbarian airship, and the combat magic cannon rang again.

The rain of fire mixed with meteorites poured down on the barbarians' positions, instantly engulfing the entire land in a sea of ​​flames.It also exhausted the activated magic elements in the entire space, and the color of the sky became bluer.

The battle-type magic cannon is firing high into the sky to replenish and activate artificial magic elements.When the amount of magic elements was sufficient to support the battle magic, the battle-type magic cannon once again cast mass destruction magic on the barbarian positions.

The barbarians' positions were burned like hell. The heavy armor and war machines they had just equipped were burned into a pile of scrap iron, and the people were even burned into coke and fly ash.

Such an extermination of firepower caused the warlike barbarians to collapse in an instant. They fled all over the mountains and plains, forgetting their honor and vows, and just wanted to stay away from this terrible opponent in front of them.

The Duke of Celtic who commanded the battle on a high mountain in the rear was stunned, watching his soldiers struggling to death in the sea of ​​fire, he didn't know what order to give for a moment.

This is not the war mode he recognizes. How could an army have such a powerful ability to cast magic?In the face of this kind of magic, steel can't bear it, let alone flesh and blood.

What are we fighting these days?
The Celtic Duke felt that the world was strange as never before.

"Quickly call the Shiojin's advisor."

Suo and Pei, the Shuojin people, rushed over quickly.

At this time, due to the excessive consumption of magic elements, the color of the sky gradually changed from azure blue to dark blue. Even with the supplement of artificial magic elements, the color still showed a sense of fragmentation.

The Shuojin man looked at the sky and remembered the description of the battlefield in ancient wars, and the sky was often like this at that time.

Is the magic technology of the Golden Shield Empire already this strong!

Seeing the arrival of the Shuojin advisor, the Duke of Celtic stepped forward and grabbed Suo regardless of his identity and demeanor: "Do you still want us to face such an enemy alone? My army is retreating, and the imperial army will launch a general attack soon. They He will fight all the way to the holy mountain and enslave the entire barbarian race under his feet.

You will lose an important ally.

Fight, you must fight immediately! "

Suo shook off Duke Celtic's hand and replied, "I must ask Dan first. Please wait a moment, Lord Duke..."

Suo subconsciously applied to connect to the Glittering Golden Magic Differential Machine: "Shadow, there is an emergency on the battlefield of the Triumph Fortress, and the barbarians are being defeated. I need Tan's permission to attack."

"Didn't everything go well in yesterday's Triumph Fortress battle? Tan's line has been connected, please tell her the specific situation."

The connection with Tan was connected, and Suo reported the current battle in the Triumph Fortress to Tan: "...The magic technology of the Golden Shield Empire has exceeded our expectations. If we don't participate in the war, we will lose the Tedgar Hills."

Tan thought for a while, and replied: "The Tedgar Hills are behind the Golden Shield Empire, which is very important to our strategy of besieging the Golden Shield Empire. Although Sky City has not yet reached an alliance with us, at least the angels will not stand with us now." the opposite of.

You are allowed to participate in the battle of Triumphant Fortress with Suo's Jinshi warriors, and Shadow will develop a magic differential machine for you to provide you with magical assistance. "

"Yes, Tan!"

After getting permission to join the war, Suo immediately said to the Duke of Celtic: "We will suppress the attack of the Golden Shield Empire army. Reorganize your army and prepare to capture the Triumph Fortress."

Hearing that the Shuojin people were going to join the battle, the Duke of Celtic immediately relaxed: "As long as you can suppress the magic attack of the imperial army, my army will be able to capture the fortress of triumph."

"I hope you can do what you say this time."

Suo connected to the Glittering God Magic Differential Machine, and under Ying's guidance, all the Glittering warriors participating in the battle were connected in.

The golden armor covered the whole body, Suo condensed a golden sword, and said to his younger brother who was wearing the same golden armor beside him: "It's our turn to fight, Pei!"

"We will eradicate all enemies for Tan, and continue the honor of the Shuojin people!"

"Go to battle!"

Suo Yifei soared into the sky, and golden lights rose nearby, rushing towards the triumphant fortress.

The Shuojin people officially began a direct confrontation with the Golden Shield Empire.

The golden light of the Shining Gold Man was captured by the battlefield investigators, and the information was transmitted to the Kirov airship through the communication frequency band of the magic guide difference machine.

Karina, who got the information, immediately reported to Luke.

"The Shuojin people attacked earlier than we expected. How many people are there?"

"Currently 43 people have been detected, which is equal to the number of Glitter Advisors of the barbarian army detected by intelligence."

"This can be regarded as coming out of the nest..."

Kailinna said worriedly: "My lord, we only have [-] Magic Titans at our disposal, and the number of Shining Jin people is more than twice that of ours. Are you going to invite the Golden Shield Warrior sent by Her Majesty the Queen to work with the Magic Titans?" Collaborative combat?"

Luke had already seen the golden light flying from a distance, and he said to Kailina: "Golden shield warriors are not in our combat system, and coordinated operations may not be able to cooperate well.

We not only have magic titans, we also have a complete magic tactical system.This battle is not eighteen vs. 43, but twenty thousand vs. 43.

Let all the Magic Titan pilots attack, I am here to watch them represent the highest wisdom of human civilization, and severely teach the conceited Jin people a lesson. "

Luke's confidence infected Kailina: "Yes, Marshal, the Magic Titan Squadron will attack immediately!"

Kailinna conveyed the order, and soon the airship group released Magic Titans to meet the flying Glitter Warriors.

Starlight came to Luke's side and looked at the two top combat groups that were charging towards each other in the airspace outside: "You just trust your Magic Titans so much? There are so many of them that even I can't stop them."

Luke also looked at the battlefield outside: "That's because the assault division's battlefield combat system has not yet been perfected, and some equipment has not been installed and debugged.

The magic difference machine and the magic communication equipment allow all battlefield information to be transmitted in a timely manner. There is a complete tactical support team behind each set of magic titans. They can mobilize any weapon in the entire battlefield at any time to support the battle The Magus Titans provide support.

Now the Shuojin people must have used their magic difference machine. This is not only a confrontation between the top military forces of the two sides, but also a confrontation between the information capabilities of the two sides. "

"It's a matter of using the brain again. I hate using the brain the most. Let me go out, and I can get rid of these glittering gold people soon."

"Can you be there to solve every war in the future?" Luke looked at Starlight: "War is not a personal stage, but a process of selecting excellent fighters and excellent tactics. The intervention of top-level force will only win a temporary victory. will win in the end.”

"Then what am I doing? Just look at it like this?"

"Of course you have your role. Come with me..." Luke walked out with starlight: "I expect Sky City will definitely pay attention to this war, so I have been looking for the traces of angels.

I found it now, and the other party is a ruthless character, accompany me to meet him. "

"Is it the sword of oath?"

"You guessed it right!"

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