Age of Arcane

Chapter 74 The visit across the years

Chapter 74 The visit that spans a hundred years

In the dean's office in the West Tower of Oulu College, Dean Willred read a paper seriously with a pair of eyes.The spacious room was very quiet, only a vertical pendulum clock in the corner was beeping.

Behind Dean Willred was a large floor-to-ceiling window, and it was raining patter outside, making it look gloomy even in the daytime.

"Pour me a cup of tea."

Dean Willred said to the empty office, his eyes did not leave the thesis, and his tone was very casual.

A little monkey came out from nowhere, and it climbed onto the desk nimbly, with a water bottle curled up behind its tail.The little monkey took an empty teacup on Dean Willred's left hand side, scooped out a spoonful of sugar from the sugar box, poured it into the cup, and then poured tea into the cup with its tail curled around the kettle.

There was a chirping sound in his mouth, and he made a strange face to curry favor with Dean Willred.

Da da, da, da da...

The vertical pendulum clock made an uncoordinated sound at this time. Dean Willred and the little monkey looked at the pendulum clock at the same time, and saw that the pendulum, which was swinging regularly, was shaking out of order.

The little monkey bared its teeth at the pendulum clock and threatened it, while Dean Willred grabbed the back of its neck and stuffed it into the sleeve of his robe.

He stood up from his seat, his right hand outstretched, and a long-handled wand from the wand-rack flew into his hand.

At this time, a wisp of black smoke drifted out from the pendulum clock, gathering into a vague human shape.

"Wilred, I haven't seen you for so many're getting old!"

Will Reid looked warily at the guy who suddenly appeared in his office.With a wave of his hand, everything on the table was gathered into the open drawer.

"Victor?" Dean Willred tried to guess the identity of the other party, and immediately corrected his mistake: "No, you are not Victor, he is more polite than you. You should be... Harriman!

After more than 100 years, you still like to pull some mischief.

Nice to meet you, my friend.If you show up, I'd be more than happy to show you around the colleges where we've worked together. "

Although Dean Willred greeted his former friends in a friendly manner, he did not dare to relax in the slightest.

The thoughts of these people can no longer be speculated with common sense. The sudden arrival 100 years later is definitely not as simple as just looking at this academy.

Sure enough, Harriman said: "For more than 100 years, we all miss this place very much. At that time, we could argue for a formula for a day, and drink for a result until dawn. But the book of disasters changed everything. It let us see A whole new world, a power over all forms of power.

The mysterious energy in the occult technique is the end point of all energies. The book of calamity contains the origin of the mysterious energy, and one can control the occult technique at will if one understands it.

You can create energy and everything you want! "

Harriman's tone gradually became crazy, like a fanatic expressing his admiration for the Book of Calamity.

It also brought out the scenes from more than 100 years ago from Will Reed's memory.

Harriman at that time was exactly the same as Harriman at this time, and a long time passed without changing anything.

Willred said loudly: "Harriman, everything is your imagination. Your thoughts have been polluted by the Book of Calamity, and what you think is what the Book of Calamity makes you think.

If you are here this time just looking for the Book of Calamity, please get out of here, we don't have what you want. "

"Hahaha...Wilred, don't rush me away." Harriman's laughter was piercing: "After we left Oulu Academy, you announced that you had destroyed the Book of Calamity, but why did it reappear?

If you haven't destroyed the tome of calamity, does it mean that other secret art books are still there?We left too hastily and did not take them away. Even though we have been restoring them for 100 years, there are still too many things missing.

You don't seem to be interested in secret arts, why don't you return the book to us, and we will continue to maintain the peace for more than 100 years. "

Will Reid didn't want to provoke these crazy abyssal apostles, he said: "You know how much I hate occult arts, you know that I will definitely burn those books. The book of calamity should be hidden by Professor Felix, he Trick me with a fake encyclopedia.

Felix is ​​dead.

I don't know how the elf Qingkong found the Book of Calamity, if you can go to her. "

"Do you think I'll believe you!"

Harriman growled and became irritable.His mission in coming to Raging Waves City this time is to take away the Book of Calamity, as well as the secret art books that should not have been destroyed.Those were researched and compiled by hundreds of mystics from the Oulu Academy's Department of Occult Arts, and many of them were isolated copies collected from other places.

It's just that most of these mystics died in that disaster, and the people taken away by the apostles had no way to restore the library.

The reappearance of the book of calamity made them think that other secret books were also there, and Willred lied to everyone.

Willred didn't answer, he was using magic to locate Harriman.

But at this time, the sky outside suddenly became dark, dark clouds pressed down, and night shrouded the subspace that was originally daytime.

The black smoke gathered into Harriman seemed to be disturbed by something, and quickly diverged and disappeared.

What happened!

Willred turned and looked out the window.

Torrential rain from the Overworld lashed the windows, and lightning bolts snaked across the sky.

At a certain moment, a bang filled the entire space, and everything in the room shook violently in the vibration.

Visions come and go quickly.

The dark clouds dispersed, the night receded, and the sun shone through the window, as if nothing had happened just now.

Will Reid murmured, "Raging Waves City?"


At this time, Luke was standing in front of the ruins of the Thunder Tower, and the twisted body of the tower looked like a giant dragon crawling on the ground in the night.

Fortunately, here is the city's central park, and it was a thunderstorm, so no casualties were caused.

The sky seemed to have exhausted all its strength because of the lightning strike just now, and the heavy rain showed a kind of fatigue, no longer having the momentum to wash away everything in the world.

Luke stood in the dwindling rain, with a layer of ice armor attached to his body.

In front of her, four people in raincoats blocked the way, and the rain hats on their heads could not see their appearance clearly.

On the left is the swollen Lyme, and on the right two men in sheriff uniforms emerge from the woods in the park.

Behind him, a masked man appeared momentarily on a steel brace.His eyes glowed faintly red in the darkness, and his whole body was like a sharp knife drawn out of its sheath.

Luke made too much noise just now, and it turned out that it was too late to escape and was blocked here.

(End of this chapter)

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