Chapter 10 Which Night Ten Years Ago
Wang Xiaoan and Li Qin came out of the residents' office. He has updated his identity information and has two resident identity cards, two identities.

One is still kept in Wang Rongge as the head of the household. The old resident identity card has expired and has been updated.

The other one is a 16-year-old boy with an independent household. With this identity, he is more suitable to make up for the lack of ordinary life in high school, college entrance examination, university, job hunting, love, marriage and other events.

Parents also hope to be able to accompany their son through all the important stages of his growth in life.

Compared with the 20-year-old son who has not been with him for ten years, watching the 16-year-old son grow up and experience these things is obviously more fulfilling, satisfying and happy for parents.

It feels a bit self-deceiving, but whether it is an ordinary person or a cultivator, who wouldn't deceive themselves?Wang Xiaoan is just a Qi refiner, not a high level one.

Seeing Wang Xiaoan's ID card, Li Qin was a little dazed, and less apprehensive.

Originally, I also thought about how to get along with him, whether there will be a sense of strangeness, and how to live in the future when my son has been missing for ten years and returns home.

Well now, as if everything has returned to the past, let the lost ten years be slowly forgotten.

Li Qin knew that it was impossible to truly forget, but this was a better start over.

Just like many families looking for relatives, after going through a lot of hardships, they finally found their former family members, but is there really a chance to become a family living under one roof?
For many parents of abducted and trafficked children, it is already an extravagant hope to get their children back, and they dare not even think about getting back the life they once had. A family that has been destroyed cannot be rebuilt, even for those people.

Li Qin and Wang Rongge have also communicated with many seeking families. What everyone has is obsession and longing, not fantasies about returning to the way they used to be.

Now I have such an opportunity, looking at his son's ID card, seeing his immature face exactly the same as when he disappeared, Li Qin hugged his son tightly, came back, his son came back, and the family and life he used to have returned .

"Son, when I applied for the ID card just now, I felt that the clerk seemed to obey you. Is that also a fairy art?" Li Qin wiped the corners of her eyes and asked with a smile on her face. Why are you crying on such a happy day.

"I can't talk about fairy art. Charm, after successfully performing it, can make people obey for a certain period of time." Wang Xiaoan said with a smile, otherwise, the two identity cards would not be able to go through the normal procedure.

Li Qin nodded understandingly, "Is it like hypnotism? Your father has seen a case where hypnotism was used to dig out evidence and find clues hidden by criminals."

Wang Xiaoan was noncommittal, because he didn't know what happened to the hypnotism involving psychological research on Blue Star.

"Then can you use that Guo Gang? Let him stop demolishing our house." Li Qin asked expectantly.

Wang Xiaoan looked at his mother showing a somewhat naive expression, and felt warm in his heart. His mother has always been a great beauty. In the past, it can be said that she was used to being a star. She had no worries about food and clothing. Life and work went smoothly, and she rarely needed to worry about it. Annoying things, somewhat naive in temper.

My father also took good care of my mother, and in the past ten years, my mother has also experienced many hardships. She is always preoccupied and over-thinking, and she no longer has the charm and spirit of the past.

Hearing her casual and innocent question again, Wang Xiaoan couldn't help but hold her hand tightly. Shouldn't the son and the father be the most loyal and responsible guardians of the mother?

"Mom, Guo Gang is just an executor. The standard of demolition funds, when and how to demolish, and what methods can be used are not up to him. If I solve him, the government and real estate developers will switch to a demolition company. , this is not the final solution."

"That's right, we still need to find the people above him." Li Qin just said casually without thinking it through.

Wang Xiaoan nodded. Guo Gang is the lowest branch of a vine, and he followed the vine to find it. Adjusting the demolition compensation standard to the normal market price is the solution to the current situation.

He will not completely prevent the demolition, after all, this is not just a matter of his family, it involves the interests of everyone in the entire block.

The development of a city is like cultivation. While absorbing external resources, the interior must also be renewed, forming a cycle to get better and stronger.

Another important reason why he would not charm Guo Gang was that this technique would stimulate both physiology and psychology, in order to manipulate brain secretions and assist in achieving the effect of charm.

Casting it on a man is somewhat irritating.

The clerk just now was a pretty little beauty, and the person in charge of using the combination disk to authorize data changes was a mature older sister. Wang Xiaoan would not psychologically reject their fantasies about him because of the charm technique.

In fact, even if you don't use the charm technique, there are still many big sisters who dream about Wang Xiaoan. When he first arrived on the earth where he practiced, if he hadn't been protected by his master, he would have been caught and played by those big sisters who didn't know how many years of cultivation up.

It is said that those big sisters are good at using a magic weapon called "Gang Temple Ball", and they don't know what effect it has, but Wang Xiao'an doesn't want to experience it, and the master's usual whipping is more deterrent to Wang Xiao'an.

There is always some telepathy between mother and child, Li Qin is also thinking about the pretty and lovely little beauty just now, looking at her son with affectionate eyes, even the woman who can be Wang Xiaoan's aunt is like this.

"Did you find a girlfriend when you lived in that place... what earth?" Li Qin was a little worried about this problem. His son's girlfriend who left Blue Star first disappeared. If he also found a girlfriend there, wouldn't it be The girlfriend who left there again disappeared again?

However, the girlfriend over there may be a cultivator like his son, and she may still have the ability to come to her. Li Qin couldn't help worrying whether she should be mentally prepared in advance. The future daughter-in-law is a fairy from another world. ?

Wang Xiaoan smiled shyly, like the teenagers of the age group on his new resident identity card, he was a little embarrassed to face his mother's attention to his love affair.

He didn't answer the question, but instead asked, "Mom, do you have any news about Sun Man?"

Hearing the name Sun Man, Li Qin had a complicated expression on his face, and immediately smiled in relief, feeling a little regretful and pity, an indescribable feeling.

"Sun Man is a good girl. When something happened to you, she blamed herself very much. She always felt that if she didn't allow you to go out to play in the middle of the night, nothing would happen to you."

"In the beginning, she always came to the house to wait for news, but at that time, your dad and I were looking for you everywhere, and we didn't stay in the house very much. She squatted downstairs all day long, and didn't leave until we came back to ask for news."

"Later we persuaded her not to come. After all, your accident had nothing to do with her, but our parents' mentality is unavoidable. The main reason is that we think of you when we see her. We told her to go back and study hard. There is news. Will notify her."

"Her people come a little less, but she calls from time to time to ask questions, and she always tells your dad some information she collected. In fact, she is a child, and the information she found is completely for your dad. "

Speaking of this, Li Qin smiled helplessly, "She really made a lot of trouble at that time, but we don't blame her, she is the one who wants to help the most."

Wang Xiaoan listened to his mother's words, his eyes fell on the vines struggling to climb in the corner of the inconspicuous wall, recalling that night ten years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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