Chapter 12
Wang Xiaoan recalled the past when he and Sun Man were together, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but various emotions in his heart, and finally stared at the vine in the corner and sighed.

"Student, the word vine for me is the vine of vines, not the vines of vines!"

In the beginning, Wang Xiaoan deliberately mispronounced her name to attract her attention. The little boy's methods are always so common but effective.

"Man" is a polyphonic word, the pronunciation of vine in vine is the same as "slow", and the pronunciation of vine in vine is the same as "ten thousand".

Wang Xiaoan and Sun Man are each other's first love, if there is no teleportation array outside the small auditorium, the two should be admitted to the same university.

Enjoying the sweetness of cohabitation outside the school, worrying about an unexpected pregnancy, and entering the society together four years later, love is facing the test of reality.

She should be able to pass the test of reality... Wang Xiaoan has confidence in Sun Man and herself, so now she should have given birth to her child.

Or you are working hard on your career, and you have to postpone your pregnancy preparations, and you have to deal with all kinds of nagging from your parents to urge you to have a baby.

That is the life of an ordinary person that Wang Xiaoan should have... Wang Xiaoan knew that he should live like this from now on.

It was not Sun Man who accompanied him through the life of an ordinary person.

He very much hoped that this person was still Sun Man, but she was already a wife and mother, so it was naturally impossible for Wang Xiaoan to destroy other people's families.

What he cares most about is his family, so how can he do things that destroy other people's families?
Judge others by yourself, don't do to others what you don't want to be done to others... There is a saying that goes, prostitutes, eat rice for rice.

Wang Xiaoan didn't want his head to be green.

He also wouldn't blame Sun Man for being a wife. He was missing not for ten days, but for ten years.

It's just that there are some regrets in my heart, there is nothing I can do, and there is no way to let go.

When he was cultivating in Riyue Mountain, his master gave him a practice scripture called "The Book of Songs".

When he read the poem "Zheng Feng Wild Grass", he thought of Sun Man.

At that time, he felt that maybe he and Sun Man, just like the poem described, could only be regarded as a beautiful encounter.

In addition, the mother said that acquaintances had seen her and said that she had a child.

This kind of statement is the same as Zhang Xiaochun's rumor that Wang Xiaoan was found by his parents from Nanyang. Wang Xiaoan has to confirm it himself.

"Zheng Feng Wild Grass":
Weeds and vines are connected together, and the dew on the grass is shining, like the beautiful eyes of a woman walking past. I like her very much, and I want to date her.

The wild grass vines are connected together, and the dewdrops on the grass are big and round, just like the plump figure of a woman walking past, I like her so much, I want to sleep with her!



After Wang Xiaoan and Li Qin got their resident identity cards, they went to the supermarket to buy some food, and went home to make lunch, but they found Zhang Xiaochun waiting downstairs with big bags and small bags.

Seeing Wang Xiaoan and Li Qin, Zhang Xiaochun smiled, with a little bit of relief.

He nodded happily: "Mr. Li, you can be regarded as keeping the clouds open to see the moonlight, and you will be able to live a good life in the future."

Wang Xiaoan was also a little emotional, looking at the superficial skills of this human being, an ordinary character in the world can let you see his profound skills.

Li Qin was a little surprised, Zhang Xiaochun didn't get along with his family, and he hadn't had any contact with him in the past ten years, and occasionally meeting him was eccentric, and even gloated directly at times.

Why did you suddenly change sex?

Li Qin was puzzled, but she didn't reach out her hand to hit the smiling face, not to mention that after her son came back, she took many things lightly, and didn't care much about some past grievances and entanglements.

"I'd like to borrow your words." Li Qin nodded and walked upstairs.

Wang Xiaoan glanced at Zhang Xiaochun and followed behind his mother.

Zhang Xiaochun didn't know what Wang Xiaoan's glance meant, but he felt that Wang Xiaoan was not satisfied by saying such a scene.

"Mr. Li, I made a special trip to apologize today."

Now that Zhang Xiaochun has come, he is ready to put his face down, and he said quickly, "I have done a lot of things and said a lot in the past, and I have disturbed you. I have to apologize to you. I am so sorry. .”

Li Qin had already reached the door of the house, stopped in surprise, looked at Zhang Xiaochun's plump face full of apology, couldn't help but nodded in astonishment, "Ah... this... it's okay, it's all over."

"Then I have to apologize to Brother Wang." Zhang Xiaochun thought that he and Wang Rongge also had some verbal quarrels. A man can bend and stretch. Since he has already bowed, he might as well bow deeply.

"No need, my dad is out of the car." Wang Xiao'an just wanted these people to apologize, so that the negative emotions accumulated in his mother's heart in the past would dissipate, rather than wanting to vent his anger or something.

The other party put on such a low profile, the mother no longer took it to heart, and he would not care about it anymore.

What's more, Zhang Xiaochun didn't pose any threat to his mother. With his mother's current physique, when encountering a dangerous situation, just a single thought in her heart could explode with the power to crush Zhang Xiaochun.

Seeing his son talking, Li Qin opened the door and walked into the house, thinking in his heart that Zhang Xiaochun came to the door to apologize, maybe it has something to do with his son, but it shouldn't be something like being charmed, after all, it is unlikely that his son will use this kind of magic on a man.

She didn't worry too much. Since her son could get rid of Guo Gang, wouldn't it be easy to get rid of Zhang Xiaochun?
In Li Qin's eyes, people like Zhang Xiaochun are far less scary than Guo Gang, who is a messy man.

Zhang Xiaochun has a public position, so he always has to consider the impact when doing things, and ordinary people with no power and power can always yell at everyone and the unit for justice when facing such a person, which makes him a little scrupulous, and people like Guo Gang , maybe they won't even give you a chance to speak.

A mother always takes good care of her son, but once the son shows his ability, she is also the person who is most likely to have a sense of dependence and trust in him.

"That's all right?" Zhang Xiaochun observed Wang Xiaoan's expression, thinking of many things that were blackmailed and blackmailed continuously, and finally the victim was forced to reveal himself.

In fact, there were rumors and rumors outside, Zhang Xiaochun didn't care much, there were rumors that there were leaders and female teachers in any school, so what hindered them?
The key point is that Zhang Xiaochun's son has already begun to suspect and guard against him, so Zhang Xiaochun has not made full use of his family's wealth for a long time. Once Wang Xiaoan passes the word to his son, it may be the fuse that detonates the family's problems.

The scandals outside are just scratching the itch outside, and the scandals at home are fatal, so the old people who like to pick up ashes in the past dynasties have summed up a sentence: family scandals should not be publicized.

"Well, it's okay. You don't have to worry about me using this matter to blackmail you all the time, because my mother is going back to her original job, and I still need someone to guide me to make some connections. I'm going to ask you to help me here, forcing you to expose yourself. It won't do us any good to be resigned." Wang Xiaoan nodded.

My mother is now in good health, and her mental state and psychology are getting better day by day, so she can go to work again.

Wang Xiaoan does not think that staying at home without going to work is enjoying happiness, and one cannot be idle.

After retirement, many people will miss the life with goals and pursuits during the working period.

Staying at home all the time, but I feel that my mentality and attitude towards life have become negative, boring and boring.

At the age of father and mother, there are rich social activities, frequent social interactions, and active integration in society. They are really in the period when they can best appreciate the autonomy and colorfulness of life.

"That's good." Hearing that Zhang Xiaochun was relieved a lot, the other party had needs for him, instead of endless extortion of money, that would be easy.

He was able to help Li Qin with his job, which was equivalent to using the resources of the government to meet the needs of the other party. Zhang Xiaochun didn't lose anything, so why not do it?
It seems that Wang Xiaoan is also a smart person, he knows that blackmailing individuals is worse than extorting benefits from the public, that is a good way to keep the water flowing, safe and not force mermaids to die.

"Have you been a little bit powerless recently, always feeling that there are only exhausted cows and no plowed fields? Whenever I recall the morning sailing when I was young, I have to admit that the waterway in front of me is no longer an old sailor's wrecked boat. What?" Wang Xiaoan took out a small box the size of a fingernail and handed it to Zhang Xiaochun.

"what is this?"

"When you need it, you eat it." Wang Xiaoan smiled slightly, this is not a good thing, but Zhang Xiaochun is not a good person either, right?

Zhang Xiaochun was held by Wang Xiaoan, so he couldn't refuse directly, so he accepted it with half-belief.

I can't help but think that this kid can spot his son's hidden disease at a glance. Maybe he is really capable in men's affairs, but he definitely dare not eat it. Who would dare to eat anything that comes into his mouth?
However, didn't Wang Xiaoan come back from Nanyang?There are really rich and good at making these things.

(End of this chapter)

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