The ex-boyfriend said he came back from immortality

Chapter 21 You Won't Give Me A Block?

Chapter 21 You Won't Give Me Ten Dollars?
On the other side, after the police and reporters left, the house was quiet. Wang Xiaoan knew that his father probably hadn't had dinner yet, so he went to the kitchen to check.

There are not many ingredients left, and each one is not enough to make a dish.

So I fried the seasoning first, and made a mixed spicy hot pot for my father.

This was the first time that Wang Xiaoan let his parents taste the handicrafts after returning home. He watched them put down the chopsticks with confidence, and sure enough, they all looked at Wang Xiaoan with surprised expressions.

"When I traveled with Master, it can be said that I tasted all the delicacies in the world and learned some crafts. When I returned to Riyue Mountain, I would cook by myself and prepare meals for Master."

Riyue Mountain is a traditional sect, the apprentices practice with the master, and at the same time take care of the master's daily life... Ordinary disciples have no chance to serve.

"It seems that even if you didn't learn magic from master, you won't have to worry about making a living after you go home with this cooking skill." Wang Rongge said with a smile.

Wang Rongge and Li Qin were both watching their son's handicraft in the kitchen just now, and they knew that the knife skills could not be practiced overnight.

"Didn't you want to open a rice noodle shop when you were young?" Li Qin couldn't help laughing when he recalled that Wang Xiaoan grabbed a handful of rice noodles when he caught Zhou.

The little thing that was crawling on the ground at the beginning is now holding a pot and a shovel, and it looks decent. Li Qin looked at his son tenderly, full of emotion.

"When Master and I were traveling, we opened a rice noodle shop to make a living. Unexpectedly, a disease broke out in the local area not long after. The shop was empty, and Master had to drink fresh beef bone soup all day long. The small shop was unable to make ends meet and closed down early." Wang Xiaoan Shaking his head and sighing, forgetting about it but wishing, let’s just close down, anyway, I didn’t think about making a fortune from the rice noodle shop.

Wang Rongge took a sip of the wine and asked curiously, "You and your master have been traveling all day, and it feels like you have lived there for a long time, far more than ten years."

"Cultivators don't know the sun, moon, cold, heat, autumn and winter. They only use the mortal calendar when traveling in the mortal world." Wang Xiaoan explained, "Even in our Blue Star, it is actually the same. Time is just a human creation. concept."

"What do you mean?" Li Qin didn't understand.

"What I mean is... If there were no human beings in the universe, then no one would have invented the concept of time, but the universe still exists. Time is a basic concept used by mortals to understand the world, and it is not entirely suitable for practitioners."

Wang Rongge comprehended it half-understood, "In the myths and legends, one day in the sky and one year underground, it seems to have such a feeling."

"Almost. Sometimes the master made tea and suddenly took me to travel around the world. We traveled to a certain place and watched the sunrise and sunset hundreds of times, but when we returned to Riyue Mountain, the former master made tea The cup of tea is still warm."

Wang Xiaoan is also good at making tea, because often when the master wants to make tea, she will take up the teapot and pour it over her mouth at the end. Finding tea, boiling water, washing tea, and initial brewing are all done by Wang Xiaoan.

Li Qin couldn't help thinking about it, feeling a little leisurely and fascinated. This kind of life is quite leisurely and stress-free.

"Then there must be a timing unit... Hey, it's really hard for a mortal's head to understand." Wang Rongge shook his head and said.

"Actually, there are. Master's time unit is the wheel."


"The wheel of the wheel."

"What kind of concept is this? The wheels turn, like a clock turning once?"

Wang Xiaoan explained with a smile, "Basically, Master believes that the movement of the universe and the myriad worlds is like a wheel. It is turning by itself, and it is also carrying everything it carries forward. But how long her wheel is, I don't know." Can rely on her tone of voice and the context in which she speaks."

"Sometimes when I leave for a while, she says I've been in Rulu for so long, which makes her wait impatiently. Sometimes a mortal court lasts for a hundred generations before it is destroyed, and it takes as long as a Rulu in her eyes."

Wang Rongge and Li Qin only felt that cultivators were really unfathomable and could not understand this concept of time at all.



In the middle of the night, after his parents had fallen asleep peacefully, Wang Xiaoan left the house and found the female passenger who was tormenting his father.

Asking to use a mobile phone to take a video of his father dictating personal information is even more of a personal insult, which Wang Xiaoan cannot tolerate.

Father is such an upright person, what kind of thing are you?
Wang Xiaoan is kind by nature, but his gentle and submissive temper has always been with those close to him, not everyone.

The female passenger lives on the 23rd floor of a high-rise complex. She works as a professional experiencer and will go to experience everything, including catering, hotels, bathing, massage, cars, travel, entertainment and so on.

After the experience is over, write an article with good reviews and negative reviews, and send it to the relevant companies to let the other party choose... Sometimes I will directly post negative reviews. After the relevant companies contact me, I will collect money to delete the post to eliminate the negative Influence.

In the evening, after taking a shower, she sat in front of the computer and recalled today's online car-hailing experience in a semi-transparent suspender nightdress.

That driver master is a handsome uncle, but wouldn't a handsome uncle be a bad guy?All my own means are necessary to remind the sisters to protect themselves carefully when taking an online car-hailing car alone.

Just about to use humorous words to tease the funny look of the uncle who had no choice but to finally compromise, she suddenly found someone walking into her bedroom.

"You... who are you?" Facing this situation, a girl who lives alone must be scared to death?She took out a dagger from her bag and pointed at him.

The other party came out of the shadows and pressed the chandelier switch on the wall without any scruples.

The light of white thorns scattered down, reflecting the curves of the female passenger's body in suspender pajamas, and clearly showing the other person's appearance.

"What do you want to do?" The female passenger trembled in fear. Was the other party planning to kill someone to silence her by showing her face so unabashedly?

It's just that this uninvited guest seems a little... very handsome.

With two long legs and a tall figure, she looks like the evil flower picker in a girl's novel who would be a good flower picker when she meets a heroine. She has soft lines and a youthful face, with charming brilliance in her eyes. The lips are warm and moving, and the porcelain white teeth on the silky lip line make one can't help but imagine how clean and charming he will be when he smiles.

This face immediately made people less alarmed. Even if such a handsome boy broke into a stranger's room, he wouldn't do anything bad, would he?

This kind of man will only bring a plot like a romance novel, making people not care how inappropriate his actions are, and it will make the weak little girl flustered.

"Take a look." Wang Xiaoan said excitedly.

"Ah!" The female passenger didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward, her cheeks became hot, should she be forced to obey now, or should she scream?

The other party is so confident, so don't bark for now, the female passenger finds that the other party may really be lustful.

"Well, I can cooperate with all your requirements, but please don't hurt me." The female passenger said weakly.

Wang Xiaoan nodded.

The female passenger gritted her teeth. Faced with this situation, as a weak girl, she had no choice but to give up. She put her hands on her shoulders tremblingly, took off her pajamas, and then turned her eyebrows and glanced at the other party.

He took off his pajamas, but the other party has no desire?

"Forget it, I won't rob sex. Just give me 20 yuan, and I will let you go." Wang Xiaoan frowned, "Robbing money."

"You... what do you mean?" The female passenger suppressed her anger, what is this man doing?
"Ten yuan is also fine." Wang Xiaoan hesitated, "Anyway, I'm not going to be robbed, and you won't give me ten yuan?"

Gritting her teeth, the female passenger took out a few banknotes from the bag and threw them to the other party.

Wang Xiaoan didn't just take ten yuan, showing an overjoyed expression, picked up all the money, and then opened the door and ran out without looking back.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, the female passenger chased out and opened the door, only to see that he had run away without a trace.

Back home, the female passenger was trembling all over. This person... this person would rather only have ten yuan than touch her... ten yuan, ten yuan... Is my beauty not even comparable to ten yuan?

The female passenger hesitated for a long time, but finally did not choose to call the police. How would she tell the police?Said that the other party gave up her sex in order to grab ten yuan?The female passenger leaned against the wall, wishing she hadn't rushed up and stabbed him just now.

(End of this chapter)

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