The ex-boyfriend said he came back from immortality

Chapter 48 Young people, young girls and swollen children under the plane tree

Chapter 48 Young people, young girls and swollen children under the plane tree
Wang Xiaoan has already mentioned that he traveled with his master, killed the prince of heaven together, and came to the capital of the Dalong Dynasty together.

But Liao Ningqian never connected the girl who was with Wang Xiaoan with the Lord of Riyue Mountain.

In her consciousness, such an existence as the Lord of Sun Moon Mountain must be scheming, staying behind the scenes, and only stretching out two fingers to lightly point one or two when rearranging the chessboard or moving key pieces.

It's simply impossible to get involved in it yourself.

For example, the Emperor of Heaven, from the death and fall of the prince of the Heavenly Court, to the gap between the Heavenly Court and the Damang Dynasty, and the collapse of the Damang Dynasty, the power of the Heavenly Court in Shenzhou was hit hard, and the Emperor of Heaven never came in person.

The Lord of the Great Luotian in another holy land, at most, only the twelve disciples who are honored as the Golden Immortal of the Great Luo will show up... And these twelve disciples are themselves qualified as chess players, and they rarely get involved in the mundane world.

The Lord of Sun Moon Mountain is a young girl?
Also open a rice noodle shop with your apprentice?
The rice noodle shop can't continue to operate, is it bankrupt?
Kill someone by the way, and let the disciple pretend to be the prince of heaven to play around?

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the sage who lives at the top of the world and treats everything like grass dogs in his impression.


Liao Ningqian suddenly remembered what the girl did with her, shook her head vigorously, showing a cold smile, "Don't try to lie to me, you have been lying to me from the beginning, and you are going to lie to me now!"

It happened after the "Tianting Prince" of Daming Palace and the eldest princess of the Dazhu Dynasty formally met, and after the two parties made an oath of unmarried couples, they couldn't help but have the idea of ​​staying close to each other in their hearts.

Liao Ningqian knew very well that the idea of ​​staying close to each other was born in her heart at that time, but it was forced by the sense of ritual and the oath, and had nothing to do with that person, let alone the person in front of her.

Within a few days after the official meeting, the two parties visited each other. The Dalong Dynasty was rich and powerful, and the atmosphere was open, so it was not forbidden for unmarried couples to communicate in private before they officially got married.

It is common for some unmarried couples to eat the forbidden fruit before their wedding. Even if the parents of both parties know about it, they just turn a blind eye.

It is even encouraged in some cases...

If the man can get the woman to marry with a son and have a big belly at the wedding, it will be considered a double happiness and add glory to his face.

Her Royal Highness the eldest princess knew that this marriage was not only a matter of her personal lifelong happiness, but also related to the life and death of the Dalong Dynasty. Naturally, she had to get in touch with her fiancé more, understand his character, and inquire about some attitudes of the lower heaven.

Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess walks around with the other party a lot, no one can say that she is not reserved enough and loses the dignity of a princess.

This is for the Daqian Dynasty!
How can the villain biting his tongue behind his back understand what His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess is thinking?
She didn't bother to care about it either.

After going back and forth, he naturally became acquainted with the honorable and mysterious girl next to the Prince of Heaven.

One night, a fireworks feast was being held as a prelude to the wedding ceremony. Her Royal Highness the Princess and the girl sat on the top of the arrow tower on the city wall to watch the fireworks.

The girl looked at it and felt bored, so she wanted to take the eldest princess to study.


The eldest princess didn't want to offend her, so she followed her into a five-story building near the lake.

The lingering smoke from the incense burner surrounds the small building,
Bright lights and fireworks high above the lake,
There is also a faint oily sheen, which is formed by pouring the chantil oil that women used to bathe into the lake at this time.

In other words, this is a place where many women gather, otherwise the surface of the lake would not have such an oily sheen with the fragrance of powder.

The girl brought the eldest princess into one of the rooms, and then called - the old bustard.

It was the first time in her life that the eldest princess visited the brothel. The girl's so-called "study" actually wanted her to learn more, so that in the future when the husband and wife were in London, they would enhance their sense of harmony.

The eldest princess ran away, and never went out to play casually with that girl from then on... She did not give up, and from time to time, when wandering in Wenshi, she took pictures of those down-and-out scribes and underground booksellers who had not approved private printing. Wen story books brought back to the eldest princess to study.

"Riyue Mountain, the lord of the Holy Land, your master, will you collect pornographic books everywhere like her, and even take the eldest princess of the Dalong Dynasty to visit brothels and study?"

Liao Ningqian sneered in disbelief,
"If you lie to people, you have to make it decent. It's as absurd as you go around telling people that you and General Shan fell in love at first sight. See if anyone will believe you!"

Wang Xiaoan couldn't help but glanced into the distance, General Shan was still standing with his hands leaning on his sword,
He just looked sideways at the "big black fish" (a nickname given to submarines by military fans, generally referring to strategic nuclear submarines, artifacts of the country) next to the flagship, as if he was thinking about it, and didn't pay attention to the confrontation between Wang Xiaoan and Liao Ningqian.

Of course it is impossible for General Shan to fall in love with him at first sight, but it is normal for ordinary people to fall in love with General Shan at first sight.
It is normal for such a heroic woman to look at the sword in her hand and want her to stab herself a few times.

I remember reading a sadomasochistic harem novel in which the heroine is the son of a famous hero Juejue Shitai, and the hero is the leader of the Demon Cult.
In the battle of forces between the two sides, Miejue Shitai's sword pierced into the hero's chest, but it was just a hair away from his heart... If Juejue Shitai was a woman like General Shan, who wouldn't want to be the leader of the demon sect?
"Aunt Liao, I have always been very honest. I believe that when you found out that Sun Man and I had some signs, you had already investigated my family background and character. Whether it was a teacher or a classmate, they were all concerned about my appearance, study, and conduct. Full of praise." Wang Xiaoan advised.

"You are a big shot in the intelligence agency, don't be impulsive, treat everything rationally and objectively."

"I think you had a positive investigation on me back then, so you turned a blind eye to the matter between me and Sun Man, even if I found out when I went to bed through the window..."

"Shut up!" Liao Ning's face turned red, and she hurriedly stopped Wang Xiaoan from continuing.

She wasn't afraid that Shan Dongqian would hear it, but she didn't want to hear it herself!
Shan Dongqian is maintaining the existence of the Navy, and because Liao Ningqian is the special identity of the intelligence chief, Shan Dongqian usually does not listen to the conversations between Liao Ningqian and others.

"That's why I misjudged you!"

Liao Ningqian never minded admitting her mistakes, so her expression became more serious and upright, as if she was reviewing her work.

She is the guardian sword that defends the Han Kingdom. Facing a threatening outsider like Wang Xiaoan, she must correct her mentality instead of being disturbed by all the entanglements in the past.

It is true that Wang Xiaoan was born on Blue Star, but according to the time on Blue Star, he only stayed on this planet for 16 years.

But what about Riyue Mountain?
It is impossible to calculate, the land of chaos that is not on the timeline at all is the mark of the soul engraved on Wang Xiaoan's body.

It was only after Liao Ningqian cultivated to a certain level that she forgot the so-called "time" created by human beings to facilitate understanding of the world, but it does not exist objectively.

The concept of "time" facilitates ordinary people's understanding of the world, but to a certain extent, it hinders people's deeper understanding of the world.

Wang Xiaoan sighed, sure enough all women hold grudges, Master is like this, and so is Aunt Liao.

Her current attitude is not very rational, especially this kind of "I misunderstood you", which obviously uses subjective emotions as the judgment standard instead of objective and rational thinking logic.

Sun Man often does the same thing, this is still fresh in Wang Xiaoan's memory... But Sun Man's unreasonable and emotional dominance, it's just a joke between young lovers, now it's a matter of innocence and whether they will fight each other ah.

"I'll show you Riyue Mountain and my master..." Wang Xiaoan thought for a while and said.

Liao Ningqian hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

She will not let down her vigilance, but the more Wang Xiaoan talks and shows, the more information she gets... She has been away from that world for too long, so I just learned about it from Wang Xiaoan.

Wang Xiaoan floated his resident ID card in the air, and it was like a projector lens, projecting a wide image on the sides of him and Liao Ningqian.

"This is a picture recorded when I traveled with Master...just because Master's existence is very special, her clear appearance cannot be recorded,
At the same time, even if I want to clearly search for the records containing her existence in these pictures, I can only search one by one, and it is difficult to locate them accurately, so it is a bit troublesome..."

Liao Ningqian nodded involuntarily. Wang Xiaoan's description of the special existence of the Lord of the Holy Land is in line with the facts. It is not that no practitioners have seen the Emperor of Heaven and the Lord of Da Luotian, but there are no truly accurate portraits of them in the entire Shenzhou. .

Liao Ningqian saw the first picture that Wang Xiaoan found, which turned out to be a completely frozen world. In the dark and boundless universe, the light of the stars was dim, and a completely crystallized planet was suspended like a bright and clear diamond. any signs of life.

"This is the homologue of the earth... It seems that I just walked around here and left. Master didn't appear in my sight, skip it."

Wang Xiaoan swiped his finger, and a new picture appeared.

This time it is a relatively normal planetary state. The earth is very similar to the blue star from the outside, but in fact it is millions of times larger than the blue star.

As if manipulating a touchscreen, Wang Xiaoan zoomed in with two fingers, and he could see the vast clouds, the huge meteorological vortex, and the towering mountains, magnificent and magnificent.

Zoom in again, and you can already see the details of the mountains, rivers, rivers, seas and plains.

Zooming in again, a city with intricate buildings and roads distributed like capillaries.

Zooming in again, it showed a city block, which was no different from the old city of Han, just like where Liao Ningqian lived.

Wang Xiaoan clicked again casually, a sycamore tree appeared on the screen, under the sycamore tree was a deck chair, a young man was lying lazily, a beautiful girl was sitting on the trunk, her long hair was hanging from the trunk It was hung to make a swing, and a swollen child sat on the swing and swayed while eating.

As if feeling that someone was peeping through countless worlds, the lazily lying young man suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes sharp as if he wanted to pierce through the barriers of the world and find the source of the peeping.

Wang Xiaoan has quickly changed the screen, and the master's image is not in this homologous world of the earth...but he can't provoke the core existence in these worlds, even if it's just peeping at the images that exist in his own memory, instead of directly interacting with them If there is an intersection, it is easy to cause big trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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