real world simulator.

Chapter 392 Terrible hunger

Chapter 392 Terrible hunger

Cook rice for an hour and eat for 5 minutes.

With just one bowl of porridge, even Fang Yu can cook three bowls in a row.

Not to mention one bowl per person.

On a hot day, they didn't move their chopsticks immediately, but waited until the porridge was cold enough to eat before picking up the bowl.

Fang Yu recalled the eating method in his memory.

First put a small piece of lard, the size of half a fingernail, into the porridge and stir it, so that the porridge looks a little oily and smells good.

Stretch out the chopsticks again, cut off a small piece of pickled radish, put it in your mouth and have a taste.

I'm afraid this radish is made of salt, right? ! !

Fang Yu was overwhelmed by the saltiness and took a big gulp of porridge.

Fang Yu didn't even finish eating a piece of pickled radish. A bowl of porridge was served with a piece of pickled radish that was estimated to be as big as a knuckle, and it was over.

The other two are similar.

In this era, salt is expensive. Pickled radish can not only be used as a dish, but also a way to consume salt.

After eating, Fang Sanduo took off his kerchief, and he put the kerchief with a strong smell of sweat on the chair, sighed, and just sat there in a daze.

In the past, at this time, Fang Yu would sit on the threshold to study the soil nest, watch the ants move, and just wait until it was dark, and then went back to each room to sleep.

Now Fang Yu took the initiative to help Huang Mei clean up the bowls and chopsticks. Fang San took a look, but didn't say anything. He was still sitting comfortably and didn't know what he was thinking.

As for Huang Mei, when she saw Fang Yu's movements, her eyes were slightly warm. The two of them just cleaned up the dishes and went to the kitchen. Huang Mei carried the bucket to fetch water from the only old well in the village.

Fang Yu cleaned up the kitchen, swept the floor, cleaned up the ashes in the stove, and cleaned them with a dustpan specially designed to collect plant ash.

Don't throw away the plant ash. When digging the soil, add some plant ash to restore some fertilizer.

That's how poor people are, they can't lose anything, and everything is useful.

When Huangmei came back from fetching water, they gathered together and cleaned the bowls and crocks.

There is no oil or water in the bowl, just wipe it twice, rinse it with water, and it will be clean.

After tidying up, the two returned to the room. At this time, it was almost dark outside. Fang Sanduo still sat in the original position, waved to the two, and said.

"Come here, sit down."

The two sat down obediently.

Then Fang Sanduo spoke.

"Most of the seedlings in the field will not survive. Today, everyone went to the river to fetch water, but the river is almost dry. It's very messy to scoop up a load."

"Oh my God, I haven't seen any rain. If this continues, these seedlings will all die!"

Fang Sanduo smacked his lips and sighed again, with a helpless and helpless expression on his face.

Farmers in ancient times depended on the sky for their food. Now if God doesn't give face, it means they don't give them a way to survive.

"Mei, Second Aunt Liu said that there is a famine in the next county. It's probably true. I think we can't escape it here. During these days, you have ordered all the things at home, and the food at home is almost gone. Tomorrow I will go to the county seat, and then I will buy some food and store it first.”

"I heard from Niu Er that the price of a bucket of rice in the county has already risen to [-] yuan. These damn merchants are trying to suck our blood!"

The rise in food prices made Fang Sanduo angry again, clapping his hands on the table very loudly, but he felt helpless.

As the bottom of society, all he can do is accept it.

After some conversation, it was dark, and Fang Yu went back to his small room in the dark.

Half the size, eat the poor old man.

Fang Yu's body is in the prime of life at this time, and she urgently needs nutrition. Today, she only drank a bowl of porridge and an egg.

Changed to the original Fang Yu, because I was so hungry for a long time, my appetite would naturally decrease, and I would be full after eating a little, and I would still be full of energy the next day.

In fact, this is overdrawing the body.

This is also the reason why ancient times can't live long.

Especially in rural areas, if you can live to more than 50, you are considered to be in good health.

After Fang Yu entered this world, his passive skills began to work.

The iron stomach allowed Fang Yu's stomach to get rid of some of the functions lost due to long-term starvation. When it sensed that the body was in a state of extreme lack of nutrition, it worked at full capacity to squeeze out every ounce of nutrition from the food that I ate today. out.

But there is really not much food, this little porridge, I can't hold it for a few seconds.

He used to be able to eat [-]% full, but now that he has an iron stomach, his stomach is never full!
Since the day, his stomach has been frantically sending messages of hunger to Fang Yu.

But no matter what, there is really nothing to eat here. Although he knows that there is still rice at home, it is obviously impossible to eat the rice. This is the ration of their family. He beat to death.

Besides, such a small amount of rice is not enough for Fang Yu to digest.

His body is too depleted. What he lacks is not just a little bit of nutrition. Without enough meat and carbohydrates, it is absolutely impossible to recover.

In this situation, Fang Yu could only suppress the feeling of hunger, lying on the bed, ready to sleep.

However, the hunger was so strong that Fang Yu couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning.

When acquiring the Iron Stomach skill, Fang Yu always enjoyed its good side.

Fast digestion, speeding up the recovery of physical strength and injuries. In the first three worlds, Fang Yu has hardly been hungry. Therefore, this skill has always allowed Fang Yu to have better conditions to complete his tasks.

But in this world, the lack of food made him feel the "side effects" of the iron stomach for the first time.

When I am in a state of hunger for a long time, my demand for food seems to be much higher than ordinary people!

The hungrier you are, the stronger your desire for food will be!

Therefore, Fang Yu tossed and turned, and the one who was tossed couldn't sleep.

In desperation, he could only rely on samadhi to control his body to enter the "Turtle's Breathing Dafa" that he researched when he was drifting in the last world.

By reducing the frequency of physical activity and forcing the stomach into a dormant state, this hunger slowly subsided.

One night, Fang Yu kept his breath until tomorrow.

At daybreak, he lifted this state.

The tortoise breathing state cannot be used for a long time, otherwise it will cause irreversible damage to the body.

Moreover, maintaining the state of tortoise breathing does not mean that the physical consumption will stop, sometimes it continues, and it is also a burden on the spirit.

When the body is not strong enough, the spirit cannot be full.

As soon as the tortoise's breathing state was released, Fang Yu's stomach growled in a short while, and Fang Yu reluctantly suppressed the hunger with perseverance.

For the first time, he regretted incorporating the Iron Stomach skill into the mask.

This feeling of being hungry is really too bad.

If you don't suppress this hunger, in Fang Yu's eyes, anything can arouse his appetite.

The thatch under the body, the soil on the ground, and the wooden threshold.

The rich taste in modern society has developed Fang Yu's developed taste system, so that he always has a kind of thatch that should be the same as the root of wild grass. After two bites, sweet juice like sugar cane will overflow.

The soil on the ground may be chocolate-flavored, and it tastes sweet and delicious.

The threshold looked a bit like a soft panel, which made him want to take a bite.

Fang Yu had to activate the perseverance skill.

Because, when he got up, he looked at the thatch on the bed, and being deceived and seduced by the taste, he stuffed the thatch into his mouth and ate a few mouthfuls.

Fang Yu woke up when the dry, tasteless taste of the thatch came to his mind.

In order to prevent herself from continuing to starve into hallucinations, Fang Yu could only use perseverance to suppress this terrifying hallucination.

In a state of perseverance, his spirit returned to normal.

But he knew in his heart that if he didn't solve the food problem early, he would fall into such torment every day later.

The iron stomach is easy to use, but when it cannot meet the demand, it needs to bear such a price.

Besides, he needs to temper his body and connect with Tiger Fist, all of which require a large amount of energy supply to maintain.

Being poor and rich is not a joke.

In order for Fang Yu's body to return to a normal state, and to be able to perfectly display his energy-transforming strength of the Tiger Fist, he needs sufficient food, coupled with a long-term supply, to complete the transformation of his body.

In the current situation, Fang Yu couldn't even stand upright.

Forcibly exercising will only deplete his body. Now that his body is punching, it is very likely that he will die suddenly before he finishes fighting.

Because his body couldn't bear such exertion and exercise.

In the case of insufficient blood supply to the heart, it will go on strike directly.

Only now did Fang Yu understand how difficult it is to "live" in the main mission.

According to this condition, if there is a famine in the future and there is not enough food, it seems that it will be really difficult for Fang Yu to survive.

What about Huajin Grandmaster?
If you starve for a month, you will still die!

It doesn't need a month, as long as you don't eat for a week, you can't even hold the chopsticks tightly.

Therefore, it seems that his own strength is really not enough.

Because he was so hungry, Fang Yu woke up very early, and he woke up at dawn.

After turning on Perseverance, he didn't go out immediately, but waited for the sound of getting up from the next room before getting up and going out.

As soon as Fang Yu went out, the wooden door of the next room creaked and opened.

Huang Mei came out of the wooden door with sleepy eyes, her hair was fixed behind her head with a wooden hairpin, and then wrapped in cloth strips.

When she woke up, she was quite surprised to see Fang Yu.

Fang Yu didn't wake up so early on weekdays.

Even Fang Sanduo is still sleeping.

She wakes up to make breakfast.

Fang Yu smiled at Huang Mei and said.

"Auntie, I slept too long yesterday and couldn't sleep, so I woke up early, let me carry water for you~"

It was obviously impossible for Fang Yu to tell her that he woke up from hunger, and the reason why he was so active was because he wanted to eat early.

The two entered the kitchen, Huang Mei began to wash and wash the rice, while Fang Yu took the initiative to fetch water and fill up the kitchen water tank.

I ran out of it yesterday, usually picked by Huang Mei in the morning.

Because he was in a hurry to eat, Fang Yu was very motivated. Even his body seemed to know that he was going to eat later, so he erupted with unimaginable strength.

Fang Yu was taken aback by this.

When carrying water, be extra careful, and don't dare to carry too much, for fear that your body will be too anxious, and you will suffer a heart attack and die instantly.

After filling the large water tank with water, the crock on the stove had already started to bubble.

The slight scent of rice began to seep out, and Fang Yu inhaled a little greedily.

Ah~ this damn rice scent is so sweet and alluring!
Just smelling the aroma of rice, if the saliva can fill the stomach, Fang Yu probably can be full three times.

In order to smell more, Fang Yu took the initiative to take over Huang Mei's job of lighting the fire.

Although Huang Mei was a little uncomfortable with Fang Yu's enthusiasm this day, it was a good thing that he was willing to do more, so that she and the head of the family could relax a bit.

After all, they are adults.

If the situation hadn't changed now, she had actually told Fang Sanduo some time ago that she wanted to tell Fang Yu a daughter-in-law.

A neighbor of her natal family gave birth to a baby girl, who is now one year younger than Fang Yu. She has seen it before. She has a stocky body, big arms and round buttocks, and she looks like she can live a good life.

The main reason is that they are physically strong, and they should be able to give birth to a few more.

Unlike her, her body was a little weaker, and she almost died after giving birth.

The one that was born died not long after.

Fang Sanduo is indeed a rare good husband in this age, the kind he really likes Huang Mei, so he didn't let her risk her life to live again.

Of course, it was mainly because Fang Yu was picked up later.

As the son of his younger brother, after his younger brother's family is gone, Fang Yu is equivalent to his son, so he is not so entangled.

Otherwise, it would be a headache to choose between inheriting incense and daughter-in-law!

Fang Yu never felt that the waiting time for dinner was so long.

After the porridge was ready, it was brought to the table. After Fang Sanduo sat down leisurely, the porridge was almost cold. Fang Yu and Huang Mei only started to move their chopsticks when they saw Fang Sanduo pick up their chopsticks.

Fang Yu suppressed his desire to gobble it up, and finished the porridge faster than before, and then put down the bowl.

This time Fang Yu didn't help Huangmei wash the dishes, but turned around and went to the wall to pick up the only iron tool in the house - a hatchet, greeted Fang Sanduo and went out with a bamboo basket.

By the way, the iron utensils do not actually belong to their family. The hatchet and the hoe belong to the public, and they are leased to farmers at a low price.

They only have the right to use them, and they must be used in specified activities. They are not allowed to take them out at ordinary times, let alone smelt them without permission.

Otherwise, the ironware will be confiscated, and the prison will be visited for seven days.

Fang Yu looked very anxious. Fang Sanduo thought that his scolding yesterday made him rush to get back to work today, so he was a little worried and told him to be careful of the sun and be careful on the road.

Fang Yu replied that she knew, and hurriedly disappeared from Fang Sanduo's sight.

Of course, only Fang Yu knew why he was so anxious.

Not for chopping wood.

He is for the game in the mountains!
While lighting the fire, he suddenly thought that he had to go to the mountains to chop firewood today, so why not go to the mountains to find some game or something to fill his stomach today.

Of course, he also knew that with his current physical condition, large animals should not be considered, and he would even kneel when he encountered a wolf.

It also bullies small animals such as mountain rats, hares, and pheasants.

If it doesn't work, then dig some wild grass roots and pick some wild fruits, after all, you can still eat something.

In his memory, there is a wild persimmon and wild hawthorn on the mountain.

That hawthorn tree seems to be bearing fruit. I'll go and see it today, maybe I can still eat some.

The side effects of the iron stomach made Fang Yu just want to get something to eat to fill his stomach.

If she continues to be so hungry, Fang Yu is afraid that she will only be able to maintain her Perseverance skill throughout the day in order to be able to move normally.

This terrible hunger.
(End of this chapter)

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