Chapter 43 The Voice of Talking

"My lord, your voice"

After getting along with each other recently, Li Yuntang already knew that the little emperor had two completely different faces to himself and to other people. Therefore, facing this sinister face, he didn't feel any disturbance in his heart, but cared about what the emperor said. sound.

"Voice?" The coldness on the little emperor's face melted instantly, and turned into a layer of puzzlement, "What is the voice? Is there something wrong with my voice?"

"Originally there was no problem," Li Yuntang paused, organized his words a little, and then continued:

"But the more I listen to it today, the more I feel that the voice of the emperor is like a woman's voice;
To be more specific, it gradually loses that childishness, becomes taller and thinner, and has a faint charm of a woman's voice. "

As soon as Li Yuntang said these words, the little emperor's face instantly turned pale, and her eyes also lost the previous look. She covered her throat with her hands, and murmured:

"How could this be so, the first emperor taught me to learn the boy's voice, and I obviously learned it exactly, how could the voice change?
I think when I was under the age of the chief character, I was forced by my father to learn the voice of a boy. At that time, if I dared to say a wrong sentence, I would be severely beaten with a cane."

The little emperor's face was mournful, and the self-proclaimed words in his mouth became "I", the absent-mindedness in his eyes was gradually replaced by fear, his legs retracted in front of him, and his voice trembled even more:
"If it hits the palm of the hand, it's okay, it will only hurt for a while; but if it hits the upper arm, it will still hurt a few days later;
it's true, it hurts
I have obviously tried my best, and after only one year, I will never make a mistake again; because I.
The girl's voice could no longer be heard. "

As he said that, the little emperor suddenly became ruthless, his left hand strangled his neck tightly, and his right hand was only clenched on his left arm, as if he wanted to embed his nails into his flesh:
"But why, this voice is going to become a woman again!"

Seeing the little emperor's act of self-mutilation, Li Yuntang immediately dropped all thoughts and rushed forward, forcibly tore her hands away; then clamped her left hand under her right armpit, and pressed her right hand on the reclining chair.

In the end, he swung his free right hand, hugged the emperor in his arms, and comforted him:
"The emperor's dragon body is the most important thing, and you must not make any self-destructive actions; please leave this kind of matter to Yuntang, and there will be a solution."


Hearing these two words, the little emperor's eyes regained a little clarity, and then the water vapor in his eyes condensed into beads, which were about to fill his eyes.

"Father took me to Prince Qin's mansion for the first time. When Yuntang and I first met, seeing you smiling at me, I felt that everything in the world was no longer so difficult."

Before she finished speaking, her tears flowed down her cheeks like broken pearls. The little emperor didn't care about the tears slipping into his mouth, and continued:

"I want to see Yuntang, because I will feel at ease when I see it; even if you sometimes deliberately anger me, it's better than being empty in your heart, the feeling of not knowing what to expect is too hard to bear;
Yuntang, I don't want to lose the throne, I don't want to die, I want to be with you, with you.
Yes. Can you? "

At the end, the little emperor was sobbing, and fell on Li Yuntang's shoulder, sobbing silently.

Li Yuntang felt that his shoulders were soaked with tears, and his right hand and left armpit had no strength to struggle, so he slowly let go of the emperor's hands.

His left hand took advantage of the situation on the back of the little emperor, followed the rhythm of her breathing, stroked it gently, and at the same time replied: "My lord, please rest assured, there is naturally a way."

These words are not meant to comfort the emperor, Li Yuntang really has the confidence to help the little emperor overcome this difficulty.

In his previous life, as a UP master, he would start a live broadcast on a barrage video website from time to time to reap a wave of gifts such as captains and admirals, and increase some extra income.

In order to attract the audience, he had to create a gimmick in the live broadcast; and wearing women's clothing was the easiest way.

But he later discovered that the phenomenon of women's clothing live broadcasting is also very common; Li Yuntang had no choice but to find another way, spent months of hard work, and practiced several false sounds with different timbres; his live broadcast features were instantly unique and won a lot of rewards.

And this kind of vocalization skills, he can naturally pass it on to the emperor; after the little emperor has practiced for at least three months and at most a year, it should not be difficult for him to learn the voice of a man.

This has another advantage. While the little emperor is practicing false pronunciation, Li Yuntang can practice with her. With the cooperation of both parties, they can practice false pronunciation with similar timbre.

In this way, when Li Yuntang was bridal for the little emperor, he only had to turn off the lights to obscure the queen's view, and he could use a similar voice to confuse the real one.

But in doing so, there is a very big risk-now the two of them are almost at the critical point of changing their voices.

Practicing false sounds during the voice change period, if you are not careful, it may lead to a lifetime of unpleasant voice, and it is more likely to congest the vocal cords, suffer from pharyngitis, and feel a foreign body sensation in the throat for a lifetime.

Li Yuntang was fine, he was originally a man, and he practiced a similar range of timbre and range, so the change was not too great; but the little emperor was in trouble, her vocal cords were damaged to a certain extent when she was young, and now it is even more difficult to change her vocal cords again.

Of course, on the bright side, even if the little emperor's voice is ruined, the problem of pronunciation can be solved; but Li Yuntang couldn't bear to do so.

"Yuntang, you talk, talk, how to solve my, my urgent needs."

The little emperor wiped her snot and tears on Li Yuntang's shoulders, finally calmed down, and changed her name back to "Zhen"; she sat up straight and looked at the way of the person in front of her expectantly, there was still a little crying in her voice .

Li Yuntang thought over and over again, and decided to hand over the choice to the emperor, so he supported his shoulders with both hands, and said truthfully:
"My lord, in the palace before, my father hired many opera troupes to perform in the palace; one of the troupe's actors passed on to me a method of vocalization;
After practice, a man can pretend to be a female voice, and a woman can pretend to be a male voice.”

When the little emperor heard this, most of the frustration on his face disappeared, first he moved to Li Yuntang's chest, wiped the dripping snot with his clothes, and then complained softly: "You have this method, why didn't you tell me earlier. "

Li Yuntang, who didn't dare to conceal the slightest inside story, told the whole story, quietly waiting for the girl in front of him to make a choice.


Without the slightest hesitation, the little emperor answered decisively; then she raised her eyebrows suddenly, fixed her eyes on Li Yuntang's face, and asked in a low voice:
"If I really ruined my voice, wouldn't you think that my voice is ugly?"

"If something goes wrong, and the emperor leaves the root of the disease, it will be too late for Yuntang to repent, so how dare he despise the emperor?"

"Okay, if you backtrack, you will be like a dog; then, I will punish you to learn a thousand dog barks and a thousand pig barks every day!"


Thanks to Bingguo for sending me a monthly pass. (The ones read by qq are invisible when placed in the writer's words, so they are placed after the main text.)
 Thanks for the 100 point coins rewarded by book friend Foonage and the 2 monthly tickets;
  Thank you for the 100 point coins rewarded by the book friend Fantasia,

  Thank you for the monthly ticket sent by the book friend Wandering World,
  Thanks to the book friend Longtowel for sending a monthly ticket,
  Thank you for your votes, readers.

  Happy New Years Eve to everyone in advance!
(End of this chapter)

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