Sauichiro: rebuilding Ashina from the obliteration of the pillar

Chapter 102 What kind of wind do you want to be

Chapter 102 What kind of wind do you want to be

Genichiro finished washing and was about to go out when Immortal Kawasami called him and took out a wooden knife from the cabinet in the entrance of the guest house.

This wooden knife looks nothing special, but it feels extremely heavy in the hand. Genichiro squeezed it hard, and was surprised to find that the material was actually harder than iron, and it couldn't move with as much as twelve points of strength.

"This is?"

Immortal Chuan took out the wooden knife with the word "wind" written on the handle, and waved a light blue wave towards the door, and then the wave spread into an invisible air current under the sun.

"How can an ordinary wooden knife survive the training of the pillars! This is a training knife customized for us people. It is said to be stronger than train tracks. I don't know if it is true or not."

After all, it costs too much to train with a sun wheel knife; ordinary wooden knives will break after only a few swings.

This particular wood is just right.

Xianichiro suddenly discovered that there was a piece of blue iron on the side of the wooden knife in Bushikawa's hand.

"Speaking of which, you still don't know whether you are suitable for Breath of the Wind or not."

Undead Chuan pointed to the cyan iron piece and said, "In order to simulate the effect of the breathing method during practice, a section of sun wheel iron is also installed on the side edge of this wooden knife."

"It just so happens that no one has used the wooden knife in your hand, and the piece of iron hasn't changed color yet, so you can hold it like this... Let me see..."

Genichiro held the handle of the wooden knife according to his instructions, and the silver-white metal changed visibly with the naked eye.

At first it was a little yellow, like fallen leaves in autumn, but immediately a bluish-black mist gushed out, covering the yellow like a layer of tulle, and finally the iron sheet turned into a deep, flamboyant dark gold.

It's like that old gold-plated Buddha statue, which looks old and luxurious, and it also fits Genichiro's status as a Sengoku daimyo.

"Is there anything special about this color?"

Genichiro asked if he didn't understand.

He remembered that Butterfly Ninja's blade was purple, and Butterfly Kanae's Hikari was pink.

"If it's golden, then you should be more suitable for Breath of Thunder. But just now there was also cyan... So, your compatibility with Breath of Wind should be similar."

[Thunder and wind? 】

Genichiro was not too surprised.

To practice Bazhilei and Baliu swordsmanship, which requires a short period of time to stay in the air, it is necessary to rely on these two kinds of power.

It was expected that the Sun Wheel Knife would turn into this color.

In this way, the two set off from the guest house to the martial arts field near the gate.

Along the way, Immortal Kawasami told him the principle of breathing method according to his own understanding.

In short, the breathing method can improve the physical function of the swordsman, especially the strength and toughness, by increasing the body temperature and breathing efficiency, so that they can make all kinds of unimaginable movements and complete those powerful sword shapes.

For those who are new to the breathing method, it is usually the limit to use the breathing method for a few minutes, while the advanced players can persist for an hour.As for Zhu, the breathing method must be turned into an instinct that is no longer harmful to the body.

After the breathing method is overdose, there will be a long period of recovery.

In Xianichiro's understanding, using the breathing method is equivalent to smashing a yaksha candy.

And this is only the first layer of buff for the swordsmen of the ghost killing team.

The second layer is their Sun Wheel Knife.

The sun wheel knife can not only attract various forces in nature like a psychic, but also the sun wheel knife with the right color can increase the power of the swordsman's slashing.

For example, blue is to water; cyan is to wind; yellow is to thunder...

Conversely, the breathing method of the swordsman can also enhance the toughness of the Sun Wheel Saber.

This also explains why the Japanese swords used by Genichiro always "do not live long".

Since a sun wheel knife has changed color, it will be difficult for another person to use it, so the sun wheel knife of the ghost killing team cannot be reused.

Therefore, the sun wheel iron is really one piece less.


The two walked along the way, and the passing team members saluted one after another.

Although Undead Kawa Miniya almost changed his face, but the white hair and open-chested dressing style remained, and the team members immediately recognized his identity.

This is the only person who has had a face-to-face with the ghost king in hundreds of years and has come back intact. It is simply a living legend.

In order to boost morale, Mrs. Tianyin announced the news last night.The swordsmen finally had some ideas about Oni Wu Tsuji.

For these reasons, the team members looked at him with admiration and respect, and with Undead Chuan's handsome face, their sense of Fengzhu was less fearful than before.

As for Genichiro, almost all the team members who were not on shift went to see his "performance" last night.

The headless monster that had troubled them for several days was easily dealt with by him.

The purple flames and gorgeous and complicated sword skills have long been deeply engraved in his mind.

In fact, it took very little effort to resolve the headlessness.

Although the headless man was released by Oribe Masayuki, he was under his control. Genichiro just used the flying magic paper to perform a restraint relationship, and then he cleaned it up easily, which can be regarded as a gift to the warriors of Weiming country in the past relief.

After killing the headless, Genichiro also obtained a special item, that is, A Gong·Yu Ling Avatar, the effect is no different from that of A Gong Tang, except that he does not need to eat candy.

In this way, he will have more inventory to sell to the Ghost Killing Squad.

But the biggest gain is the huge amount of prestige points.

One-fifth of the 20 prestige points that were planned to be collected before the year was completed in less than a day after joining the Ghost Killing Squad.

This is indeed the right place to pluck the wool.

When the two arrived at the martial arts arena, Kakino Kuangjin had been waiting for a long time, and there was another familiar figure beside him, it was Butterfly Ninja.

"Hey, you bastard, why..."

The moment Butterfly saw Immortal Kawasami, the diary of the diseased leaf in his hand fell, but Genichiro caught it with a wooden knife in time and picked it up for her.

"Hahahaha, look, Shinobu," Katsuno Kusakami suddenly put his arms around Undead Kawasami's neck, "Without those scars, isn't it less masculine?"

"Pfft." Die Ren was amused by Undead Chuan's unbearable expression, "That's what you say."

Seeing the two wrestling again, Genichiro came to Butterfly Shinobu and returned the diary to her.

"Miss Shinobi, I think you seem to love this diary so much."

Genichiro asked, "Could it be that there is any important information inside?"

If so, he would have to inquire after Sick Ye came out of the confession room after taking a shower.

"Well, although the diary is written by a ghost, there are mostly recipes in it that I can't bear to look at directly..."

Butterfly frowned and flipped through several sheets of paper full of ingredient lists, stopping at an illustration, "But I have to say, this guy is still a daring naturalist."

"Like here, look..."

She pointed to a small flower in the illustration that looked like overlapping small white umbrellas, "This plant is called poisonous ginseng, and it is not a native Japanese plant."

"He wrote in his diary that the so-called poisonous ginseng (toxin) is the kind of poison that once poisoned Socrates. The poisoned person will gradually feel paralyzed from the lower limbs (yes, it is the battle of Huajie, the sound The poison that immobilizes the prostitute Taro has a similar effect, and the author only found this prototype)."

Xianichiro was stunned, "Who is Su Ge..."

"It does not matter."

Butterfly couldn't be bothered to explain, but excitedly turned a few pages back, "Look here, Sick Leaf wrote that he believes that ghosts are so tenacious, not because they are naturally immune to many poisons, but because they are stronger than other creatures. Antibodies to different poisons are produced more quickly."

"This means that although Onimai Tsuji has overcome many poisons in Japan, he may not be immune to foreign toxins that he has not seen."

"In order to verify my guess, Sick Ye made an extract of poisonous ginseng..."

Her deep purple eyes even started to glow at this point.

"It turned out that he was right, this foreign poison immediately had an effect on him!"

"For the first time, he only took an extract that could kill an ordinary person, and his body froze for an hour or two! It wasn't until he drank it a dozen times that he became resistant to the poison. , just as he is resistant to wisteria poison."

"But if we mix this poison with wisteria flower poison, what will be the effect?"

"I can't wait to see the outcome."

Seeing Butterfly Shinobu's smile getting more and more deviated, Genichiro felt deeply worried about the future of ghosts, especially ordinary ghosts.

"It's a good idea." Genichiro nodded, "Then I will call the people below to prepare the place and medicine for the experiment as soon as possible, and you will be able to start research soon."

"Well, we'd better find some more native poisonous plants from America and Africa." Butterfly Shinobi suggested, "Since sick leaves can think of overcoming their weaknesses, Gui Wu Tsuji will also think of it sooner or later, so the faster we go, the faster good."

"I see."

Oni Wu Tsuji's strength is not natural.

In order to become the strongest creature in the world, he is constantly looking for and overcoming those things that can threaten him.

Only when there is no weakness can we be called perfect.

The so-called survival of the fittest and survival of the fittest, the former sentence is often not necessarily true, but the latter sentence is the most reasonable.

It's just that the fittest often mistakenly think that they are better than other species and are the winners.

It's like Ghost Dance Tsuji Mumi.

"It would be great if I knew where Sick Leaf's other notebooks are." Butterfly Ren had a regretful expression, "Who knows how many good things there are in it."

Genichiro left a little extra in this sentence.

Soon, the brothers over there decided the winner by two points, and it was still Undead Chuan Sheng.

God Eater healed many of his hidden wounds, and Undead Chuan felt that his manipulation of the body was obviously more convenient than before, but he couldn't release the wind blade with his bare hands like yesterday anyway.It was as if the feeling yesterday was just a flash in the pan of Fulin Xinzhi.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Katsuno Kusakami skillfully got up from the ground, coughed a few times into his fist as if nothing had happened, and came in front of Genichiro and Butterfly Shinobu.

"Just now I just let him go, you can't underestimate me like this."

"Next, let's talk about your training tasks today." Speaking of business, the smile on Kuang Jin's face softened a little.

"Xiao Ren, today I will learn the five types of breath of wind, and supplement the problem of insufficient killing distance of the breath of flowers and breath of water swords."

"As for Genichiro, in addition to the basic breathing method of Breath of Wind, you still have a task today..."

Katsuno Kusanagi held up his right index finger.

"That is, you have to think clearly about what kind of wind you want to be."

 It's over for today. As for headless, I just skipped it, because there is no impetus to the main storyline. Combat Chapter!Then there are the Butterfly Sisters!Then beat me up!150 chapters before the end of the Ghost Slayer Chapter!

(End of this chapter)

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