Chapter 104 Breath of the Wind (This is the real thing)
"What kind of wind will it be?"

Hearing this kind of content close to metaphysics, Xianichiro was one head and two big, and couldn't help but think about the relationship between people and swords that his grandfather once said... nonsense.

It is clear that other people have some insights after listening to it, and they can quickly put themselves into kendo practice, but for Xianichiro, it is better to train more strength and learn more heresy.

"Hey, Shimi!"

Seeing Genichiro's puzzled look, Kuangjin immediately shouted to Undead Kawa Minami who had walked far away: "Take the straw mat as the goal, and use it one at a time."


Undead Chuan looked a little impatient, and walked quickly to the opposite side of the straw mat.

The straw mats used by the Demon Slayer Team for practice were about a punch wider than the ones used in ordinary kendo gyms, and they were tied more tightly. In order to simulate the defensive power of ghosts, thick lacquer was even applied to the surface.

The straw mats prepared by Kuang Jin are placed in a 2x2 format, which is equivalent to two ordinary ghosts stacked together.

"Breath of the Wind·Complete Concentration..."

This time, considering that he was demonstrating to the beginner Genichiro, Mitsuya Immortal Kawa did every step very slowly, and the pause and rhythm of breathing between mouth and nose were clearly recorded by Spirit Vision.

"One type · Slash!"

This is not the first time Genichiro has seen this move.

Undead Kawa Minami stomped on the ground with his feet, and his body crossed a distance of nearly 5 meters horizontally like a cannonball fired in a spiral. During this period, his feet did not touch the ground, leaving circles of circular air blades behind him.

But the power of the wooden sword cannot be compared with the sun wheel knife after all.

The color of the air blade this time is very thin, and it can't cover and hide the movement of Immortal Chuan's figure on the way forward, so Genichiro can see it clearly.

After Undead Chuan "came out", he continued to accumulate sword power by rotating his body. When he crossed a short distance of five meters and came to the straw mat, the sword power had accumulated to the extreme!


Then, at the same time when the wooden sword touched the straw mat, the already faintly blackened sword energy ruthlessly smashed it to pieces!

Immediately, countless fine grass poles were blown all over the sky, which was equivalent to two ghosts stacking a straw mat, and a hole was forcefully blasted out of the center by the wooden sword.

Seeing this scene, Die Die held back his breath and showed an extremely envious look.

However, the Ichizo type of Breath of the Wind requires extremely high physical fitness. Although she gained almost 4 centimeters in height with the Taro persimmons presented by Kuro after a night of sleep, she still couldn't meet the requirements for use.

As for Xianichiro, he has successfully included the type of the breath of wind, cut and cut, into the "Ghost Slayer Team's Upanishad on the Breathing Method".

It has to be said that the observation power of two points of vision is indeed much stronger than one point, at least the efficiency is very high.

But he still doesn't understand Kuang Jin's purpose of letting Immortal Kawasami do this.

"You see, this is Shimi's understanding of wind."

Kuang Jin pointed to the almost dismembered straw mat and said, "In his view, wind is a destructive force, and rotation is a way of accumulating destructive power. Except for Yizhixing, Shiya's All types of swords adhere to this idea to move swords in a circle, rather than sacrificing speed and flexibility to accumulate sword power and attacking opponents straight, but also to exert the destructive power like a tornado."

"Could it be that there are other options?"

Genichiro asked if he didn't understand.In his opinion, Immortal Kawashiya's advance speed is already very fast. The distance of 5 meters starts instantly and is crossed in less than a second. Isn't this fast enough?

Also, what is "sacrificing speed and flexibility"?

Could it be that Breath of the Wind could be faster?
"Of course." Kuang Jin replied with a smile, "Because the essence of wind is air flow, which is invisible and shapeless, so the breath of wind is also the most flexible of the five basic breathing methods. Yu Jianshi's understanding of wind."

"Have you ever seen Miss Ninja used Water Breathing?" Kuang Jin gestured with the wooden sword for the various sword shapes of Water Breathing, "All the moves of Water Breathing are basically fixed positions, used to imitate different forms flow of water."

"For example, the first type imitates the tide going straight, the fourth type imitates the impact of the waves, the eighth type imitates the waterfall falling from the sky, and the ninth type imitates the raindrops falling on the lake..."

"You see, each sword type of the breath of water has a standard use and reference object, so it is easier to learn. Most of the members of the ghost killing team are users of the breath of water."

Genichiro nodded, which is not difficult to understand.

Since you have been given the sword styles to deal with various situations, you can just apply them directly when you encounter similar situations.

Seeing that he understood, Kuang Jin continued: "The breath of wind is just the opposite, because wind is difficult to observe and the most difficult to imitate, so it needs to be adaptable."

Then, holding a wooden sword in his hand, he came across another group of straw mats, "Next, I will show you another type of wind."

"One type · Slash!"

As soon as the words fell, Kakino Kuang tapped the ground with his toes, and his body fell forward, as if being swept up by the wind, and accidentally rubbed against the fallen leaves on the ground, fluttering towards the direction of the straw mat.

"It's so fast." Xianichiro narrowed his eyes, his spiritual vision hadn't finished cooling down, and he could only see a blurry shadow, which came to the straw mat in about half a second.

However, at this moment, Kuang Jin suddenly twisted his body and swung the blade, but his body seemed to be weightless for a short time in the air, like the moon around the earth, moving out of thin air along an arc to the back of the straw mat.

In the next second, the top of the straw mat suddenly rolled down like a severed head.

Genichiro's eyes burst out with a strong desire to learn.

He obviously didn't make any sound, but he was able to kill ghosts in an instant.

At the same time, it also avoided the head-on attack of the imaginary ghost.

If Immortal Chuan Shiya could do this when dealing with the magma ghost, the magma ghost would die on the spot.

"As expected of a genius swordsman that Mr. Yanzhu has personally admitted." Butterfly couldn't help admiring, "It's so flexible."

"What's the use of optical flexibility?"

Immortal Kawa Minami snorted coldly, "Such a light slash can only deal with some ordinary minion ghosts. It is wishful thinking to deal with Twelve Ghost Moon."

"Shimi is right." Kuang Jin was refuted by his junior, without the slightest hint of anger, "The breath of the wind is like this, you can be a storm that destroys everything, or a light wind that stirs up dust. But if you want to destroy Strength requires sacrificing flexibility, and avoiding damage requires sacrificing destructive power."

As he said that, he looked at Shimi with some concern, "The reason why he is always scarred is because he doesn't consider flexibility at all, and always goes straight to reckless attacks. Tsk tsk, seeing his current face, and thinking about his future appearance , It's a pity."

Undead Chuan let out a "tow", and walked aside to practice Suzhen.

Given the choice between his own face and killing the ghost faster, he would of course choose the latter.

It's just that he didn't want to say it in front of Kuang Jin, it would only make him more verbose.

"But you must never learn from him."

Kuang Jin's face became a little more serious, "Shimi is the thin blood of thin blood. Ordinary ghosts will feel drunk just by smelling that smell, and they can't even stand upright. His blood is as good as Twelve Ghost Moon's blood. Ghosts at this level will have a strong confusing effect, so when he is injured, it is also the time when the enemy is most likely to be confused."

"But ordinary people don't have thin blood, so it's meaningless to be injured for no reason."

"Therefore, Shinya is the only swordsman in the Demon Slayer Team who can use the Breath of Wind to become the Breath of Fire. If it were someone else, he would have sacrificed a long time ago, so you must not learn from him."

Looking at the baby-faced boy who was just acquainted and worried about others, Genichiro nodded in agreement.

He is also thin blood now.

And with attribute points, thin blood can evolve again, who knows if it will evolve into the same as Undead River.

Maybe it is not impossible to evolve into the blood of the purgatory family that Butterfly Ninja said.

"Okay, I have already explained to you the characteristics of Breath of Wind. Next, I will teach you the basic breathing method of Breath of Wind, that is, the ability to use the Sun Saber to induce airflow."

Kuang Jin's teaching syllabus is very clear, "As for Shinobu, you should go and learn the Five Types from Minya first."

"I don't want it." Butterfly shook her head in distaste, "I'll just wait until you finish telling Xianichiro."

"But I have already assigned the task with Minya." Katsuno Kusanagi showed a embarrassed expression, "He is also looking forward to teaching you."

"Really? I don't believe it."

That's second only to Usui Tengen on Butterfly Ninja's hate list... No, it's a member of the Demon Slayer Team second only to Tomioka Yoshiyuki and Usui Tengen. Every time they meet, they speak badly to her. How could they expect that? What about teaching her?

Kuang Jin glanced at Undead Chuan, and persuaded in a low voice, "Oh, don't look at him like that, but he once told me personally, 'Huazhu's sister really works hard', 'If the Ghost Killing Squad is like that Just work as hard as the child's like that."

"What about this kid and that kid! He's obviously only two years older than me, so I don't know what to be proud of."

She said so, but her efforts were found to be very useful, so she dragged the wooden knife and walked over there.

Xianichiro squinted at Kuangjin, "Did Fushichuan really say such a thing?"

[Obviously he was coaxing a child. 】

[This guy looks more sincere than Hua Zhu when he talks nonsense. 】

"Well, I'm also thinking about it for the future."

Kuang Jin looked at the two people who were not far away, with big eyes and small eyes, with a satisfied smile on his face, "Kana Hui is a person who cares about the feelings of people around him, if Xiao Ren is not willing to accept Undead Chuan as a family member, the two of them There is no way to go any further.”

"You think so far ahead."

I don't know if some inexplicable attribute has awakened, but Genichiro actually expressed his approval.

"But stop talking nonsense now, hurry up and teach me something."

"Okay. But before I teach you the basic breathing rhythm, I have a question—"

"Have you ever played radio? Do you know Morse code?"


the other side.

In the main mansion, Yuya Ubuyashiki was answering the phone.

"Mr. Terauchi, I can use the reputation of the Ubuyashiki family for thousands of years to guarantee that the person who pretended to be Fengzhu in the Metropolitan Police Department last night is definitely Onimai Tsuji Mumi himself."

"Yes, he has the ability to transform."

"I'm not [-]% sure how to tell the difference, but according to the available information, he doesn't care about gender when he transforms. He always has a pair of red eyes, and they don't appear during the day."


"Excuse me, Mr. Temple, are you still listening?"

(End of this chapter)

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