Chapter 12 Blood Shadow in the Lake

[Get lucky Mibu balloon*6; get recruiting Mibu balloon*7; get recruiting Mibu balloon*2]

[Do you want to pop all the Mibu balloons to see the specific rewards? 】

After dealing with Kamijou, he dragged Murata to the police station and searched for a Japanese sword for nearly 10 minutes, and Genichiro finally heard the system's notification tone.

Although he didn't get the Summoning Mibu balloon this time, Genichiro wasn't disappointed, after all, there was only a one-in-a-thousand chance.

The "knight ring" on his hand has already helped him a lot.

[Pierce. 】

Genichiro muttered silently in his heart.

Thanks to Murata's startled character, after he found out that Genichiro was really alive, he contributed a lot of prestige points emotionally, so that Genichiro directly came to a [-]-draw streak.

Right now, Genichiro's weakness is very obvious, whether it is to make up for the combat power or to save his life, there are too few props on his body.

Being able to kill eight ghost-killing team members whose physical fitness was close to that of Murata's was enough to say how dangerous the ghost was.

He has to be fully prepared.

Let alone Murata.

"It's over, it's over, it's over!"

Murata turned the evidence cabinet and the security room upside down, but he still couldn't find where his Japanese sword was.

"How could it disappear!"

"If I don't have the Sun Wheel Knife, then what's the use of breaking out of prison!"

"Let's not say that the task is not completed, and now even the knife is lost..."

"The swordsmith master back then was really scary—"

"I might as well jump into the river!"

Seeing Murata's loveless appearance, Genichiro felt a little guilty, but this uncomfortable feeling was immediately dispelled by him.

He had already set his sights on the Sun Wheel Knife.

Even during the time when Genichiro was drawing the lottery, he had already asked Ji Yingzhong to go to the fat man's house to pick it up.

After all, with the induction of gold and steel summoning thunder as the anchor point, it should be easy to find that knife.

Unless Genichiro joins the Demon Killing Squad, the chance of getting a Japanese sword is really slim.

After all, from 1000 years ago to the present, if he were the leader of the Ghost Killing Team, all the rare metals used to make the Japanese sword should have been mined and hidden away, so as to avoid being discovered and destroyed by ghosts.

"Then what are you going to do now?"

There are still five prizes that have not been popped up, and Genichiro has to drag Murata for a while.

"What can I do... what else can I do, the ghost slayer doesn't have a knife, so why not go to the Olympics..."

Murata beat his head in distress, his whole face wrinkled into a ball, "Since I can't find my sword here, I can only find a wisteria flower pattern nearby, and see if the hidden troops over there have collected the dead team members. Dao... I think, they have knowledge under the spring, so they shouldn't blame it."

As Murata talked, his voice became smaller and smaller, but soon he became stronger again, "Anyway, no matter whether there is a knife or not, I have to find out the truth about the sacrifice of my teammates and prepare for Zhu's arrival!"

The so-called hidden troops are non-combatants who are responsible for dealing with ghost killing.

The Hidden Swords used by the reserve team members when they went to Mt. Fuji to participate in the selection were all brought from the sacrificed team members by the Hidden Army.

It's a bit similar to the memorial gang in "Sekiro".

"You mean, you still want to go to the house of that admiral named Fujita?"

"Yes. All the missing persons went to the house of this general named Fujita before disappearing. The nine of us met there, and the other team members should have been killed near there, but I have to find out the details of the situation. People have to ask clearly."

Murata clenched his fist tightly, "I was caught during the day, that is to say, those team members also died during the day! This matter is full of weirdness. If you don't figure it out, even the pillar will be sacrificed. There is no point in continuing to live."

After making up his mind, Murata looked at Genichiro, "What about you? Didn't you plan to join the Demon Killing Squad before? If you want, I will go with me, and the Hidden Troops can take you to the trainer for acceptance." train."

"You are so smart at such a young age, you will definitely become a pillar one day."

Murata watched Genichiro's eyes sparkle, and spoke with conviction, as if he could see the future.

Ever since I met Genichiro, the latter has been doing some unexpected things.

It's incredible that you can even play dead and escape from prison.

Immediately, another 50 reputation points were contributed.

【Ah, I really can't bear to part with such a big gold mine...】

[But the result of the lottery has already come out. 】

Genichiro knew that it was time to say goodbye.

"But today's incident, doesn't it just show that joining the ghost killing team is very risky, and I was killed for no reason..."

Genichiro finally showed the fearful look of an ordinary child, "I don't want to die so early."

"Ah, I'm taking the liberty, I didn't expect this."

Murata scratched his head in shame, "However, you have nowhere to go now, right? If you don't want to kill ghosts directly, you can also go to the hidden army to help. After all, they are generally not in any danger, and the food is also good. , it’s better than wandering around without clothes like you.”

"No, I have a younger brother in Tokyo."

Xianichiro said it was naturally Kuro, and then even arranged for the specific identity of Kuro, "After he was born, his parents gave him to a businessman in Tokyo as an adopted son. I know the name of the businessman, if I can find him , their family should take care of me."

[Wait, Kuro's age should be older than my current physical age...]

[It doesn't matter, anyway, I'm taller. 】

In Japan, this kind of thing of sending children to other people's homes is quite common, Murata just nodded with an "I see".

"Then I wish you good luck. But if you are not happy with your stay and want to find me, you can send me a letter through a house with wisteria patterns. They usually have crows there."

"I see, then be careful."

After the two said their goodbyes, Genichiro walked to the corner of the street, and the black-clothed eagles were already waiting for him with a Japanese knife and a change of clothes.

"Master Genichiro, the matter has been settled, and I have also forced to find out the location of the general named Fujita's house."

Xianichiro stretched out his hand, and Jin Gangzhaolei also appeared in his hand like a flash, and was then taken into the system space.

Now that the Sun Wheel Knife has been obtained, there is no need for the Golden Iron Call Thunder to stay there and use it as a positioning device.

"Where's the fat cop?"

Genichiro asked calmly while changing his clothes.

"Dare to covet our Weiming's treasure, I have already executed it."

After speaking, as if to verify his words, a yellow paper figurine went straight into Genichiro's heart.

The so-called treasures of Jiying are by no means an exaggerated rhetoric. In such a poor place as Weiming, a treasured sword is really too rare (although there are five in the whole game--Wedge Ball, Diamond Iron Dragon, Golden Steel Zhao Lei and two Immortal Slashes).What's more, it is a sword of divine karma that will not be damaged no matter how hard you fight.

"Before killing people in the future, remember to tell them the word Wei Ming, and make them understand."

Killing Kamijou before contributed 50 reputation points, but Fatty didn't have it when he died, probably because he didn't connect Jiyingzhong with Weiming.

Little things add up, 50 reputation points cannot be discarded casually.


Two minutes later, Genichiro changed into a white yukata with a children's crow-patterned haori.

If it weren't for the fact that Genichiro's face and hair were still dirty and covered in dust.

Sure to look cute.

However, these hawks still carried private goods. Such a large crow pattern is completely a reminder to Genichiro to rely on them.

After doing all this, Genichiro submerged in his consciousness and checked the results of this lottery draw.

Skip the useless ashes, pottery and nearly 10 yen.

【Obtain pill*2; Chi Chengzhu*1】

[Acquire Character - Screen Ape; Obtain Guyingzhong*1]

Genichiro wasn't too disappointed if he didn't get Wei Ming Yixin.

After all, he has not accomplished anything now, and he hastily summoned Grandpa out, and he doesn't know how to deal with it.

15 Mibu balloons pulled out 5 useful things, all thanks to Murata.

Among them, the pill is Weiming's magical medicine, needless to say its effect, it can slowly heal the wound.

Chi Chengzhu can make the user enter the red-eye state, allowing the body to fight desperately without fear of injury.But the effect is not as good as the slag he drank, which cannot bring people back to life.

As for these two characters...

Xianichiro directly threw the two special paper figurines to the ground, only to hear two "bang bang" and a puff of smoke, and there was a man and three monkeys on the ground out of thin air.

The reason for the three monkeys is that the invisible monkeys are naturally invisible.

Among them, the eye-watching monkey wears glasses. It has a very strong vision and can see sparks blooming 1000 meters away.

The ear monkey wears a strange funnel around its neck, which can hear everything around it.

As for the monkey with the gong hanging on his chest, if the watching monkey and the listening monkey notice any abnormalities, he will make a big fuss and let everyone know.

[Alright, the three of them are Kuro's bodyguards. 】

[Since they can protect the God Son of Change, then they should not resist protecting the real God Son, Jiulang. 】

Xianichiro had also broken into the phantom corridor of Xianfeng Temple to look for Hei Bushizhan, so he naturally knew how difficult these three monkeys were.

They were not real monkeys, but patterns on the screens of the phantasmagoria.

It wasn't until those failed Bianruo Shenzi died that in order to protect their friends, they possessed the four monkeys and made them "live".

In other words, these four monkeys are all immortal, even if they are "killed", they just return to the painting to hide.

After adjusting the monkey's free will to normal, Genichiro looked at Gu Yingzhong.

There is no black hat or white hat, just an ordinary solitary shadow, good at swordsmanship and leg skills, and can summon ninja dogs.

What Genichiro gave him was also general free will.

Although he and Gu Yingzhong were enemies in the past, if the ninja is not able to adapt to the situation, it is meaningless.

Anyway, under the constraints of the system, they can't betray at all.

"Master Genichiro."

Gu Yingzhong knelt on one knee, speaking respectfully, but glanced contemptuously at Jiyingzhong in black.

The latter's entire face was hidden in the mask, and his expression could not be seen, but the flying sickle in his hand turned around, emitting bright sparks.

If Genichiro was not here at this moment, the two of them would definitely fight, and it was hard to say whether they would win or lose.

Guyingzhong are intruders from the inner palace, with high martial arts skills and vicious methods; Jiyingzhong are rural ninjas from Weiming's locality, if they can't beat them, they will die together.

The former is powerful, while the latter is weird, and they can be regarded as old enemies.

As for the three apes who appeared, perhaps affected by the tense atmosphere of the two, they all stared nervously at the surrounding environment, their eyes full of vigilance.

"Invisible monkey?" Genichiro called tentatively.

"Ah! Ah!"

A voice came from a corner where there was nothing.

"As ninjas, can you two find traces of it?"

Genichiro looked at Guyingzhong and Jiyingzhong.

The two looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

"If you can't even see the Ninja Eye, then Murata will definitely not be able to find it."

Genichiro nodded in satisfaction, and pointed to Guyingzhong, "You and the Invisible Monkey, go find the ghost killer Murata who was by my side before, and he walked in that direction. He was wearing a black suit with the word "Mie" on the back. "

"As for me and Ji Yingzhong, let's check out the suspicious admiral's mansion. If Murata wants to go to my direction, then you stop him. I believe it should be easy for you, right? "

"Please rest assured, Genichiro-sama."

As soon as Gu Yingzhong finished speaking, he realized that something heavy had fallen on his shoulders.

He turned his head and couldn't see anything, but he could feel the furry paws touching his ears.

"No matter what, don't expose the invisible monkey, let the invisible monkey always follow Murata."

"By the way, you take this pill with you."

Before Gu Yingzhong could be touched, they heard the second half of Xianichiro's sentence: "If Murata is in danger, give him this medicine. I used up too much of his luck today, and I must not let him just like this If he dies, part of the revival of Wei Ming depends on him."

"...Yes." Unlike the grievances of the Guying crowd, the Jiying crowd over there almost burst out laughing.

"Ah~ah~" the invisible monkey also let out a mocking cry.

"Okay, now that all the preparations are done, let's go and see what this ghost can do!"


Meanwhile, Admiral Fujita's estate.

On the pavilion mountain in the artificial lake, Fujita is having a drink with a naval soldier from his hometown.

To be precise, although the sailor was so drunk that he couldn't speak clearly, Fujita was still very sober. Although he was smiling, his expression was very stiff, as if he was waiting for someone, but the other party didn't come back. arrive.

"Fujita Dana, I... can I serve on your... ship in the future?"

The sailor felt as if he was living in a dream, to be treated alone to a dinner by a naval hero of first-class service in the Russo-Japanese War.Although the two have a feeling of fellowship, Fujita was already a soldier when he was born, so there is no relationship between them.

"That depends on your awareness, little tiger."

Suddenly there was the sound of water in the lake, Fujita turned his head quickly, but saw nothing.

When he turned around, he said to the young navy named Xiaoshan with a deep expression on his face.

"As long as you are willing to sacrifice for the navy, let alone let you go to serve, I can even use your name to name the fort on the ship."

"If that's the case, I will definitely... be famous in history..." Xiao Shan smiled happily.

"Then I'll ask you a question, and you have to answer it solemnly."

Fujita stood up, grabbed Xiaoshan's shoulder, and pressed it firmly, "Are you really willing to give up your life to realize this wish?"

"..." Xiao Shan was a little confused, "But hasn't there been a war for several years..."

Just when Fujita's face was full of anxiety, Xiaoshan continued: "But if the navy needs it, even if it's a broken body, I will not hesitate to dedicate my life!"

Hearing this sentence, Fujita took a long breath and sat down slowly, with three points of happiness and seven points of guilt in his eyes.

Suddenly, he shouted to the calm lake: "Did you hear that? He is the No. 20 who said that! Our bet, you lost! You lost! According to the agreement, you cannot kill Me! So replace me with him!"

"Fujita Tanna... what are you talking about? What can you kill or not..."

Hai Haixiao got up from the ground unsteadily, walked slowly to the edge of the gazebo, and looked at the dark and deep lake strangely: "There is no one here..."

However, as soon as the words fell, huge water waves rolled up from the lake out of thin air, and the hill was suddenly smashed into the water by the sudden waves. He just wanted to struggle, but felt his ankles were entangled by something slippery and icy, and then A huge force tugged and sank into the water.

After more than ten seconds, only some foam and a touch of deep red remained on the surface of the water where the lights could still see.

(End of this chapter)

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