Sauichiro: rebuilding Ashina from the obliteration of the pillar

Chapter 140 Finally It's Someone's Turn to Rescue Me

Chapter 140 Finally It's Someone's Turn to Rescue Me
"The tenacious spirit, and the steel-like will... I really admire..."

"Although I can't remember clearly...but I was really inferior when I was your age."

Watching Genichiro break free from the Vampire Technique, Heisei Mou's six eyes flashed a hint of admiration.

"Now, I finally believe that the ghost who was here before... really died by your hands."

"As expected of that person whom adults value... Genichiro Ashina."

"You are very good."

Black Death Mou, who has a transparent world, is very aware of Genichiro's physical strength, which can be said to be very strong, but it is far from reaching the limit of human beings.

Simply based on the comparison of muscle conditions, Genichiro is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of Yiwoza, but Naruto insists that the ghost that was still here just now is as powerful as the third of the first string.

But seeing that the young man in front of him could have such an aura, Heixin Mou felt that it was not impossible.

After all, the determination of both sides in a battle is often more important than physical condition.

And this child obviously has a determination to at least die with the enemy, and is even willing to give up everything in order to achieve his goal, which is really not the mentality he should have at this age.

But in fact, Hei Si Mou misunderstood.

The reason why Ming Zhu's ghost lost was because he had just become a ghost, and his resistance to thin blood and poison was too weak.

Second, his lightning ability is not only ineffective against Genichiro, but also used by Genichiro in reverse.

Thirdly, when he was facing the Ghost of Naruju before, Genichiro had knocked down A Gongtang. The bonus of two points of strength may not seem like much, but it is very important.

With the combination of the three, there is a miraculous victory.

If you insist on evaluating Genichiro's actual strength, he is only slightly better than the prostitute Taro.

If the one who is here today is Yiwozuo's own ghost, he may not be able to hold on for long before he will be defeated.


"Should I still thank you for your compliment?"

Xianichiro didn't care about Hei Shimu's praise, half of the Japanese sword had been drawn from his waist.

【Are you kidding me? I almost blew my brains out by staring at me. Why are you pretending to be Bole here? 】

Although I don't know the purpose of this guy coming here, it is impossible to come to chat with him.

Judging from the aura shown by Hei Si Mou, one of the top strings, it is likely that only Grandpa and Wolf are his opponents after searching the entire Wei Ming (he is not familiar with the Buddha carver).

Under this essential gap, even if there are ten more, I can't match one of the upper strings, so even if Hua Zhu and the others rush over, there is no possibility of winning.

It's embarrassing to say it, but Genichiro has only one goal after he wakes up from the vampire art.

That is to escape from the hands of Hei Si Mou.

But before escaping, he must know the moving speed of Hei Si Mou.

If the other party can also use the Ichizo type to rush at high speed like the ghost of Naruju, it is almost impossible for Genichiro to escape.

Thinking of this, Genichiro didn't want to listen to the other party's nonsense anymore, and planned to do it directly.

But the next moment, his short body was suddenly covered by a tall shadow.

"If I draw my sword... the situation will be different... I have to fight."

"A genius like you...should cherish his own life even more."

Black Death Mou suddenly appeared in front of Xian Yilang without warning.

His hot right hand lightly pressed the end of the knife handle.

He didn't see him make any forceful movements, and he easily forced Xianichiro to take back the part of the Japanese sword that he had pulled out.

Or it is more accurate to directly press back.

The absolute gap in strength made Genichiro unable to fight at all.

After the knife was forced to retract, the blade and the scabbard seemed to be completely integrated, no matter how hard Genichiro tried, he couldn't separate them even an ounce.

【when! 】

Genichiro's heart skipped a beat.

[I didn't see his movements at all!It's like changing the position in an instant. 】

【No sound, no change in air flow, no movement, no signs of anything...】

【Exaggerated, it’s a bit too exaggerated...】

He raised his head with a solemn expression, and looked closely at Hei Si Mou's six red and yellow eyes, but found a strange sense of elegance in him.

Seen from a close distance, Hei Si Mou's skin was no different from that of normal Japanese, it was a warm light yellow color.

Blocking those unwritten eyes, it can be seen that one of the upper strings was also a handsome man when he was still a human being, and the markings on the forehead and chin were not obtrusive.

However, the samurai sword hanging from the opponent's waist was a bit scary, and eyes that couldn't be closed bulged out one after another between the gaps where the red rope on the hilt was bound.

The outer scabbard has also been rusted for hundreds of years, exuding an ancient smell.

But judging from its shape, this scabbard is definitely a product of Swordsmith Village.

"Sure enough, you, one of the top strings, were also the pillars of the Demon Slayer Squad?"

Xianichiro asked aloud, hoping to distract Hei Si Mou's attention.

[It's ironic that the number one thug under Oni Wu Tsuji's command is actually a member of the Demon Killing Squad. 】

[But it's not surprising, the stronger you are in life, the stronger you will be when you become a ghost. The pillar of the ghost killing team should be the pinnacle of human beings in this country. 】

Sure enough, hearing Genichiro's question, those vague memories of Heisei Mou were brought back.

"When I became a ghost..." he replied slowly, "there was no pillar in the strict sense."

"At that time, the strong man of the Ghost Killing Team was also known as the swordsman who used the initial breathing method."

[Initial breathing method? 】

Genichiro was slightly taken aback, and suddenly remembered the swordsman who gave the Ubuyashiki clan Kuro the guardian bell.

If he remembered correctly, the five major breathing methods were all derived from the "initial breathing method" created by the swordsman.

Maybe, the ghost in front of him knew that swordsman?

Or even a former comrade in arms?

"Then, are you from the same era as the swordsman who almost killed Onimai Tsuji Muyou?"

He originally wanted to find out if the ghost knew the origin of the guardian bell.

But as soon as the words came out of his mouth, Genichiro immediately noticed that the guy in front of him seemed to have a sudden violent ups and downs.Even if it was the first time he met the guy with Six Eyes, he could easily distinguish this obvious expression change.

"Don't be disrespectful to that adult, don't call him by his first name."

Hei Si Mou bypassed the topic of that swordsman, and his tone became stricter.

Genichiro understood that he was irritated.

He couldn't control that much, and caught the moment when the other party was distracted, the sun wheel knife that was hanging on his waist suddenly disappeared, leaving only the scabbard.

He put his hands at his waist, and then suddenly stretched them out, Tie Zhaolei and Tie Liuyun appeared in his hands out of thin air, and then thrust forward!
"Water Breath, Seven Shapes, Shizuku Ripple Thrust!"

This is the fastest sword type that Genichiro can wield.As long as it hits the opponent, he will immediately trigger the thunder.

Ripples appeared layer by layer like rain hitting the water surface, pushing the two blades to cut through the air with incomparable sharpness, and passed through the phantom of Heishimu at an unimaginable speed.

Yes, it was his phantom, and only his phantom.

In this gap of less than half a second, Hei Si Mou appeared behind Xian Yilang at some point, and slashed Xian Yilang's right shoulder lightly with a hand knife.


The muscles and bones of Genichiro's shoulders collapsed directly, like a piece of tofu that failed to shape or a bridge that was blasted from the middle.

Hei Si Mou strikes casually, unexpectedly has nearly a thousand catties of strength!
Xianichiro's eyes widened in disbelief, and then he showed an expression of extreme pain, his body fell forward involuntarily, and Tie Liuyun also fell to the ground, but he resisted not to cry out.

Immediately afterwards, Hei Si Mou's calm and indifferent voice sounded, which seemed to be a warning.

"War without declaration... is against my swordsmanship."

Between his words, it is obvious that he does not approve of this kind of sneak attack, and he has a better understanding of Xianichiro.

"I'll go to your mother's kendo!"

Genichiro, who was falling, was furious, and a green word "live" suddenly appeared on his body, and his shattered shoulder recovered instantly, thanks to the wound medicine gourd.

Taking advantage of the momentum, he slapped the ground with his right hand, and turned his body by the reaction force of the kowtowing combo fist. The ninja hand instantly switched to Yixin's continuous fire gun, and fired several times at Heishimou's eyes all over his face.

This is a special reward after killing Pei Lang. The bullet has long been upgraded to a Japanese bullet by Genichiro.

But a scene that made Xianichiro horrified appeared.

Facing the dense and continuous bullets, Hei Simou's head moved quickly and in a small distance, and even phantoms appeared, as if several overlapping heads appeared at the same time.

Relying on his extreme reaction speed, he dodged all the bullets fired within a distance of one meter!
Seeing this, Xianichiro was horrified, threw down a string of firecrackers and immediately summoned Tie Zhaolei, wielding a long knife in each of his left and right hands, and the bright silver and dark gold blades set off a terrifying tornado in front of him, like a loop-cut blade It seemed to sweep towards the black dead Mou covered in sparks.

"Breath of Wind · Dust Whirlwind · Slash!"

After completing this blow, Genichiro turned around and was about to leave without hesitation.

However, just as he turned his head, Heisei Mou's hot right hand pinched his neck and lifted him up from the ground.

Once again, Hei Si Mou unbelievably escaped all his arrangements.

There wasn't even a hint of smoke on his clothes.

This means that the moment Genichiro used the firecrackers, the opponent had already left his position.

It was just because the speed was too fast that Genichiro didn't see it at all.

"Being like a ghost...retracting and taking back weapons, and knowing these...ninjutsu that can't be put on the table, and the means to quickly recover from injuries...unexpected sneak attacks...excellent decision-making."

The throat was in the hands of Heisei Mou, and Genichiro had no power to resist, even the direction of blood flow was controlled, and the arms holding the knife suddenly lost all strength.

"It seems that you are a pragmatist... you can use the heart of the sword, but you are not pure enough..."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Although Genichiro had some difficulty breathing, he still looked at the other party with a fierce look in his eyes.

He'd rather the other person say something sarcastic than highlight his merits, making it seem like he should feel honored to be complimented.

"That monster, Ghost Dance Tsuji, sent you here, what exactly are you going to do?"


Hei Si Mou suddenly fell silent.

In fact, according to Gui Wu Tsuji's original plan, his task today is not like this.

Ten days ago, after the second and fifth of the lower strings were killed by "prostitute Taro", Onimai Tsuji decided to cancel the establishment of the lower strings, and then increased the seats of the upper string ghosts from six to eight.

And Yue Yue's information about Cigoro Kuwashima gave him an opportunity to recruit Zhu as a new employee, and by the way, it could intensify the conflict between the cabinet and the Ghost Slayer Squad.

Therefore, Guiwu Tsuji asked Naruto to return to the Metropolitan Police Department and tell the Metropolitan Police Department and the army the location of Jigoro Sangshima.

And the army, as he expected, planned to catch the two current Naruto when the current Naruto went to visit the teacher, so he sent Huang Yue back to become a spy.

Since then, the army has completely fallen into the arranged trap.

According to the original plan, in the first step, Huang Yue contacted the army to arrest Mingzhu on the mountain, and released a message to attract the ghost killing team to the door.

In the second step, Huang Yue turned the two Mingzhus and himself into ghosts.

In the third step, those troops delivered meals to their doorsteps and turned them into food, while Yan Yue went to the cave to inform Mingnu that the plan was successful.

In the fourth step, the members of the Demon Killing Squad arrive, and the oni who used to be Naruto will fight the newly arrived Naruto.

And according to Oni Wu Tsuji's plan, the most mobile wind pillar Immortal Kawa Minya should be one of the supporters. He has always been obsessed with this guy who insulted him face to face.

Let the two sides fight, one is to use the senior who turned into a ghost to torture their spirits, and the other is to let them see how beneficial it is to become a ghost.

After all, the less resistance they have to being a ghost, the more memories they retain of being a ghost.

The fifth step, when the battle is over, Naruto will send one of the top strings to the scene at the most critical moment to save the doomed Zhu Fang.

Regardless of whether they are willing to take the initiative to become ghosts, Hei Si Mou will feed them the blood of the ghost king.

The sixth step is to forge the scene, leaving only the corpses with cut wounds, and blame everything that happened here on the Ghost Killing Squad.

And the ghost killing team will not know the whereabouts of these missing pillars, they can only suspect that the army successfully captured them.

In this way, not only can a number of pillars be eliminated overnight, but also the seats of the upper class can be replenished. Most importantly, it can further provoke the conflict between the Ghost Slayer Squad and the cabinet.

It is conceivable that when Onimai Tsuji came up with this plan, he was extremely proud, deeply proud of his wisdom.

However, without knowing where to start, the plan suddenly went wrong.

Naruto, who had turned into a ghost, also died suddenly. Naruto had to ask Hei Simou to come on stage before she dared to report to Lord Wu Mi.

As a result, after Hei Si Mou came to Taoshan, not only did he not see the Zhu of the Ghost Killing Squad, but he also met the young man that Master Wu Mi always mentioned——Genichiro Weiming.

It is said that he is one of the people most likely to know the whereabouts of the "Blue Bana", and the other is the child's younger brother.

At this moment, Hei Si Mou grabbed Xian Yilang's neck, his eyes turned, and suddenly he had an idea.

He moved his hands up and suddenly opened Genichiro's jaw, forcing the latter to open his mouth.

"I have a lot of questions I want to ask...but I have just proved myself...a person with a strong matter how much I torture you, I will definitely not answer..."

While Hei Si Mou was speaking, a lot of rose-red blood suddenly oozes from the skin, and it floats in the air strangely and gathers into a ball.

"Since you killed that ghost... then you will take his place... With your firm will, you will probably retain your memory, and when the time will say everything..."

"And I also recognize your potential... I believe you will soon become the top three leader..."

"Come on, don't resist, join that lord's command..."

After finishing speaking, the ball of blood floated towards Genichiro's wide-open mouth, about to be swallowed by the latter.

A crazy and furious voice suddenly came from behind Hei Si Mou.

"Let go of Genichiro! You monster with the outdated hairstyle!"

"Breath of the Wind·Five Shapes·Cold Mountain Falling Autumn Wind!"

Hearing this voice, taking advantage of the moment Heishimou was fascinated to investigate, Genichiro immediately activated the ninja prosthetic hand.

The rust pill popped out without warning, and just cut Hei Simou's clothes and the skin inside.

 Forecast, Genichiro will die in the next episode

(End of this chapter)

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