147 Confession

Undead Kawa Minami tightly clenched the gauze in his hand, and walked through most of the Butterfly House full of thoughts, his face was as calm as water, but his mental activities were quite rich.

"It really made the point of Kuang Jin's broken-mouthed guy..."

"Even the little girl in Butterfly House thinks that dead face is easier to get along with?"

"I really don't know what to say, he is obviously such a gloomy guy."

"Looks lifeless, no matter how handsome he is, he's still ugly."


"Speaking of which, don't you want to pay attention to the way you speak in the future?"

Before he knew it, he was thinking about things that he would never even think about before.

In fact, self-proclaimed "Lao Tzu" and "Master Ben" and rude words and deeds are not the habits that Immortal Kawasami has developed since childhood.After all, his younger siblings are very obedient, so there is no need for him to be so fierce.

The reason why he talked and acted like that was because after his mother died, he had to bring his younger brother Xuan Mi alone to make a living in the wharf area where hooligans gathered.

In order not to let his younger brother be bullied, and to discipline his younger brother who hated him and didn't know the truth at that time, he deliberately imitated the words and deeds of those street bullies and even his dead father.

Coupled with his tall stature and natural evil looks, he often (after killing ghosts) came home with blood and wounds, and he soon became a vicious spirit that people must never talk to, or he would be killed and dismembered.

It's just that after joining the Ghost Killing Squad, his temporary style was also brought over, and it naturally became a high wall for him to separate himself from others.

After all, who would want to date someone who is full of foul language and can make ghosts cry?
And Immortal Kawa Minya, who wants to devote all his thoughts to killing ghosts, is also happy.

After all, when you have someone you care about, losing them is even more unbearable.

But if a person who is only a comrade-in-arms dies while killing ghosts, then after a short period of sadness, only anger will remain in his heart.

Anger and hatred are precisely the source of power of Immortal Kawashiya.

It's a pity that things backfire. There will still be "good people" like Kakino Masaki and Butterfly Kanae in this world.

No matter how vicious his tone was or how ugly the scar on his face was, these two people tolerated and accepted him unconditionally like a mother.

One of them is like the warm sun in winter, and the other is like the gentle wind and drizzle, constantly melting the lofty mountains surrounding him, and they spare no effort to make him understand——

His life is not just as simple as killing evil spirits.

No matter how miserable or even overwhelmed, people should have the right to pursue happiness.

Therefore, under the influence of their subtle influence and the recent life-and-death crises, Immortal Kawa Minya also began to reflect for the first time——

Do you need to change yourself.

When passing by the pharmacy, he was a little dizzy and picked up two commonly used ointments from the pile of medicinal materials and put them into his arms, and then ran into the kitchen with a copper basin, which surprised Xiaosui who was in charge of preparing supper for everyone.

"You, what are you doing?"

Shrugging her shoulders, she asked, "The water has just boiled. If you want to eat, you have to wait a while."

"Is the water boiling? That's just right."

Immortal Kawa Minami's eyes lit up when he heard Xiaoho's words, and without saying a word, he lifted the pot and poured hot water into the copper basin.

"You can cook another pot."

"Eh...but, but,"

"But what?"

Undead Kawa Miniya turned her head impatiently, her two slanted eyes staring and her somewhat fierce tone made Xiaosui feel a little overwhelmed by fright, and teardrops bigger than her eyes suddenly gushed out.

"Damn it, did you agree to be gentler?"

Seeing her reaction, Undead Chuan yelled badly, and wanted to flee the scene quickly.

Although she was very frightened, Xiaosui couldn't help but hesitated and said: "This first pot is for Mr. Shui Zhu to heat fish soup."

"Huh?" Immortal Kawashiya's subordinates paused.

It was Yoshiyuki Tomioka again, since the first time he saw that guy at the foot of the mountain, he felt that dead face was not pleasing to the eye.

When he just came back, he even ignored Kuang Jin's farewell, and led Genichiro's younger brother to disappear without even saying hello!
Immortal Kawa Miniya has always been interested in that child named Kuro, but in the end he couldn't even see his face!
"Tell me, why does he have fish soup and the rest of us only have dumplings?"

Immortal Kawa Minami asked with his brows upside down, like a child who was treated unfairly by his parents, smelling like lemons all over his body.

"But... the fish soup is left over from yesterday, and the dumplings were made tonight..."

Xiaosui was extremely aggrieved, but in front of Zhu, she didn't dare to wipe her tears with her hands, so she could only bite the bullet and explain, "Besides, sister Kanae originally made that fish soup specially for Mr. Shuizhu."

Hearing this, Undead Kawa Minya suddenly felt a string in his mind was broken.

"Where's the fish soup?"

He looked around the kitchen, and immediately saw a porcelain basin covered by a small chopping board, "Is this it?"

Xiaosui nodded.

The next moment, Immortal Kawa Minami directly took off the chopping board, picked up the porcelain basin and gulped down the fish and soup, and even swallowed the radish inside without chewing.

"It's delicious." With a compliment, the small porcelain basin hit the kitchen counter with a bang, and spun around twice like a tumbler before stopping.

By the time Xiaosui recovered from the shock, Undead Kawa Miniya had already disappeared with a pot of boiling water.

A few seconds later, a burst of sobbing and crying came from the kitchen, the grievance, bitterness, bewilderment, and confusion in it were really beyond human understanding.

At the same time, Tomioka Yoshiyuki, who was being carefully bandaged by Kuro, was staring blankly at the ceiling as usual.

"very hungry."

"Is the fish soup still hot?"


On the other side, Immortal Kawa Miniya didn't have the slightest awareness of causing trouble to Xiaosui, but came to Butterfly Kanae's door with inexplicable pride.

As he walked, the creaking sound of the wooden floor in the corridor became one piece, which also reminded Butterfly Chanae, who had just returned to the room, that someone was coming.

"Is it Xiaoqing?"

The familiar and gentle voice sounded, "Didn't I ask you to take care of other people first? I can just come here by myself..."

"it's me."

Undead Kawa Miniya said suddenly.

However, after about a second of silence, there was a sudden whisper in the room.

"Ah ah--"

It is particularly obvious in the quiet night.

Then there was the sound of the collision of wooden tables and the pouring of tea sets.

According to what he heard, Immortal Kawa Miniya immediately thought it was Butterfly Kanae who fell down.

When dealing with Genichiro's "corpse", Butterfly Kanae's right leg was directly entangled and twisted by the fleshy vine, plus other large and small wounds, one pill was not enough to heal her.

Thinking of this, he was even more worried about Huazhu's injury, and he had never had experience with girls outside of his family——

He actually opened the paper door of the room directly.

However, the first thing that catches the eye is the transparent shoulders and neck covered with a layer of gold under the light.

A cloud of pink smoke rose from Immortal Kawasami's stomach, and then became thicker and thicker, turning into a hot bright red on his face.

"Yeah, sorry, I don't know..."

I didn't know you were changing clothes.

For the first time in his life, Undead Chuan suddenly forgot how to speak.

Just as he was stuttering, a thin layer of underwear immediately covered his bare shoulders and neck, but he could still faintly see his gradually reddening complexion.


Butterfly Kanae turned half of her face away, and said with a hint of pleading, "You can close the door first..."

"Oh, alright!"

Undead Kawa Minami didn't finish listening to what he said, so he acted immediately, and pulled the paper door with a clatter.

But maybe it was because he was too flustered, and his breathing was too short, the moment the wooden edge of the paper door touched the door frame, it actually gave...

It broke!
Praise la la——

The paper door that had lost its support slapped straight towards Immortal Kawasami. He was holding a basin in his hand at the moment, so he could only turn around and use his back to support it so as not to fall down.

"It's over! It's over!"

"What am I doing!"

All kinds of chaotic emotions, even never experienced before, kept pouring into Immortal Kawasami's heart.

But this didn't stop him from yelling into the room: "I'm sorry, I really, I really didn't mean it! Please believe me!"

Undead Kawa Minya!you tell me!

Who the hell knows how to open a door with breathing? !
"I see!"

Butterfly Chanae felt a little embarrassed at first, but now she couldn't laugh or cry, "Please continue to support me for a while, please don't talk anymore, okay?"

Undead Kawa Minya did not answer, and quietly packed the quail.

It never occurred to him that he would actually experience the old stories told by the workers in the dock area.

In the folktales, there are many imaginary stories about helpers and servants who accidentally saw the lady of a rich family taking a bath, so they had to get married and turn over.

But for a long time, Immortal Kawa Miniya dismissed these stories.

Let's not talk about how to encounter this kind of thing by chance, at least he, who used to help rich people deliver goods, knows very well that if this kind of thing really happened, it would be easy not to poke the eyes of those servants, let alone The age of the samurai has come.

Now that something similar happened to him, he felt a little magical.

How will Butterfly Chanae face this matter?

Will Ubayashiki be asked to do justice for her at the Churai meeting?
If other butterflies find out, will I be poisoned and die?
"Don't think wildly, don't think wildly!"

Undead Kawa Minami recited these words in his mind, and began to expel the pictures that kept pouring into his mind, hoping to restore normal by adjusting his breathing.

However he failed.

Not only did it not expel the beautiful picture, but it made it clearer.

However, it was this clear image that made him notice something he hadn't noticed before.

That is the bottom of Butterfly Chanae's right shoulder blade, there is a rather thick scratch, and it continues to extend downwards.Most of it was covered by the clothes, but some shadows could still be seen, running almost all the way down the back.

Judging from its style, it should be traces caused by ghosts.

In an instant, the pink cloud no longer entangled Immortal Kawasami, but was replaced by another completely different emotion.

The sourness extending from the heart continued to spread, and finally spread to his limbs and facial features. His nose softened, and he almost burst into tears again.

He suddenly remembered what Kakino Masaki had said to him the first time he was discharged from Butterfly House.


"How about Shimi, with the smile of the style, don't you want to recover?"

At that time, Kusano Kusano hit him with an elbow on his right arm with a melodious smile.

"Speaking of which, since the doctor was changed in the team, many timid team members are no longer afraid to perform tasks! Some even made a sign that they would rather be injured to see her, and their morale has increased a lot Why."

"I just think she's a strange woman who likes to meddle in her own business."

Undead Kawa Minami frowned, "If she hadn't insisted on stopping me, I would have gotten out of bed the day before yesterday. I don't know how many ghosts will die under my sword."

"Tch, you bastard, you just can't stand others treating you better."

Kakino Kuasaki said sarcastically, "A reminder, just be obedient at home, don't let a gentle girl like Kanae bother you, she will be punished by God."

"Isn't living a life like this considered a punishment from God?"

Undead Kawa Miniya wanted to say this, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say it, but instead told what he had seen and heard in Butterfly House.

"But speaking of it, that woman is quite powerful. Obviously, some patients with broken arms and legs made a lot of noise at this time, but after a few words with her, they all became honest. .Is this the pillar of the Demon Slayer Squad? I didn't expect to have such prestige..."

"Ha, are you out of your mind? Everyone likes Kanae, it's not because she is Zhu, okay?"

Kakino put his hands behind his head and looked up at the falling cherry blossoms above his head.

"Just think about how blessed it is to have someone who listens to all your troubles, shame, guilt and hatred when you are at your most vulnerable physically and mentally."

"As Zhu, she is already very busy dealing with those powerful ghosts every day, but she still takes the trouble to play the role of mother to all the injured team members, taking care of you meticulously - even many people's mothers don't have such a mind And be patient."

"It's really hard to imagine how one person can do so many things."

Speaking of this, Katsuno Kusakami's tone became low, and his mood was so low that even Undead Kawa Miniya could notice the clues.

"What's the matter with you suddenly not talking?"

Undead Kawa Minami raised his eyebrows, "It can't be unrequited love."

"No, I was just thinking..."

Kakino suddenly looked at him seriously.

"How long can she last like this?"

"What do you mean?"

Undead Kawa Miniya was a little puzzled.

"For a long time, Kanae has opened her heart unconditionally, accepting everyone's sadness, loneliness, anger and hatred, as long as it can alleviate the pain of others more or less, even if it hurts herself."

"Over time, everyone also thought that she was a perfect existence - she would never get hurt, never worry, and always had an indelible smile, as if all the beautiful words in the world were concentrated on her alone."

"But if you think about it, you know it's impossible. If you haven't experienced extreme pain, you won't have this kind of all-embracing sympathy. But her role doesn't allow it to be shown, and there is almost no No one has seen her, and no one can imagine what she looked like when she was weak, and even if she hasn't seen it, it doesn't mean she doesn't exist."

"But who can she rely on when she wants to talk, when she wants to relieve her emotions, and when she wants to be healed?"

Speaking of this, Kakino Kuangjin suddenly turned from grief to joy, and said with a sigh: "I am afraid that only a person who has similar experiences and troubles, but has a tenacious and passionate heart, can bear such an honor. .”

"I think you are a good guy."

After finishing speaking, he walked forward with ease, leaving only Undead Kawa Minami standing there in a daze.

 After writing two chapters for a daily transition, I feel that all Ghost Slayer fans are robbed by moth-eaten wives, and none of them make Fengzhu happy, so let's make a dream come true.

(End of this chapter)

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