Chapter 153 Only the Storm Can——

In addition to the drawn characters, other rewards are also extremely generous.

[Obtaining Japanese Yen: In short, it is a large asset that can buy half of Tokyo]

[Obtained items: various supplies have been omitted; Taro Persimmon; Infant Jizo*2; Flame-Resistant Gourd; Prosthetic Ninja Tool-Blowing Torches; 】

[Obtain an item from the world of "Blood Curse": Madman's knowledge. 】

[Get an item from the world of "Dark Souls": Stormmaster - Counter Sword. 】

The so-called confrontation sword means two swords.

It is conceivable that when he first saw the words "Storm Controller", Genichiro was a little excited, thinking that he was about to have the power to reduce dimensionality and strike,
However, when he finished reading the item descriptions of these two weapons, a deep uneasiness suddenly surged into his heart, and his heart beat like a drum deep underground.

And this is why he must bring Jiulang back this time.

[Storm Controller: Gather storms and launch unleashed slash attacks on monsters that are more than three times taller than themselves. The greater the difference in height from the enemy, the stronger the slash power will be. 】

[Note: This is a weapon entrusted to a friend to avoid the worst possibility.The host itself cannot be used, please give it to your most trusted friend for storage, it can be bound. 】

Triple your height?
To be honest, among so many oni that Genichiro met, the Naruju no Oni before transformation should be the biggest.

But even this ghost is definitely not more than three meters tall.

In addition, Hei Si Mou, one of the strongest top strings other than the ghost king, is only relatively top-notch among ordinary people.

It can be seen from this that these two storm controllers are most likely not used to deal with ghosts. After all, most ghosts are humanoid enemies of about the same size.

But Genichiro firmly believes in one thing——

Such a high lucky value coupled with so many things drawn from buffs is definitely meaningful and meets his needs.

Thinking about it carefully, there are only three things that can be dealt with by the Storm Controller.

Sakura Dragon, White Snake, and...Ghost of Resentment (Note: The Lion Ape model is less than five meters tall, so it doesn't count).

Reminiscent of the background story of the storm controller——

It was a gift from the Giant King Youmu to an old friend to prevent himself from being deprived of consciousness by the fire of sin.

Adding the setting that Genichiro himself cannot use these two weapons...

It's almost recognizable.

This pair of storm controllers should be insurance to prevent Genichiro Ashina from becoming a ghost of resentment!
To be honest, with Genichiro's 12 points of intelligence and long concentration, he doesn't think he has the risk of going berserk.

But since he got this thing, he couldn't ignore the possibility of such a thing happening.

But even so, when he parted, he still didn't hand over the two swords.

Now is not the time.


It has been more than three hours since we arrived at Hirata Manor.

Because he didn't want to expose the teleportation function of the ghost Buddha for the time being, Genichiro had to take the two of them home by boat.

Fortunately, with the improvement of intelligence, Genichiro finally possessed the ability to appreciate landscapes, and the three of them got along quite happily along the way.

This kind of happiness did not temporarily draw a sentence until entering the manor.

When entering the mansion street, Kuro suddenly said curiously: "Sister Ninja, can I take a look at the place where you developed poison?"

Over the past few days, Jiulang has learned a lot of medical and pharmacological knowledge in Butterfly House, a large part of which is to help Butterfly Ninja. After all, developing poison is a very hard and boring thing.

However, upon hearing his proposal, Butterfly Shinobu's originally relaxed and happy smile froze immediately.


Butterfly showed embarrassment, "But it's really messy inside."

"Then I can just tidy up with you?" Jiulang's eyes lit up, and he tilted his head cutely, "Familiarize yourself with the placement of equipment and the like."

Butterfly almost broke the defense.

Absolutely, absolutely not let Kuro see this side of me!
Never let him see what's inside!
Shouting loudly in her heart, she frantically winked at Genichiro.

do something!Do something to divert Kuro's attention!You should know what's in there, right?

The latter understood immediately.

He was "fortunate" to visit Butterfly Ninja's poison refining workshop, which is not so much a laboratory as a hell specially prepared for ghosts.

Sitting in that place every day, even Masaoyu Oribe, who accompanied Butterfly Shinobi to study poison, couldn't bear it.He is a ninja who is proficient in extorting confessions by torture!

Compared with what Butterfly Ninja did to those ghosts, the actions of the research monks in the underground Buddhist hall are simply good every day.

Whenever a new ghost enters Butterfly Ninja's "research center", she will greet it with a smile and ask, "Excuse me, Mr./Miss Ghost, how many people have you eaten?"

Because she has the thin blood used to anesthetize the ghosts around her, these ghosts will basically tell the truth in a daze.

According to the replies of these ghosts, Ninja Butterfly will classify the experimental products according to the number of people they cannibalize.

It is inconvenient to elaborate on how she did it, but I can give you an example.

The eyes of all ghosts who ate more than ten but less than twenty people will be gouged out and placed in a jar of wisteria flower liquid that is not strong enough toxin but can harm them. These eyeballs will be corroded while they are constantly recovering Until the ghost gave up resistance and stopped recovering from his injuries.

One can imagine how tortured those who ate more than 50 people would suffer.

Thus, this place was both her research room and her execution chamber.

She will judge, punish and vent according to what the ghosts did before they were captured.

Considering that she was killed hundreds of times by Luo Ji every day in taunts, those ghosts were tortured enough.

No matter how you look at it, this is not a place for Kuro to visit.

Because the things in that house will completely expose the darkest part of this little girl's humanity.

And Butterfly Shinobi is not ready to confess to Kuro yet.

Xianichiro naturally understood her concerns, so he interjected: "Kuro, let's talk about this tomorrow, I still have some business to discuss with you."

Kuro turned his head and found that his brother's eyes were not joking, so he nodded politely.No matter what the elder brother wants to discuss, it is definitely a big deal.

"I see."

"You go to the main house to meet Granny Nogami's family first, they have been waiting for you for a long time."

Genichiro took out a box of gorgeously packaged dim sum (not his own) from the shadow and handed it to Kuro, "Besides, you should miss them too."

Kuro took the gift box in silence, with a trace of complexity and self-blame on his face.

After the fire in Hirata, he lived in Weiming with his mother-in-law Nogami who lost her husband.

Until one day, the situation in Weiming country was in critical situation, and it was at the point of life and death, Xianichiro finally set his mind on Long Yin.

He first sent people to poison Kuro's ninja, then seriously injured Nogami Inosuke who tried to stop him, and cruelly took Kuro away from his mother-in-law. In the end, only the lonely old man was left in the ruins, ringing a bell and chanting the name of the young master.

After the wolf brought back the bell for Kuro, Grandma Nogami, who had completed her last mission, also died with her son.

"Grandma, is... is she still awake?"

Kuro didn't have tears in his eyes, but his voice trembled a little.

"... She is old after all."

Genichiro didn't answer directly, but the meaning was obvious.

"I see."

Kuro lowered his head.

"You are more familiar with this place than I am," Genichiro reached out and pressed Kuro's shoulder, "I'll take care of some things before rushing over, and you can go around a bit more."

"After meeting them, deal with your mood, and then wait for me at the lotus pond."

It is almost conceivable that when he walked up the bamboo forest slope and saw the familiar scenes, Jiulang's most painful memories would also be awakened.

After all, this is where he first tasted "lost".

Parents, brothers and sisters, retainers and servants all vanish overnight.

Even for Shen Zi, who bears Long Yin on his body, this is an unbearable burden——

This is one of the reasons why he didn't come back with Butterfly Shinobi last time.

However, because of the matter of the Storm Controller, Genichiro had an intuition that he might not have much time left for him.

Jiulang, who bears his hope, must act like a man, or like he did when he tried to cut off Long Yin, he must shoulder the burden of Wei Ming.

It doesn't matter if it makes him feel painful, because he has to grow up.

This is Genichiro's plan.

Hearing this, Jiulang just nodded blankly, and then walked slowly along the road, even forgetting to say goodbye to Butterfly Shinobu.

After he walked away, Butterfly asked worriedly, "Why did he suddenly..."

"This is where Kuro grew up."

Xianichiro interrupted, pinching the bridge of his nose guiltily, "It's also... the place where his adoptive parents were killed."

Since Kuro had already told Butterfly Shinobu about his life experience when facing Xiao Xiao, Genichiro didn't hide it either.

Butterfly Ren's eyes widened suddenly, and he covered his mouth in disbelief.

She still remembers the despair and anger when she returned home with her sister after burying her parents...

The feeling at that time has even continued to this day, gnawing at her heart day and night.

Thinking of the pain Kuro was going through, she suddenly became annoyed.

"Since you know he will be so uncomfortable, why do you force him back?"

Genichiro who was being questioned suddenly raised his head, his two pitch-black eyes stared straight into each other's eyes, so scared that Butterfly took a big step back, and unconsciously pressed his right hand on the small dagger at his waist.

Unlike the feeling of being stared at by a ghost, Genichiro's eyes are even more fierce and determined.

At this time, she suddenly remembered the reminder from her sister when Genichiro installed the ninja hand for the first time.

Genichiro... probably killed a lot of people.

Just as her adrenaline burst out and her limbs began to heat up, she felt the feeling of being on pins and needles subside automatically.

Looking again, Genichiro's eyes have lost the indifference and coldness before.

"Don't underestimate Kuro."

Xianichiro said slowly, "What he can bear is far more than you imagine."

Speaking of this, Genichiro turned his head to look at the back that gradually disappeared along the ramp.

He didn't say the next sentence.

"Your entire ghost killing team has been working hard for 1000 years."

"He's done it."

Die Die endured the pride rising in his eyes, so she had no choice but to bury her doubts in her heart for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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