Chapter 158 Kuro Training Plan
Regarding the matter of being Mr. Kuro, the two agreed without much consideration.

After all, in their view, it must be that the young monarch of this ancient vassal state was not satisfied with being controlled by the assistant played by Fallen Princess, so he wanted to find powerful foreign aid to check and balance the opponent. This is not uncommon in Japanese history.

Even they were so happy, which meant that they might be able to control Wei Ming's power by influencing Jiulang, so they couldn't help letting go of their guard.

After the agreement was reached, they covered their mouths and noses and fell intoxicated with medicine, and were personally "escorted" by two solitary shadowmen, Gunzu and Taisaozu, and returned to Tokyo through the ghost Buddha.

Only Genichiro, Kuro and Rakuhime were left in the room.

"You did a good job with this task."

At this time, the sky outside was completely dark.

Xianichiro said to Yuji with satisfaction: "As agreed, you can go wherever you want in the next month, and I won't disturb your life. But for your safety, it's best to stay away from Tokyo City. place."

As a general, he knows very well that rewards and punishments should be distinguished when dealing with his subordinates. It is not because he has control of the opponent's life and thoughts, he can do whatever he wants like Guiwu Tsuji.Subordinates being forced to do things and doing things voluntarily are completely two states.

And after Luo Ji got the compliment, she almost wrote the word "good guy" on her face, and the momentum she had just created as a country assistant collapsed in an instant, and she looked like a playboy with a superficial appearance. Jiulang was stunned for a while, and he was even more convinced that he had seen this person somewhere.

But just can't remember who it is. .

In fact, Fallen Princess does not have the powerful mimicry ability of Oni Wu Tsuji.

Her body at this time is still a woman, but the bones near the shoulders have been widened, and then the obvious gender characteristics have been deliberately covered up, and she has spoken with a slightly thicker voice.

In this way, as long as one wears a man's clothes, no one will see any flaws.

"According to you, since I can't go about I become an actor this time?"

Luo Ji put her green fingers against the corner of her mouth, and smiled innocently.

"Performing with those foreign troupes should have a bright future."

"Then I will advance... wish you success..."

Genichiro closed his eyes speechlessly and opened them again, at the same time sending a message to Fallen Princess in his heart.

"You are not allowed to eat people outside, don't be too presumptuous, and don't draw the attention of the Ghost Killing Team, otherwise I can't explain it."

"I can know your location and status at any time, and I will send someone to send you some high-quality thin blood at regular intervals."

When Luo Ji heard that Xian Yilang forbade her to eat those good-looking people, she immediately frowned.

"I don't want that eye-hanging blood, he's too ugly, maybe that kind of thin blood will turn ugly after drinking."

When she said it, she naturally meant Undead River.

"And it's easy to get drunk."

"I know, I know."

Genichiro felt a little impatient after talking to this guy for a few words, "Let's go."

"Hey, can't you reveal your identity to Kuro?"

Fallen Ji's tone was a little disappointed.

"He'll accept it one day."

Genichiro responded, "But not yet."

Having been with the Demon Slayer Squad for too long, Kuro's thinking is almost assimilated, so he has to reverse it a little bit first.At that time, not only Kuro could accept these ghosts, but also the Demon Slayer Team had to accept——

After all, his oni will also become the backbone of the fight against Oni Wu Tsuji.

In this way, the secret conversation between the two was completely over.

But before Luo Ji left, she pinched Jiulang's face mischievously, and then bounced away as if knocking something extraordinary.

By modifying the connection between blood, Xian Yilang read out a road map for going out and playing in her mind, most of which were fireworks and willow lanes.That's good too, the chances of meeting Naruto have also increased.

[However, do you really care about your brother who is still being reformed? 】

Genichiro shook his head, waited for the fallen girl to disappear completely, then turned to look at Kuro.

The latter was looking at the teacup on the table without saying a word, looking pensive.

"What are you thinking about?"

Genichiro poured himself a cup of tea, took off the cloth strips that bound his hair, and instantly restored his usual disheveled look, his dark eyes also looked deeper under the cover of his hair.

"I don't know……"

Kuro looked at Genichiro with some confusion, "Brother, why do you want me to be the disciple of these two people?"

If Jiulang still had fantasies about these highly respected reformers before, after this meeting, he only felt greatly disappointed, ashamed and annoyed as if he had been deceived.

He originally thought that this was a brand-new era, freed from the pain of mutual invasion between countries, and everyone can pursue happiness. Only the threat of ghosts needs to be resolved urgently.

After all, the shelves of every bookstore in Tokyo are filled with progressive ideas, and everyone talks about "civilization," "modernity," and "rationality," as if the future is bright.

But after just a few hours, Jiulang realized that the current ruler is no different from the Warring States period. He also regards the people as worthless and his subordinates as tools. He is cruel, cunning, and ruthless.

They just oppressed the people in a more subtle way than the former daimyos - but they were even more worshiped by people.

Those elders, knowing that tens of thousands of ghosts die every year, but deliberately connive, and even take the initiative to cover up the existence of ghosts, to avoid conflicts with them, just to protect the upper class from being affected by ghosts, so that they can continue to maintain themselves dominance.

How selfish this is.

Those people who were sacrificed in vain are like their tribute to the ghosts.

Don't these people have any sense of shame?

Thinking of his elder brother letting such a person be his teacher, Jiulang felt really hard to accept.

"Kuro, no matter what, the nature of the world is like this."

Xianichiro said in a deep voice, "If a small number of people want to realize their goals or ambitions, they have to step on the steps paved with blood and blood on the mountain of corpses.

"Squeeze other people's money and time, and then you will have wealth and leisure. Only by destroying other people's children and families, will you have your own property and ethnic group."

"There are always some people who are brilliant, and there are always some people who are as humble as dust. Human beings have been like this for thousands of years, and there will be no fundamental difference just because the system that rules them changes."

"It's just that compared with the Warring States period, the way the upper class oppresses the people now will appear too obscure, and it will not be as open and above board as before."

"But this situation will continue."

Hearing this, Kuro's eyes lowered, and he seemed a little unconvinced and said, "But there are still people like Miss Shinobi and Miss Kanae in the world, who help others almost without asking for anything in return, even if they sacrifice their own lives. No matter what..."

"...Of course? There are always exceptions like that, but not many."

"Kurō," Genichiro continued, "I'm not saying that the behavior of these two people can be excused, but at least the truth about the rule of this field, I'm afraid there is no one in Japan who knows better than them." .You're smart, but you're too young to understand how this new world works."

"As for these two people, one has held Japan's financial power for more than [-] years, and the other is also a well-known industrialist. He has close ties with all the consortiums and big businessmen in this country. Both of them know how to take advantage of the best times in this era. Two important weapons—money and fame—to achieve our ends are what those of us who always resort to violence lack.”

"And this is what I need you to learn."

Genichiro reached out to cover the back of Kuro's hand.

"With your intelligence, when you understand how this country works, whether you want to be a veteran like them, or a doctor who treats the whole country as a wounded patient, is all in your mind."

At this moment, Genichiro finally bared his fangs.

"Besides, think about it from a distance, don't ordinary people in Japan believe that they are ruled by the descendants of gods?"

"However, the wisest emperor in history is already terminally ill. Besides you, who else in this world is qualified to be called the blood of God?"

Looking at the blazing flames in his brother's eyes, Jiulang suddenly felt a thunderbolt crash into his head, his mouth was dry and he couldn't speak.

"Brother, me to..."

You actually want me to be the Emperor? !

It was just because the idea was too unimaginable that he didn't dare to say it.

Of course, this is just an idea of ​​Genichiro, and it doesn't have to be implemented, it's just to open up Kuro's thinking.

"I can't ask you to do anything, everything is up to you to decide."

Genichiro shook his head, "But I only have one request, and that is to protect Wei Ming."

"Let these two people be your teachers, at least with their reputation, let us gain a foothold in the business and political circles and expand our influence. Otherwise, even with our huge wealth, it will take several years to truly integrate into this world. Even decades. But with them leading the way, it will be a lot easier."

"In this way, even if one day we lose the ninja, the sword skills, and all the power to be feared, we can still keep the name Wei Ming instead of dissipating like dust, just like last time."

He looked at Kuro very sincerely.

"Kuro, this is the only request I have from you."

"Please don't let me down."

Kuro looked at Genichiro in a daze.

The last time the elder brother made such a sincere request, it was when the two of them were looking at Wei Ming's corpses outside the Otemon Gate, that was when Genichiro said frankly that he hoped to obtain the power of Long Yin to resolve Wei Ming's crisis.

At that time, Kuro continued to stall for time on the grounds that he could not make a decision.

And that was the last time Genichiro asked him politely.

Afterwards, there was the categorical refusal of the castle tower, and the confrontation of the soldiers on the reed field.

"Of course I will try my best. But why..."

Looking directly into Genichiro's eyes, Kuro asked, "Is the brother going to act like he's entrusting the funeral?"

"Obviously you are as young as me now, and you can do all this by yourself."

"Why did you give your most important Wei name to me to protect?"

Ever since Butterfly Shinobu told Jiulang that Genichiro once said that he was Wei Ming's heir, this doubt has been lingering in his heart, but he has never had the opportunity to verify it, but today's encounter has proved what she said is true. Really have such a plan.

Hearing Kuro's question, Genichiro's body trembled, but he immediately recovered.

"I can only think like a big name from a small country, which is not suitable for this era, but you are different."

Genichiro didn't answer Kuro's question directly, but changed the subject after a brief prevarication.

"Now that you have made a promise with your own mouth, prepare for the upcoming responsibilities."

As he spoke, he took out the Taro persimmons he had drawn this time and put them on the table.

"First of all, let me make it clear that I have no objection to you taking time to do research with Ms. Ninja. She is a good child, and I appreciate her very much, and I am happy to see that you can come together in the future."

"But you will spend most of your time learning and practicing to gradually take over and manage Wei Mingzhong and Wei Ming's business."

"For now, the only things you need to care about are dim sum shops and the planting of crescent moon grass in Xinshangquan Village, but in the future we will have more and more industries. You need to make your own decisions and choose from the people below. Come to share the responsibility for you, but I will not interfere with these."

"In the process of dealing with these things, record all the problems you encounter and the doubts you want to get answered. For those two old men, I will ask Gu Yingzhong to bring them over once a week, so that they can play their role as teachers. The role of preaching and teaching karma."

Xianichiro said seriously, "Besides, in order to sharpen your body and will, every morning and evening, you have to teach Wei Mingliu's swordsmanship with Shui Sheng (Shicheng)."

"This is your life starting tomorrow, and it will be for a long time, if you don't object."

"Can you accept it?"

Kuro repeated in his mind what Genichiro said just now, and finally nodded.

Although he didn't know why his elder brother wanted him to grow up so urgently, but he didn't want to disappoint Genichiro.

"Okay, I believe Miss Ninja's side is almost done."

After finishing the business, Genichiro smiled, "Go and tell her about the situation here, starting tomorrow, she will also receive training from Owl and Madame Butterfly, she has a lot of research topics, and I'm afraid some of them are too busy. "

"I'm afraid the time you can spend together may not necessarily be much more than before. You should cherish it."

After saying this, Genichiro got up and left.


Just as he was about to set foot on the corridor outside the house, Kuro suddenly stopped him.

Genichiro turned around, only to find that Kuro looked at him with slightly complicated eyes, a little hesitant to speak.

"what happened?"

Genichiro frowned, "Don't be shy, just speak up."

"I... I'm just happy to be able to share some of the burden for you."

After Kuro finished speaking, his face turned red, "As for what happened before, I'm sorry."


"I didn't even think about it."

Genichiro left without looking back.

Just a sincere smile on his face.

 Then go to the main line.

  I have something to do today, one more first.

(End of this chapter)

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