Sauichiro: rebuilding Ashina from the obliteration of the pillar

Chapter 172 The Whereabouts of Senior Brother Xie

Chapter 172 The Whereabouts of Senior Brother Xie
[Soul player system attribute panel]

Character: Genichiro Ashina (human state)
Beads: Five Rosary Beads

Age: 10 years old

Height: 155 cm
Weight: XNUM X kg
Vitality (vitality, stamina, and stamina): 13
Strength: 13+5 (from knight ring) +2 (from Breath of the Wind·Chang Zhong)
Dexterity (skill): 15+1 (from Breath of the Wind · Changzhong)
Arcane (Intelligence, Faith): 13
Physique (blood quality, concentration): 12 (Homo sapiens·thin blood·extremely rare)
Explanation: You can be immune to most diseases, and can quickly adapt to the environment that is harmful to the human body. It is the most ideal and most desired food for all ghosts.In addition, you strengthen your body faster through exercise.

Note: If Oni Wu Tsuji devours you, it is likely to increase the resistance to sunlight, please try not to get injured and bleed in front of him.

Attack power level: 4 (all damage to enemies +40%)

[Note: Homo sapiens has a physical upper limit of 12 points, which cannot be broken through for the time being, and the excess physical points will be converted into an attack power level of the same value]

Luck (Perception): 11

In the morning, Genichiro couldn't wait to check the data in his mind before he even crawled out of being humiliated.

After enshrining the prayer beads obtained from Naruto last night, Genichiro's physical fitness has finally reached a new stage.

Without taking off the knight ring, his current stats are already on par with the former Yanzhu Purgatory Makijuro of the Demon Killing Team, but there is still a gap compared to Yanzhu Beimingyu Xingmei.

But once he turns into a ghost, Genichiro will immediately overtake the opponent.

Therefore, he can now confidently think that——

Except for the top three who wound up and Ghost Dance Tsuji no miserable ghost, there is probably no one else who can threaten his life safety.

Especially when Oni Wu Tsuji lost the arbitrary portal of Naruto, he no longer had to worry about Oni Yue suddenly appearing in front of him and killing him.

However, in order to surprise Gui Wu Tsuji, he still does not intend to reveal the fact that he is still alive.Especially the sentence in the description: Eating him will increase the resistance of Oni Wu Tsuji to sunlight, which can be said to be quite a straightforward reminder.

After a brief wash, Genichiro strolled out of the main house, and found Kuro on the bridge at the entrance, who was practicing sword with Mizusei.

At this moment, Kuro was concentrating on his eyes, and he didn't notice Genichiro's arrival at all, and there was no distracting thought in his eyes that were staring straight ahead.

He listened carefully to Shui Shengcheng's password with both ears, and jumped back and forth with his feet. At the same time, he kept chopping in the upper part with his arms, making bursts of sharp wind sounds, which can be said to be full of momentum.

But despite such strenuous movements, he can always ensure that the tip of the sword can stop firmly at the same level as his knees, and he will never lose control due to the weight of the sword.

After swinging the sword fifty times in a row, his movements still showed no tendency to deform.

[Sure enough, Kuro is an all-rounder...]

Seeing this scene, Genichiro narrowed his eyes slightly.

When he was able to do this step, it was already more than half a year after practicing swords.

Even if Jiulang had some foundation in swordsmanship in the past, it only took him a month and a half to receive serious training.

But considering his natural intelligence and pure thinking, there are fewer obstacles in learning swords than others.

Coupled with the physical fitness brought to him by Long Yin (supporting the beam with one hand?), there is no bottleneck for ordinary people.

It seems that it is not incomprehensible to have the current performance.

I just don't know how Butterfly Shinobi will feel when he finds out that his talent for swordsmanship is so good.

In this way, Genichiro stood at the bridge for half an hour before Kuro's practice was completely over.

"Master Genichiro."

Mizusei turned around and saluted Genichiro, seeing the latter nodding to him twice, he left immediately.

Genichiro walked slowly to Kuro's side, and stretched out his right hand to wipe away the sweat around his hairline.

"Brother," Jiulang blushed a little. I don't know if it was a natural reaction after exercising, or he felt a little shy and embarrassed, "You seem to have grown taller again."

"Why, are you in a hurry to grow up?"

Xianichiro joked, "There is no source of water here. If you imagine that you can suddenly grow taller like a bamboo, it may take a year or two."

"Don't worry, anyway, when you reach Miss Shinobi's age, you will definitely be much taller than her."

Kuro smiled shyly.

As a Wei Mingren, he possesses the highest level of Longyin power, so even if he grew up drinking the water from the source, Jiulang can't grow up as fast as other Wei Ming people.

If when he becomes an adult, the average rise is still higher than that of the Warring States Period, then he and Die Renke will become "golden boys and jade girls".

"Okay, stop talking about embarrassing you."

Genichiro jumped lightly, sat on the wooden railing by the bridge, patted the seat beside him, and Kuro jumped up too.

"Did Miss Shinobi tell you about ghosts yesterday?"

"Well, brother caught three more strings, I already know."

Kuro first praised Xianichiro's achievements, "Sister Ninja said that this should be the most successful battle against ghosts in 400 years. It's just that the ghost killing team failed to participate. She felt a little dereliction of duty and a little bit lost."

Genichiro nodded slightly, and then asked: "Is that all you said?"

What he asked, of course, was about "cooperating" with ghosts.

The reason why he came to ask Jiulang specifically today was to see to what extent Jiulang would be influenced by other people when making decisions and understanding things.

"..." Jiulang paused for a while before speaking: "Sister Ninja seems unacceptable. After all, her family... died at the hands of ghosts."

"Then what do you think?"

"If the brother thinks that the ghost who is willing to cooperate is credible and can solve their feeding problem."

Jiulang expressed his opinion, "Then I think there is nothing wrong with it, and it can also reduce unnecessary sacrifices. After all, no matter how powerful a person is, they are just ordinary flesh and blood in front of ghosts. There are safer and safer methods To destroy the enemy, why not use it? Compared with destroying Oni Mai Tsuji, the discomfort of working with ghosts is completely acceptable."

"Oh, is that what you and Miss Shinobi said too?" Genichiro raised his eyebrows.

It seems that Jiulang has indeed learned a lot from following those two old men.

It is very difficult to avoid the aversion to ghosts at the age of eleven or twelve, when black and white can be clearly distinguished.

But Kuro did it, and this is exactly the mentality a qualified leader needs.

Kuro is indeed much better than him.

But hearing Genichiro's question, Kuro immediately lowered his head a little ashamedly, and then shook his head slightly.

"I know that Sister Ninja won't listen to these words. In order not to make her more sad, I have no choice but to comfort her according to her thoughts."

"She thought I agreed with her idea, and then left with a little ease... I always feel that this is not good, but there is no better way to deal with it."

From the look of him, it seems that he is ashamed of his behavior of deceiving his friends.

Genichiro looked at Kuro meaningfully for a long time, then patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"Sometimes there is a conflict between being a friend and being a leader with a load on your shoulders."

"For example, Yamauchi Norizan and I are good friends who grew up together, but as the lord, we have to arrange him to be on the front line of protecting Wei Ming time and time again, going through life and death."

"When the news of his killing came, I, like a barely qualified friend, had secretly shed tears, but immediately had to return to the original state and accept this cold reality. However, I just seemed to abandon it. Those emotions that shouldn't be there, the suppressed sadness and guilt, have already secretly driven me into madness."

Genichiro recalled all the past, "In the end, I neither took good care of my friends nor protected my country."

"It can be seen that it is not so easy for people to divide themselves into two completely different faces, thinking that they can switch back and forth between these two identities at will..."

"Using deceit, concealment or distance as a means to turn yourself into a lonely family is tragic, but it is a lonely dead end after all."

"Because I've been on this path, you must never repeat it."

"Brother..." Kuro raised his head abruptly.

"Kurang, I'm very happy to see that you are not influenced by the emotions and opinions of those around you. This shows that you have indeed grown up."

Xian Yilang said sincerely, "But you should learn from my lesson, be a friend when you should be a friend, be a friend who will not be ashamed of your heart, but during this period, don't forget your responsibilities, don't forget yourself limitations."

"To be caught in a dilemma between two identities, or to choose one side and give up the other side, will only leave regrets at that time."

"So, next time I'll talk to Miss Shinobu about this issue..."

"Tell her why you understand her as a friend, and then tell her why you disagree with her from the perspective of a leader, forcing her to look at the problem from another perspective."

"Even though she might be angry and distressed on the spot, she will always consider the reasons you give."

"In this way, there will be no deceit in your communication, and you will be able to face her with a clear conscience in the future."


Genichiro sighed in his heart, 【In the end, it will become like me and Yongzhen. 】

"I know what to do."

Kuro's tone was a little choked up, and he could tell that Genichiro's words were really from the bottom of his heart.

The former elder brother, who hid everything in his gloomy eyes, would never say these words.

"Thank you brother."

He jumped off the fence and bowed deeply to Genichiro.

"Okay, I just told you something about it after exercising, and you are also very troubled."

Genichiro rubbed the top of Kuro's head, and lifted a few strands of his sweat-wet hair to the sides of his forehead.

"The reason why I came to you so early is because I have a task to entrust to you."

"A task for me?"

Kuro was a little curious.

"Yes. After catching those three ghosts yesterday, I have been able to bring the entire Weiming City back to the world..."

Xianichiro smiled awkwardly, "Although this place of Weiming did not leave a good impression on you, I still need to choose a special location for the placement of Weiming Castle."

"However, it is unrealistic to send ninjas to investigate various famous mountains and rivers, even for a small country like Japan."

"So I hope you can consult your two teachers to see if there are any high mountains in the government's records that are rarely visited. Of course, it's best not to be on Honshu Island."

"If it is feasible, we will directly pay a high price and buy the land there directly. If they do not agree, we will use other means to force them to provide a piece of land."

Kuro was stunned for a while, "Like Mount Fuji?"

Genichiro nodded, "Yes, just like Mount Fuji."

Although it is not expected that the Japanese government can tolerate a country within a country like the Warring States Period, at least, the place where Wei Ming is located must become a "sacred place" that outsiders can only set foot on after a lot of hard work.

Otherwise, Genichiro will feel very troubled if he is always disturbed by people outside.

"Then please rest assured, brother, I will definitely not let you down."

Kuro made a guarantee.

At this moment, Genichiro suddenly received a strange call from Fallen Princess.

"Genichiro! Genichiro!"

Her voice came from the blood, and it sounded a little excited like asking for credit, "I found a clue to Huang Yue!"

"Who?" Xianichiro didn't think of it for the first second, and then realized——

Isn't this Yue Yue the traitor of the Demon Slayer Squad who turned Naruto into a ghost and stabbed his master?

Because that guy contributed as much as 500 reputation points to Genichiro at one time, so Genichiro guessed that this guy is also an "important person" in the system's judgment, so he ordered his subordinates to pay attention to this person's whereabouts.

It's just that he didn't expect that it was Luo Ji who found him again this time.

Could it be that this is what Luo Ji is really good at?

Discovering surprises while travelling?

"Where are you?"

Xianichiro asked directly, he wanted to see what was so special about this Yueyue, if he threw it into the bottomless abyss, would he be able to exchange for something.

"Underground Buddha Hall."

Luo Ji replied, "And that kid was also caught yesterday, and he told me about the whereabouts of Yue Yue."

"I'll go right now."

After finishing speaking, Genichiro bid farewell to Kuro, and walked all the way to the location of the underground Buddhist hall.

Because the previous research on transforming ghost blood has been completed, except for Dao Ce, the monks of Xianfeng Temple went to Sensoji Temple to grab the site. Now there are only some experimental wooden beds and cages left here, which looks like an underground torture chamber. .

Before Xianichiro entered the door, he saw that in the teahouse last night, the clerk who kindly gave him the note had already been fixed on the wooden bed by Fallen Princess, and his mouth was tightly sealed by the belt, and he could only speak indistinctly. With a muffled grunt, the body kept twisting.

Who is it if it's not my wife Shanyi?

At this time, Luo Ji was blowing into his ear with a strange smile on his face: "Oh, it's finally time to slaughter the fat sheep. Tell me where should I start?"

"Tsk!" She scratched Shanyi's face with her finger, "It's a pity that you are an ugly monster, and only your skin is still delicate, so I will tear off your face and eat it! As for the other parts, I will leave it alone." Leave it to the other ghosts."

At this moment, Genichiro's footsteps came from the door.

"Look, here he is."

(End of this chapter)

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