Chapter 18 "Naval Heroes"

Hearing what the water ghost said, Fujita Jiangzheng, who was tied up by Jiying people over there, suddenly began to struggle violently: "You bastard! I have brought so many people to you, and you don't keep your promise! ! Shut up!"

"I'm a ghost!"

The water ghost retorted him as a matter of course, "Even if they don't come today, I plan to make this matter known to everyone, so that the world can see your face—ah!"

The ghost screamed, it turned out that the sun wheel knife had pierced his heart.

Genichiro was looking at him with red eyes, "What's going on?"

The relationship between these two guys completely confused Genichiro.

This ghost seems to be comrade-in-arms with Fujitae, and should have died in the war that year, but was saved by the so-called ghost king.

After all, according to Murata, only the King of Ghosts has the ability to turn people into ghosts.

After losing his memory, the water ghost only knows that he wants to take revenge on one person.

Finally, after seeing in the newspaper that a fort was actually named after him, the water ghost remembered the past, and also remembered who the person who wanted revenge was.

It was Fujita Emasa in front of him.

After finding Fujita Emasa, he didn't seem to retaliate immediately, but used the events of the year as a threat, threatening the other party to bring him food, and then pretended to keep the secret for him, but in fact he didn't intend to do so.

To this day, Genichiro and Jitaka have come here.

"I can't say it! I can't say it!"

Fujita Jiangzheng was so anxious that his face was purple, and his expression of horror and fear was more terrifying than the water ghost and the red-eyed Genichiro.

Seeing Genichiro frown, Jitaka directly raised his right foot and stepped heavily on the back of Fujita Emasa's head, forcing his nose and mouth to come into intimate contact with the ground.

Even the ghosts were stunned for a moment, these two guys are really different from the ghost killing team, and they are merciless towards humans.

At least a few teeth will be smashed this time.

When he was in a daze, Xianichiro frowned and twisted the sun wheel knife, breaking the ghost's heart: "What do you have to do with him?"

"I say! I say! Don't torture me anymore! It hurts! It really hurts!"

The water ghost wailed and gave the answer: "My name is Haruta Zuoji. I used to be at the same time as this guy, and I was also the captain of the cruiser Onida Maru!"

"You are also a general?"

Seeing this ghost's current appearance, Genichiro couldn't believe it. Is this the Japanese soldier today?
Howling and screaming like this in front of the enemy, he should be hacked to death with knives, and there is no chance of seppuku!
The water ghost understood his eyes, and immediately felt insulted: "Go and check! The government must have my name!"

Xianichiro glanced at Jiyingzhong, and the latter immediately took out a stack of newspapers from under the feather cape like a jingle cat, and began to browse one by one.

Oni and Fujita Emasa were very confused.

Why did I start checking.

About 40 seconds later, Jiyingzhong pulled out a newspaper and said: "His name is there! The newspaper two months ago stated that the new warship officially entered service and was named by the naval hero Emasa Fujita. One of the battleship's turrets is It's called Haruta Soki, and it's used to commemorate a captain who died in a naval battle three years ago, so it should be this guy."

"It's this newspaper! It's because of this newspaper that I regained my memory."

The ghost seemed to see that his words had been proved, so he shouted proudly: "I didn't lie!"

[The mood of things like ghosts changes too quickly. 】

Genichiro thought.

"But you are not dead."

"I am not dead!"

The water ghost's face changed in an instant, and he immediately looked viciously at Fujita Jiangzheng who was lying at the feet of the Jiying people.

"But he's not a naval hero either! He's just a coward and an accomplice of politicians who has dragged others down and is afraid of fighting! The newspapers are all fake! Fake!"

"What did the newspapers say?" Genichiro asked.

Jiyingzhong briefly recounted it: "It was written in the newspaper that the Onida Maru and three frigates were surrounded by three enemy cruisers, Fujita was rushing to the rescue, and finally cooperated with the surrounded fleet to sink all three cruisers. But only his cruiser survived on the Japanese side!"

"It's a lie! It's a lie!"

The ghost screamed, and the remaining hand smashed the ground frantically, and after uttering a bunch of impolite obscenities, he angrily said: "It's not me who is surrounded, but this guy! It's me who is going to save people!" , In the end, this guy left us and escaped alone! The sinking of the battleship has nothing to do with him! It was us who tried our best to sink two ships, and that guy Damu sank the third ship!"

Genichiro and Jitaka looked at Fujita Emasa who was lying on the ground like a dead dog at the same time. This guy didn't refute. I don't know if he didn't dare, or if this ghost was telling the truth.

"At that time, our boats were already dead, but we still have two boats left, and there are living people on them!"

As the water ghost talked, it seemed that he was thinking of the desperate scene at that time, so he actually cried.

"But this guy...but this guy...has disappeared without a trace!"


"I was so hungry at the time! I was so hungry!"

"In order to survive, I ate the corpses of my own crew members! At that time, I forgot who they were. I ate so happily! I ate so happily!"


The ghost didn't seem happy at all now, but began to cry loudly.

"It's all his fault! It's all him! It's all this guy's fault!"

"We can still be saved! We can still be saved!"

Genichiro listened quietly, the ghost revealed his true feelings, but suddenly he looked like a human being.

And this so-called naval hero pretended to be dead without saying a word.

The truth is so cruel.

"What happened after that? You came to threaten him?"

After waiting quietly for a while, Genichiro asked.

"I'm here to look for him, great hero, it's too easy to find him! He saw me, but he was terribly afraid!"

The ghost satirized Fujita with tears in his eyes, and his voice became abnormal, "He told me that he couldn't save me..."

At this time, Fujita, who had not spoken for a long time, raised his head with difficulty, his eyes were full of pleading, and shouted hoarsely: "I can't say it! I can't say it! If you say it, the navy will be finished!"

But the ghost was even more excited.

"The more you don't ask me to say it, the more I want to say it!"

"He told me that the Satsuma officials in the cabinet before the war contacted him! If a ship with our captain from Changzhou is fatally hit during the war, you are not allowed to save people!"

"In this way, we can weaken the power of our Changzhou people in the navy! Even if the war is lost, the Changzhou faction that is the main battle will fall!"

"In the end, it was the people in the cabinet who helped him hide the truth! It's also the people in the cabinet who recommended this guy to be a shitty hero!"

"And those of us who sacrificed, the real soldiers, can only leave a name on the fort!"

While talking, the ghost became furious again, and shouted at Fujita Jiangzheng: "Call me an evil ghost! What about you! What are you!"

This is already how many times Genichiro heard Changzhou and Satsuma today.

These two vassals were the first areas in Japan to carry out modern military reforms, and they were also the pioneers of the downfall faction.

However, behind the scenes, they regained control of the government like the shogunate by controlling the parliament and the cabinet, presenting a one-sided absolute power in Japan.

Those three college students were arrested because they petitioned at the gate of the emperor's residence to reduce the number of seats in the parliament from the Changsa area.

Unexpectedly, the forces in these two regions seem to be one, but in fact they are fighting endlessly.

It would be better to sacrifice the general who went out to fight, and would rather risk the dignity of the whole country being trampled, in exchange for the downfall of the opponent.

This kind of despicable method, even Zenichiro Ashina, who has always been known for his unscrupulous methods, felt a chill down his spine.

This is blatant betrayal!
How pitiful it is for a general to be betrayed by his own country.

"So, you asked him to find you soldiers from the Satsuma area? You want to take revenge on the Satsuma people?"

"Retaliation, how could I possibly retaliate against them?"

The ghost showed a gloomy expression, "I'm not a food for just any Satsuma!"

"I made this guy bring them here, feed them, get them drunk, make sure they tell the truth!"

"Only those true heroes who are willing to sacrifice their lives in exchange for their names in order to become a fort are worthy of being eaten by me! Those ants who are unwilling or hesitant have already rolled back to their nests!"

"A dirty place like the navy, a corrupt place like the Japanese army, how can it have heroes!"

The mouth under Jiying's mask was slightly opened, obviously understanding the brain circuits of ghosts is really difficult.

He thought the ghost only ate Satsuma people for revenge.

As a result, the guy turned around and said that it was not revenge, but to protect the naval hero of Satsuma from repeating his mistakes.

The way is to eat them!
God's logic.

"I know what you're thinking!"

The ghost patted his belly and said triumphantly, "Only a hero can be worthy of a hero! Isn't my temple of five internal organs more suitable for enshrining them than those shrines?"

After a long time, Genichiro finally said, "You are already crazy."

Then, he said the next sentence, "I was crazy before."

Without him, Genichiro just thought of those Taro soldiers.

It was a cooperative project between Weiming and Xianfeng Temple. He sold Weiming's homeless children, some of them became experimental subjects who turned into gods, and some of them were ripened by Xianfeng Temple with Taro persimmons.

Although Taro Bing has a huge body more than two meters tall and terrifying strength in just a few years, but his heart stays as a child.

Give them weapons, or force them to put on armor, and coax them with food and small animals (dogs), and they will obediently fight for Wei Ming.

But this, is it not a kind of betrayal?

He used to always feel that for Wei Ming to exist, everyone should be like him, willing to sacrifice everything to save this country.

But before this country perished, he had already betrayed the people of Weiming.

He raised the Sun Wheel Knife high in his hand, the redness in his eyes began to fade, and his tone showed some understanding: "Since the words are finished, then accept fate, like a real general."

"A real general..."

The ghost looked at Xianichiro and murmured in his mouth, but when Xianichiro was about to chop off his head, the water ghost suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute! Wait for me!"

"What else do you need?" Xianichiro immediately understood, "Don't worry, I won't let that guy go."

"Then will you tell the truth about the matter?" the ghost asked with some expectation.

"If it works for me."

Genichiro nodded, since he knew about this matter, then the cabinet members from Satsuma had to be constrained by him.

"It's great! It's great! I really want to live to that day!"


Genichiro shook his head.

"Then I have one last wish!"

Seeing that Xianichiro's face turned cold, the ghost hurriedly said, "Even death row prisoners are given a meal of beheading, and I have done things for this country anyway."

"This country has nothing to do with me."

In Xianichiro's eyes, there are only two kinds of people, Wei Mingzhong and others.

Are people other than Wei Mingzhong really regarded as "human beings" by him?
Only Genichiro himself knows this.

"Please! Please!"

Seeing that it didn't make sense, the ghost started howling, "Please, let me kill him myself! You don't want your knife to be stained with the blood of such a person."

Genichiro was taken aback.

The knife in his hand is Murata's Demon Slaying Sword. It might bring good luck, so it's best not to kill anyone.

Although King Kong Iron Summons Thunder, it is to cut people, but it is indeed difficult to accept this kind of villain.

So he nodded and moved the Sun Wheel Knife away, but he was always on guard against this ghost.

The water ghost stood up on one foot, and jumped towards Fujita who was lying on the ground, his face became more and more ferocious, while Fujita Emasa, who was not suppressed by Jiying, kowtowed desperately.

"Please, let me go!"

"I'm going to be the Lord of the Navy soon!"

"At that time, I will definitely rectify your name!"

He seemed to have forgotten that Xianichiro didn't intend to spare him, and desperately wanted to save his life in front of the ghost.

But the water ghost just smiled sullenly, the water plant that was chopped up by Genichiro finally grew a new one.

The price was that his hands and feet never recovered.

Genichiro nodded secretly, which means that this ghost will no longer think about running away


"Die! You trash!"

The only remaining aquatic plants stabbed forward, and the target was not Fujita Emasa's throat, but his eyes.

Apparently it was intended to make him extremely terrified and terrified before he died.

The ghost also showed a satisfied smile.

And right now.


The tip of the aquatic plant was hit by something and deviated from the direction.

A single kunai fell to the ground.

Xianichiro's red eyeballs shrank immediately, he was very aware of the strength of this aquatic plant, how powerful it was to "bounce back" it with a kunai.

Is it another ghost?

Looking in the direction of Kunai Fei, a tall figure, wearing a sleeveless version of the uniform of the Demon Killing Squad, stood on the roof of the small building of Fujita's house, with his right hand on the side of the shining forehead gemstone, doing Put on a self-righteous look.

Then, he opened a pair of wild eyes and looked at the three ghosts below.

"Why do two people pamper one ghost and kill the other?"

"And that boy with red eyes over there, are you a new type of ghost or a strange person?"

"And the most important thing—"

Yu Sui Tianyuan gave a thumbs up to the sky, "Whose grand festival is that magnificent like the thunder of the wrath of the gods?"

"Quickly tell the gorgeous ninja-sama the truth!"

Genichiro: "..."


Ji Yingzhong: "..."

Fujita Emasa: "Quick! Save me! I am the naval hero Fujita Emasa!"

(End of this chapter)

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