Chapter 181 Tong Mo's Conspiracy

While the three of them were eating snacks, Saekian brought the topic to the real purpose of the meeting.

He said quite formally: "Xiaohui and Xiaoren, I am so eager to invite you to come here this time. Apart from not seeing each other for a long time and wanting to catch up, there are other reasons in it."

"Please tell me."

Butterfly Kanae put down her knife and fork, put her hands on her knees, and made a gesture of listening carefully.

"The Mr. Ninja next to the emperor should have told you that I accidentally saw your name in a document on the desk, and that's how I knew you were working in this ghost killing team."

"When I talked about you with that Mr. Ninja, he was full of praise for you. He said that you have saved hundreds of lives in the past few years in the Ghost Killing Squad. He also said that if you were not there, the Ghost Slaying Squad would not Not so morale..."

Dr. Saeki stroked his chin with a smile, "Your father must be very proud of knowing this."

"Of course, my sister is the best doctor ever in the Ghost Slayer Squad, and she is also a super beautiful woman."

Perhaps because of returning to Kanae's side, Butterfly Shinobu's tone of voice became much more blunt and childish than when he was in Hirata, and he looked very happy with You Rongyan.

"I've seen it before, a team member who was dying found his sister came to check him, and suddenly he 'returned to the light'..."

"Xiao Ren."

Kanae bit her lip and tugged Butterfly Shinobu's sleeve, and the latter lowered his head with a blushing face.

Butterfly Kanae hurriedly looked at Saeki who was smiling, and smiled apologetically, "You are so flattering, I just did what I could."

"My father once told me that if you see someone with a heavy burden, share half of it with him."

"If you see someone worried and troubled, think with him."

"If you see someone sad and sad, you can compare your heart to your heart and become the support of others."

"For a long time, I have only been working hard as my father once said, hoping to help the players resolve some worries and pains."

Immortal Chuan Shiya and Butterfly Shinobu didn't say a word when they heard this. They all knew that Butterfly Kanae really did what her father said, and she did it very well.

It is precisely because of her presence that even if some team members are seriously injured, they will let go of their most extreme and darkest thoughts and receive treatment with peace of mind when they think of seeing a gentle style like a mother or a sister.Especially Immortal Kawashiya herself is also one of them.

Zuo Boan lowered his eyelids, and raised his hands in shame: "Healing people and hearts, giving fearlessly, what a merit this is."

"I was not as good as your father in the past," the old man shed two tears with some emotion, "I am not as good as you now."

"Presumably the Bodhisattva enshrined in the temple is nothing more than this. It is also because of this that I believe what that noble man said even more."

Speaking of this, the old man opened his eyes again, his eyes were bright and full of blazing fanaticism.

"Be sure to let him see you."

The three sitting opposite Dr. Saeki looked at each other.

"Excuse me, uncle, the honorable person you mentioned is..."

Butterfly resisted asking.

In fact, since that tragedy, the two sisters have met many "nobles".

But excluding the most common meaning of "people who are helpful to you" among noble people, there are only two truly noble people they have ever met.

One is Yoya Nabuyashiki, the head of the Demon Slayer Squad, and the other is Genichiro's younger brother, Kuro.

These two people have a rare noble temperament, the former is like the gentle wind and rain in spring, and the latter is like the bright high sun in autumn.

Even if they walk into the crowd in tatters, you can immediately find that they are different.And they did give the sisters a lot of help.

Now there is another noble person, which made the three of them cheer up, wondering who the other party is.

Could it be that it is the same existence as Miko Ashina?
However, after just a few seconds, their expressions changed from curious to dignified.

"Do you know the Bliss Sect of the World?"

The Saekis all had an expression of "sharing a good news with you", as if they felt that they were related to some kind of sacred existence, which was very honorable.

Undead Chuan frowned when he heard the name, "Isn't that..."

"I've heard of it."

Butterfly Kanae interrupted Immortal Kawasami, and gave him a signal signal to be calm, "But I don't know much."

Before she thought about it and collected enough information, it was best not to tell the truth about the matter to her uncle and aunt, because she didn't know how involved they were.If you fail to tell the truth, it will have the opposite effect.

Zuo Boan looked at their dignified expressions, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, "it really is so", but there was no malice.

"I can tell from the looks of you that you must have heard some rumors, such as the Wanshi Bliss Sect is an evil sect."

Butterfly Kanae smiled without saying a word, while Butterfly Ninja and Undead Chuan's mouths had unconsciously closed into a straight line.

Dr. Zuobo continued: "It's not your fault. I thought so at the beginning. After all, I've practiced medicine for so many years, and I haven't seen any crooked ways. The first time I heard about this, I thought it was a liar. Gimmick."

Next, his tone became mysterious, "Until one time, my eldest daughter Mingxue got a strange disease, which could not be cured by domestic doctors or western medicine. In despair, I went to an old aristocrat's house Suggestion, I took her to meet the leader! But as soon as I met, I was immediately astonished..."

"After all," Dr. Saeki said excitedly, as if he had returned to that moment, "how can any mortal grow up like that!"

of course!

That leader is not human at all.

Butterfly Kanae and the three held their breaths. They didn't expect to get information about the second string here, and listened attentively.

"Do you know, Master Leader, he has a pair of eyes shining with rainbow light, he looks like a naive and ignorant child, pure and gentle, without any pretensions, and those crab (evil) sects who want to hang themselves in the sky Leaders are completely different."

"When I told him about Mingxue's illness, he immediately cried sadly, and said that his mission in the human world was to relieve human suffering, so that people can gain happiness in this world and ascend to bliss. He also said Said that every kind girl is the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva, and he will never let it go."

"So we followed the proposal and let Mingxue spend time with him alone for a while..."

Dr. Saeki's tone became more and more passionate,
"It turned out that in less than half a day, when Mingxue came out of his palace, she returned to her original appearance!"

Although he was very moved.

But when the trio exchanged glances, they all saw a trace of worry in each other's eyes.

If the guess is correct, the girl should have been turned into a ghost.Not everyone will change immediately after becoming a ghost, and there is usually a transition period to maintain the original form.

"Speaking of it," Kanae looked at the two little girls who were less than 12 years old sitting between the Saeki couple, "Where did Mingxue go? Why isn't she here?"

"Ah, since that girl recovered from her illness, she has decided to serve the leader and help him save more people."

Saying that, the Saeki couple also took out two guards, "Look, this is also what the child asked for from the leader. One can make people rise to the top, and the other can make people look young. This is very effective. I take it Not long after arriving here, he was recommended by the shogunate to the imperial family and became an imperial physician. And you have seen the situation of your aunt, right?"

Mrs. Saeki smiled softly, her smooth oval face had almost no blemishes, even the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes were few.

No one can believe that this woman is already 45 years old!

"..." Seeing the complacent and almost fanatical expressions of the two, Butterfly Kanae was more and more glad that she did not tell the truth directly.Because they, as beneficiaries, will not believe this at all.

"This guard, is it convenient for me to have a look?"

she begged.

"Of course. But this amulet itself is also amazing. If you wear it on your body, you will feel very cool even in the hottest time of the year."

The Butterfly sisters each took one, and found that it was really cold, but it would never make people uncomfortable.

Butterfly Kanae was okay, she just touched it with her fingers and felt it, while Butterfly Shinobu put down her nose and sniffed, then nodded to the other two, and quickly made a secret gesture with her fingers.

It means—

Response to poisonous wisteria is a blood ghost technique.

Kanae blinked her eyes calmly, and returned the two guards with a smile, "It's really amazing."

"That's right, the leader is much stronger than those deceitful monks in Sensoji Temple before. But now those monks who claim to be from Wei Ming are also considered powerful, but those moon grass and other medicines are after all just borrowing the power of some mountain gods and water gods The one cultivated is very different from the reincarnated Buddha, the leader."

Dr. Saeki held the shou and put it under his clothes, his tone was quite respectful.

But Sister Butterfly still didn't understand what this had to do with the two of them.

Shall we invite us to...

Is it to pull us into the membership?

In fact, they guessed pretty well.

"In short, we have personally experienced the magic of the leader. So when I accidentally heard that both of you and your sister are working in the ghost killing team and are going to fight ghosts, I was really worried."

"So you..." Butterfly twitched her eyelids and suddenly had some bad premonitions.

Dr. Saeki stroked his chin.

"So I wrote a letter to tell the leader about your affairs, hoping that he can give you two guards who can keep you safe and help you fight against disasters so as not to encounter any danger."

The three of them felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave in an instant, their hearts stopped suddenly, and then they continued beating wildly.

Could it be that this ghost already knew about their existence!
In fact, combined with the prophecy of the old woman——

In the winter of the next year, Butterfly Kanae dies, and Butterfly Shinobu will be killed by the same ghost!
Could it be this ghost she was talking about?
"Excuse me, what did the leader say?"

Butterfly couldn't help but caressed her chest with her hand, and gently pressed her fingers to hang around her neck. The swaddling Jizo, which was said to be bestowed by Miko Aishina himself, had the power to turn danger into good fortune.

"When I told you about your situation and your achievements in the Ghost Killing Squad, the leader cried bitterly, and said that he finally found the incarnation of Avalokitesvara in the human world. Saving people in the world is often plagued by suffering, and I am afraid that it will not be long before you will suffer even more terrifying disasters..."

"So, it's not just my intention to invite you to come over so urgently, but also the leader's own intention. I hope to invite you sisters to meet him through my intermediary, so as to resolve the disaster on your body."

"do you understand……"

Dr. Saeki clasped his hands excitedly, not knowing that what he was doing was just the opposite. He was pushing the deceased's daughter into the pit of fire.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Usually, it is difficult for us people to meet the leader. You must cherish it. With the blessing he personally bestows, it is not difficult to turn bad luck into good fortune. And in this way, we It can also fulfill a big wish.”


Butterfly resisted the urge to beat up his father's old friend, and said hoarsely, "Then the leader you mentioned, is he here now?"

"No, he came here once in the morning and repeatedly emphasized that we must treat you well, and then he left in a sedan chair."

Mrs. Saeki said, "Although we will do this without the leader reminding us, he has never cared so much about a person. You two sisters are really important to the leader."


Butterfly couldn't believe it, and couldn't figure out what the ghost was planning, "Didn't he want to see us?"

Isn't this an arranged trap?
Tricked us into coming here to kill something...

After all, what Kakino Masaki got out of Fallen Princess has emphasized——

Winding [-] has a special obsession with devouring beautiful women.

Leaving aside myself for the time being, how could such a recognized beauty like my sister just let her go?

Or, this is just a tactic of suspicion. In fact, that guy has long been lurking nearby, planning to catch them by surprise.

But considering that the sixth chapter of the first string is so strong...

Is it still necessary to ambush them?
"Oh, you child..."

Mrs. Saeki was a little surprised at first, and then she covered her mouth and laughed, "There is no reason for the nobleman to come to see you, of course you went to see the nobleman."

Dr. Saeki also nodded, and finally said what he really wanted to say.

"Master Hierarch asked me to tell you that at ten o'clock tonight, he will be waiting for you sisters in his palace."

Then he added, "And in order to express his importance to you, all 240 four congregants will be there to welcome you."

"Of course, the two of us will guide you. Therefore, you should never refuse, everyone is looking forward to seeing you."

After finishing speaking, he showed an expectant expression, waiting for the two sisters to agree to the invitation.

And the trio's face sank already.

They finally understood that this winding two, they were not worried that they would not go at all.

The invitation was issued by the couple, and the threat of favor was just a superficial appearance.

What is really important is the 240 four congregants who clearly mentioned the number.

The number two, who had not met, mentioned this number, not to express the importance he attached to them, it was clearly a blatant threat.

Because those people are all ready-made hostages.

And with the attitude of the Ghost Killing Team and Zhu's responsibility, they will never refuse this "invitation".


When Tomioka Yoshiyuki's crow flew here more than ten minutes later, he found that the three of them and the Saeki couple had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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