Chapter 185 The Death of Style
After half an hour.

"Blood Ghost Art: Xuandong Icicle."

Hundreds of sharp icicles about as long as the Japanese sword fell from the sky, chasing behind Undead Kawa Minya like thrown siege arrows.

At this time, more than ten minutes have passed since Undead Chuan digested the last pill. His heavy panting could no longer support the use of breathing techniques to dodge. After barely smashing two icicles, he was hit directly without accident up.

The sharp icicles first shot through his shoulders and feet, forcing him to kneel on the ground helplessly, then the icicles changed their direction consciously, heading towards the gaps between Undead River's limbs - knee sockets, armpits , his crotch, and even the outside of his neck—flying towards him, holding him alive and unable to move.

When the last icicle fell, it pierced directly into his palm.

The cyan sun wheel saber engraved with the words "Evil Ghost Killer" flew out in response, and Tong Mo caught it firmly.

The latter was carefully looking at the color of the knife, and was not sure for a moment that the blade turned red before, whether it was the overlapping of Onimai Tsuji's memory or his illusion.

"It's all like this, haven't you fainted yet?"

Tong Mo plunged the knife into the ground in front of Undead River, looking at the other's eyes that were tired but still burning with embers, showing a look of pity.

"It must have been painful to hold on for so long, right? It was obviously a battle without any suspense, but you still did your best—not just today, but since you were born, you have been fighting against invincible enemies every day. As with all suffering beings."

"Go away..."

Undead Chuan's voice at this moment has become so hoarse that it cannot be recognized.

"What a stubborn guy, but since we have the same hair color, and you're still thin-blooded..."

Tong Mo smoothly beat the butterfly who was sneaking up behind him into the air, then squatted down carelessly, keeping his line of sight at the same height as Undead River.

"As long as you say it yourself, let me relieve your pain, I will forcefully modify my principle of only eating girls and eat you up. In this way, you can live forever with your fiancée."

He showed a "this is a great thing" smile.

"Do you really have to think about it?"


Undead Chuan frowned feebly, seemingly wanting to refute, but in the end it turned into a mockery.

"Even if I really become a corpse, I will choke you to death..."

"Wait, wait until...our people rush will be hammered into meat by (rock pillars) live, and put in the sun to dry."

"When the time comes, let's see if you can still laugh out of your ugly, sissy face."

Undead Chuan's expression contained deep malice and curse.

Even Tong Mo, seeing this hostile expression, couldn't help putting away the smile on his face, stood up, and slowly took two steps back to distance himself from Undead River.

"Is that so?"

Tong Mo unfolded his fan, "The reason why I have come to this point is because I still have fantasies. If so, I'll be honest..."


Before Tong Mo finished speaking, Huazhu from the other side of the hall suddenly arrived, and a sharp slash forced Tong Mo back. His thin body stood in front of the Immortal River, but the gorgeous kimono was already stained red with blood, turning him into another A gorgeous and flirtatious color.

It's just her blue face, it's hard to find the refreshing beauty before.

Butterfly Chanae's hands were already numb, holding the knife was just a muscle instinct, she didn't even know if she continued to fight, whether she could still loosen her stiff fingers.In addition, the joints all over her body were continuously wailing.

Even if she could continuously use Deng Li's attack power to fight back against Tong Mo, she was already overwhelmed.

Compared with a perpetual motion machine-like ghost, a human's fragile body is still far behind, and there is always a moment when physical strength is exhausted.

The ghost in front of him, if he fights close to him, will inevitably absorb the ice dust, and then become weaker and weaker. Only Xiao Ren, who has learned "see through" from Xiao, can barely avoid the ice dust.

But if he distanced himself from Tong Mo and entangled him, this guy's vampire technique, which was not heavy, was not weak at all. Whether it was resisting or evading, it would only waste his energy in vain.

Now half an hour has passed since the change of tactics...

But except for Butterfly Ninja who still has enough strength to stick to the one-hit-and-go combat strategy, she and Undead Kawa Miniya have reached the point where they are exhausted and their breathing hurts.

If a swordsman from the Ghost Killing Squad can't even use breathing techniques...

That's the end of the road.

It's just that as a team doctor and a doctor's responsibility, she knows that she can't do anything, but she barely stands in front of Undead Kawasami.

"I'm sorry, I'm the one who troubled you."

He stared at Tong Mo, but the words were heard by the immortal Kawami behind him.

What the old woman said - she will be killed by a ghost called Buddha's enemy in the winter night after the year, it really proved it.

This ghost pretends to be the reincarnation of the Buddha to attract believers. There is no one more suitable to be called the enemy of the Buddha than him.

Although the old lady also said that as long as Immortal Kawasami is by her side, she can avoid the fate of death——

But judging from the current situation, there is not much hope.

Unless Mr. Yanzhu and Mr. Yinzhu come together, there is no way to be sure of dealing with this ghost...

This winding two is really too strong.

It seems that even the old lady who served Miko Weiming still didn't predict everything accurately.

"Stop talking about that..."

Undead Chuan responded in a low voice, "It will be fine...and that thing... bless..."

Butterfly Kanae knew that what Bushichuan was talking about was the baby Jizo.But she also knew that Immortal Kawasami was just comforting herself.

"Oh, you seem to be saying something I don't understand?"

Tong Mo looked at the two of them with interest, "But now, apart from me, there is nothing else in the world that can bless you."

"After all, gods and Buddhas are all fake, and only I am the real one."

"The proposal just now is still valid."

Tong Mo smiled gently, "As long as you take the initiative to ask me to end your pain, I will definitely not leave any bones left. I will eat everything clean, and even absorb your memories and thoughts."

"In this case, you are not dead, but just changed to a different way of existence, do you really have to think about it?"

Butterfly Chanahui asked calmly: "That's why you haven't killed me all this time? Do you want us to ask for death?"

From the beginning to the end, Tong Mo could easily kill them, but he kept playing with them, not worrying that rescuers would arrive.

"This is just one of them."

Tong Mo replied with a smile, "On the one hand, it's because the kid's illusion is really interesting, and I want to see more."

"On the other hand, the wisteria toxin in your body is too strong. I have to wait a little longer for my toxin to neutralize it. In this way, a beautiful and kind girl like you who has suffered a lot of vicissitudes , so as not to expose the corpse to the wilderness, otherwise, it would be difficult even for me to say anything."

Then I really thank you.

Butterfly Kanae finally understood Tong Mo's purpose.

It turns out that they are not only playthings, but also ingredients that Tong Mo has been cooking for a long time.

But that's fine...

There was a glimmer of hope in Kanae's gloomy eyes, the longer it took to neutralize the toxins in their bodies, the longer it would be to drag on the child's grind.

Everyone in the Ghost Killing Squad will have a better chance to come over.

But what she didn't know was that Tong Mo immediately saw the clue from this fleeting expression change.

"There's one thing I should have told you from the time you and I were procrastinating."

Tong Mo said suddenly, "I killed the Jay you sent to find the rescuers long ago."

"So, if you expect other people to disturb us, then you should have no hope."

"After all, you two should be the most important girls in the Ghost Killing Squad."

Before Tong Mo would kill the Jay, it was not at all worried that the other party would have a swordsman who could kill him—he had always been confident in his own strength.

He just didn't want to waste time on those men who didn't have much nutrition.

It is conceivable that when the three of them heard his words, it felt like their brains were buzzing as if they had been hit by a hammer from a rock pillar.

Even Butterfly Ninja, who was lurking on the beam of the house, ready to look for another opportunity to harass her, was so shocked that she stopped breathing, and the prototype of breaking the illusion appeared.

For the first time, real despair appeared on the faces of the three of them.

The believers couldn't save them, and they couldn't kill Tong Mo, if they couldn't even get out——

Then even if they died here, they didn't play any due value. Instead, they sent more than 200 people to the underworld in advance because of their own investigation.

The three of us couldn't change anything at all, but accelerated the tragedy.

Especially Kanae, who was already kind-hearted, seemed to have all the strength taken away from her body, and her originally firm body suddenly collapsed.

"Oh, I accidentally said something that hurt you, I'm really sorry, but it's the truth."

Tong Mo looked at Kanae worriedly, "Look at you, I'm about to cry out of heartache, even I can't help it."

He approached Kanae, gently touched the top of the other's head, then put the other's head on his waist, and kept saying something, Kanae didn't resist in a daze, and didn't listen to anything.

But at the next moment, where Tong Mo couldn't see, Kanae's eyes suddenly lit up.

She saw her younger sister with a similar expression on the beam, with a look of despair on her face.

Butterfly Kanae finally knows what to do!

At least, at least create an opportunity for Xiao Ren to go back!
This is not just to protect my sister, but more importantly, let her go back, tell everyone the ability and information of this ghost, and let her research the antidote against this ice dust poison!
In this way, even if they have nothing to do with this ghost today, the rest of the team will be prepared when they meet next time.

In this way, even if they were killed and eaten, they were not worthless.

Kanae suppressed her breathing forcibly, so as not to show any flaws, but her left hand was behind Tong Mo's body, and she made a gesture towards Shinobu.

This gesture is rarely used in the Ghost Killing Squad, because it means a cowardly verb: "Run away."

Butterfly shook his head frantically with a sad expression on his face.She knew that if she left now, she might never see her sister again.

Butterfly Kanae had expected it a long time ago, and gestured a few more words.

"Information." "My lord." "Poison."

As the younger sister, Butterfly Shinobu immediately combined these words into what her sister really wanted to say.

"Xiao Ren, get out of here, take Tong Mo's information out, and prepare a poison against him."

It's not over yet.

"Be rational, this is Zhu's order."

Butterfly endured the tears filling his eyes, knowing that he had to do this, otherwise he would not be able to do anything but add another life.

Such a sacrifice is meaningless.

She, who was the least poisoned, adjusted her breathing, and her figure suddenly disappeared into nothingness.

But the elder sister still smiled gently in this direction and made a mouth shape, because she could feel her younger sister's gaze still lingering on her face.

"You must live happily, Shinobu."

After finishing speaking, Butterfly Kanae, who seemed to have given up resisting just now, suddenly stood up, forced to mobilize her breathing method regardless of her injury, held the Sun Wheel Knife upside down, stabbed it from Tong Mo's back, and then penetrated into her chest.

She used the sun wheel knife to nail her body and Tong Mo together, then quickly backed away, hitting herself and the blade against the pillar.


Undead Chuan, who was bound on the ground, saw this scene, his eyes almost burst open, and a hysterical roar came out of his throat involuntarily.

"Why do you do that?"

Tong Mo looked at the pale face close at hand, his expression remained unchanged, but his tone was a little puzzled, "It's pointless to do this."

"..." Kanae didn't say anything, just gritted her teeth and twisted the blade silently, causing more serious wounds to Tong Mo, thus buying time for Shinobu to escape.

It wasn't until the next moment that there was an undetectable soft sound from the high window above the entrance of the main hall, and Tong Mo realized that the child he hadn't paid special attention to had taken the opportunity to escape.

"So it's like that, I want to protect my sister..."

Tong Mo smiled softly, "She is indeed a competent sister, but it's a pity that doing this is still useless, and I won't waste time snatching this sun wheel knife from you, after all..."

He flicked his fingertips on the gradually dimming blade, and the frost immediately covered it, making a squeeze-like sound.But this time the freezing temperature was much lower than before.

Five seconds later, he flicked his fingers again, and the blade of the sword immediately turned into scattered silver fragments accompanied by a frenzied beep.

"I have a better way."

The Japanese sword that bound him and Butterfly Kanae was easily broken free.

"Wait here, I'll bring her back soon."

Tong Mo slowly placed the butterfly Chana Hui whose body was gradually losing temperature on the ground, "I will definitely reunite you two sisters, this must be your parents' wish."

"Blood Ghost Art Water Lily Bodhisattva."

After Tong Mo's words fell, there was a violent earthquake-like tremor outside the hall, and after a while, the roof of the entire palace was violently lifted off by a giant ice crystal hand.

Kanae's slack pupils saw a benevolent Avalokitesvara poking its head out from the roof, eyes downcast, looking at her tenderly.

"This is a gift specially prepared for you to celebrate your escape from the sea of ​​suffering. In this way, you can also close your eyes happily..."

Tong Mo first whispered something to Kanae, and then told Bodhisattva, "Protect them well."

After finishing speaking, Tong Mo disappeared from the spot and chased towards the deep mountain outside the hall at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

At this time, Kanae was lying on the cold floor, having difficulty breathing and excessive blood loss, but she still turned her head away, moved her hands with the last breath, and leaned towards the direction of Undead River, her mouth moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something What.But in the end, he still couldn't make a sound, and his chest had stopped rising and falling.

"No, don't...don't..."

Undead Chuan's eyeballs visibly became cloudy and crazy, and his body was writhing desperately with bruises all over his body.


The tragic cries resounded through the hall, but the huge statue of Bodhisattva remained indifferent, with a strange feeling written in its empty eyes.

Don't let anyone die in front of me!
No more, no more people I love, who died before me!
Blood oozed from Undead River's eye sockets, and the unique feeling when he was caught and dripped into the blood suddenly appeared, and the breathing method seemed to operate crazily instinctively.

Countless wind blades surrounded his body, sweeping around as if breaking free from some kind of shackles, completely crushing the icicles restricting his body.

Immortal Kawa Miniya supported his dilapidated body, and tightly held the sun wheel knife inserted in the ground...

At this time, the blade was already stained with the blood flowing from the wound of the style.

Seeing Undead Chuan break free from the shackles, the gigantic bodhisattva raised his right arm high, as if the next moment, that arm was about to be slashed down like a knife.

In front of the five-storey Buddha statue, Immortal River's tiny body can almost be ignored.

Until the blade he was holding tightly in his hand suddenly turned a flame-like orange red.

(End of this chapter)

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