Chapter 2 So I Never Protected Wei Ming

Reed name, reed original.

The screams and the collision of Jin Ge from the other side of the city tower have completely subsided.

Only the flames of the inner mansion were still savagely devouring everything in Wei Ming.

"In the end, I still can't achieve anything."

"However, Long Yin will definitely be able to save this country... In this way, Wei Ming's long night will finally usher in the dawn!"

Kenichiro Ashina said something that even he didn't believe, he held the handle of Hei Bushizhan with both hands, pressed the cold blade against his neck, and stared blankly ahead with a pair of exhausted eyes.

A second before the blade cut into the side of the neck, Genichiro's not-so-long life flashed before his eyes, and in it, he saw his young self.


Nine-year-old Genichiro became an orphan in the market because his parents, brothers and friends were all killed by the samurai of the Imperial Household.

On that day, he accidentally discovered that his enemy came to the town and was having a celebration banquet with his friends.

After the enemy was drunk, Genichiro sneaked into his temporary hotel room at night and beheaded him with the opponent's samurai sword.

He slashed more than a dozen times until the opponent was bloody and bloody.

But he made so much noise that the drunks woke up.

In the end, Genichiro was found by the other party's companion sleeping in the same room and arrested.

"It's despicable to sneak up on a sleeping samurai."

"If you want to kill someone, you must at least look him in the eye!"

"If you raise a scum like you, your parents deserve to be killed!"

Just when those angry warriors brought him into the yard and wanted to kill him, the door of the next room was suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man with a clear face and a powerful imposing manner stepped out from it.

"In that case, the old man will definitely look you in the eyes."

Xianichiro didn't see anything clearly, only heard the sound of four long knives piercing the air, and the four warriors all fell down.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of sheathing the knife rang in Genichiro's ear.

He, Genichiro, wasn't afraid at all, but stared curiously at the man who lifted him up.

"Old man Wei Ming Yixin." Yixin introduced himself, and then accurately said what Poxian Ichiro was thinking, "I saw you hiding nearby during the day, so I lived here. I knew then that you had made up your mind not to I plan to live. If I guess correctly, you are doing it for revenge."

Genichiro lowered his eyes and remained silent.

First, he doesn't like samurai. In this troubled world, everyone with a knife is a murderer just like him.The person in front of him, who can quickly deal with the four warriors, must be the best among them.

Second, although this man saved him, he didn't need his help at all.

"Are you still not going to live anymore?"

Isshin once again punctured Genichiro's thoughts, making him a little annoyed.

Xianichiro said coldly: "The vengeance has been avenged, there is nothing more for me to do."

Maybe it would be a good idea to go with my parents and younger brother.

But if you kill someone, I'm afraid you can only go to hell.

"Are you a celebrity Wei?"


"Year old?"

"Almost ten years old."

Wei Ming admired with admiration: "Then you are very tall."

Xianichiro remembered that his family and friends used to praise him like this in the past, and immediately responded angrily: "But no matter how tall a child is, what's the use of that? When my family needs me, I can only hide and survive."

"A person's body is a gift from God, and the encounters in his life naturally have their purpose. When the two are combined, we can see what he should do. Of course, we have to wait for him to grow up to a suitable time."

Wei Ming said slowly, "Weiming has hundreds of thousands of people with the same fate as you. They can't avenge their families, they can only hide everywhere, because they are not as tall as you, and they don't have your courage and strength." Determined. And what you killed was not an ordinary bandit, but a high-ranking warrior from the inner court. He had captured many heads before, but he died in the hands of a child. If killing is a kind of talent, maybe It's not very auspicious, but if it's the ability to protect your family, it's logical. And you have this rare ability."

Genichiro glanced at the samurai sword on Isshin's waist: "Even if you use despicable methods to kill people?"

"Whether the method of killing people is right or not, then during the time you hesitate, more people who need your protection will die. Although I carry a sword, I am not a warrior. You can tell from my name, I used to I am a monk, Yixin is my Dharma name. I didn’t pick up the sword until I heard that my homeland fell, and I finally knew my true talent. But at that time, I was already 30 years old. So I practiced swords to kill enemies, Just for the sake of winning, never caring about the rules of the samurai."

Wei Ming squatted down bent to meet Genichiro's eyes, "Besides, killing is killing. This is obviously a kind of bad karma that even gods and Buddhas despise. How can there be any difference between justice and despicableness?"

Xianichiro was a little moved, but then lowered his head again, "But I don't have any family anymore, and no one needs me to protect."

"As long as you regard the whole Weiming as your home, all Weiming people are our family."

Wei Ming said with one heart and one word, "You are also my family, so I will protect you. One day, I will also need your protection, um, your name is..."

"Taro, my name is Taro."

Genichiro raised his head abruptly, his eyes filled with tears.

"Since you have killed someone, you should have a grown-up name."

Wei Ming put on a thoughtful look, and after thinking for a while, he asked, "What did your family do before?"

"Father is a hunter." Genichiro wiped away tears, "He is the best hunter in Weiming."

"Since you are the eldest son (Taro), you must know how to use a bow and arrow."

Seeing Xianichiro nodding, Wei Ming smiled wholeheartedly and said, "Since you know how to use a bow, let me call you Xianichiro. I can see that you don't like knives, so from now on, you will be Wei Ming's No.1 shooter. If you don't have a surname, just like me, take this country as your surname."

"Yes, Grandpa!" Since Wei Ming had the same surname and said they were family members, Xianichiro beat a snake with a stick and called him Grandpa.

"Hahaha!" Not only did Wei Ming not get angry, but he laughed happily, "Since you call me grandpa, then Xianichiro, we have to agree that Wei Ming will be captured by me in the future, but you will protect him." ah!"


"That's it!"


【Sorry, grandpa. 】

Genichiro wanted to shed tears, but he couldn't do that because of the medicine that changed his mind.

【Weiming wants you to take it, and now I want you to protect it...】

[If it were you at that time, you must be able to easily do things that I can't. 】

【I'm sorry, after all, my grandson still failed to fulfill the original promise...】

【If possible, I will repay your kindness in the next life. 】

【However, someone like me who is no longer human will definitely go to hell—】

[We may never see each other again, Grandpa. 】


After recalling, Genichiro's ninja appeared again in front of him.The other party's eyes were as tired and determined as his, and it seemed that he was already planning to give up something important.

The wolf, so similar to him, is an enemy he cannot defeat at all.

Obviously he is the one who has the ability to kill.

The blade pierced into the flesh, and the blood scattered like cherry blossoms.

"Farewell, Wei Ming."

However, the darkness passed only for a moment.

The next moment, Xianichiro found a huge cube in front of him, and in the center of the cube was the familiar reed field.

And on the reed plain, it was Jiulang's wild dog standing there, and Wei Ming Yixin was getting out of his own body!

Just when Xianichiro didn't know what happened, he heard a voice: "Xuichiro died again. Let me tell you, as long as Xiaoyilang is a miscellaneous soldier, as long as he finishes playing a week, he can live freely in the future. If he can be killed by him If I cut it with a knife, I will lose."

Genichiro couldn't make a sound either, he could only silently look at the one in front of him.

"Everyone, click on the quiz, and it will take a few minutes to see the anchor live in full glory today!"

The noisy voice sounded again, "Remind you, this is the anchor's No.80 episode!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xianichiro saw Yixin on the screen and said, "This is my poor grandson...the last wish."

Genichiro was suddenly upset.

But when he saw Isshin wearing the helmet and wearing the haori of his youth, Genichiro was full of confidence in this battle.

That was exactly what Grandpa looked like when they met back then!
In the cube, he swung the Immortal Slash wholeheartedly, "Then I must pull Wei Ming out of Huangquanzhong!"

"Up! Sekiro!"

There was a sound of iron striking.

4 minute later.

Genichiro found that he couldn't even close his eyes.

It is even more impossible to seal the ears.

"Hahahaha, it only took three and a half minutes for the one-hearted old thief this time!"


【Even grandpa... was defeated by that wild dog? 】

With such thoughts, Genichiro fell into darkness.

Soon, his vision was bright again.

"Come, come, because it is recommended by the platform, there are more new viewers this time, let's start playing "Sekiro Die Twice" from the first episode!"

【It's that voice again...】

[Is he manipulating Kuro's ninja? 】

In this way, Genichiro was forced to use the identity of the perspective to pass through the level again and again.

[It turns out that Kuro's ninja can already hurt the gods? 】

Gradually, he learned the truth about the collapse of the Hirata family three years ago.

He saw Kotaro who was tortured by Michijun in the dungeon because he ordered to study red ghosts.

He saw the fearful fire bull, but he had to obey the orders of the Wei Ming people who were guarding outside.

Similarly, the madness of Xianfeng Temple, the decline of Shuisheng Village, the danger of White Snake Valley, and even the nausea of ​​Yuanzhi Palace!
He saw all the secrets of Weiming's final days.

He finally knew why Teacher Ba committed suicide.

He also understood why Jiulang sat back and watched Weiming's destruction, and he was unwilling to distort human existence itself by Kuoyin.

Xianichiro finally understood that he had never been protecting the real Wei Ming from the beginning to the end.

He didn't protect Weiming's people, he just protected his grandpa's achievement of stealing the country.What he protects is only the memory in his heart.

Day by day, over and over again.

Genichiro watched the various endings, and finally understood the wolf, his grandfather, and Kuro.

He, Kenichiro Ashina, has never been a qualified monarch.

Every time he does one more "must do" thing, he is hastening the death of this country.

Even though Genichiro is now without a body, he is still mired in severe self-doubt.

Finally, perhaps feeling Xianichiro's embarrassment, the self-proclaimed anchor of "only playing Souls series games" also started to change games.

Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and The Elder Circle.

That is one country or world that has declined one after another.

There is a protagonist who can't die, trying every means to kill those who maintain the old world.

These countries are not fundamentally different from Weiming.

After the anchor had played all the games for more than ten weeks, Genichiro finally understood what games are.

At that moment, he couldn't believe it. He had never existed before.

It's just a level boss called "Sanichiro" and "Professor Rookie".

[If you can, give me another chance... Can I really save Wei Ming? 】

He fantasizes about it all the time.

Finally one day, the opportunity seemed to come.

Xian Yilang, who lost his sense of existence, suddenly found that the picture in that square stopped, and the anchor stopped talking, and the stop lasted for as much as two hours.

Finally, he heard a rapid knock on the door, followed by someone breaking in.

"How are people?"

"I'm not breathing. Maybe it's a sudden death. Call 120 first to see if there is any hope."

In this way, Xianichiro's world was once again dark.

He got his chance.

But not saving.

(End of this chapter)

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